Hiya guys, am coming to join you. My story so far is thus: I'm Claire, 34 and married to my 2nd husband, the loml. I've been ttc forever, 5 years + with my ex and over 2 years with my dh. He already has a child with his ex and so we don't qualify for ivf in our area. The story with his ex and dd is a long and very arduous one but she basically hates me and won't let his dd have anything to do with me, which has put a strain on us and our ttc journey. His dd is his 'miracle baby' and sometimes that makes me feel very inadequate. Having a baby is primal need in me, yet he doesn't seem too bothered a lot of the time.
I'm currently 11dpo and started my first round of clomid this cycle. Have managed to link in my chart on my sig so pls feel free to have a look and tell me what u think.
I'm trying to remain hopeful that it will happen for me, but part of me dies every month when AF arrives.
Well that's me guys - sorry if Ive bummed u all out x
Welcome!!!!!! I know I joined because I ass needing more support as my husband feels ge needs to be manly and doesn't really care to talk ovulation, how many days past, or CM. I know its very disappointing to him as well. But I think he is staying stronge so I don't break down. Good luck and stay positive.
Day three of clomid!!! Oh man yesterday I gad this headache that seemed to be an annoying ache, it was just there all day, however no sign of that this morning but my boobs are achy so bad, I feel if you touch them I could cry! Two more days of pills, but we have alreadfy started doing the baby dance since I have always had AF visit for only a short amount of time, 4 days Max! So we jumped on the first chance we got since my dh has CQ, 24 hour duty fir those who aren't military, on Friday and that is prime to start the baby dancing!!! Dang army, always interferring one way or another!
Seems a few of us have very close cycle days! That is awesome!!! Cycle buddies!!
Lots of baby dust! And keep positive!!