{CLOSED} All we want for Christmas is a BFP!!

I only made it til 10 dpo!
Amanda That was great! How could you not know!
I'm not encouraging any testing this month....BUT I will be stalking...I just don't want to be partially responsible for sad faces at x-mas time
I'm not encouraging any testing this month....BUT I will be stalking...I just don't want to be partially responsible for sad faces at x-mas time

That's partly why I havent POAS yet.

Ok- I will be using one of my two sticks in the AM lol
Lol I wanna know what it's all about.. sounds healthy, better than slathering Nutella all over my bread in the mornings like I've been doing :blush:

Also Sandy I got a BLARING bfp on a FRER @ 10dpo, FMU. I'd guess mine would have been positive by 8/9dpo with how dark it was. And I am so sure of when I ovulated too, I had a textbook chart and "implantation" dip at 6dpo.

I <3 Nutella!!!!

Sorry ladies was at work all day. Temp dropped af came. Have to change my outfits for the weekend. :(
FX Sandy and Nichole!! 10 dpo works for a lot of ladies.

Sorry Katrina! Rooting for an anniversary bfp!!!

Hey ladies, I just want to say thanks again for letting me join your chat. I am trying my best to keep up with everything going on lol

STG- I am so glad that you are getting the information that you need for IVF! I have a irl friend that that had one unsuccessful transfer but their next transfer was successful and they have a baby otw. I might have missed it- but someone asked about the guarantee and for my friend their 2nd xfer was covered under their guarantee policy.

BB- I love the xmas tree. This year I really only wanted to put up a giant santa (he is 8ft tall) and my DH said if we put up santa we also had to put up lights, so now the outside of our house is done, but we haven’t done the inside yet. I am so not in the mood to decorate my house…

Morgan- that interview question was awesome. If I EVER have to interview someone- for any reason- I am totally asking that question! I might even just have my students do a quick write on it just for fun!!!

Good luck on the job hunt Nichole! If you ever want me to look anything over I will! And if you are ever looking for a job in the Nebraska/Iowa area you can use me as a reference :)

Sorry I have not been very active on here since I was invited. I am feeling a bit of anxiety and depressed these days (I am sure you know exactly what I mean- I am still new to having people to share feelings with that actually understand- and are not says they understand just to be nice). My test day is Friday, I have tried to hold off testing early but I might give in tomorrow. IDK. I have been having some cramps and ever since the m/c and I sort of freak out whenever I have a cramp. I am terrified that even if I get the elusive BPF on Friday I will have another m/c.

I know what you mean. This long TTC makes us all a bit nervous when the bfp actually shows up.

I dont think I'll ever have pregnancy innocence... I'm so scared. Every twinge... I think -OH MY GOD NO.

It's taken me so long to get comfortable enough to exercise because I'm scared... but I'm more scared of having a bad labour because I'm out of shape... at least last night I was. I'm a bit sore today because it's been so long between exercise sessions and every twinge I freak out :(

Oh girl, you have no idea. I'm even scared when I go to the bathroom or toss and turn at night thinking I'm straining myself and eggie won't be able to implant :-(

LOL I use to pee on things all of the time! (That is the joke I have with my sister- I will text her that and she understands me haha)

I stopped checking so much when I kept getting negatives, my DH was getting worried because I would have symptoms and be so excited that *this time* it worked, and it always was a BFN- so he banned early testing. Sometimes I test in secret haha but I didn't this time.

DH feels the same way. I'm waiting a while this cycle.

I'm not encouraging any testing this month....BUT I will be stalking...I just don't want to be partially responsible for sad faces at x-mas time

That's partly why I havent POAS yet.

Ok- I will be using one of my two sticks in the AM lol

Aaaand she caved! LOL :)

G'night girls!
STG what amazing info you got! I hope the IVF works for you. Mind if I ask how much it's going to cost?

Thanks <3

Sure, I don't mind ;)

At my clinic, for my age range, the money back IVF package (which includes up to 3 fresh and 3 frozen cycles, for a total of 6 cycles), without ICSI, is $19,500, not counting drugs, cryopreservation or storage. (If I were younger than 35, it would only be $17,500 without ICSI. A single cycle of fresh IVF would be $7,900 and a single frozen IVF would be $3,400.) If I don't get a live baby at the end of 3 fresh and 3 frozen, then I get 70% of that $19,500 back.

