Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

morning ladies :wave:

Thanks for all the lovely vibes it does help :flower:

feeling a lot chirpier this am - can feel AF pains so maybe my body's getting ready for the hormone switch - shes definately on her way but temps not dropped enough yet

applied for lots of jobs yest - onwards and upwards :)

i want one - any joy testing?

Dream I've got such bad blisters Ive not been able to gym - swim tonight tho and hopefully gym tmro!

Hopes not sure re your pic hon - how did you do it last time? Im rubbish at that sort of stuff! Are you going to buy a doppler?

Reba good luck for your scan tmro

afm - AF definately approaching - also bfn

Harry Potter today for me - and sweets and chocolates - yum not good for the diet but good for the soul!

have a good day everyone x
Hi girls

Well i tested today :bfn::bfn: :nope::

Glad you feel better Rowan :thumbup:Sorry about your BFN

Hope everyone else is good x
Sorry about the bfn's ladies :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Lets hope its just too early!! :thumbup:

Hopes- Is the pic already saved to your comp? If so, Maybe go into Paint and enlarge the pic and then resave??? Not sure, but you probably have to play around with it. :shrug: Hope you can get into midwife soon!

Dream- So lovely that you are dedicated to working out and you too Rowan :thumbup:

Reba- Thinking of you on Friday :hugs:

Hello to anyone I have not mentioned...mind is pretty crazy right now with school work. :wacko:

I worked out yesterday and have been eating better. But it gets hard because I feel so down sometimes and I am totally an emotional eater :dohh:

Luck to all the ladies in waiting.....
morning ladies :flower:

i want one - fingers still crossed for you!

hopeful well done on the working out - bless you - its hard not to reach for the chocolate in times of trouble!

Harry potter was fab! I ate lots of sweets!

afm - temp says af not coming today but have had constant cramps since yest am - bfn again

have a good day everyone :flower:
Hi girls - sorry about the bfn's girls

How are you all doing?

AFM - nothing to report just waiting for af.

Anyway wanted to say hi to you all. XX
Hi all.

Sorry about the wretched BFN's too - also hoping it's too early.

Bean, hoping af comes soon, sure she will...

Rowan, Harry Potter and sweets sounds like my idea of a night out at the moment but OH isn't keen!

On an entirely different subject, MIL is DOING MY HEAD IN!! I can't reallt start on the reasons as I can feel my blood pressure rising as I write (it's never been less than 'perfect' when measured so she must be getting to me)!!! Thinking of boxing her up and posting her around the World with insufficient stamps on?!

Have lovely weekends all, Hopes. X
morning ladies :flower:

bean I hope she shows up soon - its so frustrating waiting for her when you havent ov'd :hugs:

hopes - whats your mil up to? you make me laugh! :haha: you'll get past it Im sure - youve practised patience enough while ttc!

DH cant abide anything to do with harry potter or science fiction or anything like that so I went with my dad bless him!

afm - my goodness the cramps yesterday were terrible but still no sign of AF and another temp rise - still bfn tho :) I know i'm a poas addict!

am avoiding 2 social things today - one where a group of old workmates have all just got married and have been ttc and Im sure one has an announcement as another friend suddenly was like oh Rowan you could maybe just meet me for a drink afterwards instead so I think she was being kind, and another my close friends (including sil) 2 of whom have babies under a year and one will be ttcing again soon and the other who is getting married and already has a son and wants to ttc straight away after shes married - sil fell pg each time after ttc for one month, the other friend fell pg as soon as she stopped taking the pill and the other fell pg on a one night stand! I just thought urgh I have nothing to input and they can genuinely have a nicer chat if Im not there - so Ill potter about contendedly instead and go and see my ma - is that bad to avoid people or do you guys do that sometimes?

have a good day everyone :flower:
Oh Rowan, I totally understand the avoidance tactic. I don't know if it's right or wrong but I used to do it a lot and it felt like the right thing for me, certainly. Have a lovely pottering weekend whatever you end up doing. X

I am pottering at the moment too, even though I have a huge list of things I should be doing today. It's rainy though and I can't be bothered!

