Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Super news brilbride!! :happydance:

I feel better about things with DF today think i just had to off load!
STILL NO AF??? What is going on? STILL BFN!
Going to ring the specialist tomorrow it's freaky me out!
Congrats brillbride :flower:

Sorry I have not been on as much, I just need to get out of my head with all these negative thoughts :wacko:

Glad to see everyone is doing well. I am really going to try to be more positive but I am just exhausted with ttc :cry:
morning ladies :flower:

brillbride how are you feeling?

Bean - I'm good thanks hon - how come works pants?

I want one - what CD are you on now? Fingers crossed for you!

Hopeful :hugs::hugs: its tough hon really tough hope you find some peace soon hon (like not in a RIP way of course!! Lordy I do have foot in mouth disease!)

Im now reading a book my sil bought me - so last book off my aunt was about mc, early menopause and adoption but I Loved it in the end - it actually cheered me up no end but it wasnt the bit about adoption etc it was actually another character who hadnt had children who cheered me up! So new book off sil has a couple ttc and struggling - so they buy a dog! :rofl::rofl: Holy Cow - my family win no prizes for subtlty!! :haha: its a really good book tho! am loving getting back into reading!

afm - AF has gone awol overnight - and a temp rise? and boy am I horny! so we shall see what the day brings!

have a good day / weekend everyone :flower: we have my sister and bil and their fabulous dog staying with us - yey!
hi rowan -hope you enjoy your weekend with the family...hope u manage to get some BD'ing in!!!lol
im good...light cramping from tuesday a 1-2 on clearblue this morn thank 11dpo now...wasnt monitored or anything on clomid but sure no matter!! no wine for me tonight..just praying that this bean or beans stick:) hope its a 3rd time lucky for me please God..
Heres to 3rd time lucky for you brillbride. X

Rowan - amazing how your family buy those books for you. Have good weekend with your family -and the dog. SEnding you big hugs hun.

Work hun is politics as always - part time wage / not part time job / not part time headache. Am going out tomorrow night though, kids at moms and mils. Does not happen very often as don't like them sleeping out but easier for parents. It is our 9 year wedding anniversary next week so going out for a meal. Woo hoo - might get:headspin: I hope not though. Have already pre warned dh that the time is near to get at it. Might start tomorrow. Don't feel much like clomid working at the mo though. XX

:witch::brat:AF has arrived! :cry: Ready for try round 2! :happydance:

Rowan - Families ay! :dohh:
Glad your reading its good for the soul! I must get back into it too! Have a lovely weekend x :thumbup:

Brillbride - I'm sorry it all makes you worry so much i can imagine how you feel but i'm sure this is it for you xx :hugs2:

Beanwood - Lets pray for a lottery win ay!:wohoo: 9 years cool!:thumbup: Have a special evening enjoy a break :flower: x

Hopeful - Keep your chin up :flower: you know you will try until it happens so just think of it as routine as brushing ya teeth, poas symptom spotters R us! :awww: FX x
hi bean--happy anniversary and hope you enjoy the meal.....
thanks "I want one", sorry AF came----hope it happens this month for you ...xx plus im with u in the lottery win..
Oh lottery win. I so wish that I didn't have to work. Would enjoy my job more eh if it was just for pocket money.

Am so sorry your af has arrived I want one - onto the next round I know how you feel. XX

Brillbride hi how are you?
hi Bean--really wish I hadnt to work----should have married a rich man!! the next life!! .im good..trying to lie up when not working because I want to take no chances...just light cramps/heavy hoping that I wont test any more--will try my best---have only tested this morn+ yesterday morn

where are you in your cycle?xx
I am day 6. Took last clomid yesterday. Am not using opks this month.

morning ladies :)

had such a lovely curry and wine night with DH last night - v romantic - am v soppy! :flower:

Brillbride - definately hope its 3rd time lucky for you hon [-o<[-o< are you going to get an early scan?

I want one - ah boo hiss that AF had found you! Fingers crossed for this cycle! Do you temp chart?

Bean - ah work politics sucks - work always want more than you can physically and mentally give dont they! Hope it gets better soon hon! 9 years - how lovely! Wouldnt that be lovely if you caught lucky on your anniversary!

Hope everyone else is ok :flower:

my oldest (weve been friends since we were 2) friend had her little boy yesterday - she was due on my due date and Im quite glad he came on a different day - its not bittersweet now just lovely - must go to mothercare and get some nice clothes and a teddy bear :)

afm - spotting yesterday and so far today and another temp rise - I used to have cycles where AF would go missing for a few days and then come back for a few days so I wonder if it's one of them - 2 days would be a v short AF!

have a good day / weekend everyone :flower:
Hi Ladies, sorry I haven't posted in a while. Far too busy at work - groan!

Bean, congratulations on 9 years, I hope you have a wonderful night out and of course get some DH instigated BD'ing! I never really felt that the clomid was doing anything apart from when I o'd (as before I had never been sure I had) just go with it and I am sure it will do it's job. Best of luck to you. X

Hopeful, you have been through such a lot, I don't blame you for feeling the way you do. I hope you get a break soon, I really do. X

Rowan, sounds as though you are enjoying yourself and DH and getting back to how you were before, perhaps? Long may it continue and then a surprise BFP in the next couple of months. That is my hope for you! How is the job search going? X

Brilbride, congratulations! I wish you a speedy 1st tri and a happy, healthy pregnancy. Are you having an early viability scan? I did due to the clomid and risk of multiples. Can't wait to hear how many you are baking!! Take it easy. X

