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[[Closed]] Let's ring in 2014 and see those BFP's!!

I think I would have to close the blinds if I tried yoga.
And nothing exciting going on just waiting for af to leave.
I have been having crampiness on both sides. I cant help but be nervous about ovulating 2 eggs. I'm not ungrateful. I'm so thankful things seem to be working right .. just very scared of twins! I have been all along. I suppose whatever happens happens!

Hope you catch those eggies or egg! Your chart looks great!
Katrina- love the booties!!

I love yoga! The breathing itself is enough to help quiet the mind and escape! Might have to do some today!

Happy Saturday everyone!
I am about 90% sure I O'ed yesterday .. we shall see what my temps do!

I have never tried yoga, but I have thought about it.

We are getting ready to go get some groceries and stuff before we get 8-12" of snow tonight into tomorrow then possibly 8 more inches Thursday on top of the 5" we already have. Oh boy!

Sorry my phone adds random words!
Hi ladies... Dh and I have been talking for the past few days about everything. We have come to the decision to stop ttc for now. These past few years have really taken it's toll on us emotionally and on our relationship. Not being able to conceive a child has really hit DH and I hard. He has been feeling like less of a man and that he is letting me down. Every month and every bfn was pushing me farther and farther into a depression that I couldn't shake.

We really need to work on us. Find ourselves again and get back to where we were in our relationship. This has been a really hard decision but I feel like it is the best one for us. I have spent so much time, energy, and tears on this journey. I hate that is is ending this way :cry:. We wanted to try IUI, wash etc but it is out of our price range at the moment. Maybe after a few months of me working we can swing it.

We aren't giving up forever. We are basically going into NTNP. I am going to focus on getting to a healthy weight. I want to lose about 50lbs. I am hoping getting rid of that weight will help me ovulate on my own so I won't need clomid again. Dh wants to focus on getting healthier too and giving the vitamin regime more time to hopefully help. Maybe the whole 'It will happen when you stop trying' will work for us.

I might not be on BnB very often but I am for sure going to keep checking in and cheering everyone on. I will definitely be keeping up with everyone on facebook. I believe I am friends with most of you but if not, message me your fb url! I love all you ladies and you have been the biggest support for me through out all of this. I truly don't know what I would have done with out you all. :hugs:

I am going to go cry now and remind myself this isn't stopping for good, just a pause.
Good for you Nichole, I'm glad you and DH realized that you need a break to work on you guys before things got too bad. Ttc really takes such a huge toll on a relationship. I'm wishing you lots of luck in feeling healthier and your new job and you and DH being happier. We will miss you! :hugs:
Nichole, I am so sorry. Good luck getting the weight off. It really does help! I am trying to do that, too. I hope that this is just what you guys need. Prayers and hugs your way. I will miss you! Good luck!
I will miss you greatly Nichole. Amanda as well.
:hugs: Girls. I understand why you need to leave and have a break. Good luck.
I'll miss you Amanda and Nichole! Do what you have to do though. TTC is stressful and I think at some point everyone needs a bit of a break. Nothing wrong with regrouping and refocusing on yourselves and your relationships for a bit. Love you girls!
TTC sucks but losing your pet sucks even worse. I've never been so depressed in my life. I can't even eat. All I do is hysterically cry. I thought the toughest part of my life was TTC, until now.
Nichole and Amanda- hugs girls, wish you both the absolutely best and nothing but happiness!!

Rachel- i keep thinking about you!! I can't even imagine. I'm just so so sorry for the loss of your poor kitty! :(
Nichole you made me cry! I know its gonna happen for you. I do. And I think this break from all the opks and temping, etc. Will be great for you guys. Woth him on the vitamin regime, its gonna happen!! I can feel it!! Keep in touch love. I am rooting for you!

same with you amanda!!! Your journey has been so tough but I look forward to hearing updates from you too about your life! I hope you guys can find the reason behind his azoospermia and that a lil babe woll be on the way in no time!

Will miss you girls a lot!
Nichole- I understand your need for a break. I wish you both the best and keep in touch even if it's just on fb.
Rachel-i am so sorry.
I am working on Dh diet shopping list, plus all the ttc crap we are buying. My mom said she was sorry she wasn't more supportive when we mentioned we were trying a few months ago. Turns out she tracked her bbt too. And got pregnant a year after trying, her o was all over the place. So maybe it's genetic.
Glad your mom is coming around and being supportive! Hope you get your BFP soon!! What are you feeding your hubby?
Healthy stuff more veggies if he will eat them, whole wheat pasta, fish and chicken. He is complaining already lol. The Dr said he is doing a lot better blood test wise but he needs to lower his bmi. He had his last blood test when he lived at his parents. They eat tons of starch, use margarine and don't care about Dr or health. So he had quite a change when he moved in with me.
Lol mine would be complaining about fish and whole wheat pasta for sure! Hope it helps! I'm trying to make more healthy stuff for us, too.

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