Kate I'm so sorry! But if you have been BDing this week then I imagine you are fine, timing doesn't have to be right on the ball to be correct. I think they say the best time is the day before O anyway, but the first time I got pregnant it happened when we BD'd the day after O actually, so even that can work!
Fleur did you make you 16 week scan appt? Don't worry, everything will be fine! Can't wait to hear about it
Nat hope you are feeling good, only a few more days until your scan, it sounds like everything is very positive!
Jamie sorry to hear the MS is back! Hope it gives you a break, but at least you will have some help in Idaho it sounds like, that will be a relief, you can relax!
Kylee definitely try not to stress! Glad you worked from home today. Take some time and relax. Everything is going to be great. It's funny because I was thinking earlier about my first pregnancy. I had zero symptoms the entire time, and of course I was so innocent and free from worry back then that I just was thankful not to be sick and thought about how lucky I was! It's so sad that pregnancy will never be that way for me again. But long way to say that symptoms are not a requirement for a healthy pregnancy - and they most definitely come and go! Your scan tomorrow will be perfect.
Nothing new here, three weeks from today is my first appt. I am going to take a digi tomorrow morning just to see what happens, and if it's not good then I might order my own blood test. My boobs are slightly sore but no real nausea or anything. Just same old, same old. Trying not to think about it too much... haha!