Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Hey ladies. Got AF a few of days ago, just glad to not be waiting any longer:thumbup:

Gonna order some opks and a new thermometer and try properly this month. Getting closer to really commiting to ivf but just want to give myself a few more cycles of trying naturally, you never know :shrug:
Hi ladies, sorry to disturb but I'm a little confused. I was on my first round of clomid, and 2 days ago, on cd23 I started spotting. I called the gyne nurse and she giggled and said it's normal. Today I got my period on cd25, and my period was never early, and I have ovulated on day 14. What's happened? Is this normal? I'm a little too shy to call the nurse again to ask, I feel I'm a bit paranoid... I guess after 2 1/2 years of ttc it does it to you...


If you O'd on CD 14 and got AF on CD 25, your LP was 11 days long. I have read that an LP of 10-16 days is normal but anything under 12 is going to make it harder to get pregnant. I have also read that Clomid should help lengthen your LP. How long was your LP before the Clomid?
Hello ladies, I hope everyone is well and looking forward to the weekend? Who here has a journal?

Hopeful, sorry witch got you and I am praying that you will fall naturally in the next few months. If not though, I feel sure IVF will do the job. Keep your chin up sweetie, you've come so far and you will be a Mummy, no matter how you get there. X

Bean - teaching numeracy sounds just about my worst nightmare! Infact, anything to do with numbers sends me into a complete tail spin :dohh: What CD are you? How are things at home, hope you and DH are not finding the TI too stressful? X

MrsG - hope hubby gets you a whizzy new lap top! How is his job going? Still keeping fingers x'ed that 'she' hasn't shown up for you? X

Rowan - I'm quite jealous of your lovely lifestyle, you and DH always seem to be doing nice things. Good on you and I hope you get a job soon so you can book a hol and buy a house too. (Though I still think if it doesn't happen before hand, then as soon as you commit to those things a baby will be conceived to throw a small but happy spanner in the works)! :haha: In the nicest possible way! X

Dream, how are things? Any more spotting? Glad you are keeping on BD'ing past O - it can only be a good thing. X

I Want One - wishing you babydust this cycle. X

Everyone else, hi and wishing you happy weekends and good luck with the baby making. X

Nothing to report from me really, I have finally ordered a Doppler so I can try and find babies HB myself but it hasn't arrived yet. I think maybe it will come Tues. I have resisted for so long as I know that I will panic if I can't find HB but who am I trying to kid - I panic non stop anyway so if anything, it just may help?

I've been spending a bit of time on the 2nd tri forum and a poor lady there has had some bad news today; her much loved Daughter has died at 16+ weeks. I feel very sad for her tonight and can't imagine what she must be going through.

I wouldn't feel comfortable saying this anywhere else but OH and I have only BD once since finding out we are expecting. It started out a conscious choice, as I was so scared of anything going wrong but the past 10 days or so I've been a bit worried that we have lost a part of our relationship that is hard to get back? I think that having TI for so long was terrible for us; although necessary. I think we both loved the fact we didn't have to anymore and a break was a good thing. I'll admit though that I assumed things would have righted themselves by now and passion would have re-entered our lives. I feel a bit crap about it all tbh, I feel a bit of a failure all in all. I suppose that as much as it's worrying me it's only honest to say that I haven't exactly done anything about it - I seem to have lost my mojo somewhat :shrug:

Even if I don't post as often, I still follow all of your posts and pray for you all (even though I'm not religious - I think asking for good things is OK)!?

Hopes. XXX

when I was pregnant with boys we hardly ever had sex as i was paranoid. We were ok in the end though and my dh understood, so it was a nice in another way. XX
Thanks Bean, I am glad I am not the only one and that things can change. X

Beanwood - Are you a teacher then? what age? Hope it went well!:thumbup:
Venos13 - Hi! I'm sorry i can't help you i've not had that before:shrug:, mine was late?? Ring your nurse x
Rowan - God yes i hate life on hold! TTC is so consuming!:wacko: x Good luck with your interview poppet :winkwink: x

Brillbride - Cool that's good, can you tell the difference on it? Can you remember when in your cycle you took robitussin??

Mrs G - I know how you feel i was like that loads of BFN yet we all still hope:flower: Hope you get your AF so you can try another dose of clomid. What strength are you on 50mg or 100mg??

Hopesfading - Of course you'll get it back hun, When i was preggers we didn't do it for 11 weeks and we soon got back into the swing of things x
Hey all,
Bean hope your obs went well! :)
Hope everyone is ok! Af got me on to another cycle. Hoping our referral has been made so well hear within a month or so. Well see I suppose. Love to all xxx
Hi Dream! Glad you put your referal in! Keep us posted! FX for this cycle xx
Hi everyone!!

Hope it's ok for me to join in!

I'm having an IUI cycle and started clomid yesterday (day 2). I'm totally freaking out about the side effects and was wondering if any of you had any experiences of the side effects?

Took my first tablet last night and then a few hours later started to feel a little on edge and then hardly slept at all. Took my second tablet tonight and sat down to watch TV then the right side of my bum and under my thigh went numb and had a little tinging in my right arm. The feeling came back as soon as I got up (just had a bit of pins and needles feeling) Am I being paranoid???? I can sometimes get a numb ass if i'm sat funny on the sofa and occasionally I do get some tingling in my arm. I really wish the FS hadn't mentioned the side effects! I'm driving myself mad with it!