Mrs G, Dreams, Reba and anyone Ive missed; hope you are all well. X

Happy weekends all, Hopes. X
Hi all,brillbride Congrats! Very pleased for you!!! :)
Bean I know what you mean about Wk politics, atmosphere at Wk shocking at the moment!!
Rowan yay to a lovely evening with dh! Hopes how are you Hun??
Hopeful I know exactly how you're feeling, have been the same recently!
Anyone I've missed hello!!
Afm: I'm technically 7dpo bit think I'm 8 as I tend to have a delay in bbt rise every month! Keeping busy and going gym and I'm determined not to stop just because I've oved! Body being a bit strange as had tiny bit of spotting 3dpo and same last night so think Af may arrive early! It's weird though as its a few specks then nothing!! Oh well! Xx
I am day 6. Took last clomid yesterday. Am not using opks this month.


good luck Bean..xx

hi to dream and hopesfading and rowan--hope u r all well:hugs:

I am off for a week in 3 weeks so Il be 7 weeks then and want to get one then? do you think I would need an earlier one? I keep joking about my b/g twins and trips and

im taking a baby aspirin a day and some progesterone cream even though all my MC tests came back clear......

stil having very light cramping and heaviness in boobs,a tad woozy
,thats all---I am doing no more preg tests...DH has me banned ...took my last one today and the line was darker.
Hello ladies

I finished my first round of Clomid 50mg yesterday morning. I took it on cycle days 2-6 as directed by my G.P. Today is CD 7 and i have had lower abdo pain all day where my ovaries are. Is this normal because I have read stuff about abdo pain with clomid but further on in women's cycles not only 1 day after finishing first round...(i realise that i now sound like a crazy woman who Google's everything but aren't we all?)

Oh i have PCOS if that makes any difference??? the pain is also worse on my left side :( and i don't class myself as a weakling when it comes to pain either as i also have endometriosis LOL

Hi Ladies,

Becks88 - I had exactly the same on the left so dont worry too much i'm sure its all part and parcel if it gets worse go to GP x

AFM - My AF is soooo heavy! Awful! Plus I'm not n a good place 2nite . I have a group of girl friends there are 7 of us, all really close. They all have kids except 2 of us and her and I are such a comfort to each other cause shes been trying for 3 years too. She was on clomid for 6 months and nothing she's waiting for IVF now. Well, we have just had dinner (come dine with me style) and she announced she was pregnant. I'm obviously thrilled for her but i had to make an excuse to leave i'm so upset! I can't believe i'm the only one left now! I can't stop the tears:sad2: The longing is phsically painful :cry: I WANT ONE!!!:cry:
Hi Ladies,

Becks88 - I had exactly the same on the left so dont worry too much i'm sure its all part and parcel if it gets worse go to GP x

AFM - My AF is soooo heavy! Awful! Plus I'm not n a good place 2nite . I have a group of girl friends there are 7 of us, all really close. They all have kids except 2 of us and her and I are such a comfort to each other cause shes been trying for 3 years too. She was on clomid for 6 months and nothing she's waiting for IVF now. Well, we have just had dinner (come dine with me style) and she announced she was pregnant. I'm obviously thrilled for her but i had to make an excuse to leave i'm so upset! I can't believe i'm the only one left now! I can't stop the tears:sad2: The longing is phsically painful :cry: I WANT ONE!!!:cry:

I'm really sorry to hear that. I obviously am happy for your friend but I can totally sympathise when it comes to being the only one out of a group of friends who hasn't ever been pregnant or had a baby :-(

Fingers crossed your turn will be very soon :hugs:
Welcome Becks :flower:

I want one- Its so unfair and the last thing we want is to feel like the only one left (which I do right now:dohh:)! Hopefully your turn is real soon!

Bean- Happy 9 years :wedding: Now let's go make that baby :thumbup:

AFM- I am just waiting for AF, still and can't help but secretly wish that I am pregnant. I know it sounds crazy. This cycle: no opks, thermometer broke, no hpt's, and I am almost certain no ovulation but yet I am still sitting here hoping/wishing that I am pregnant. Silly, silly me....:dohh:
morning ladies :flower:

welcome Becks88 - yup ovary pain definately is stronger on clomid - fingers crossed you'll have good luck on it :flower::thumbup:

Hopes glad youre doing ok hon - bet you're counting down til your 20 week scan!

brillbride - fingers crossed for you hon - really hoping this is a lovely healthy baby for you - hope you're not worrying too much! I'd get one at around 7 weeks hon and then 9 weeks and then 12 :) but maybe thats just me being over the top! we saw heartbeats at 6+4 so you can see them nicely earlier than 7 weeks x

dream and hopeful fingers crossed for you ladies - you just never know! Dream whens your next appointment?

I want one :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hopeful :hugs: its not bonkers you just still have hope and thats a blessing and a curse sometimes!

Hope everyone else is ok!

afm - temp drop and horny horny dreams all night! Am I getting ready to ov this early? truth is in the ewcm and temps I suppose! see what today brings!

off walking today! oh and holy cow - a Huge blue vein thing has appeared from my knee to my hip! will keep an eye on it but yuk! Im starting to have the body of an old lady! :haha:

have a good day everyone :flower:
Hi girls

Becks88 as the others have said they sound like normal clomid pains. If you are worried though then I would see your doc. I know I like the reassurance.

Hopeful - when I was told that I had not ovulated last month I still kept thinking maybe they were wrong. You have to be hopeful - it is not silly at all.

Rowan hope you are having a nice walk. Am feeling a bit haggered myself at the moment. Last night there were loads of younger people there at the restaurant - I felt very old. Have a bit of hangover aswell - can't drink anymore.

Hopes hun how are you?

I want one it is totally understandable that you feel that way. I really hope yourturn comes very soon. XX

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