Cold feet

sam's mum

mum of two gorgeous boys
Apr 28, 2008
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It's been really cold out for the last few days, and I've put socks and shoes on Sam when we go anywhere. Every time I'm not looking he manages to take his socks and shoes off and he's sitting there with bare feet and a sock in his mouth :rofl:

I must look like such an awful mum pushing him around town with no shoes and socks there anything I can put on him that he won't be able to get off?! What do other people do? I don't see other babies with toes sticking out :laugh2: x
Duct tape!

Try these:

I have 4 pairs now and I LOVE them. I can't keep socks on Bren either, but with these I just pull them down over his feet, and it keeps them warm. Looks a bit silly, but hey. Since they are so long, he can't pull or work them off.
:rofl: sock in his mouth?

I don't know hun,Samantha's suggestion sounds fair...
Super glue! :rofl:

:rofl: He'd probably still find a way to get them off!

Duct tape!

Try these:

I have 4 pairs now and I LOVE them. I can't keep socks on Bren either, but with these I just pull them down over his feet, and it keeps them warm. Looks a bit silly, but hey. Since they are so long, he can't pull or work them off.

They might be worth trying, thanks!!

Completely off-topic but I used to have 2 of those green chairs at my old flat...and a matching table (it's kids furniture from ikea but I had the smallest balcony in the world - about enough space for 2 people to stand!) and I LOVED them! Wish I'd kept them now! x
they sell some things that keep socks on in jojo maman bebe. I think they have a really obvious name like 'sock ons' they also sell the leggy things there.

Ally always has really cold hands. I tried to put mittens on him today before we walked to toddler group. He wasn't having any of it and had cold hands instead!
they sell some things that keep socks on in jojo maman bebe. I think they have a really obvious name like 'sock ons' they also sell the leggy things there.

Ally always has really cold hands. I tried to put mittens on him today before we walked to toddler group. He wasn't having any of it and had cold hands instead!

Thanks :D I'll have a look on their website

[Just looked...they look great! Love some of their clothes too! Was thinking today it would be great if I could just put tights on him and trousers over the top so they'd just look like socks but I think that might be a bit mean :rofl:] x
Josh is the same, what I do now is I bought several pj's that have paws on them. I put the slippers on top and I sew them on there. He hates it and get frustrated but there is no way he can expose his feet anymore!
[Just looked...they look great! Love some of their clothes too! Was thinking today it would be great if I could just put tights on him and trousers over the top so they'd just look like socks but I think that might be a bit mean :rofl:] x

I love the clothes too but they're so expensive! or maybe I'm just particularly poor lol. I thought about putting tights on Ally because it's just so cold! I wear tights under my jeans all winter and I'm worried he'll feel the cold like me but yes...maybe a little mean!
[Just looked...they look great! Love some of their clothes too! Was thinking today it would be great if I could just put tights on him and trousers over the top so they'd just look like socks but I think that might be a bit mean :rofl:] x

I love the clothes too but they're so expensive! or maybe I'm just particularly poor lol. I thought about putting tights on Ally because it's just so cold! I wear tights under my jeans all winter and I'm worried he'll feel the cold like me but yes...maybe a little mean!

They are really expensive...just nice to look at :laugh2: Someone bought us a gorgeous spotty sleepsuit from there when Sam was born and he wore it loads! x
they sell some things that keep socks on in jojo maman bebe. I think they have a really obvious name like 'sock ons' they also sell the leggy things there.

Ally always has really cold hands. I tried to put mittens on him today before we walked to toddler group. He wasn't having any of it and had cold hands instead!

Chloe always has ice cold hands. This morning she was so toasty in her sleeping bag but her hands were freezing and a purple colour
ooo those's look great, thanks sam, we too have trouble keeping our socks on, we're not eating them yet though sam'smum! :rofl:
love the green chair BTW, what other colour would it be :)
How about the blankets you can get for a stroller? Buggy Snuggle being one of the examples. I know that at around £20 it's not cheap, but at least you can re-use it and use it for a long time without your little one growing out of it any time soon.
ooo those's look great, thanks sam, we too have trouble keeping our socks on, we're not eating them yet though sam'smum! :rofl:
love the green chair BTW, what other colour would it be :)

:rofl: I texted my friend last night to say he is coming to Ikea with me in the next couple of weeks to get some of those chairs! x
How about the blankets you can get for a stroller? Buggy Snuggle being one of the examples. I know that at around £20 it's not cheap, but at least you can re-use it and use it for a long time without your little one growing out of it any time soon.

You've just reminded me that we've got a foot thing for our little stroller (just a second hand thing that I use instead of the big buggy if we're just shopping or something). Might start using it all the time until he's got over his sock eating phase :rofl: x
you could always put him in a pramsuit. We have one for Ally. It's 6-9 months so it's fairly big on him but I'm guessing he's going to be in it til next spring anyway.
Well that seems like a good and cheap solution! lol
Hope it will work for you!
ooo those's look great, thanks sam, we too have trouble keeping our socks on, we're not eating them yet though sam'smum! :rofl:
love the green chair BTW, what other colour would it be :)

:rofl: I texted my friend last night to say he is coming to Ikea with me in the next couple of weeks to get some of those chairs! x

:rofl: love it!
this thread got me thinking, im sure i saw some where about stay put baby socks but i can't think for the life of me where i saw it or how it worked! any one shed some light? (sam'smum hope im not hijacking your thread :blush:)

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