Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

QUOTE]If you O'd on CD 14 and got AF on CD 25, your LP was 11 days long. I have read that an LP of 10-16 days is normal but anything under 12 is going to make it harder to get pregnant. I have also read that Clomid should help lengthen your LP. How long was your LP before the Clomid?[/QUOTE] [/QUOTE]

Thanks for your help ladies, it was really helpful. I read the links, and it scared me a little as i did have an early miscarriage over a year ago, but strange coz I never had a cycle shorter than 28 days before. I called my nurse again, and she took me a little more seriously this time, so I'm waiting to hear from my gyne on Monday, and will know if to continue for the second round of Clomid.

Chesca, about the Clomid side effects, my nurse suggested to take the pills at night before you go to bed, this way you should sleep through the side effects.

Beanwood, I'm glad your obs went well, and nice to see many of you are teachers. At least you work with kids. I LOVE kids, and I thought I will work in education too, but somehow ended up in marketing. Life, ey...

Oh well, babydust to all of you lovely ladies.
im 23 tomorrow :) been out for a nice meal last night and today ive been to pizza hut with the family for lunch which was lovely. only problem now is i have to go to lancaster tomorrow for uni :( and cant be bothered to be honest!

how are you all? i started my clomid cycle 4 today, and when i went to asda to pick up my prescription there was so many offers on baby stuff (and it was all in the main aisle which you have to walk down to the pharmacy :() it made my mind wander, so many lovely things...

how are you all? xx
Mrs G 23 wow. Have a lovely birthday. What are you doing at uni? I am soo sorry if you have already said and you are repeating yourself, I am being a bit of a dopey dora a the moment.

hello everbody hope you are all ok.

Rowan- is it this weekend that you have been away?

AFM - pains around ovaries are really getting to me. My stomach is bloated and painful. We were going to bd again tonight but tbh it is too painful so going to have a try in the morning. Feel like crap.......XXXXX
lol its ok hun, im doing adult nursing, going into my 3rd year in march :) so nearly done now yayeee :lol:.

good choice to leave it until the morning BD youll feel better for it im sure :D xxx
Wow good on you mrs G.

Ohhh i am having some blonde moments today. Was getting ready to go out and couldn't find the hairdryer, iron or my make up. Given the fact that my hair was wet, my cardigan was creased and I looked like ....they were not good things to not find. My dh just looks at me like I am crazy and says only you could lose/ not know where you have put those things. I am soooo dippyyyyyy sometimes and at the mo horrendous.
Went into spar this morning and saw the paper with amanda holden on it. OH it is just so, so sad. That poor woman. Devastating.
:cake: Happy Birthday Mrs G!!!
I soooo know what you mean there are baby offers everywhere!

Hey everyone else!

Beanwood - My heart goes out to poor Amanda Holden bless her.
I dye my hair just to get away with my 'blonde' moments lol! :haha:
It is also meant to be better to do it in the morning!

Dream of a bean- How mad that we both teach year 2!:thumbup:

AFM - Robitussin tastes horrible!! Having mega hot flushes! Waiting to ovulate and :sex:!

To ALL :dust:
Hey Hopeful

Woohooo - i agree who knows - one things for sure if you don't try...................... Aw hun I so want to see your bfp status. XX

Wow lots has been happening. Hello everybody and welcome anybody new.

Chesca -- side effects. I know what I want one means - I don't like the side effects but I hope that means that the clomid is doing its job. So far mine are as follows;

sleep issues -i am waking in the night and feeling sick.
blurry vision - close up is ok but distance is weird.
tension - feel uptight
pains in ovaries - on and off
no headaches though and had these really bad with first round - maybe that was a coincidence as it was in the summer and I always suffer with bad headaches in the summer.

Dream, hey sweetie you ok? How was your obs?

I want one - yeah I am a teacher - I teach reception the moment...........

Afm - well last pregnant lady due to leave in 2 weeks. But ohhhhh guess what I have found out today..... one of the teachers at school is 8 weeks preganant. Bloody hell - am pleased for her but am fed up of being surrounded by reminders.

I am on day 12 / 13 - have bd every other day. Have done it in the ,morning this time. Even did it before work yesterday when kids in bed at 7.00 in the morn. Seems to be a good time. It is diffiult in the evening when the kids keep coming downstairs. XX

Thanks Beanwood! It's just nice to know that what I am experiencing is normal!! Was my last tablet tonight so i'm feeling very happy about that!

Hope you get the kids in to bed nice and early tonight! :winkwink:

hi ladies

rowan - haha! yeah it was nice of them but i hope it didnt make you feel worse and it only made you more determined :D, i also know what you mean about putting your life on hold, but i try not to think about it any more, my way of thinking is that i will do things and book things when i want to and then if i get my bfp and dont mc we will deal with that then :) i used to let it take over but im sick of it now xx

bean - im good thanks, AF got me today so im just about to go cash in my prescription for the rest of my clomid tablets for the next 3months. how about you? how was your numeracy morning :D xx

hopes - i dont have a journel, im thinking of starting one when i become pregnant :) AF came today so im just hoping for this cycle. hows the pregnancy going hun? my husband has bought me a lovely new laptop yes thank you, its a hp and top of the range so its lovely and fast im very happy :D thank you for your non reliogious prayers, im not religious either but i pray for good news :) xx

hopeful - snap, AF has graced me with her presence today so starting my clomid again tomorrow. how are you hun xx

i want one - im on 50mg of clomid hun, ill be starting them up again tomorrow. i had a real good lye in too this morning, and yesterday so im very happy... i need it when AF is here lol! how are you xx

chesca - im sure your just thinking of everything thats happening as a side affect, i know i did too, try not to panick, it'll all be fine :) xx

as for me - its my birthday monday so were going out for a lovely meal tonight, im not sure what to wear! but im looking forward to a nice warm bath before getting ready to go out. now AF has graced me i can have a few drinks if i fancy it which is nice (looking at the positive side) and im hoping that this next month of clomid is a sucess for us! :lol: :dust: for everyone :) much love xxx

thanks Mrs G, i've chilled out a bit now!


