{CLOSED GROUP} Journey to BFP and Beyond!

Oh, Natalie, it sounds like everything is fantastic. I have read some books on RIE (which sounds like natural gross motor development to me). E has taken a lot longer to learn to sit up and is slower about getting around to crawling than many of his other baby friends for this reason. I am just letting him do his own thing and not pushing him to do things he isn't ready for. Sometimes I feel sad because his other friends are crawling already and he isn't, but if he isn't ready, I don't want to push him anyway. What he does really poorly with is independent play. I always give him my full attention when I am home, so he has learned now to get very upset if I walk away while he is playing. He wants me to sit with him the entire time! Silly boy!
Hi again ladies!! I am so bad at responding back :wacko: I'm so glad this thread is active again! T- how are you lady? Fleur, Natalie, Kylee and Jamie, I'm glad your kiddos are all doing well. I can't believe we're coming up on first birthdays (Jamie & Fleur)!!

So, I had a little boy June 20th. It was a crazy pregnancy. I was sick the whole time and had this weird condition called ptyalism (look it up - it's gross). I had to be delivered right at 37 weeks because he had a really rare condition with his umbiblical cord. It was like a varicose vein and was at risk for clotting at any moment, which would have led to something unimaginable. I had to go for ultrasounds three times a week until I reached week 37. I developed high blood pressure from all the crazy stress from it all, which was another reason they delivered me at 37 weeks. Long story short, he is here and totally healthy!! We named him Owen (it means "fierce warrior" which is so appropriate considering all we went through. We didn't know that at the time we named him). Right now we're working on sleeping longer stretches at night (he started off waking every 90 minutes because he was born early and so lightweight. Now we're up to 4-5 hour stretches!). Our problem now is getting him to NAP! He just likes to nap on me or with me and with 2 older kiddos that is hard. But we are thrilled he's here. Makes our family complete and we are so thankful :cloud9::cloud9:
Oooh, Kate. I googled... Doesn't look fun. And thinking about it is apparently making me drool as well. Lol. Congratulations on the birth of Owen! I am so happy to hear he is a healthy guy after all you went through. You must have been so relieved when he was safely delivered. He sounds like a warrior, indeed!

Will type more later! It's the middle of the night and E woke for a snack so I thought I'd check to see if anyone had updated.

But exciting news... we are moving to Seattle in just a few weeks. I took a job and we are just going for it! So much to do in the next few weeks. I feel like most of you guys have moved at least once in the last few years. Any distance movers? This is like 1,800 miles. I'd love any tips!!!

For real going back to bed now!
Kylee, congrats on the upcoming move!!! When do you start your new job? Do you know people there? I moved 5700 miles but I moved back home so not quite the same. Cute pic of your little guy by the way ! Did he enjoy the game? I see mine is not the only one to have his first tooth at 6 months (got his first one at 9 months). I also said I’d put him in his own room at 6 months..ha! I’m of the same mindset as you, I’m enjoying the cuddles while he’s still small enough to want me! His sleep has been even more unsettled lately so I’m going to move him to his room to see if he sleeps better. Will see how that goes because at the moment he only falls asleep in my arms, and refuses to be put in his cot, oops. Rant away about your friend… a baby who sleeps 12 hours a night! I’d also freak out if he slept so long in one stretch. In fact, the rare times he napped for a couple of hours, we deliberately woke him up because we were so worried he’d stopped breathing. This is another major fear of mine, I know I’m totally paranoid but that’s making me even more reluctant to move him to his room. My son wasn’t great with independent play either, we’ve had to build up to it and now he’ll tolerate being in his playpen on his own.

Nathalie, natural gross motor development sounds interesting. I think we’ve done that by default (or laziness maybe!). All babies are different and will do things when they’re ready, Jeremy sounds like he’s doing very well. I also held off on solids till he was 5.5 months although I was advised to start at 4 months. So your daughter’s first food was steak, wow! How are the girls with Jeremy?

Katie, I don&#8217;t think I even knew you were pregnant! Congratulations on the birth of your little boy! A friend had ptyalism during her pregnancies, poor you. What a relief that Owen arrived safe and sound. My baby used to nap only on me or someone else for the first few months &#8211; enjoy the cuddles <3

Terrissa, I hope you&#8217;re doing OK. Would love to hear from you. Also, please let us know if we&#8217;re being insensitive talking about our babies over here&#8230; I would hate to make things more painful for you in any way.
Hello, did I kill the thread??

Terrissa, let us know how you're doing!
Fleur, this thread has definitely not been very lively the past 6 months-year. I hope everybody is doing well it's sad to see this thread kind of die out...
I so want to write but I'm so tired!!! My child will not nap for more than 32 minutes. Yes, 32 minutes exact. He can't transition sleep cycles and wakes up every time and can't go back to sleep. Gosh I love him to pieces but I'm sooooo tired &#55357;&#56853;
You totally didn't kill it. We have just been so busy with the big move. We are both working until Friday. Movers came to take our stuff today. Now we just have to gather the stuff riding in the cars with us and get the house looking nice so it can get the sign in the front yard this week!

