no bad hang over. Oh... My temp is 97.9 way above coverline Sigh. Gotta get kiddo ready for school and after I will reread pages.
I can make a signature. Going to school for graphic design.
That is so neat!!! When do you graduate?
Kayla had mentioned using "Crazy conception cYber chicks" as the title. I made one earlier and it was purple with a fairy on the right side and said the title in black, cursive font. There was some fairy dust in there too....but I could not find the URL to post it. Oh well. You will probably do a much better job than I could.
On a side note, my temps are still high. Although today I feel like

may be on her way. I am beyond irritable (not normal for me) and am cramping ever so often. AF is officially due tomorrow....we shall see....