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{CLOSED} All we want for Christmas is a BFP!!

I agree sooooooo much! It's so frustrating. I got pregnant after 10 months on a fluke.. it's so frustrating. People can be so inconsiderate. It's like, yeah, we've enjoyed our time -- WE WANT A BABY! I'm sorry you have to deal with those people, too.
I appreciate that you ladies always listen and don't judge. :)

On a bright note.. twinge-y and backache-y. Ooooh FX! I wanna POAS. haha
Ladies, your thoughts: my best friend IRL just texted me a picture of her bfp. It was a total surprise. She's getting married this upcoming year. Would anyone mind if I invited her to come chat? She needs supportive ladies like you all.
if you invite her, i think it should be to BabyMamas, not over here.
only speaking for myself, but i liked having a delineation between the ttc side and the preg side. i love that we can go back and forth, but sometimes it's nice to feel our feelings without worrying about anyone being upset - make sense?
Sounds like a lovely trip, Katrina! :flower::thumbup:

Double FX'd for you, Nichole, and Sandy! Hope this is your month!

Hope you ladies get those bfps soon!!!

the power line next to my house got busted by a tree branch so we are out of power until pg&e comes and fixes it ugh

Yikes and bummer. Hope they fix it soon!

Congrats on your confirmation scan, :flower: although sorry you got a goofy nurse. :wacko:


to clarify, he does want it to work, but he doesn't want to put the effort it. relationships are hard, and they take a lot, but we don't get to snap our fingers and make it okay. It has boiled down to a few things, ultimately figuring out if we make each other happy and give each other what we need from one another in a partner. I feel that I need more from him. I need to be engaged, I need to feel like I truly have a partner, I need to know that he understands what I need (and respects it, doesn't belittle me) and he feels that I am asking too much and need to accept him as is. So, we're at quite the standoff.

:hugs: Amanda :hugs: I'm just so sorry you're having to deal with such a situation, and I'm sorry Britt and Amelia had to deal with similar situations :hugs: although yay for winding up in a better place, Britt and Amelia.

IA with Amelia, this sounds like a corner situation, and turning the corner, as hard as it is, will give you an opportunity to end up in a better place.

And if he's not willing to work on being a more equal and respectful partner, then that's whack.


Sorry, some put it on a journal the other day it was so fitting I saved it. It fits the way I am feeling today perfectly. I will share it here too.
Never compare your journey with someone else’s. It’s a marathon with no finish line. Someone else may start out faster than you, may seem to progress more quickly than you, but every runner has their own pace. Your journey is your journey, not a competition.
- Cheryl Jacobs Nicolai

Excellent quote and advice, thanks for posting it! :thumbup:


Sorry for those of you having to deal with insensitive people who don't get it, and for the general unfairness of our situation with IF.:hugs::hugs:

Ladies, your thoughts: my best friend IRL just texted me a picture of her bfp. It was a total surprise. She's getting married this upcoming year. Would anyone mind if I invited her to come chat? She needs supportive ladies like you all.

IA with Mirolee, that BabyMamas would be better for her, for the same reasons. ;)


AFM: The IVF consult went well, today. :) We got more info on the financial options, and found out that it's best to pay for the drugs out of pocket, rather than get a loan for them (because the loan brokers/banks want you to use their prefered RX companies which are way more expensive). Fortunately, DH makes good money and we've been good little savers and have enough in savings to take care of the drugs. As for the IVF package, we've applied for a loan through a broker that specializes in getting people loans for ART procedures, and we expect to be approved when they call back tomorrow to give us the news (we were approved for our house when we had much more debt and DH made less money, so we should def be approved now that we have much less debt and DH makes more money).

The doc approved me for the money back guarantee IVF program, and we have an IVF Education Day class scheduled for Dec. 27th (see my new ticker) with the IVF nurse. During class they will explain all about the procedure, the do's and don'ts during the treatment cycle for both DH and I, and will show me how to prepare my meds and inject myself with them (which should be no problem for me since I was a vet tech and know how to give various kinds of injections, although subcutaneous is a little different for humans with placement and technique, and I'll have to learn how to prepare these particular meds, but I never had problems learning new med prep). We also have more paperwork to fill out before that date, and one page will need to be filled out when we are at the clinic on the 27th, so we have witnesses at the clinic and don't need a notary. We also got a PC cd program that will play an informational video, that we are to watch before going in for the edu day.

I also learned that for the first IVF cycle, I will be doing pre-cycle suppression for 1 month using BCP because of the endo (studies have shown that doing so can increase the odds of success). The last time I tried BCP's when I was in high school (in an attempt to have lesser AF cramps), they made me too nauseous to continue, so I hope that doesn't happen again. If it does the doc says I can stop and carry on doing IVF without it, but I'm hoping it doesn't come to that. If it makes me nauseous but doesn't make me throw up, I may be able to tough it out for a month. We'll see.

I also learned that if I get at least one really good day 5 embie, then the doc will recommend and do a single embryo transfer for IVF #1, instead of the typical two embie transfer, which is fine with me (even though a part of me would like a twofer, twins would be more risky and challenging, so I'll go with what the doc recommends). Of course, any viable embies would be frozen for a future FET.