Drugs for a fresh cycle are around $2,500 and for a frozen are $500. Cryopreservation is $600, and embryo storage is $400 per year (billed $100 quarterly).

Finger crossed for the IVF!!

Thanks! <3

And pretty tree! :xmas16:

STG, That's absolutely wonderful news!! I am just thrilled for you! So money back guarantee meaning either you get pregnant or it's free?? Fx for you soooo much! !

Bb, hope you are doing ok.. or as ok as can be expected. It is so tough, and that's putting it mildly I know.

Afm, i finished the tomato cage Christmas tree with solar christmas lights to take to the cemetery last night, but not without accidentally snipping the wires in half. Lucky for me, hubby had some electrical tape and expertise. :) I have no super symptoms today other than exhaustion, which could be attributed to working late and not enough sleep and a sore back on and off and hunger.. my cervix is closed up tighter than Fort Knox. Hope that stays around and I get a BFP Friday. I dont have anything that cant be attributed to something else.. but i didnt last time either. Just anxious to test!

Thanks! <3

Some clinics have a 100% refund program (although only for donor egg, in some of those clinics), but mine has only a 70% refund program (same as with any other clinics in my area for my own eggs).

And I have to not just get PG by the end of it, but have a live baby, or I get the refund.

Aw, the tomato cage Christmas tree sounds cute! :3 :xmas16:

The tree sounds really awesome.

I woke up feeling really pessimistic. I feel like I'm going to be out again this month.

Sorry you woke up feeling that way :hugs: I hate it when that happens.

This morning I woke up with anxiety, myself. I blame the weather. When I went to bed I was totally fine, and I woke up today with sinus pressure in my head and ears, and worried about not getting any frosties for no good reason, and feeling anxious about having to do a month of BCP before starting stims. :/

Sending extra prayers for a Christmas miracle for you! [-o&lt; :dust:

Hope things turn around for the job search, btw! It's tough out there. :hugs:


Cute tree, Sandy! :xmas16:


FX'd, Marie! :dust:


STG i forgot to mention - YAY for IVF - so glad you guys are getting info and feeling empowered!!!

Thanks! <3

Have you guys ever lived somewhere and just hated it so much you could scream... and you can't understand why people love it so much.

I lived in Pittsburgh (Shitsburgh) PA when I first moved here and I CANNOT FUCKING UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE LOVE IT. It's an awful city, the people are kind of gross and uncouth, the roads suck, the weather is goddamn awful most of the time (rain + grey then back to rain again), the city is unnaturally obsessed with the fucking Steelers... I get it, they are great and the last shred of anything remotely awesome that you can brag about (cos your weather and city suck) but having black and yellow hung through the city and on the back of every person is kind of insane....

My friends keep being like "oh I could never live anywhere else" and I'm like WHYYYYYYY??????? WHAAAAA? NY is RIGHT THERE... even Philly is more awesome than Pittsburgh.

I still have a house there and we cannot wait to sell it and cut our ties with that miserable place once and for all.

Ok rant over.... and sorry if anyone lives in Pitt... I came straight from my awesome city in Australia to Pitt so maybe I was prejudiced but I've never been so miserable anywhere else in my life.

:rofl: Maybe it's due to nostalgia and sentiment from having grown up there? NGL, that (and family) is sorta why I won't move away from where I live (I bought my grandparents' house, that they and their friends and family all pitched in to build together, and which I grew up in for a few years as a child, which makes it special enough to be worth living in sinus valley, near a bunch of train tracks and the steel mill - I actually love hearing the trains, when I'm not being caught at the tracks waiting for the train to pass, and I even love that steel mill, cause my grandparents worked there and the company treated them well, even though the pollution from it can't be good for my sinuses).

I had an uncle who came from Pittsburgh and he was a huge Steelers fan, so I know what you mean about that. :rofl:


Yay for EWCM and FX'd, BB! :dust:


Vegemite is sort of line a cross between soy sauce and oyster sauce tasting - you only need a tiny bit + lots of butter :)

OMG, I love both those things! I must try Vegemite, now. I'll have to try and remember to look for it, next time I'm at Jungle Jim's (they have a very thorough international section).


