Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Ive had a few cycles annov before I started charting and actually thinking about it it was also probs every 3 cycles - hmm - I suppose it hasnt happenned that way last year bcoz of clomid and bfp and mc

Hope youre feeling ok soon Bean :hugs:

Hopes fantastic news :happydance::dance::wohoo: 2nd trimester - wehy! Cant wait to see the new pic

Im working on my presentation again today and swimming later - got to get my presentation done today so I can email it tmro am to the panel - eek!

afm - ov on CD9 - still too early! Im grateful to ov of course but Im pretty sure that egg would have been scrambled and not been good for a healthy poppet
Hi Girls:hi:

Hopes, that great news!! x
Beanwood, it could be just one of those months:cry: or it's a cycle thing like hopes fading said. Makes you feel crap tho!:wacko:
Next month has to be better poppet x

Rowan your presentation will be great you can do it! It sounds as though you know your stuff so it will inevitably be cool!:winkwink:

I've had a terrible week, ov on CD14 felt it and had CM and me and DF had a huge row and didn't do it!:growlmad: My first clomid month too!!! I was heartbroken! Why aren't they as desperate as us! Or mine anyway! :cry: I had to take a couple of days away to calm down ....not good! Not feeling so hopeful now just hoping that one survived from the night before! I had the scan and I had ovulated. I had 1egg and it was in my left ovary the one with no tube arhhh:growlmad: xx
Now i'm just sad :sad2: going home to talk to DF 2moro x

hey ladies :wave:

presentation all done and emailed to the interview panel - woo hoo and also - phew! Thanks I want one

I want one - thats pants that youve had a pants week hon - ttc can be such a strain sometimes :hugs::hugs::hugs:

sorry to sound dim and I hope you dont mind me asking - so your left tube was removed but not your ovary?

ps - been to the gym on my own and did so much more than when I go with my friend!
Rowan - I used to go running with a friend (years ag) She would talk, talk and talk some more (i talk and i couldn't handle it) I was like I cant talk and run.

I want one - I can totally understand the arguing and needing to do it. Myself and dh have really struggled with that. It has been really hard - want to shout at him but also need to b'd. Very hard combination.

Oh ladies - I have been so looking forward to a drink tonight. Not pregnant, not even maybe so no guilt. Have had a bit to much - not happy though, just depressed. XX
We are sorted now he is so nervous and worried about it all from conception to being a dad for the rest of his life he has never had anything to do with babies he hasn't even held one!!:hugs: We are going to get a doll and practise stuff bless him.:haha:
Rowan, My left tube was removed but not my ovary there is a chance that the egg could migrate over to the right how crazy is that! Not feeling too optimistic this month tho!:nope: x Glad your presentations done and dusted keep us posted!
I'm 6 dpo
Hi everyone.

Hopeful, hello and how are you doing? I hope being back to work is good? What is happening with you guys? X

Dream, are you still eating well and going to the gym? I hope you are feeling happy and calm in anticipation of the next stage of your ttc journey. X

Bean, you poor love. I completely understand why this has hit you so hard but I stil think next cycle could be a completely different story for you. I hope af comes quick so you can get on with it. We both know that the answers can not be found at the bottom of a wine bottle - but we are only human therefore we continue to search there!! X

Rowan, well done on getting the presentation done. I have a good feeling for this year for you in more ways than just a baby. Sods law will probably have it that you reach your ideal weight and peak fitness, land a really good job - maybe organise a luxury holiday some place - shortly followed by your BFP! Though I'm sure it wouldn't phase you in the least and will be a happy dillema to be in! Good luck. X

Mrs G, how are you doing, where in your cycle are you? Please add tickers (all ladies) as I like to know at a glance where in your cycles you are?? X

I want one, I know how you must have felt having an argument instead of a BD. I have been there (before clomid) and the anger and resentment takes a while to go. But you are still in with every chance, from lots of reading I believe that the sperm released in the few days leading up to O are just as likely to make it as those released on O day. I wish you luck. Oh, and the doll idea is so sweet - though make sure OH doesn't get carried away and jump up to check it's nappy when his mates are in the house or something; they may not understand! :winkwink:

Hello to anyone I may have forgotten, Hopes. X
morning ladies :flower:

very wet and windy here today - so we're not going out walking as planned! Going to do a dummy run to the place of my interview tmro

Bean :haha: thats totally what happens with my friend - she talks non stop - Im not sure how I can politely say look Im trying to exercise here :) when we go swimming theres a man who calls her the duracell bunny! :) he was once saying "I dont know how your husband can stand it he musnt get a word in edgeways" I was like "oh hes a quiet sort of chap" :haha:

I want one - glad things are ok with your DF - thats mad re the egg migrating - totally amazing! Hope it happens hon!

Hopes - thanks hon :hugs: how are you feeling? whats your new scan pic like?

afm - 5DPO on CD15 :) my temps are v low after ov for me and boy am I hormonal - bbs like cannonballs of fire, teary and total word finding difficulties - all things I usually feel right before AF if I feel them - surely she cant be this early!

