Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Hey Mrs G how did you get on?

I want one - hope that you are not coming down with anything.

Hi everybody else - Hopeful, Rowan, Hopes, Dream..........
bean - hey hun, thank you for keeping an eye out for me, iv just managed to get online been a hectic day. how are you? xx

i want one - thanks hun :) good luck in the tww i have my fingers firmly crossed for you!! FX :dust: im not doing opk's this month, im going to BD every other day and hope for the best, go in blind(er) this month :D xx

hopeful, rowan, hopes and dream i hope your all doing ok. rowan with your excercising and job search :D xx

afm - well i went for my scan today and had one 17mm follie on my RIGHT ovary so FX this is the one, its the 1st cycle out of my clomid journey where i have ovulated from my right ovary so im hoping thats a good sign :D its big enough to release an egg now so when it does release in a few days it will be big enough :lol: were bd'ing every other day to take the pressure off, and i am not telling my husband when i ovulate or using opk's because he doesnt perform when i demand bd because im ovulating ha! xxx
Welcome Cath:flower: Sounds like you are responding very well to the Clomid:thumbup:

Bean, how are you feeling hun? What CD?

Mrs G, Good luck! My DH is the same way about knowing when I ovulate, better to keep it a secret:winkwink:

I want one, its so frustrating with the opk's. I used to get a blazing posiive on Clomid but now its no even close:nope: Do you temp? Sorry if I asked already....

Rowan, Dream, Reba, Hopes....BIG :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

AFM, no positive opk yet :dohh: Still hoping and praying that O is being shy :shrug:
Hi Ladies

I have literally 1 minute! No B&B at work and read only on my iPhone is shocking! May have to call IT today and see if they can do something.

Just wanted to send dust to you all and Bean, have you got your results yet? I am keeping everyting x'ed for a big progesterone figure! X

Probably catch up at the weekend now. Hopes. X

Im new to this site, Ive been reading many different web groups & this one seems the most supportive & non judgemental. So the more Ive read the more I feel I have in common with so many of you ladies. Here's my story: I was married in May of 09 to my husband who has no children of his own, I have 2 from a previous marriage Boy 10 & Girl 8. We had planned on trying to try to get pregnant a year from our marriage BUT as god has other plans we got pregnant in January of 2010. We were so excited:dance: BUT lost that baby at our 10 wk appointment when we noticed my progesterone dropped. Long story short we ended up haveing 2 misscarriages & 1 chemical pregnancy last year. I am on my second month of clomid 50mg days 3-9 (on day 5 today) I was just slightly happy we didnt get pregnant last month because my day 23 progesterone level was "OK" but Not the best. I guess the reason Im writing is because we will go for our first "Follicle Scan" on day 13 & had seen so many posts & was a little nervous about what to expect. Can anyone give me an idea?

Thanks So much & Im happy to have someone to talk too.:flower:
Hi ladies. New to this thread but losing my virginity this cycle on my first round of Clomid 50 mg CD3-CD7. On CD 14, which is my usual O day, but no +OPK yet. Getting a little nervous about it. Have four good follies right now- 21.5, 19.5, 19.5, 19 as of yesterday morning. I survived the meds with just a few side effects but where is O???
Hi all! Welcome all newbies :)
Titi it's usual for clomid to delay ov slightly! Don't worry!!
Sevier the scans are fine! Just a quick internal us where they'll measure and count follies and your endometrium. They'll then tell you when is best to dtd!
Hope everyone is ok? Sorry I've been AWOL lately, been feeling a bit down so stayed away from bnb other than updating journal!
Had a call from nurse today, our ivf referral has Defo been sent... Yay! Dh has his urology appointment on Monday to see if there a varicocele or something!
Lots of love xxx
Thanks Dreamofabean for that it takes alot off of my mind. I couldnt believe

when the nurse told me what I was doing that I forgot to ask "How" they

were going to do it. :dohh:LOL Sometimes I just get caught up in all the other

questions I forget some of the "little" ones. I will have my scan on the 25th in

the morning. I hope all is well with you (you had mentioned u were down). :cry:

