Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

I've been the same bean, limiting my bnb time as I'm awful! Glad everyone is ok! X
The detox entails a limit on how many times in a day I can come on here. Am figuring 2 / 3 is enough. (1hr max overall) Honest girls I could spend all day reading threads, checking to see if there are any new posts on this thread, checking to see how you girls all are. Think my dh is getting a bit concerned that I am not on baby and bump but something else. :wacko:
morning ladies :hi:

:) bless you Bean! it can be addictive cant it! I try to limit myself to the threads that pop up in my CP usually but every now and again go on the main boards and have a read

I want one - when are you going to test? even tho Im NTNP I still like to poas so i'll be doing that from 9DPO :haha: I know Im ridiculous!

brillbride fingers crossed hon

have you got some days off Mrs G? lovely!

weve been booking camping trips and were going to go and stay in a cottage in a couple of weeks and go walking - yey! Must book a table at our fav resteraunt for around valentines day too :)

oo im going to see Harry Potter finally on thursday with my pa - fab! Am going to allow myself sweets :)

pilates today to give my feet a rest! and lots of :laundry::dishes::hangwashing: as Ive been neglecting the house while doing my presentation

have a good day everyone :flower:
i want one- yeh i get yellowy cm (TMI) its nothing strange i always get it :) just to make you feel better.

Im going for my scan in about 20mins so fx i have lots in there, i have got quite alot or ovulation pains down there.

Hope everyones ok xx
Hey ladies. I am back from my birthday getaway with DH. It was super relaxing. We stayed at the suite that he first proposed at :kiss: Just a wonderful and relaxing break. Have not been temping (which feels great) but feel kind of lost in my cycle as far as O?!?!?! :wacko:

Ugh back to the craziness of ttc........:dohh:

Good luck to Mrs G and I want one :thumbup:
Hey hopeful! Glad you had a good break so needed and enjoyed yay!:thumbup:
Mrs G - How many????!!! :shrug:what mg are you 50 or 100?
Rowan - Cottage sound lovely! We are going to book valentines meal early this year race ya lol!:winkwink:
Keep smiling - Never been offered them and don't know much about them so sorry i can't give an opinion.:shrug:

I'm going to wait till Friday to test i've decided! Rowan is that when your testing?
Hi Ladies :hi:

Bean - hows the detox going? it sounds good, what does it entail? and which clomid ovulation calculator did you use.. i think i could do with that, although we BD a few days before and a few days after and hope for the best lol..Hope your feeling OK :D xx

Im feeling OK, im looking forward to having a relax near on the end of this week! anyone iv missed, how are you all? xx

Someone posted this on the thread ages ago I think or another one, can't remember.

Hi girls

Just a little question. How long do you think that I should wait with no period before going to docs and asking them to give me something to start period. Have never had this before. Even though 21 day tests have been low - below 10 I have still always come on at 28 days. Don't want to be a pest at docs but obviously can't move on without period.

Thank you xx:hugs:
morning ladies

Bean I'd wait a little longer I think hon - when Ive had annov cycles its been at least a 35 day cycle and I think one was 48 days - of course its up to you but to force AF you'd need to take more meds and if she'll come on her own albeit a bit slowly then that may be better? I know it doesnt help with the frustration and the feeling out of control :hugs:

Im hoping this cycle is a longer one for me - to go from 48 day cycles to 21 days cycles doesnt bode well with the level of early menopause in my family!

keep smiling - tbh I dont know what they are? :dohh:

I want one - Im going to start testing tmro - my LP is always different so af could come anytime after tmro I guess

Mrs G how was your scan?

I had a weepy sort of day yesterday - sure its hormonal but also was reading a book my aunt gave me to read - in which a main character has 2 mc and then find out she's perimenopausal! I was like what a book to give me! Its a good read tho about adoption and culture clashes and just the emotion of family and relationships

I didnt get the job guys :nope: I was a close second and they said theyd been debating it for hours and hours but someone had more experience. Cant seem to get a break! Never mind - back to the job hunt!

afm - so hormonal!

have a good day everyone :flower:
Sorry about the job Rowan :hugs: Fingers crossed for your search! Good luck with testing:thumbup: What is the name of your book??
thanks hopeful :flower:

its this one

am a bit weepy again today - not sure if Im just super hormonal or just feeling a bit of an all round failure and lacking PMA or if its cos my due date is getting nearer - maybe all 3!:dohh:
Rowan - that was not the job for you, your job is coming keep trying!
I feel a bit emotional too i keep saying...Don't feel sad keep the faith!
Due date time is so hard i'm dreading it! but we gotta move on poppet it wasn't our time:cry: x
Beanwood - i would get tablets just because i hate waiting it has got to be better 4 you to wait but i would go to the docs thats just me :shrug:

One of my friends has just found out her baby has spina bifda she is going to terminate how sad! My heart breaks for her :sad2:

I keep getting paranoid that i could have another ectopic don't know why! I feel really nervous! I'm going to test tomorrow morning feel like AFs coming so not feel too hopeful!:ignore:

Rowan am really sorry about the job - their loss honey will be someones elses gain.

Thanks re advice girls on cycle length. TBH I am ok waiting for period for 2/3 weeks - just wondered how long the docs would expect you to wait.

Rown sending you some big hugs - you are always there for us - i think you need a bit of tlc.
Ohhh second pregnant lady leaving friday - only one more to go.
Hello everyone.

Beanwood, so sorry you are having to wait for af, it sucks. I doubt she'll be too much longer than usual though, maybe 5-7 days? Fingers x'ed she shows up soon and you won't usually hear me saying that! X

Hopfeul, sounds like you had a lovely break, I'm so pleased for you and I'm glad you took a break from temping too. As you may recall, I hated temping and found it shaped my whole day and not usually in a good way! X

Rowan, sorry about your job but it sounds like the feedback was all good. I'm sure next time you'll be luckier. I wish I knew a remedy for dealing with due dates. Just be very kind to yourself and when the day comes, we'll all be here if you want to talk. X

I want one - you just never know. I am praying the witch doesn't darken your door. X

Dream, hello, how are you? I hope the detox from BnB is going good - it can get a bit much huh. Most of our OH's have probably wondered if we are having affairs, the amount of hours we can clock up on here! X

MrsG, how was the scan? I hope you had at least 1 big strong follie (that's all I had when I had tracking.) X

Sorry if I've missed anyone. Not heard from Reba in a while, come in Reba if you are around! X

I am gutted, for the life of me I can't upload my new scan picure as my avatar, it's coming up like a thumb nail. I shall attempt to attach it to this thread but it will probably still be v. small. Not much happening with me, I am trying to organise my 16 week midwife appt. but she is very busy. I did manage to speakk to her on the phone today though and I think I convinced her that I am far too paranoid to wait longer than 16 weeks! Hopefully now she'll fit me in somewhere close to 16 weeks. I'm still desperate for reassurance that all is well, so hoping that she is willing to listen for babies hb and can find it easily enough. X
Hey girls!
Rowan I'm sorry about the job hun, the right one will come!
Bean I'd leave it a while, my longest one was 100 days and I had prog from day 90, my clomid cycle I got to cd45 and they gave me prog x
Hopes detox going ok! Replacing bnb with gym!!
Everyone else hello! Hope you're ok xx
sorry about job rowan....:(

bean--i hope you get AF soon to put your mind at rest

good look on the testing i want one

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