Sorry AF got you, Katrina! :( :hugs::hugs: Boo, witch, boo! :af:

Hey ladies, I just want to say thanks again for letting me join your chat. I am trying my best to keep up with everything going on lol

STG- I am so glad that you are getting the information that you need for IVF! I have a irl friend that that had one unsuccessful transfer but their next transfer was successful and they have a baby otw. I might have missed it- but someone asked about the guarantee and for my friend their 2nd xfer was covered under their guarantee policy.

Sorry I have not been very active on here since I was invited. I am feeling a bit of anxiety and depressed these days (I am sure you know exactly what I mean- I am still new to having people to share feelings with that actually understand- and are not says they understand just to be nice). My test day is Friday, I have tried to hold off testing early but I might give in tomorrow. IDK. I have been having some cramps and ever since the m/c and I sort of freak out whenever I have a cramp. I am terrified that even if I get the elusive BPF on Friday I will have another m/c.

Thanks! <3 Yay for a success story. :) I'm hoping it happens by cycle two for me, if not on cycle one.

I totally understand about the anxiety and depression from IF. :hugs::hugs:

FX'd for you! :dust:


FX'd for you too, Sandy! :dust: And hugs for all the anxiety! :hugs:


If I get PG, I'm going to sign up for a personal trainer at the HealthPlex (the gym attached to the hospital), so that I can make sure I'm training the muscles that need to be trained. I've gotten so out of shape since stopping my physical therapy/personal training, and I'm sure Dance Dance Revolution is not going to be good enough to get me in shape for labor, alone, LOL. :haha:


With the femara I expect the witchlets to arrive by Christmas, so that's going to be a bummer (I figure I'll get the same old spotting and bfn, this cycle), but I'll be testing before our IVF edu day, so I'll test by the morning of the 27th if AF don't get me before then.


AFM: ARC (the loan co.) didn't call back, today, so I will have to give them a ring to check up on them, tomorrow. :/ DH got his credit report from one of those online places, today, and it was beyond excellent, so there is no way we won't be approved, so I'm not worried about that, but I want to get the paperwork from ARC mailed out to us as soon as possible, so we can fill it out and mail it back and have the funds in place for Jan (even though I won't be stimming till Feb, I think I need the funds in place before starting pre-cycle suppression).
PS: Katrina, will you add KirbyT16 - Kayla to the front page. :winkwink:
Gosh that's a lot of money. I was thinking about looking into IVF just to see my options but there is no way we could afford it. We couldn't even afford loan payments. I hope you hear back from the loan company soon. I want to see you get your bfp.

Weird question for you ladies. When you check your cervix, does the whole thing get soft or just part? Right now the underside is pretty soft while the other part is hard. Is that weird? I am totally trying to find signs lol.
Mine was like that on and off - it was so confusing!! I always just called it "medium" until I could call it "firm" or "soft" without a shadow of a doubt.
Sorry the witch got you Katrina!!

Kayla I try not to test early either!
BFN this morning, BUT I dont feel out yet. Remember I said FF tried to change my O date? I could potentially only be 8 DPO today. I'm going to try to wait until Saturday before testing again. That's 10/12 dpo. Temp.was good. We will see.

Wow that STG, IVF is even more expensive than i thought. Just wow. So glad you are able to afford it. Fx for you.

Fx Nichole! !

Fx Kirby!!
Fx Sandy!

I did POAS this AM and I waited the 5 minutes and BFN so I jumped in the shower and when I got out it was a BFP???? That was probably ad additional 15-20 minutes so that means about 25 min to read it?? That can't be right... can it?! *frustrated*
It was pretty dark so I don't think it was an evap but this is also the first time I let it sit so long, so Idk. I did take a pic of both before shower (not even a hint of a line) and then after.... Can I post a pic from my phone? I will try!
Holy crap Kayla post a pic!!! Click "go advanced" then click the paper clip icon at the top to upload! FX'd!!!!! :) :) :)

Sandy.. Just like you said, could be way too early. Don't let it getcha down! :hugs:
And OMG STG! I forgot you live so close, we love Jungle Jim's!!! I will have to check next time we're there for Vegemite! :)
I hope this works?!


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I decided to just make an appointment with my dr. I am having some pretty bad cramps so I just need to know.
Kayla-Looks positive to me!! I think it looks to dark to be an evap.
AFM: I was in an awful mood last night, I hate ttc. But I slept like a rock so maybe all the crying and yelling helped.

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