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{CLOSED} All we want for Christmas is a BFP!!

At 10dpo I was bloated, tired, tender bbs, had some cramping and also got pink cm that day
Hello everyone, my name is Kayla and I am Nichole's friend from MFP. Nichole and I started chatting on MFP and we realized that we have a lot more in common than just our desire to drop pounds.

Here is a little (ok now that I am done typing I noticed it was actually a lot) about me. I am 26 and my DH is 25. We started dating Nov. of 2005 and we both went to Iowa State together, got engaged in Oct. of 2009, and then got married in June of 2011. We are currently the parents of 2 cats and a dog. We started TTC our first baby in Jan of 2012. We had no luck but kept trying for a year, I tried everything I could think of- we used every kind of fertility monitor, ovulation predictor, temperature readings, etc. I decided it was time to talk to my doctor. They tried putting me on different birth control pills and then taking me back off of them to see if that would increase my odds but after trying that and being unsuccessful it was time to move on to a new doc. In late April my husband and I both had everything tested and his tests came back with great results and mine came back mediocre. In June I started my first round of 50 mg clomid and that did nothing so we bumped it up and tried it again at 100 mg in July, I was able to get pregnant but miscarried late August. My doc wanted me to wait 2 cycles before I started clomid again. We are now on our round of 100 mg of clomid this month, we get to test in 6 days.

Thanks again for letting me into this group. I really appreciate it.

Welcome, Kayla! :flower: FX'd :dust: and hoping you get your rainbow baby soon!

OH and I split today.

Thanks ladies. I really appreciate all the thoughts and support. I'm okay. Really tired, feel very comatose. This just feels like a terrible dream. We got into a fight that escalated, and I called it quits. I grabbed an overnight bag and left. We have been having the same exact fight over and over again, to no avail. He isn't interested, or willing, to go to a therapist at the moment, so I'm kind of at my wits end.

I'm so sorry he wouldn't come around, Amanda! :( :hugs::hugs::hugs: Sending you prayers of strength and peace and whatever else you need right now [-o<


Many :hugs: for all you are going through, BB!


420!!!!! My number is 420!!!!

We were hoping for between 220 and 300 and we got 420!!!!!

Progesterone is 23.4. Doc is SUPER happy.

More bloods on thurs and once we break into the 1,000 mark she will schedule an ultrasound!!!!


Whoo hoo, congrats!!! :flower::happydance::happydance:

Thanks Ladies! I am totally in love with Elianna now.
What do you think of Elianna Rae (short for Rachel) Ellie Rae for short?



Hugs and well wishes to all in need! Even if I haven't responded individually, I've read all and I'm thinking of each of you. TTC is so hard and I want you all to get your bfps! :hugs:


AFM: Diarrhea has stayed gone, but I've had to watch what I eat. The weather changed again and DH and I have been battling sinus ick. (Ugh, this is what we get for living in "Sinus Valley", as they call it.) We used what strength we had to get what should be the last of the Christmas shopping done and fill out our IVF consult paperwork and gather our financial paperwork. I'm having trouble sleeping tonight, partly due to the weather having me on edge, and partly due to being excited/nervous for the IVF consult.

Gonna try and lay down again :sleep:
I dont really have any symptoms. Im completely exhausted, my back is sore, a few twinges, and my face is trying to break out.. but that's really it. A bit edgy, and i had this whole big crazy dream last night that i was pregnant with twins. One boy and one girl. I'd be perfectly content with just one :)

STG, very excited for you! I've been battling the snot this week, too. Eewww. Feel better!
Rach- I LOOOVE Ellie Rae! "Elianna Rae get your BUTT UPSTAIRS!!" So perfect ;)
I was gonna suggest Ellie Mae, but it sounds way too Southern- cute, but Southern lol.

Nichole- I never had boob pain until I was like 12+ weeks. The cycle I got pg I found that instead of being crampy 2-5 DPO as usual (prob from progesterone) instead, I was ttly fine until 6 DPO hit (implantation time) and then I started feeling crampy out of nowhere and also I remember from 6-10 DPO I had crazyyy amounts of creamy cm. I remember the day before I tested (10 DPO) I stood up from my desk at work and thought "oh great, AF is here" but it was just loads of cm! Then it kept up from 6-14 DPO and really ever since! I also became ravenously hungry around 8-9 DPO (after implantation, I'd assume). My nausea didn't kick in until exactly 5.5 weeks (had none AT ALL), but then I puked my brains out every morning until 16 weeks. :)
i had SUPER sore boobs, which i never had before. my prog was very high that cycle also (29), so maybe i just iddnt have high prog previously. i had a bit of blood in a blob of CM on 6dpo - happened only once. no other symptoms (even now) - i did NOT have extra CM, or dizziness or nauseousness or anything. maybe a bit more hungry, but i put that to working out more. and a few cramps that were more like instant stabs of pain instead of AF constant pain.
Morning girls!
FX for you Nichole!!
I couldn't sleep last night so my temp is not reliable.
nichole- I had IB on 10dpo but if it wasn't for that I would have never known.

Rachel- love Ellie Rea ... however what about Ella Bella (or is that too rhyme-e).
I woke up with stabby pains in my uterus and ovary area. Also had what I thought was vivid dreams but I forget then now. I remember they were odd though. 2 more days and then it's ic testing time.
Nichole, fx! Sounds super promising!!

I'm having some little crampy twinges come and go today. And I mentioned my crazy twin dream earlier..
I want to check my cm for ib or if I'm having more of it but the progesterone makes that difficult.

Good luck Sandy! I so want us to be bump buddies :)
I want is to be, too!! :) i have lots of cm, but that's not really unusual for me.. that would be hard with you the supplemental progesterone ..
I know, rigjt?! It was so specific. A boy and a girl. I woke up like "Oh crap! " One is plenty :)
Morning Ladies!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I ate WAY TOO much, then went black friday shopping at 1am with my sister...AF has finally left so I'm getting everything prepared to start our BD-athon next week.

I spent some of yesterday and today trying to catch up.

Rachel- I really like Elianna Rae! -- We had talked about Ellie for a girl but it would have been Elisette Jane (Ellie Jane for short)....but it's kind of hard to pronounce Elisette when i was practicing yelling it lol we opted for Olivia Jane instead.

Amelia - Congrats Mama!! I'm glad your bean stuck around can't wait for it to makes its film debut!

TTWers -- who's testing this week?

Amanda, I'm so sorry you and OH split, We're all here for you :hugs:
Good luck Brittney!!

Katrina, agree. I will take whatever and however many God blessed us with. As I'm sure we all will.

Im going to test Friday. That is 11 dpo, but also, 9 dpo if ff was right and my O date changed. Not that i think it did.. but just in case! Last time i got a BFP on a Friday at what i figured out later was 11 dpo. Fx for a good omen!
I will test again if I feel like it, if not af or being pregnant will show up eventually.
If she doesn't show I am guessing I might test Thursday or Friday because dh and I are going out of town this weekend.

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