{CLOSED} All we want for Christmas is a BFP!!

Sandy your temps look amazing. I can't wait to see what happens.

Amelia-I firmly think that little bean is a-ok. Fingers crossed tightly!

Still cramping on and off. Getting some light sort of achy sensation in my nips. I hope I'm not just imagining possible signs
Wow it is quiet here tonight!
Kayla did you hear from your dr?
Nichole- I was crampy starting 10dpo onward. FX!! Sometimes they were stabby pains, sometimes felt like AF cramps.

Sandy- your chart looks AMAZING!!! FX!!!

Kayla- So?! What did the doc say?!?!
It sort of feels like AF cramps but not quite. No stabbing pains just kind of full feeling... not quite sure how to describe it
Nichole and Sandy I have my fingers crossed for you!

TMI Alert - Since my MC I've felt quite dry down there, even when I'm in the mood I'm still quite dry. Any ideas??? We are still :sex: because I've no idea when I O but it is tending to make me sore.
Gosh that's a lot of money. I was thinking about looking into IVF just to see my options but there is no way we could afford it. We couldn't even afford loan payments. I hope you hear back from the loan company soon. I want to see you get your bfp.

Weird question for you ladies. When you check your cervix, does the whole thing get soft or just part? Right now the underside is pretty soft while the other part is hard. Is that weird? I am totally trying to find signs lol.

Yeah, it's pretty pricey, indeed. :/ My DH just warned me today not to tell his parents the cost, or they would flip out. (I think his mom already knows it's really expensive and she doesn't care, though, because she wants grandbabies from us real bad, LOL. She didn't even ask about the cost of IVF when I told her about it, she just sounded excited at the prospect of twins. Hopefully she'll help us steer his dad away from talk about the money.) My parents already know the cost, but are more easy going about money.

Total bummer that it's out of your price range, even with a loan! :( I hope someday all insurance plans are required to cover ART, so cost isn't a barrier for so many.

There are places that offer grants for up to $10k, though (https://www.resolve.org/family-buil...tility-treatment-grants-and-scholarships.html) so if you ever reach a point where you need IVF, then it couldn't hurt to find out what the clinics and loan brokers in your area are offering, and apply for a grant. I'm hoping you never get the point where IVF would be the next step, though!

I think you are a good candidate for femara, if clomid doesn't work, and a good candidate for IUI, if femara/clomid doesn't work alone. Femara or clomid with IUI and trigger is only $630 a pop at my clinic, and IUI with injectables is only $1,120 a pop (and the loan co. finances those things too). Of course, that "only" is compared to the godawful expense of IVF.

Heard back from my loan company today (they beat me to the punch and called me in the morning). :) We are approved and they gave us lots of payment options to choose from. After calling DH and talking it over, we picked an option and I called the loan co. back with our choice and now they are sending us paperwork through email to print out, sign, scan back in, and return. So cool we can do it through email.

Thank you so much for the well wishes :hugs: <3

And I'm praying real hard that you are next for a bfp![-o&lt;[-o&lt;[-o&lt;

Oh, regarding the cervix, mine does that too, at certain times during my cycle. When only part of it is soft, I call it medium.

Aw, :( :hugs: It's still early though. FX'd for the FRER, on Sat or Sun!!![-o&lt;

BFN this morning, BUT I dont feel out yet. Remember I said FF tried to change my O date? I could potentially only be 8 DPO today. I'm going to try to wait until Saturday before testing again. That's 10/12 dpo. Temp.was good. We will see.

Wow that STG, IVF is even more expensive than i thought. Just wow. So glad you are able to afford it. Fx for you.

Sorry you got a bfn :hugs: but glad you are not feeling out, yet. :) FX'd for you!

Thanks for the well wishes! <3 Yeah, it's quite a chunk. I'm feeling very lucky to be able to afford it. Very lucky. Wish everyone could be so lucky.

I did POAS this AM and I waited the 5 minutes and BFN so I jumped in the shower and when I got out it was a BFP???? That was probably ad additional 15-20 minutes so that means about 25 min to read it?? That can't be right... can it?! *frustrated*

It was pretty dark so I don't think it was an evap but this is also the first time I let it sit so long, so Idk. I did take a pic of both before shower (not even a hint of a line) and then after.... Can I post a pic from my phone? I will try!

Looking at the pics, I think you've got a bfp! Congrats!! :happydance: :flower: I see a faint line on the first pic, and IA with Katrina that it looks too dark to be an evap on the second pic! FX'd for the blood test at the docs, that should confirm it!

Kayla-Looks positive to me!! I think it looks to dark to be an evap.
AFM: I was in an awful mood last night, I hate ttc. But I slept like a rock so maybe all the crying and yelling helped.

