Sorry for AF tdog
Ive still just had a tiny bit of spotting once a day. I went to get more tests yesterday and thought Id try Sainsburys as my local Tesco and Morrisons only had blue dye. More blue dye tests! What is that about? So FF has decided Ive ovulated now and am 10DPO. Im not convinced but still no proper bleeding so tested again this morning. Theres definitely something there but its so faint I dont trust it. Not sure it shows that well in the photo. Blue dye evap? (This one is meant to be a cross). I WILL find a pink dye test today
Morning everyone hope your all well. Super proud of myself remembered to take my temp again this morning lol
Yey Kay see you'll get hang of it once your in that routine it be ok lol.
Afm I'm deffo on heavy now next cycle will be it xx
Morning everyone hope your all well. Super proud of myself remembered to take my temp again this morning lol
I also managed to do it this morning!
My husband had picked up FRERs and is on his way home from work! I know I should wait until the morning but Im not going to be able to resist testing when he comes homes. So scared Ill be disappointed...