Thats horrible!!!! How rude of them!!! Sorry, getting angry here on your behalf . I am right in remembering you are not being monitored right?
The norm for somebody with PCOS is start on 50mg. If first cycle fails to make you O then you should be put straight up to 100mg and so on
They are screwing with your life here. The most clomid months you are allowed is 6 and If they waste them on a dose that isn't necessarily making you O then whats the point. GGGRRRRR.
When you call can you be transferred straight to the nurses station? Don't let them bully you around. Just because you are being publicly funded, you still have the right to proper health care.
Im so pissed for you!!
Good luck hun. Hopefully temp will rise dramaticly tomorrow so none of it matters. Good luck honey. Thinking of you