Natalie, I really hope that its just too early to see anything on an abdominal scan. Its good that its not ectopic and the sonographer sounded quite positive from what you said. Could you have ovulated later and just had a very early BFP? Grow little baby! Will be thinking of you
Katie, big hugs for your due date on Saturday
Hope you managed to keep yourself busy and that your BFP is just around the corner. Good luck for testing next week, keep us updated!
Jamie, I hope it doesnt turn out to be gestational diabetes. I also thought that high levels mean GD, not low levels. My friend had GD and had to follow a pretty strict diet from about 5 months, it might be worth looking into to see if it helps regulate your levels?
Kylee, congrats again on the scan! How did the house cleaning go?
Leigh, I wouldnt worry about the reading on the digital test, levels can vary so much from person to person. Keep us updated on the blood test results.
Terrissa, good luck for your finals! Are you taking more classes next semester or are you done for the time being? Ive also started working out again recently and I do feel better for it.
So were having a baby BOY!!! All this time I had been having girl feelings but on the day of the scan, I dreamt that I was at the scan and it showed boy bits, so I woke up and told DH its a boy (he didnt believe me). In my family were used to girls and it feels a bit weird to have my own little penis and pair of balls floating around inside me but were thrilled! More importantly, everything seems to be going well. Baby was moving around, crossing his legs, uncrossing them, stretching them straight up, putting one hand behind his head etc
Suddenly it has started feeling real!