Dinner tonight with MIL and her husband and OH's Dad and his wife. Fair enough, it's nice that they can still be in a room together I guess?! But she really pushed for this dinner and for the life of me, I can't see why?! I still feel it's far too early to be really celebrating - I haven't even got a bump!
She keeps popping round with brochures from baby shops and asking if we can go shpping for stuff. I have told her that it feels too early for me and I haven't even allowed myself to look in the shops yet.
She told me the other day that she is going to buy us a baby bath. OK, its a nice gesture but I don't think I want a plastic bath, I've been told by friends and family that they didn't use them as they were too heavy and awkward, they just had a bath support instead. I've bathed my Niece using one of these and it was dead easy. I would hate for anyone to waste their money and I don't want a home full of things we won't use. Am I being unreasonable?

There really are a million and one other things too - they have moved to Spain and are just home for a visit but she won't stop pushing us about going to visit. Constantly texting me with cheap airline deals etc. How can she not realise that her and her Son are not actually that close! And with a baby on the way, we have a few things to think about that are slightly more important than holidays?!

Oh, and she has just added OH and I to Facebook - we couldn't really decline her but now I feel like she is stalking me and I have to watch what I post and OH is hardly going on there at all as she comments on everything he ever posts!

Wow - so sorry, I had no intention of ranting but thanks (if you've read this far) I am starting to feel better already!

Going to try really hard to be nice and not bite at anything she says tonight, today is dedicated to getting in a happy, tranquil mood. To be honest, I have been suffering terrible mood swings for ages now - must be the hormones. Poor OH is not living with a very nice girl lately!

I agree with baby baths being rubbish. TBH never found the support things that great either. Used just get in the bath with mine and wash them that way. MIL situation can be hard. It has taken me years to be able to assert myself with mine. My dh and her are very close though and she only lives down the road. I have come to the conclusion that if she can be so pushy then I have to feel that I can be honest back, but I always (ok nearly always) do it in a grateful way. Can be hard though - lots of lip biting. :hugs:

Rowan I would be exactly the same as you. Enjoy pottering and seeing your mom. You don't need to put yourself through that hun.:hugs:

Hi everybody else. :hugs:
So sorry about the bfns girls, there is still time though! Rowan your chart looks good! :)
Hopes I hope your mil backs off soon! Inlaws can be tricky can't they?!
Afm think I'll ov today! Two days of pos Opks and all signs so just waiting! Got cystitis from too much sex so feeling sorry for myself! Ha ha! Dhs urology appointment come through for 21st feb so were pleased about that x
Hi Dream

Yeah to temp rise.

I am in bed with period pain. UGGGGHHHHH
afternoon ladies

phew we went on a walk in the countryside - should have been 5 miles but we took a wrong turn and ended up with about a 3 mile walk instead - boy was I glad - i was exhausted and freeeeezing!! :cold: home now having a nice cup of tea getting warm! :coffee:

I want one have you got AF or has your ticker just randomly updated?

dream thanks hon - im trying not to get excited about it as it would be pretty unlikely to be bfp. I suppose we shall see what tmros temp brings! another bfn today

yey for your temp rise Dream! and your DHs appointment - not too far away

Bean - urgh its so yuk isnt it! hope you feel better soon x

Hopes - ah bless you - she's probably feeling a bit pants about being far away and over compensating as she wants to be involved - no fun for you tho! I think baby stuff is such a personal thing - different things suit different people / personalities / babies personalities and budgets - so just go with how you feel and hopefully she'll go with it :hugs:

have a good day everyone :flower:
:hi:Hi girls

Still BFN but no AF yet i'm wondering if the clomid has effected my cycle although she does usually come in the evening. Yes my ticker has just updated. Got loads of CM tho yuck!

