Close baby carrier...


Bella's Mummy
Oct 18, 2007
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Have just ordered mine and can't wait to get it. Have tried every other type of carrier/sling going and just can't get on with them.

Does anyone have this wrap and how do you like it?
I have this one. bloody cost enough too! lol

I have only used it a handful of times though as Tabs gets soooooo hot where she is so big. It is very comfortable though and the weight distributes nicely so long as you have the positioning right.
Would recommend you practise practise with it loads before going out with it though so you get used to the feel of it.
Its going to be more of a winter one for me and Tabs because of the heat.
I got a 2nd hand mothercare one too-out and about earth tour and that is really comfy for the school runs at the mo without both of our lil hot bods together lol.
What colour are you getting?
think she was about 8 weeks here....


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i just orderd a charcoal one.cant wait. am going to try and carry him most of the day as per the continuum thery.
I have it and Caitlyn loves it. I found it a bit complicated before I knew how to put it on properly. Practice makes perfect!
i just orderd a charcoal one.cant wait. am going to try and carry him most of the day as per the continuum thery.

I was hoping to do this to some extent but to be honest Tabs is so big i can hardly see past her in it let alone make a sandwich etc.
Need to have sturdy shoes on too!
I did use it to put the washing out though when she was going through her choking phase a couple of weeks ago.
I ordered Pistachio green. Got a bit of a thing about pale green! Can't wait, should be here in the morning. so excited!!
i was bought a red one and having now sussed getting on i find it dead comfy .... well worth having. one tip read the instructions ...

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