So sorry you were having a tough time, last night, Katrina! TTC sucks. :hugs::hugs: Glad you slept well, at least.

And OMG STG! I forgot you live so close, we love Jungle Jim's!!! I will have to check next time we're there for Vegemite! :)

:) Yeah, Jungle Jims, rocks!! :) I usually go once a week to get a few things only they sell or are hard to find elsewhere (and sometimes regular stuff, although I mostly shop for that stuff at Krogers 'cause it's cheaper there).

Brittney, i don't blame you, but definitely work on working on issues. Fx for you.

Kayla, i dont think you are a jerk. Just scared and cautious!

Ditto from me, Brittaney and Kayla. :hugs:

Amanda-that's okay it would be something my sister would do. Poor little blonde
Nichole-I don't see anything but my lighting sucks.
I am getting impatient is it the weekend yet seriously it is dragging. DH called his dr he is going to try to get in for a blood test next week!!:happydance:

Oh no, did i miss something? Is your husband okay?

2 years ago he had a blood test for work and has reduced liver function/fatty liver. He hasn't been back since so he is going back for another test and is going to talk about ttc with his dr.
Yea Amelia, he is awesome!! I am trying to get in with him but he has a super waiting list.

Yay for your DH going to the doc, and FX'd for good and/or useful results! Bummer you have to wait to see your doc, though.

OH and I finally figured things out. I didn't fill you all in yesterday because I was just sooo tired. We had called it quits on Tuesday. I was packing and planning on leaving, when he FINALLY came to his senses (at like 3am, but hey, ill take it) and realized that I was very seriously leaving. He realized that I wasn't asking for that much, just a notion that things can be better and that he will (and wants to) work on us so we can get to where we need to be. Phew.

He has an appointment on Friday with his doctor just to see where things are at, get an idea of what it will take to get pregnant naturally (or if IVF is the only answer, we'll get more info on that too) and he has agreed to donor sperm if we have to, with very little hesitations. So, HUGE improvements. I finally feel like I have my husband back after all of that. I knew that it would take him some time, but I didn't think that I would actually have to give up and walk away to get him to realize. Just really thankful that it all worked out in the end.

I was looking on etsy and pinterest last night and found a ring that I loved (a diamond eternity band) and he goes "maybe you need an early push present, as an "I'm sorry I was a dick'" Diamonds DO make everything better :)

Yay, OMG, I'm so glad he came to his senses for you!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:


my DH's fav saying is "all I can ask for is you to try"

Also, my Bday is Dec 17th... DH gave me my BDay gift yesterday. He made me cry my eyes out reading it. It was so sweet! Ill have to quote some of it later for you all. But basically he knows how hard it has been to be preggo with GD and wishes he could take the burden off my shoulders. How he knows how wonderful I have been to Alia already and knows Ill be an amazing mother.... it was so sweet. He said he couldn't do it without me. Anyways, the gift he got me was a "mother to be" package at a spa. It includes a 50 min prenatal massage, pedi and facial! It is LOVELY! Can't wait to use it on Dec 21st!

Aw, yay for sweet DH and BDay prezzie! Happy Bday, btw! :cake:

I just got a generic email from my benefits administrator about the changes to our 2014 benefits. My work no longer covers IVF. If we have to resort to IVF, It will cost us $9,000. uggggh.

Aw, booooo! :( :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Does your clinic have a package deal with money back, at least?

Luckily, it looks like those go into effect 8/1/2014, so, if we do IVF before than, it would still just be our co-pay ($5/visit)

That's good, at least. :) Hopefully if you need IVF you can get if figured out and done in time. FX'd, if it comes to that!


:hugs: for your worries, Amelia! :hugs:


Nichole and Sandy I have my fingers crossed for you!

TMI Alert - Since my MC I've felt quite dry down there, even when I'm in the mood I'm still quite dry. Any ideas??? We are still :sex: because I've no idea when I O but it is tending to make me sore.

Get Pre-Seed lube. It's expensive, but it's the only lube that is approved for being fertility friendly (it won't kill the sperm). You can find it at CVS, and maybe some other drugstores like Walgreens, and also you can buy it on Amazon.


AFM: I spent all day today coordinating with the loan co. and my clinic, to make sure the money will arrive at my clinic at the proper time (it needs to be there 1 week before the start of IVF cycle 1, which begins cd1, although I won't start the pre-cycle suppression bcp until cd3), and I also needed to ask some questions about the IVF paperwork, and what happens if AF is due/starts before my IVF edu day, when we sign the consents. Fortunately, I don't have to change my IVF edu day, and just have to call the nurse on cd1, and tell her we have an IVF edu day/consent signing scheduled and when, and she will tell me how much bcp to take and when and schedule whatever exams/tests/screenings are needed at that time that can be scheduled before the IVF edu day, and then we have our scheduled edu day and sign our consents, even though I'll already have started the bcp.