Had a bad weekend the girls i mentioned earlier in the week gave birth and she devasted understandable then one of my other best friends shes 23wks got rushed in with terrible pain! Her womb is still closed and no bleeding she has a low placenta but they arent sure whats going on! Worried about her x

Sounds like youve had a nice day rowan x
I Want one - (SCAN) sorry havnt been back on, I had one big juicy follie on my left ovary at 22.5mm so its was at optimal time to release, and it seems from my ovulation tests that I ovulated 2days after on cd15 (the result was darker than the control line :D) so Fingers crossed. All the others were too small so hopefully i have caught that1, we have been BDin loads even today. What a shame for your friend, i feel so sorry for her, we did a lesson the other day on spina bifida and it affects something like 1 in every 100,000.000! that is very bad luck. god love her! xxx

Bean - thanks for the link hun, hope your doing well :) xx

Rowan - The book sounds awful even though good at the same time, hows the excercising coming along? did you mention when your starting clomid again hun? im so sorry about the job, its their loss hun :( xx

Hopes - did you become pregnant from a nice big strong follie? im so glad your 14weeks now.. WOW!! :D i bet your begining to get your bump now. BTW i dont think your being unreasonable with not wanting a plastic bath! i think it may be easier to bath the baby in the bath with a support, and i think its each to their own, she should really ask you what you want.. we spend £120 on our nephew before he was born on things my SIL needed, eg moniters, baby gros etc..xx

AFM - I am in the tww now :) and keeping positive! ive had quite a relaxing weekend, went to a spa on friday, had a massage and facial (to die for) it was amazing :D and i had my hair highlighted blonde which im loving :)...
How is everyone? FX this is the cycle for us all :dust: xxx
I want one that is terrble about your friend. I just read back through the posts as I had somehow managed to miss the earlier one that you referred to (even though I posted right after it) I really hope that your otherfriend is ok. Just to devastating. XX

Mrs G- good luck in the 2ww - really hope this is your month.

Rowan sounds like you have had a lovely day. I have just woken about 45 mins ago. I never sleep in the day. Got into bed with James to watch Scooby Doo as I jhad period pain and we both fell asleep. Read your post and felt really naughty.

morning ladies

am a grumpy Rowan today! first due date today :( 2 of my friends have had their babies yesterday - all healthy and lovely so thats fab and the other is due today.

wot a rubbish nights sleep, DH snoring, my head cold keeping me awake, horrendous AF pains and dreaming about babies crying all night and me searching and searching and not being able to find them

enough of my moaning! :dohh:

I want one - pants re bfn - fingers crossed for you! is it your first month on clomid? What a shame for your friend - she must be devastated poor thing, hope your other friend is ok x

Mrs G fingers crossed for you! Thanks re the job hope I get one soon - were getting very poor! I cant have clomid anymore Im afraid hon it does too much damage to my eyes

Bean I am thoroughly intending to spend today either in bed or on the sofa with a blanket eating chocolate! :) Think Ill watch toy story as well!

afm - think my cold must be affecting my temps - still high but again with the cramps and yukky pink/peachy CM (sorry tmi!) v frustrating!

Am going to buy some FSH tests at the supermarket when I go to buy chocolate - am getting paranoid!

have a good day everyone :flower:

Rowan you enjoy your day eating chocolate and watching toy story. I don't blame you. I know that you are glad for your friends you just want it to be you also. Ugghh it is so unfair hun ........

Sending you hugs sweetie. XX

AFM - I have been bleeding really heavy. TMI sorry - had to change pads in the night, which is now unusual for me. I do remember some girls saying that their periods were worse on clomid-was that Hopeful. Thing is if you haven't ovulated on it woud it still have the same effect. Need to start clomid today - don't know whether to have it now with my thyroxine or later. I found that taking it later was awkward because I kept forgetting about it. I did end up having it on the day but I am worried that I might miss one this time. Don't really want to take it all to be honest. Have contemplated not bothering this month.

Hope everybody else is okish......XX
hi ladies

sorry i havent been in here in a while - hope you are all well. And sorry about the bfn's :hugs:

AFM im fine - 12wks 2 days today. had my scan on fri and all looking well - ive posted the scan pic in my journal if you want to have a nosy (click the link below).

Worried now about a lump on my left breast - dr said it might be a swollen milk duct and to keep an eye on it but my mind is working over time thinking the worst. i did some research on google about clomid and breast lumps and there were a few people who got them but they werent cancerous - still cant help but worry. going to my own GP this week for a 2nd opinion.

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