If I ov early again next cycle I think we may start the re-referral process earlier than planned - I kind of dont want to as I want to get everything else settled but Im also aware of being over 35 and shortening cycles over 35 arent often a good thing!

what do you think ladies? wait til July and see if my cycles right themselves or start the process earlier?

have a good day everyone :flower:

:dust: to all in the 2ww

fingers crossed for a quick af for you bean x
Hi girls,
Hopes yup I'm still dieting and exercising! Have lost 8lbs in two weeks so I'm happy!! :)
Rowan I hope Af stays away for you!
Bean hope Af hurries up for you hun!
Iwantone I think a doll is a cute idea!
Anyone else, hello!!
Afm I'm just plodding! Diet and exercise going well and I'm actually enjoying the gym, shock horror!! ;) waiting to see if I'll ovulate this month! Dh will call and get his Sa results tomorrow, not expecting a big difference but hey ho!
Lots of love to everyone xxx
Rowan - Im really glad your presentation has been done and sent it, very firmly crossing my fingers for you hun, well done and good luck at your interview tomorrow xx

Congratulations on your BFP babydust :D FX its a sticky bean for you. How are you feeling? xx

Beanwood - :hi: I hope your ok hun, its pretty crap that you havnt ovulated :cry: i hope that this month is the winner for you xx

Hopes - im so pleased for you that your scan went well, I cant believe your 13weeks pregnant! how exciting, how are you feeling? I am on cd10 and i have my Follicle scan tue so FX theres ripe ones in there ill be CD12 then xx

I want one - I can relate to your DH not having knowledge on babies :lol: my DH doesnt either, untill my nephew was born he had never held a baby, and he is worried about changing them hehe. bless. im glad youse have sorted it xx

and me - well i am CD10, im putting a ticker up today as requested lol.. i havnt been on very often but have been glancing just not writing, been so busy writing my essay i have not even had time to fart.. if i have missed anyone im really sorry and I hope your all OK!
I feel fine, apart from the nightly and morning hot flushes (which i always seem to get off clomid) im just praying that i have one (if not a few) nice big follicles and we catch one this month, i went to see my dr last tuesday who has given me a prescription of 3more months of clomid, but he has told me not to cash it in until i deffo get AF this month, as he seems to think im going to get pregnant within the next 2 cycles. lol FX for that!! :D
Hi Chicks!
Thanks for your comments x
Thanks hopes fading i'm banking on one hanging in there:thumbup:
The doll will be well hidden from mates!!:haha:

I looked into the migrating egg thing and the egg is attracted to the tubes and if you only have one it kinda reaches out and hoovers the egg up!!! But..... there is only a 30% chance of that happening!:dohh:

My boobs are sore today i assume cos my progesterone is high, a bit more cm than usual and i keep feeling really sick?? I have these symptoms even when i'm not pregnant so how confusing is that :shrug:

Mrs G fingers crossed with your scan!! bring on the follicles!

Dream of a bean - Well done for the weight loss!:happydance:

Rowan - get the referal you could always cancel so you may as well get the ball rolling!

Beanwood - Thank you for your kind words i know it's hard on all of us!
Hi:hi: Brillbride! Hope your good

I HATE THE 2WW! I'm testing in 3 days can't bear the wait!!

Hi all

Where is everybody???????

Only joking - have not been on as much myself. Trying a baby and bump detox I think. Am soooo obsessed.

I have not come on. Dam it. Maybe I did ovulate but later. Will never know now I suppose. Wouldn't make any difference to getting preg though as used the clomid ovulation calculator and b'd untill it said necessary. Couldn't face anymore after that.

Next month - I have 2 rules - no opks and b'd every 2/3 days throughout cyle.

Sending everyone hugs. XX
afternoon ladies!

thanks for your good wishes! interview went ok I think they loved my presentation so I hope my answers were good enough - I think I waffled waaaay too much - but we shall see - should hear either tmro night or weds am - yikes!

good to hear how everyones doing

i want one - aye it changes by itself i was v impressed when I discovered that as Id been thinking crikey do I have to faff on like this every month :haha:

Bean :hugs: hopefully AF will arrive soon - sometimes she takes the long road after no ov - or it may be that you ov later than usual - I think your idea of no opks is great hon and bd every 2-3 days should be perfect and less pressure

been to the gym this afternoon - altho with feet full of plasters as I got huge blisters from my interview shoes (didnt have tights on as wore trousers and had to park miles away!) hardcore :bodyb::rofl:

afm - temp rise this am - random - will see what happens tmro

:dust: to everyone

Hi Ladies :hi:

I want one - thanks hun :D I hope so too, i will keep youse all up to date. Im hoping you will get your bfp in 3days, it should show then as youll be 10dpo :) FX for you xx

Rowan - Im so glad they liked your presentation, it sounds like it took you ages so thank god it was worth it! and im glad your interview went well. FX you get that job now that yoube knocked them dead.. Sounds like your doing well excercising too now :D xx

Bean - hows the detox going? it sounds good, what does it entail? and which clomid ovulation calculator did you use.. i think i could do with that, although we BD a few days before and a few days after and hope for the best lol..Hope your feeling OK :D xx

Im feeling OK, im looking forward to having a relax near on the end of this week! anyone iv missed, how are you all? xx
hi girls.....sounds like a very good plan beanwood but will you stick to it?? hope so

im cd 14---got smiley face yesterday and the darkest line on OPK today...right side is killing me all day----I do get pain sometimes anyhow but this is a good bit more noticeable---would so love to know how many going to guess---loads and loads!!xx
Lets hope so brill bride!

Mrs G I can't wait to test just to stop the anxiousness! Even though i don't think its going to happen this month, hope just keeps on persisting!!
Bean - good luck with the detox we are all obsessed!!! lol!
Rowan - good luck with the job if you meant to get it you will! I hope your feet heal soon

Ive had loads of CM (yellow TMI!) thats different!

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