Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Some people are just mean hun. I am a very open person, not so much in the way that if somebody has upset me i will tell them, but in a wear my heart on my sleeve kind of way. I find that all to often people take advantage of that. XX

I am ok thank you. Trying really hard not to ss. I am about day 19 (I think) Have got a 21 day blood test next week, even though it may be more like day 25. Am terrified tbh -Just found out that somebody else at work is pregnant. Am so scared of seeing a bfn - as I know we all are. XX One thing is for sure, we are not alone on here. XX
hey ladies!

sorry ive not been on - had a mad week! had my interview friday and then went away for the weekend til monday - it was fab! very rainy and windy but fab - then got the call mon am to say id got the job and could I start on weds - then got home to a call about my grandma in law and had to call out the dr and go round etc, tues had dummy run to new job, yesterday started new job (I have to get up at 6am and drive 40 mins away - yikes) new job is fab! its only temp but is brill - theres a chance of a higher up, perm job and I think ill try for it! so ive been up at the crack of dawn and then home late and then swim, gym etc. then last night my other grandma in law died and so did an old friend of mine - 34 years old - massive heart attack - :cry::nope: so its been a bit mad

hope youre all ok! fingers crossed for everyone :dust:

afm - Im not sure if Ive ovd or not - I feel like I have - I suppose tmros temps will tell

if I dont get chance to pop in tmro have a good weekend everyone :flower:
Hey Rowan

Fab news about job and weekend way. Really pleased for you.

Really sorry though to hear that you have such bad news aswell. Sending you a hug hun. XX
Hello ladies.

So, my access to BnB from work seems to have been stopped. Wtf? It lets me log in OK but the minute I open a thread it crashes - been like it for a week now. I am (naively) hoping it will be OK next week but some how doubt it will. So I have not been around much :cry:

Bean, do you always have your blood test on CD21? I was told 7 days post surge (OPK +) or 21 if no surgewas detected? I doubt it makes much difference but thought I'd mention it. Hope the next 2 weeks fly by for you, I am sending dust. X

Rowan, I'm so pleased about your job. Very long days but worthwhile I'm sure. Sorry about all the other stuff though - it sure always comes all at once! Dust to you... X

MrsG, awful situation you are in. I hope you can distance yourself from this girl suitably - you don't need that sort of crap in your life. She sounds very immature. Hope this is your cycle. X

Cesca, all the luck in the world with the IUI. X

Hi to everyone else and I hope you are all well and optimistic for BFP's soon. :dust: to one and all. X

Afm, I bought a Doppler and it arrived last Saturday. I promised myself I would use it once a week but have of course used it once a day! Only for a minute though (as if that makes me more in control somehow) :haha: Anyway, I am a changed woman, I have hardly worried at all this week and that is the first time since I can remember. Its such a good feeling and long may it continue. Really looing forward to my next scan 7th March.

Catch up with you all soon, Hopes. X
Thanks ladies :)

yey for your doppler Hopes - I think I wuld be very much obsessed :) thats brilliant that its easing your worries hon - really fab x
Rowan - Yay for your newjob!:thumbup: Meant to be! So sorry about the other sad news tho :flower: x
Hopes - Glad your doppler has eased your mind and glad your doing well :winkwink: xx
Bean - FX you have ovulated hun O:) x
Chesca - Thanks for the info i will try that tbh i'd try anything it's driving me mad!!:thumbup:
Mrs G - Bloody stupid cows!:growlmad: I would blatently ignore both of them after i'd said my point! Who needs that! I'm mad for you! :gun:

AFM - I'm due to ovulate in a few days hoping it will be Valentines wouldn't that be lovely and to get a BFP at the end of the month would be a dream come true!! FX! :D
Hi all

Hopes i normally have a 27/28 day cycle. Although last month was 35 and i did not ovulate. So if i have ovulated then hopefully when i go it will be ok. I have not done any opks as they really stressed me out last month. Hope you are well hun. XX

Baby dust to everyone else XXXXX

Had some mega cramps over night and this morning felt quite sick aswell! That didn't happen last month! The line on my stick is definately getting darker so maybe just ovulation...hopefully.
Hiya ladies,

Sorry i've not been on since the weekend!

Mrs G - can't believe she went off like that, some people can be so rude!!

Rowan - I'm so sorry.... sendinh you some :hugs:

I want one - hope the cramps have gone and you are feeling better.

Hopes - What's a Doppler?

Beanwood - I too am having those exact feelings. So many of my work colleagues and my friends are pregnant, I am really genuinely happy for them all but it's just so so hard to deal with. :hugs:

Update on me - day 13 scan today, I have 2 follicles measuring 15.5 and 15. The one that is the 'maybe follicle' is still just that, it measured 24 on sat but it has shrunk to 18 today so it's either a follicle left over from last month or is a fluid area. Back on wednesday for scan and bloods again which tbh fits in with my CBFM. Had my first high on Friday, I usually get 5 highs followed by 2 peaks - which would fall on wednesday.... fingers crossed.

:dust: to all :hugs:

Chesca - Fingers crossed hun

I have been for my progesterone blood test tonight so fingers crossed that I have ovulated. XXX
Hiya All..

I'm new to this site and just thought i'd join in...

We have been ttc for almost 4years, Have had numerous tests and it was discovered i don't ovulate, i had surgery in Oct '10 and it was found that my left tube and ovary were totally blocked and nothing could be done to repair... my right side was also blocked but thankfully was cleared and is now working fine.. I have just started taking 50mg clomid on cd2-6... I am on cd 10 and have my cd11 scan tomorrow to see if i have any follies fx... i have my cd21 bloods to see if i've ovulated...

I have my FX for you all ttc and for those with BFP I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months... Tons Of baby dust to you all

xx Cath xx
Hi cath

Welcome. Hope that clomid is the answer for you and you get a bfp. Good luck. XX
Thanks Beanwood, I really hope so too, its so encouraging reading all the success stories and knowing that there is light at the end of tunnel xx

I really hope that your stay here is short (if you know what I mean). There are lots of success stories with clomid. I got a bfp on my first round - unfortunetly it ended in mc, but I had been trying for 2 years with no success. XX
Hi All, just back from my scan and from what they say its good news... I was so scared going this morning... I am cd 11 and have a single 20mm follie and endo is 9.1mm... not to sure how good this is...

Good luck and fx for you all xx

Hello Cath, welcome!! Thats perfect couldn't be any better! Now you've just got to get on it! lol! FX for BFP! x

To everyone else FX and baby dust to all x
welcome in cath :) FX you wont be waiting too long, such a shame about all your problems.. i have PCOS and im taking clomid - if it helps any i got a bfp after cycle 2, hopefully it wont take that long for you. :D

hey girls, how are you all? im having cd12 follie scans tomorrow, pray for some big eggs for me :D xxx
Am praying for big eggs for you hun.

Cath - sounds like it all went well today.

Hi everybody else - Rowan how is the job going? XX
Mrs G - Fingers crossed hun! Big eggs! Big eggs! Big eggs! :thumbup:

AFM - I don't think my pos is working I can't tell which line is the darkest! :shrug: Ive used all 7 now and am none the wiser! Also no CM like normal in the lead up?? Is this due to robitussin? Any way the 2WW begins FX! x
Mrs G - How did you get on poppet??

I've decided to change my counter to 32 day cycle cause thats what it was last month. I have no idea if I'm past ov or not and i can't bear the 2WW! It kills me but hey no choice in the matter!
I keep sneezing think I might be coming down with something.

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