Clomid when already ovulating


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
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I've been prescribed clomid for unexplained infertility after TTC for 22 months with no BFP. I have regular cycles (usually 28 days), hubby has good swimmers and I've had my tubes checked (HSG) and all fine.

We've been told to just keep trying naturally as we are not eligible for any treatment until TTC for three years. However, FS says I can have six months of clomid now if I want.

I've done lots of research on the net about clomid when already ovulating and I have mixed feelings about whether to try it or not. I'm worried about the long term effects of it and whether I should put something in my body if it doesn't need it. Plus the FS said there's no evidence that it actually increases your chances when you're already ovulating.

On the other side I'm thinking it's got to be worth a shot. Plus the 10% chance of twins is making me feel incredibly excited!

Can anyone help? Anyone had experience of clomid when already ovulating regularly??? Thanks!
Hi Peekaboo,

I'm in almost exactly the same situation. 24 months TTC, all tests have come back OK. Did get a BFP a year ago but mc. After the mc i was offered Clomid but a said no as i was also aware of the evidence that it doesn't increase the chances for those already ovulating. However, another year later and i felt differently! I've just taken my first round - no side-effects but no BFP either.

My feelings on it are that it's a licensed drug that's been around for 30 years so i'm confident there aren't any serious long-term effects. Yes, the evidence does say that for those with "unexplained fertility" it doesn't increase the chance of pregnancy. However, i have read about one study that showed it did increase chances for those who had been trying for more than 3 years. This suggests that for these people, it wasn't really "unexplained" just that modern medicine doesn't yet have a test to detect what was wrong - it might be some really small hormonal problem that they can't detect.

So, i feel like at worst i'm taking a pill that whilst may not help, isn't going to harm me either and at best, it might just do the trick! Of course, it might just happen anyway and you'll never know whether it was the Clomid or not - but by that point, who cares!!

Sorry to waffle on, hope this helps.


I too have been ttc for 24 months, i got pregnant on my 2nd round of clomid, but m/c at 8 weeks....Im now back on clomid and having hcg shot also..

My gynae seems to think its all about timing and getting the meds right..I too am ovulating normally...

I just live in hope it will happen, and see that beautiful heartbeat..
hi...i was ovulating fine but due to my only ovary having polycysts on i was put on clomid...just the lowest dose of 50mg days 2-6. currently on cycle 4, started off feeling very hopeful but now worrying i only have 2 mths supply left & if we dont get a bfp then its over to iui for us :( i havent felt any different while taking clomid but def have responded well to it....xx

I've just finished my sixth round of clomid - I do ovulate on my own but my AMH is a bit low and I've had a short lp since coming off the pill. The clomid has helped to lengthen my cycles, so I feel it was worth a try, but not a sniff of a bfp. Like Dancingkaty, I think we're probably going to try IUI next.
Thanks ladies, I think I am swaying towards giving it a go as I've nothing really to lose. I spoke to a lady at a private clinic to ask her opinion and she said its a very mild fertility drug with no long term side effects so I don't think it will hurt to try it and see what happens. I really hope it brings me a BFP! Good luck to all of you too. xx
Hi there!

Just a quick question ... we have been ttc#1 for 18 months now, and have just been told by the FS (on thurs) that we have unexplained infertility (all tests clear, incl hsg), to go away keep trying, or go for private ivf, or come back in 3 yrs, and by when you have less of a chance of concieving anyway! :growlmad:

No mention of any drugs being offered ... :saywhat:

Was there a bmi limit for just being prescribed something i.e. clomid (without having ivf/iui)?

Thanks in advance for any advice, im going a bit doollally :wacko:

LM xx
I was ov and got pregnant 2nd cycle of clomid ( I only have one tube).

I felt outrageously good on clomid although I know this isnt really the norm. I was euphorically happy for the 5 day that I was taking it.

I would have no hesitation recommending it, albeit I hear what you are saying about taking something you dont need.