I'm feeling very lucky to be able to afford this, and to have DH on board (he's totally gotten over the expense and now says that if it's worth that amount for college, it's worth that for a kid). Also, the doc said he was happy to move us on to IVF, if that is what we want, but seemed to really want to give femara+trigger+IUI a try for 3 cycles first (skipping injectables+IUI and moving onto IVF if that failed, due to the risk of overstimulation/too many follicles and canceled cycles with inject+IUI) and DH and I agreed that for our sanity, we want better odds and to move on to IVF, as planned, since we can. I understand why the doc is hopeful for femara+trigger+IUI (it would totally be worth a shot if we couldn't afford IVF) and that he was hoping to save us money and figuring that it was worth a shot to save money, but I'm glad he understands that only we can know if it's worth more to us to spend more money and have more peace of mind. Our doc is awesome. I'm thanking God for all my blessings, now. I know IVF will be challenging (esp. keeping to a finely timed med taking sched, and going to appointments early in the am, and who knows what side effects I'll be dealing with) but I'm blessed to be able to even try it.

My gut is telling me I've got that toxic pelvic crud that only IVF can avoid, anyway. I have zero confidence in this cycle, but I'm going to try my best and go for my doc assigned bunny days, anyway. At least we'll have fun. We already got a bonus bunny day in, today.

In other news, after our consult, we had lunch at The Pub (a British style pub). The food was delicious (DH got fish and chips, and I got a shepherd's pie, and then we shared a hot choco cookie with ice cream and caramel dessert). Alas, DH burnt his tongue a bit badly on the dessert. The plate was boiling and he at some hot molten cookie without the super cold ice cream to cool it. Poor guy.
Sigh...waiting for a bfp....torture :nope:

btw, my RE said I would ovulate 36-40 hours after my trigger shot. Well, I had the trigger Friday at 9am and had my temp spike at 5am Saturday... less than 24 hours later. So I guess i ovulated the same day of the shot? Goes against most of the info I read. Now I'm upset because I didn't BD Friday night :-( only Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. :cry:
Sigh...waiting for a bfp....torture :nope:

btw, my RE said I would ovulate 36-40 hours after my trigger shot. Well, I had the trigger Friday at 9am and had my temp spike at 5am Saturday... less than 24 hours later. So I guess i ovulated the same day of the shot? Goes against most of the info I read. Now I'm upset because I didn't BD Friday night :-( only Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. :cry:

I hope this is your month, too, Marie, and the torture ends for you! :hugs:

Sorry you had an earlier than expected O from the trigger. :hugs: At least you are in with a shot, though, so try not to worry, but I know that's easier said than done, so have some more :hugs:
You are too sweet :hugs:

I actually feel better after reading this
Yay, glad you found some helpful info and are feeling better. :)
STG what amazing info you got! I hope the IVF works for you. Mind if I ask how much it's going to cost?
STG, That's absolutely wonderful news!! I am just thrilled for you! So money back guarantee meaning either you get pregnant or it's free?? Fx for you soooo much! !

Bb, hope you are doing ok.. or as ok as can be expected. It is so tough, and that's putting it mildly I know.

Afm, i finished the tomato cage Christmas tree with solar christmas lights to take to the cemetery last night, but not without accidentally snipping the wires in half. Lucky for me, hubby had some electrical tape and expertise. :) I have no super symptoms today other than exhaustion, which could be attributed to working late and not enough sleep and a sore back on and off and hunger.. my cervix is closed up tighter than Fort Knox. Hope that stays around and I get a BFP Friday. I dont have anything that cant be attributed to something else.. but i didnt last time either. Just anxious to test!
What is a tomato cage Christmas tree?

Got my fingers tightly crossed for you :)
I took a wire tomato cage (a round wire enclosure that they put around tomatoes to gelp support them as they grow), turned it upside down and covered it with green garland that i secured. Then i added solar Christmas lights and some ornaments.
The tree sounds really awesome.

I woke up feeling really pessimistic. I feel like I'm going to be out again this month.
That sounds lovely Sandy. You should add pictures :)

We made very simple Christmas Tree decorations today. They look really good on the tree. I was saying to Hubby our tree is "too grown up" as we it's all very colour co-ordinated so have added some kids stuff to it and it now looks great :)

I also bought a grow your own Christmas Tree in town. Tristan enjoyed putting it together :)

Here's the decorations and our tree
How cute BB!

& Sandy that sounds awesome, could I find a tomato cage at Michael's, Joann's, or Hobby Lobby? I found a bunch on Pinterest cutely decorated, what a great idea. Also found some solar snowflake stick-ins at Target that I think we'll take over to Jaxon. Gma bought some poinsettias for him at church Sunday, too. Makes me feel a bit better about now having his bench in yet, I guess. Hope you're doing well btw <3
How cute!

This is my Pinterest project .. complete with solar Christmas lights :) I have some little red bows i might add.. idk.


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Morgan, we got them at Menards. And thanks. Its tough, but it always will be. You know that. :)

Oh and we got some metal tent stakes at Walmart to secure it.

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