To all, PLEASE cross your fingers (and toes and whatever else you might think helpful) that my 5 PM OPK is CRAZY positive, because I've been slaving away all day and need something exciting (well, more exciting than a lot of journals today). Just want OPK positive already!!!
Thank you for the warm welcomes!![]()
We're going to be visiting ALL the islands!it's actually a 8 day cruise that begins in Honolulu and heads North hopping on each island (spending 2 days on one island though which one escapes my memory right now) before returning to Honolulu.
So, I did prenatal yoga during my entire pregnancy. I felt like it did "nothing"..but...I also didn't have half the issues other women complained about and..sad to say I was actually more limber at 9 months pregnant than I am now. I know. That's a pretty f'ing sad statement! I also had an amazing labour and also contribute that to yoga!