Chesca xxx
Hi Chesca!

Chill hun!:hugs: Everyones different. They gave me some pain but nothing bad at all you'll be fine all drugs have side effects. It actually makes me happier lol! :thumbup:x
Hi Chesca!

Chill hun!:hugs: Everyones different. They gave me some pain but nothing bad at all you'll be fine all drugs have side effects. It actually makes me happier lol! :thumbup:x

Thanks hun! The FS got me so worried about the side effects, he told me they can cause strokes and if I get certain side effects I needed to go to hospital! I usually don't read the side effects part of the leaflet but had to last night as I was so freaked out.
I am officially chilling out now.... thank you! :hugs:

Try not to worry too much about the side effects Hun!! All I had was mood swings! X
:happydance:I cannot wait for a lie in in the morning! Come on! I love the weekend!:happydance:
Hey Hopeful

Woohooo - i agree who knows - one things for sure if you don't try...................... Aw hun I so want to see your bfp status. XX

Wow lots has been happening. Hello everybody and welcome anybody new.

Chesca -- side effects. I know what I want one means - I don't like the side effects but I hope that means that the clomid is doing its job. So far mine are as follows;

sleep issues -i am waking in the night and feeling sick.
blurry vision - close up is ok but distance is weird.
tension - feel uptight
pains in ovaries - on and off
no headaches though and had these really bad with first round - maybe that was a coincidence as it was in the summer and I always suffer with bad headaches in the summer.

Dream, hey sweetie you ok? How was your obs?

I want one - yeah I am a teacher - I teach reception the moment...........

Afm - well last pregnant lady due to leave in 2 weeks. But ohhhhh guess what I have found out today..... one of the teachers at school is 8 weeks preganant. Bloody hell - am pleased for her but am fed up of being surrounded by reminders.

I am on day 12 / 13 - have bd every other day. Have done it in the ,morning this time. Even did it before work yesterday when kids in bed at 7.00 in the morn. Seems to be a good time. It is diffiult in the evening when the kids keep coming downstairs. XX
Hey all,
Bean obs went ok, kids were demons but it's done now!!
My prego Ta left now too and much as I'll miss her I'm ad to not see and hear her moan anymore! It bloody hurts like hell!!

Had a mega lie in!! Feel refreshed!
I'm a teacher too! I teach year 2! No pregnant TA tho thank God! Just 1 more teacher left to go there were 3 at one point!! x
Hope everyones having a lovely weekend! x
hi ladies

rowan - haha! yeah it was nice of them but i hope it didnt make you feel worse and it only made you more determined :D, i also know what you mean about putting your life on hold, but i try not to think about it any more, my way of thinking is that i will do things and book things when i want to and then if i get my bfp and dont mc we will deal with that then :) i used to let it take over but im sick of it now xx

bean - im good thanks, AF got me today so im just about to go cash in my prescription for the rest of my clomid tablets for the next 3months. how about you? how was your numeracy morning :D xx

hopes - i dont have a journel, im thinking of starting one when i become pregnant :) AF came today so im just hoping for this cycle. hows the pregnancy going hun? my husband has bought me a lovely new laptop yes thank you, its a hp and top of the range so its lovely and fast im very happy :D thank you for your non reliogious prayers, im not religious either but i pray for good news :) xx

hopeful - snap, AF has graced me with her presence today so starting my clomid again tomorrow. how are you hun xx

i want one - im on 50mg of clomid hun, ill be starting them up again tomorrow. i had a real good lye in too this morning, and yesterday so im very happy... i need it when AF is here lol! how are you xx

chesca - im sure your just thinking of everything thats happening as a side affect, i know i did too, try not to panick, it'll all be fine :) xx

as for me - its my birthday monday so were going out for a lovely meal tonight, im not sure what to wear! but im looking forward to a nice warm bath before getting ready to go out. now AF has graced me i can have a few drinks if i fancy it which is nice (looking at the positive side) and im hoping that this next month of clomid is a sucess for us! :lol: :dust: for everyone :) much love xxx
Hi all

My observation went well - I hate being observed. Thing is the person observing me has a lot less experience in the age range that I teach. So kind of hard to trust in what they say actually. Oh well main thing is that is my performance management is done. Thank goodness.

I want one - i have previously taught year 2.

Mrs G sorry af got you hun. Hope you have a good birthday. How old?

Dream hiya hun. Hope you are ok and you get your referral through real soon.

AFM - i am thinking / hoping that clomid is working - my stomach is so bloated and ovary pain. Did it again this morning. So far have done it saturday, tuesday, thursday and saturday. Will do it again monday and then every other day next week. Do you think every other day is enough. Noticed i was quite wet down below this morning aswell. My friend that had a baby 16 weeks ago came around tonight, had a couple of glasses of wine. Feeling guilty but god it has been 2 and 1/2 years since trying and hadly ever see her - ohh you probably all think i am really bad. xx
Bean I've gone past the days if not drinking too! You can't live your life on what if! When you get your bfp then that's the time to be good!! Noone will think you're bad!! You're Human ;) xx

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