[CLOSED GROUP]Team Festivus 2014: Let's party! Where's the eggnog?

I am using baby as an excuse to not do much of anything for Xmas this year and I am so happy about it :haha: I told people if they want to see us they can stop by but other than that we are staying at home :)

I need to decorate, I do love all the lights and stuff. Plus hubby gets to do the outside he's excited since it's our first year in an actual house :thumbup:
My DH is being a Grinch about decorating outside- he doesn't see the point in decorating for everyone else rather than just ourselves! I'm going to go get something simple, though I have to make sure I can put them on a timer as if we have them on in Dec, then not Christmas Eve and Day when we're away, DH will be freaking out about burglars targeting us.

Luckily Elf on the Shelf is not a big thing in the UK- hopefully it stays that way!

"Whore in a Drawer" :haha:
I am excited already as Elliot will enjoy it more this year we have already been going to garden centres etc and looking at all the lights and decorations he loves it - my favourite time of the year 😊

Plus I love mince pies he he
My parents know two families who send newsletters every year- they crack me up sometimes! With Facebook, I think most people know what's going on in people's lives now though.

My family does a family Christmas photo every year with a theme, usually a bit of a piss take of group outfit-coordinated family photo cards (especially where we're from, white shirts, khakis and barefoot on the beach is a big one). We've done hoodies, tuxedo t-shirts and moustaches but haven't come up with one for this year. I wish we could all have a bump but even if I get pregnant this month, it'll be too early!
I was looking back at the beginning of this thread(this quote is from 2 yrs ago)...Fezzle are you guys going to do bumps for your family Christmas photo this year?! :)
lol maybe though since they'll be without me, I don't want to tell them what to do. They'll have to photoshop me in!
We got rain and snow today! :happydance: It's too warm for the snow once it hits the ground but you can see it falling with the rain. I'm like a kid, OH got me out of bed to show me lol I didn't grow up with snow, being from southern Cali. I remember the occasional hail storm lol I've really enjoyed this 1st year here in Washington and watching the seasons change. I'd like a good few days of snow to see how I'd handle having to go to work in it and driving in it. Hopefully that might happen BEFORE I go into labor! :haha:
GP, I found this old gem from our 1st year! :haha:


I hate hate hate hate winter. I hate Black Friday. I hate holiday music. I hate holiday shopping. I hate the judgment ("You don't have a tree?! What?!") I hate snow! I hate cold! I hate when I need to go somewhere in a hurry, and there's fucking frost all over my car! I hate the awkward family get-togethers where we have to pretend we like each other! I hate Santa! (The thought of an old obese man breaking into my house in the middle of the night has terrified me since childhood.) But the thing I hate most of all is when I tell someone "Happy Holidays", and they give you a disgusted look and sneer "IT'S 'MERRY CHRISTMAS'."

I love the spiced apple cider, though! And holiday parties with hub's company where they get me drunk off my ass for free in some fun environment!

All still true! :haha:

Except I don't think his company is doing the holiday party for the adults anymore. Just the one for the kids, which we're not bringing Luci to. I don't want her around everyone else's sick snotty brats.
Ellie asked to go see Santa, so I guess we're going to do that this year. I'm not a fan of mall Santas - they remind me of clowns. But I'll set my fears aside and try not to pass them on to Ellie.
Tx- you should check out your local libraries. Santa and Mrs Clause came to visit ours last year and read a story with the kids and then you got to meet them. We had to take our own picture but it felt way more personable than a mall (and helped that there were only like 20 kids there in total)
I can't believe Thanksgiving is already next week :wacko: Josh and I are having our first (and hopefully last, as we're praying next year we'll be a family of three/four) Thanksgiving dinner just the two of us. I'm putting together the menu today and trying to figure out which recipe for roasted chicken I'll try this year (even a small turkey is way too big for the two of us :haha:)

I never take part in Black Friday shopping, but I do Cyber Monday every year. This year is going to be real low-key and I've only got DH and BIL to shop for still, everyone else is already taken care of (only giving one gift each to every person, and praying one of those gifts is an ultrasound picture but we've also got DH's band's latest album to gift).

Just like every year, DH and I have plans to get the tree and other decorations up the weekend after Thanksgiving. Other years we've made this promise to ourselves we've been lucky if they're up a week before Christmas :haha: maybe this year will be the year we get it done.
I will be working the day before and two days after thanksgiving. Even a ten hour shift on that Saturday. Thanksgiving we are going to my parents for dinner :)
I am ready to put up my tree now! I can't believe thanksgiving is next week! I need to order my lamb tomorrow!
We are going tree shopping this weekend and going yo a showroom yo look at a new fireplace insert :happydance: I can't wait to have the decorations up and a fire going...love this time of year!
It's a goal of mine to someday live somewhere with a fireplace. I get to dog sit my in laws dog while they're on a road trip and they've got a super nice gas fireplace. I know exactly where I'm cuddling up with a good book :coffee:

I miss getting to go select a tree; right now we use a plastic (but very nice) tree since our apartment complex doesn't get curb side take away of old trees. One year we had our Christmas tree for nearly 5 months before we finally found a place to dump it :rofl:
Hahaha...that's great!

My DH doesn't want to do a real tree :( One year I'm going to convince him! This is our first Christmas in our new house and we really want to get a prelit tree to make it easier. We have been using, for years,his parents tree that they got used when they first got married- its from the 50s and is still in decent shape! But we want one that is more full and prelit and taller (getting a 9 footer!).

And I can't wait to have our first fire here going. We had a fireplace at our old house but there was a crack in the flue so we couldn't use it. The last time we used that one, smoke was billowing into the house and we were throwing fiery logs outside into a giant pile of snow...clearly we are more "gas fireplace" kinds of people lol
Now that our kitchen plans are underway, DH was saying last night he's keen to get the changes we want to make to the living/dining room done too- including putting in a fireplace! I think we'll get a free standing wood burning stove thing, though we need to get someone in to see the state of the chimney as it's just been plastered up as a wall now. Hopefully by next winter, and the baby's first Christmas, we'll have a fireplace!
Having a fireplace is still one of my favorite things in any houses. The freestanding wood burning stoves just make the house so cozy. We have a gas one in our house and I can't wait to get the pilot light lit this year.
I really can't believe it's that time of year already. Not sure if we're going to travel as usual for Thanksgiving this year. I'll be 37 weeks pregnant, and OH is nervous about it. It will probably be nice to just stay home and have a small celebration at our house.
We'll probably do a little decorating this weekend, but with an active toddler and a cat...not sure how much we can do. The tree will be so tempting to them both!

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