Unfortunately, I must have the money sent to the clinic before I can know if I've gotten a miracle bfp (a bfp won't show up 1 week before my AF), so if I get a miracle bfp, I'm not sure what will happen with all that money (I'd have them hold onto it until I get a live birth, if possible, but regardless, I'm not sure whether it would all be totally refunded or only 70% of it or what, since if I get a miracle bfp on femara and no AF, I won't have actually started the IVF cycle because there will be no cd1, in that case).

On the bright side, everyone at the loan co. and the clinic has been really nice. <3 The IVF nurse even called in my bcp today, so I would have it and wouldn't have to worry about rushing to get it whenever AF strikes. So, now I've got my bcp's sitting on my pill shelf (and they were free! - my insurance paid for them totally! :happydance: Now hopefully they don't make me sick when the time comes to take them. :p)

I also learned that I might only have to do the bcp's for two weeks. It will depend on what they see when they monitor me/do blood tests on me, etc. (A fresh IVF cycle with pre-suppression can be anywhere from 45 - 60 days, with 2 - 4 of those weeks being spent on bcp's.) I'm hoping I only have to do the bcp's for two weeks.

In other news, I told Step-Dad about the IVF today (I'm not sure Mom gave him the scoop before) and he is so worried about twins, which is funny considering my MIL wants them, LOL! I have both ends of the spectrum represented. :haha: I assured him we would do single embryo transfer, if possible, and that we'd only put in two at a time, and they don't put in a whole bunch like they used to do (what he knows of IVF he knows from the tv show "Friends" and other movies and some news stories like about the Octomom).

Poor DH is having to get up now for work, and is feeling sickly. He had an unhappy colon last night, and this morning a rumbly tummy. He says he's okay to go to work, though. Hopefully he doesn't wind up puking at work and having to come home.
Andddd a temp drop. A big one. Feeling out today. Didn't test. Maybe tomorrow if temp goes back up. That's so disappointing. I really felt like maybe we had a chance this cycle.
So sorry Sandy :(

I'm about to go out in some scaryyyy ice/snow. Molly I think your storm came our way. Everything is cancelled but of course my work and my mil/boss said she'll prob let us go home early. Well that's great.. Get to drive home early in ice & 8 inches of snow.. Wonderfulllll. Praying these idiot drivers don't lose their minds too bad this morning, I swear it turns into a madhouse after a snowflake falls.
Thanks Morgan. Calling for clomid today in case AF starts later. I dont think I'm gonna temp next cycle.. obviously they don't really mean too much, huh? Although no spotting YET, and my cervix is cloaed tight still.

Be careful in the icky stuff. We were supposed to get it too, but it must have missed us.
I spoke too soon.. We've been cancelled too :) yay now a quiet morning/breakfast with my little pup. I am all ready to go so figured I'll make myself useful and do some cleaning and maybe start some more crochet projects after I finish my crockpot roast! So happy!

Sandy- I think the 100mg will work much better, maybe you just need a bit of a boost bc you've still been Oing so late. I think it could help your chances bunches.. Google some 50 to 100mg switch bfps for some encouragement, I've heard so many stories. And as for temps.. they may suck to analyze but they're wonderful for simply finding exactly when you O. Maybe you could just do it cd12-20 (that's what I started with, then became chart crazy ) just to confirm O. OPKs are good though and it seems like you get a BAM positive, so that could work too. Ik it seems like forever but keep your spirits up, that rainbow is right around the corner :)
Wow.. I just had to read like 15 pages to catch up.

Amanda- So happy everything is working out with OH. That's great. Also, your ring (and potential band) are gorgeous!!!!

Nichole- I saw a line on the dried test, and on Cassidy's tweak. FX for you!
Morgan, that sounds wonderful! :) Thanks. I called and asked for 100 mg. Waiting for a response. Or a call from Kroger. Hubby was game. Hopefully it will do t he trick. I had to lie a little. She asked if my period had started, and i said I was spotting .. but I'm not. At least not at this point.
Your not out yet Sandy. Mine dipped on 11DPO on my BFP cycle.

Glad everything is going well with IVF etc, you must be so excited to begin!

Nichole have you tested again?

Amelia how are you feeling?
I have a Dr. appointment today at 1:30 (it is 8 am my time right now). I am excited to go hear what they have to say but at the same time I am very hesitant to get too excited...
Hey girls just woke up. I feel ok. Slept badly. doc appoint at noon - 5 hrs from now.
Sorry you didn't sleep well Amelia.
Kayla-if you don't mind me asking where in Neb do you live?

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