T- I responded on your other post, but also did some googling. The internet claims you can't pass a fibroid. I was with Natalie thinking maybe that's what it was. Hope you get some answers from someone!
Zay- hopefully IB and not AF! Stay away AF!
Natalie- once again you are putting me to shame in the creativity department! lol. Your daughters are lucky to have such a wonderful mom!!! I'm sure they will always have the best halloween costumes. lol
AFM: Seriously having every pregnancy symptom I had right after my bfp (bfn until 14dpo!) at 5dpo. Nauseous today (nothing bad), utterly exhausted, bloated enough that I look 4 months pregnant right now, I have been blowing a bit of bloody snot all day (I keep reading that this has happened to people who went on to get bfps), and my top "only had this when pregnant" symptom is sensitive nipples. And now I am having pain in my lower back, which I also only had while pregnant. I honestly feel like I am crazy. I am convinced I ovulated earlier or am having twins or something!!!!! I don't know what is going on with my body, but I am feeling so OFF! I dipped two wondfos and a dollar store and all bfn (obviously, Kylee, at 5dpo). No surprise, but jeez, I already FEEL pregnant somehow. I obviously need to relax for a few days. This is going to be priceless when I go on like this for two weeks convinced I am pregnant and end up with AF instead. I hate this.