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Come on July Babies!

stand by ladies - test results to follow in 12 hours or less. :hugs:
Oooh you're making us wait 12 hours!?!!! How cruel!! lol, good luck xxx
HOLY S**T, ARE YOU ALREADY TESTING?! I'm way excited. That was the fastest 2 weeks ever, or it seemed to me, haha. Maybe because I've known since 5dpo I was prego, which seems like WEEKS ago, ha.
thanks for all of the encouragement ladies - unfortunately - :bfn:
not really early anymore! I know there is still some hope, but I'm not super confident. Frequency of urination has decreased, heartburn also decreased, crevix low and firm, and gush of watery cm last night - always an indication for me that the :witch: is on her way.
So - maybe not this month?
I'm sure my testing is not over... :) And I know there is still some hope. Will update you as soon as there is something to report! :hugs:
What test did you use that early jjf?

Sorry to hear that Pamela!like you say tho.. still a chance, hang in there!
Well I got a BFN, blah. My CM just went sticky, don't think that's a good sign.

John says my boobs are HUGE! Like that means anything.

I'll test again on Saturday.
Hmm... 2ww is starting to get to me a bit today! I've just been sat thinking.. that if the doc is right about my losses just being down to bad luck, then surely it wouldn't happen yet AGAIN, would it!?! So I'm actually coming round to the idea of thinking if I'm pregnant this cycle it might even stick!!! Why do we have to wait to test :hissy:
Michele - you mean test again Saturday - like 5 days from now!? That is patience! Good for you :)

Hopeful - LOVING your new pic!

Aww Jububbs - I really hope this is your month. I just want to throw this out there - don't know if it is something you would want to think about (just in case this is not your month). After my 3 mcs, my cycle was really screwy. I decided to prevent for a month, and give my body a chance to normalise. Did get preggers the next month. (As you know - that didn't work out - so not sure where this advice is going :rofl:)

I know preventing does seem crazy, and I have not read anything on this being beneficial, but i would say it helped to sort out my cycle... big big big :hugs:
:rofl: Pamela, that made me giggle.. giving out advice and not being sure what the advice is!! heh heh... yeah I have been considering preventing for a month, it just seems like such a waste of an egg, doesn't it! I dont know if I'd have the will power to do it!
I agree - it is really difficult. I was away during O anyhow that month... so made it easy!! :)
sorry to hear about the BFNs ladies...hopefully that will change in the next couple of days.

Ju - this IS your month...fingers crossed for you

I'm feeling good this cycle, as I mentioned before, no cramping like last time, so hopefully things work out. One week until the earliest time I could possibly test if I cave and test early, which I probably will! lol
Congrats to K&K! That's awesome--spread the luck around the rest of us!
Well, today is :witch: day--she still hasn't arrived though, so I took a PT and :bfn:! :cry: I think I am probably out of luck this month! Oh well, here's to August babies!! My daughter is an August baby, so I know BDing in November has worked for me before!!
I just got a reminer from one of the first tri ladies not to give up hope- she said she did not get her :bfp: til 19DPO - so - until the :witch: arrives- let's keep smiling :)
Sorry to hear about the BFN apple - and everyone. BUT do not give up hope. It ain't over till she makes her visit. I was reading this book lastnight during an insomnia attack...everthing you need to know about fertility and conception. She talks a lot about visualization. She says every day during fertile time you should take 10 mnutes to visualize the sperm meeting the egg etc as well as the importance of positive thinking. So come on ladies - now you can visualize the egg implanting. Maybe a little hokey I know but I am willing to try anything.

Thanks for the compliment on my furbaby apple - he's had a great role in keeping me sane during my 2wws.

Babydust to you ladies.
yes- I've been trying the visualisation for a while. I even talk to the egg. 'come on honey - you know you're hungry - burrow into mummy and stay warm and get a nice meal!'
So sorry apple and the others! I used the IC's at 5dpo and 6dpo saw shadows and had a nice line 7 and 8dpo with the Dollar store, new choice, or first choice or something! I know my last pregnancy (MC) I used FRER at 10 days, it was faint but there.
Hi everyone congrats kandK on your:bfp:

Come all your other lovely ladies there's got to be more :bfp: its a bumper month so far.

Update: been to hospital this morning as I had brown nearly black blood this morning, to cut a long story short, they took my bloods and the results are my HCG levels are 380 :happydance: I have to go back on wednesday and have them taken again and hopefully they should be around 700, and go back on friday and have them taken again and have a scan.

They have put me as high risk pregnancy so they will monitor me very closely though out my pregnancy, at last something is getting done.

The bleeding seems to have stopped now, so am a little more relaxed but just want my HCG to go up.

Anyway enough about me, I cant seem to leave TTC forum, your all so nice.

Thanks to you all for kind words and help, its meant alot :hugs:

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