I was actually thinking about you guys while driving to work the other day. Does anybody want to be FB friends? It is so much easier to stay in touch that way. Just a thought. Anybody who wants to can PM me. I just figure after a few years, no reason we can't all be friends "for real." Lol
I spend a lot of time online as J still only sleeps while nursing, but my tablet broke a while back and typing one handed on my laptop is a struggle so i mostly read and youtube these days.

How is everyone?
Kylee how was the move?

We are looking to move to an acreage if we can find just the right place. I want goats now lol.

Feel free to add me on fb https://www.facebook.com/natalie.holden.31
Hey girls. I'm okay, just nothing to update so no reason to get on. :/ Still trying, still not pregnant. Still heartbroken.

Glad all your little ones are doing well. :) I'm not on facebook now, but when/if I do get back on, I'll add you!
Hugs to you terrissa :hugs: I can only imagine your strength for enduring what you have.

Hows the fostering situation?
I'm doing ok. We've had illness after illness in this house for the last month or so though. After norovirus for all, then respiratory tract infections, my middle and I have a lingering cold, my eldest now has an ear infection and possible uti and Jeremy is really congested since yesterday and keeps having bouts if screaming....
I'm having fun gardening (using free styrofoam boxes for low cost and portability) and getting frustrated trying to find an acreage to rent that meets specific criteria. We've found several that keep getting taken away from us. We were supposed to look at one on the weekend too and it got cancelled as we were heading out the door to view it... But really life is pretty good right now
I was stalking your journal the other day and I saw that! How frustrating!!! I really hope you guys can find the right place. I can't wait to see what your journey brings.

How is everybody else? It has gone quiet around here again.
Kylee, you're so chatty these days. :haha: It's good to see people on here.

I am doing fine, 5 weeks and won't have my first appointment until 8 weeks. On November 2...so just anxiously waiting for that. :)
I'm so looking forward to hearing about your appointment. How are you feeling so far? Hopefully still decent right now.

Natalie was the only one to take me up on the facebook friend offer. Anybody else? I'd love to keep up!

Today is 2 weeks in Seattle. We took a beautiful walk last night. Our house in Arkansas is set to close on the 19th, but we just learned that we apparently have to replace the hot water heater. It has been leaking and we didn't realize! But we will just be happy to get it sold. We are absolutely loving it here, aside from the fact that our bigger dog is a terror to take out on a leash. We finally had to contact someone because she is so out of control. We can't really afford it, but we are out of options at this point. She is being really aggressive toward other dogs when we take her out and I cannot get her pulling under control. I feel like my hand is breaking each time I take her out because I have to wrap the leash around my hand about 10 times just to get some sort of grip on her. So we will have to shell out the money for a few sessions with a local dog "whisperer" that was recommended to us. Oh, the things we do for the doggy members of our family!!!


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Praying for a good news scan Terrissa!

Kylee was he good on a leash before or did he have enough space he didn't need to be walked?
Terrissa!!! Congrats! So happy to see this when I logged on today. How are you feeling? Who are you having your first appointment with?

Natalie, hope everyone is feeling better and that you'll find the perfect acreage to rent.

Kylee, good to hear you're loving Seattle. How's the baby adapting? What are you doing for childcare? I guess your doggie is not used to meeting lots of other dogs and might be feeling tense? The dog whisperers on TV always seem to work miracles :D

It will be easier for me to keep up on Facebook, although I'm only active on Messenger/ in private groups. Should we create a private group for the members of this thread? I'll PM you my name.
Fleur, I love that idea!!! Send me your name and I'll start the group since I'm already friends with Natalie and Terrissa. As far as the dog, we have probably made it worse because as soon as the aggression started, we stopped really taking her places. That was the big mistake. But she is a pit mix and so people judge her if she growls at all. I found it embarrassing, so we just kept to ourselves after that. No choice now! Lol. Baby has adjusted well! We share an apartment with my brother, so he loves spending time with his uncle! We have a nanny here. She watches another child and stays at home with her 2 kids. Costs us just a little less than daycare because it is basically a "nanny share". Daycares over here are outrageous in price though, so it's pretty easy to be cheaper than daycare.

Nat, she has never been good on a leash. We just let her run around in the backyard at our old place whenever she wanted to. She is an angel inside, she just cannot get herself under control when we go out. Again, our fault. We should have worked with her more as soon as her issues started. Hindsight. Lol
Hi Ladies!!!
CONGRATS TERRISSA!!! SOOO happy for you!! I hope you are feeling well and your nerves aren't getting to you. I know how it can be in the beginning. Saying a prayer for your sweet bean.

I love the Facebook group idea. I will shoot you my name, Kylee! Though my name will be "Kerry" instead of Katie. Long story...I've basically been called Katie all my life. When I was younger there was another Kerry on my soccer team. We kept getting confused. So people started calling me KT. The K is for Kerry and the T is for my middle name Theresa. So I've been known as KT with most people. Anywho - just wanted to give you all a heads up when ya see my name ;)

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