Ok the headaches have kicked in. Last night went to bed at 8.00 with one. \woke up again this morning with it. UGHHHHH Good job I am not at work today as I would have been phoning in sick. I am about 3 days past ovulation ish - if I ovulated.


Hope everybody is ok. X
:wave:Hi all!

Beanwood - Hope your headache has gone! Bless you! Hopefully a ripe one has popped out and you've done loads of :sex: Does POS not tell you if you have ovulated??

Looks like we are all busy this week! How is everybody? Or are we all in the bedroom!:haha:

I'm getting mega hot flushes and have no idea when i'm ovulating now! No CM yet i always get it so hopefully still should. Started POS this morning and am not yet ovulating! Going to start having lots of :sex:
Looks like we are all busy this week! How is everybody? Or are we all in the bedroom!:haha:

Thank you for making me chuckle. I hadn't thought of that. XX
QUOTE]If you O'd on CD 14 and got AF on CD 25, your LP was 11 days long. I have read that an LP of 10-16 days is normal but anything under 12 is going to make it harder to get pregnant. I have also read that Clomid should help lengthen your LP. How long was your LP before the Clomid? [/QUOTE]

Thanks for your help ladies, it was really helpful. I read the links, and it scared me a little as i did have an early miscarriage over a year ago, but strange coz I never had a cycle shorter than 28 days before. I called my nurse again, and she took me a little more seriously this time, so I'm waiting to hear from my gyne on Monday, and will know if to continue for the second round of Clomid.

Chesca, about the Clomid side effects, my nurse suggested to take the pills at night before you go to bed, this way you should sleep through the side effects.

Beanwood, I'm glad your obs went well, and nice to see many of you are teachers. At least you work with kids. I LOVE kids, and I thought I will work in education too, but somehow ended up in marketing. Life, ey...

Oh well, babydust to all of you lovely ladies.

Thanks Venos! Been taking them at night and I really think it has helped. I'm probably just geeting myself worked up and all anxious which isn't helping!!


Hi everyone!!

Well I seem to be dealing ok with the side effects all except for the anxiety....... think I'm kinda creating most of that one though. Not sure if I mentioned this before but i'm having IUI, day 9 today, went for scan and just waiting for the call with my results. fingers crossed we can still proceed as 3 eggs on right ovary were measuring over 10mm and 1 in the left also...... 1 egg too many but hopefully can still continue!! Waiting for the FS to call me with the verdict......

I want one..... I was getting mega hot flushes also..... a friend reccommended a citrine crystal to help. Been keeping it on me at all times all the way through and boy has it helped. Sounds silly but i'll try pretty much anything!

:dust: to all.
Hi Chesca - glad you are dealing with side effecs ok. Fingers crossed for the iui hun.

Wow -where are my other girlies gone, Rowan, Hopeful I hope that you are both ok. XX
Hi girls

bean - thank you hun :D.. i have got a major headache now so not staying on for long, just checking in :( hopefully it'll disappear! cd6 i think (my timeline below will show) so im seeing this as my symptoms, that and hot flushes :( hey ho! how are you xx

chesca - sounds like the crystal worked for you, nice thought :D hope your ok..xx

aww poor amanda holden! i know she MC last year too quite far on, what a shame :( i wrote to her on twitter to send my love.. :)

other than the headaches im ok :) having some problems with 1 student colleague at the moment.. shes driving me mad! i have taken an interest in her friends pregnancy and asked how she is regularly, and i seen her friend the other week in the scan waiting room, apparently i said something out of context and they werent happy ? the only thing i asked was how she was and what does she think she would be doing after the baby work wise.. she was really ''HI HUN!... blah blah HUN'' so i didnt think she would be 2faced for no reason, bitch! I shouldt have to explain myself to her, were training to be nurses not bloody school ground children! apparently she thinks im taking too much of an interest in her friends pregnancy (for asking how she is)?? stupid woman!! does she not realise its something i want so bad that even though its difficult for me to ask about her friends pregnancy i like making sure everythings ok! her friend even showed me their scan 1st before anyone seen it... why do some people act like this!! bloody stupid!

sorry ladies :) i just needed to rant! but its done now lol!

Mrs G sorry that you are having a rough time. I know what you mean about the headaches.

I know that when I ask about somebody wh who is pregnant how they are, it is hard. I wonder how they would be if you were not kind and didn't ask. We know ho you feel so rant as much as you need. xxxxxx
thanks bean, it just rifes me! i cant be doing with people like that, im quite open and honest, if i have something to say i say it (within reason) and mean it, it deffinatly shows everybody is different!

how are you xx

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