What I would say is that most FS will want to do 6 mths of clomid before IVF or other courses of action so I would maybe do this so you dont have 6mths to wait when you do in fact reach the top of the waiting list.

Best of luck. XX
My fs told me that clomid increases chance of more eggs which slightly increases chances.
Little Mermaid - its so frustrating isn't it as FS's in different places seem to recommend different things. Our FS said pretty much the same thing - to go away and keep trying naturally, as they would only refer us for IUI after three years. However, she said before trying IUI they usually give 'unexplained' couples clomid for six months so she said it was up to us whether we waited another six months to start it, so that if that didn't work we would be pretty much at the three year mark and then could be referred straight for IUI - or we can try it now for six months, but if it doesnt work they won't do anything else in the meantime until we get to the three year stage. At first I was reluctant to take clomid, but think I'm going to go for it as we've nothing to lose.

Its really bad that people in different areas seem to get different advice though. Might be worth you looking up the NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence) guidelines for fertility treatment - I found them a while ago - its a document you can find if you search google. It gives some info on what to expect at different stages.

Martine - hope I'm like you and feel good on clomid - and hope its brings me a BFP!! COngratulations to the ladies that have had their BFP with clomid. x
Hi there
i'm currently taking clomid for unexplained infertilty, this is my 1st month on it and am just waiting for af (or hopefully a BFP) at the moment. We've been trying since aug 07, and we were offered either IUI or clomid at our last appt, but went for the clomid cos i thought it was the least invasive of the 2. We're only trying it for 3 months though and then gooing for IUI. Our consultant said that it can increase the chances because you produce more follicles, and so are more likely to get a nice mature one.

Good luck anyway whatever you decide

Hi mrssunshine, isn't it weird how people are given different options! So you were offered clomid OR IUI. We were only offered clomid at this stage, but can be referred for IUI after we've been TTC for 3 yrs.

Good luck on the clomid - hope it brings you your BFP! x
TTC 18 months unexplained infertility, 1st round clomid 3 eggs bfn, second round 2 eggs bfn, taking a break this round... clomid is a wicked lil pill, and i ovulate regularly.
Bear in mind the the NICE guidelines look at "bang for the buck" for health boards, and are very cost focused rather than what is neccesaily gives the best results for patients.

Another thing to google would be the protocol for your particular health board, as they can all vary. The variations in protocol can also be affected by particular dr's clinical judgement. I had a gp who doesnt believe in drugs and thinks the answer to fertility problems is yoga, and will not ever refer to the FS.

I agree the inconsistencies are fairly appalling!

Anyway best of luck and I hope it goes well. X
I know this is a VERY old thread, but it's the only one I found like it, so maybe we can get some new responses.

I Ovulate on my own and my I am starting Clomid for the first time in May. Dr. is putting me on 100mg (3-7). I'm 37 so maybe that is why he is starting me high. I also read it can cause early miscarriages which I thought was odd since that seems to be my problem.
Hi Hope,

I'm really glad this thread has been resurrected again. I'm going through secondary infertility. All bloods came back normal and I have now been asked to have ultrasounds and HSG. Hopefully, if those come back clear I will be prescribed Clomid. I know they do prescribe it to help mature your eggs to the max. Fingers crossed it happens to you! I haven't actually heard about it causing miscarriages. I thought it did the opposite in fact.

Good luck hon and let us know how you get on xxxx
Spockette - have you done Clomid before? Good luck with your tests, I just went through a bunch of that.
I finished my 6 months of clomid 2 months ago and I didn't ovulate last month but still had a period. Same again this month I think. No ovulation once again. Before clomid I ovulated perfectly on day 14 of a 18 day cycle.

So frustrating!! I feel it has actually caused problems and nobody has any info, nothing on the net either :-/
Sarahlou - that is what I am afraid of. Are you going to stay on clomid or try something else?

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