Wish me luck that all looks great & baby dust to all.:dust:
servier - hey hun, welcome to the site, im also cd13 today :D looks like were in this together. . . :) my clomid days ar 2-6 and i have scans on cd 12 to ensure my follies have grown, i normally get hot flushes and slight light cramping, but the last 2 clomid cycles i havnt had that many symptoms, i also mc last year in november and im hoping this being my 4th cycle i get my bfp. good luck xx

hopes, good to hear from you, i hope your doing ok xx

tititimes2 - welcome in hun :) you sound like your follies are set up! wow 4!! good size too.. FX you catch 1 or two of them :D good luck xx

dream - i hope your doing ok, i know what you mean about staying away sometimes its easier, im really glad your ivf referral has gone and hopefully you will hear from then soon :D good luck with it hun, xx

afm - i still cant believe my right ovary is producing follies, its always been my left, my dh thinks this could be a good sign so fx.
How is everyone, rowan we havnt heard from you in a while, miss u hope your ok xxx
Hiya All,

Feeling pretty rubbish today if i'm honest, i have horrendous pain in my side, dont know if its O pain as i dont know what to expect, i'm cd13 and have cycles of 27 days regular so maybe this is it...

Hope your all doing good and fx for your :bfp: this month

Tons of :dust: to you all

Cath xx
Welcome sevier and tititimes.

Sevier -I have not had any scans for follies so can't help there I am afraid. Sorry about that hun.

Tititimes -I stopped using OPKs this cycle as they never worked for me, but as dream says it could be a bit delayed.

Cath- I had really bad ovulation pains this time.

Hopes - hey nice to hear from you.

Mrs G - sending you a hug.

Dream - glad your refferal is progressing

AFM - blood test normal so i think that must mean i have ovulated. I have no figures as that is all they would say. XX
Hi everyone!

good grief what a mad busy week Ive had - am logging on quick whie DH is off to buy milk, wine and chocolate! Will pop back tmro tho as am off for my friends funeral and will be mooching about the house on my own in the afternoon

welcome to all the new ladies! Fingers crossed for you all!

hope everyones ok!

Im exhausted! After 5 months off work its such a shock to be back and the days are so long and busy and the drive pretty long too! Phew! only been to gym once this week - I was saying to my friends who are on mat leave be prepared for a shock to the system when you go back to work!

Ladies, guess my worrying was for nothing. :dance: I got my +opk just now on CD15. Hoping to get that sticky bean this month! Go Clomid, go Clomid, Go Clomid :bodyb:


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Hi Rowan Nice to hear that you are ok hun even though you are exhausted.

Tititimes - yeah to pos opk - I really hope clomid does it for you. XX

AFM - I really feel like af due - really dry own below. Have no hpts an to scared to buy any. xx
TitiTimes2- I just bought that same test, Ihope it works 4 me. What cycle day are you on & How many days are your cycles. Congrats by the way now you just need to BD every other day:happydance:

I have 30 day cycles & am on day 6 now.

Thanks everyone for the welcome your all very kind:hugs:
afternoon ladies

had a sad sad morning today - so pants to lose friends :cry: some lovely tributes tho to a true legend

did a poas today - dont know why! bfn of course! ff reckons we had a good chance this month even tho we werent trying and I didnt ov too early this month which was good - I have ovd most months since clomid so thats a good thing - hopefully my phase of v early ov is past!

Im still pretty confused about ttc - sometimes I just want to call it quits and get on with our lives and sometimes I want to ttc again.. I swing between the two - am not broody at all at the mo - not sure if im stopping myself from being or if Im genuinely not broody? have stopped watching one born..we ended up snapping at eachother last time we did and admitted to eachother we were only watching it cos we thought the other wanted to!

how are you all feeling?

fingers crossed for everyone :dust:
Oh Rowan - sorry about this morn it have been really distressing, I can't even imagine.

I did a test also and got bfn. XX
Sorry about the bfns girls :( Rowan I can only imagine how hard today was honey :(
Yay to the pos opk titi!! :) nothing to report here!
TitiTimes2- I just bought that same test, Ihope it works 4 me. What cycle day are you on & How many days are your cycles. Congrats by the way now you just need to BD every other day:happydance:

I have 30 day cycles & am on day 6 now.

Thanks everyone for the welcome your all very kind:hugs:

Hi, servier! :hi: I am on CD16 and my first Clomid cycle. I am a spot on - almost to the hour -28 day girl. So far no changes - I thought my O date may be moved but I got confirmation of the LH surge right on time so seems like things are on track. I am glad though that Clomid helped tremendously with my follicle count and size. The really matured this cycle. So hoping and praying I'll get that BFP!

What days are you taking Clomid? That test is great. I was bummed the first few times I got the big empty O but the wait for the smiley face was worth it!

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