[CLOSED GROUP] Trick or treat, Baby feet, Give me some chubby cheeks to eat

Awe Sonia, it will be fine Hun don't worry!! Hard yolks from now on!! Xx

Boyyy do I love me a runny egg though! A nice eggs florentine will be one of my first post partum bfasts for sure!!
Sonia-Don't worry about it! Lots of women don't even know they shouldn't be eating certain things. I've caught myself on a few things. It's hard when you don't normally have to worry about it. My friend didn't know we aren't supposed to eat cold deli meat until I told her and she's been pregnant twice before...she ate sandwiches all the time! I'm sure you'll be just fine :)
tell me about it...eggs have been the only so to say non-veg thing ive been eating...every meat TURNS ME OFF ....and now tht i have to leave my eggs :wacko:
I've already got bagels and lox planned for breakfast and sushi for lunch or dinner after I have the babies lol I'd add some wine in there if I didn't plan to breastfeed lol
You don't have to leave them, just leave the runny part lol I eat mine boiled, I'm not a huge egg fan though...
You don't have to leave them, just leave the runny part lol I eat mine boiled, I'm not a huge egg fan though...

My go-to dish is Bi Bam Bop which is finished with a super runny egg that cooks through the hot rice when you stir it through. imma miss it when I get my bfp...

I'll be trading one yellow egg for another ;)
Julie- Cute cute cuuuute!! Aww the little shoes :)

And you girls were talking about studying the TP- I did lastnight and found more STUPID BLOOD. Not too red but jeesh. Then a gob of red EWCM this morning.. what gives?? So excited for Thursday- my appointment. I told DH you better be prepared for one heated momma if they say no to an ultrasound. I don’t think they do NT scans (but I am going to request that they do) and I don’t think I’m scheduled for my US until next month- the anatomy scan/quad screen day. SO, since I’ve been bleeding on and off this entire month again, I am going to push for another US. I really want to see if the SCH is gone like they said it was, and if so- try and identify the source of this bleeding. I am worried about placenta accreta- something common in post c-section pregnancies. So another fun-filled week ahead, just trying to stay as busy as possible.

I feel like it’s a girl so much.. we bought the most beautiful little take-home outfit for a little princess, if we don’t get to use it I am totally shipping it to one of you girls.. it so precious! I am just so excited to know- 17 days!! Oh and this weekend at dinner, my family decided to put in their 2-cents on our name ideas. Everyone HATES Roman- my fav name :( But they love Silas. Also they HATE Gemma- my other fav girl name, but love Willow. Hmmph. As much as I know it’s MY choice, I can’t help but feel bad that they don’t love em as much as I do.

I'm going to push for an u/s this week too and I don't even have bleeding! I just want to make sure they look ok...and I want to see how much they've grown lol I would definitely push for one if I were you. There is no reason they can't make sure everything is ok.
If it makes you feel any better, my mom doesn't like that we picked "Suzanne" for a middle name. MIL's name is Susan, my mom's name is Angela Sue, so we figured it was kind of cool to put them into one name. Nope, my mom isn't happy. Everyone will think we named them after my MIL. My mom is so freaking jealous of my MIL for no good reason. I'm so over her comments and opinions right now...
That being said, your baby, your right to pick the name! I like them all, so there...done lol
You don't have to leave them, just leave the runny part lol I eat mine boiled, I'm not a huge egg fan though...

My go-to dish is Bi Bam Bop which is finished with a super runny egg that cooks through the hot rice when you stir it through. imma miss it when I get my bfp...

I'll be trading one yellow egg for another ;)

That grosses me out, hard core! DW loves runny yolk. She orders that burger from Red Robin with the egg on it and gets in runny...then dips her fries in it...grossest thing ever!

Mirolee-Holy crap about the twins! I hardly knew anyone w twins before and now it seems like everyone is having them...I'm sorry the news disappoints you...I totally understand why. Your day will come...and it will probably be twins too lol
Mirolee, so sorry! How sucky.

Sonia, don't stress. The worry comes in the risk of food poisoning, and you haven't gotten it. I was told that I could do it with pasteurized eggs and it would be fine

My opk is stark white again. What the heck, body? Ugh!
Hi ladies! In the car all day so I haven't been able to check in. Test results came back negative.

Ill check in tomorrow! Hope you're all well!
Oh. My. Fucking. God.
My BFF, who recently got pregnant, on her first cycle trying, just found she's having twins. Are. You. Kidding. Me? I feel like I'm going to die. I can't even make one.... That being said, I think her and her husband are shitting bricks right now. They just wanted a second. Ha, irony.

Ugh! I mean, congrats to them but I hate when crap like this happens. I still get mad when I think about how my 18 year old niece has 2 kids while I can't get pregnant with one. Hopefully our time will come soon.

My midwife mentioned that if all my tests come back normal that an HSG might be next. I thought of you :hugs: we'll see what happens!

Anybody else notice that our countdowntopregnancy.com tickers are missing?

If you do it really isn't bad. I had some cramping but nothing compared to what I get during AF. Plus knowing if they are blocked or not really helps. Good luck!:thumbup:

I didn't notice until now! I still don't see them at all. I hate this new layout.

Freaking out here....i just realised ive been eating sunny side up eggs this whole time not realising what i was doing :nope: what to do ,what to do, what to do ](*,)](*,)](*,)

I wouldn't worry about it! Just switched to scrambled or cook the yolk all the way. You should be fine :hugs:
Ugh. Opks are still totally negative. I guess yesterday was a tease. Temp isn't going either direction too much, so I guess I wait. More.
Morning Ladies...I am soooo confused! My cycle has gone crazy, I was so excited to see my first cross-hairs and now detected ovulation has been taken away because my temp dropped 2 days in a row. I also did an OPK this morning and it looks close to being positive again. Is is possible to get a surge and temp rise and not ovulate and for my body to try again to ovulate? This is so frustrating...I just want a normal cycle. I'll post the opk in a minute from my phone, will you ladies let me know what you think please?
Brittney it won't let me post my old chart, but I had the same prob. My temps plummeted for 2 days, semi-pos OPKs and I thought I was Ov'ing. Then a spike and another dip 2 days later, where I actually O'ed. Like my body had trouble trying to get the egg out.. I usually had 3-4 days of pos OPKs, the last day being ovulation. I started seeing them darken around CD15 or 16 and O'd CD20 if that helps at all? Just saying that it may not have happened yet like you said, maybe your surge was building! :hugs:
yes, it is possible to get a surge, the start of a shift, but then fall back down. i suggest keep POAS and temping. sorry..... i feel your pain.
Sorry about your friend Mirolee, it's not fair how the world works sometimes. Thinking of you, I can't imagine how you're feeling. I hope that hawaiian breeze carries away all of your worries ;) :hugs:
yeah, it sucks. i'm wicked excited for her, but god.al.mighty...... when do the rest of us catch a break?

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