Considering another pregnancy after IUGR

I had a IUGR baby just a little over a month ago. At 24 weeks our second baby was diagnosed with IUGR being only in the 3rd percentile for weight. I was put on bed rest and had to go in for 2 weekly nst and once weekly Doppler flows. They tried to keep her in their as long as possible but at 35+6 Sophie decided she wasn't having an more of being in the womb and it was time to see mommy and daddy. She is doing well for the most part other then her heart surgery on Tuesday! We want to have another baby but we are afraid of IUGR again since it has already happened to us twice, our first little one sadly went to sleep shortly after his birth.
:shrug:did you wait a year and a half after your 1st angel passed? that is what the doctors told me. and did you also take baby aspirin with your 2nd one?
we TTC almost 5 years after my DS was born at 33weeks, was only in SCBU for 5 days then let home weight 4lb 5.2oz at birth and 4lb 3oz when discharged, he is almost 5years old now, but has some issues. we're 15weeks pregnant after all fertility treatment failed and we were told we would never have a baby well we are lol :D but mega high risk i have alot of problems health wise and had miscarriages and losses etc. so we're seen and scanned every 2-4weeks, between 4 and 11w6d i had 6scans lol :D we're waiting on our next scan which is next thursday hopefully find out the sex :D

i have had to take baby aspirin and such and think i am only pregnant because i was on blood thinners when i first ovulated and got pregnant :D

but with DS i was told i could TTC right away :D
:shrug:did you wait a year and a half after your 1st angel passed? that is what the doctors told me. and did you also take baby aspirin with your 2nd one?

I don't understand why you have been told to wait a year and a half. Seems an awful long time. I would check this out with another doc/specialist if I were you.

Sorry for the loss of your little boy x
only reason i have heard to wait is for something to be fixed or for something like methotrexate to be removed from the body
the 1.5 year wait (or two years minus 9 months before ttc, as i was told) are for mothers who had a classic csection - the one that involves a T incision. That vertical line takes much longer to heal than the typical horizontal line that they now use in modern csections.
ah right never thought of that never had a section but guess time would be best for those as it is major surgery. huge hugs
My first baby was a stillbirth at 32 weeks. At the time I just wanted to get pregnant again as it was my way of dealing with what happened. I had a lot of reassurance from my docs that it was just one of those things and won't happen again. Yeah right. I got pregnant again and all was well until I hit 34 weeks and ended up with major cord blood flow problems. I had an emergency section right away and my beautiful daughter was born. She is now a healthy 2 yr old. We decided that wasn't too bad and decided to try once more to give my daughter a brother or sister. We got pregnant and once again all was well until 24 week scan when I was told that there was no end diastolic flow in the cord. From that day my pregnancy became a living hell. Few times a week I'd go in for scans, dopplers heart traces etc. i spent most of the time either in and out of hospital or at home crying my eyes out waiting to feel when baby's movements would reduce so I could go into hospital.
Then one night at 28 weeks I felt that my baby wasn't moving as much but I was SURE he was fine as during the day I was at the hospital and had a heart trace done. Anyway I decided to not risk it and went into hospital to get it double checked. The next thing I knew I was being rushed off to theatre and had my baby boy :( I am grateful he is alive but he is in the NICU fighting every day. It has only been 14 days since his birth but at the moment I feel I could never do that again to myself or my baby.
Wow! Sorry for going on and on.
big hugs to everyone very traumatic experiences. Well Matthew my now healthy happy 3 year old was born at 33+3 and 3lb 11 due to IUGR and developing PE no ones motioned how long to wait but I since read (prob on here lol) about waiting 18 months as risk of uterus rupturing following a c section. Anywhoy second baby Daniel was born in dec there at 30 weeks at a good 3lb 6 for his age with NO IUGR he was perfectly healthy and monitored closely I had severe PE this time round although I have kidney damage from a childhood illness so was weeker anyway

I notice a big diff in the 2 boys Daniel is
great at gaining weight and is a good eater, Matthew who had the IUGR was always a poor feeder and was terrible at gaining weight right up until hr was about a year he is very slim but very tall now although at just over 3 years old has just gotten into his 2-3 year clothes I already know Daniel will catch up a lot

I'm waffling on lol what I'm getting at (eventually) is that IUGR isn't inevitable and although my 2nd lol was earlier it was unrelated I think they caught my PE before
it caused toouch trouble with the placenta as Matthew measured about 29-30 weeks at almost 34 weeks so had stopped feeding him.

Additional checkups scans etc do make a huge difference
and can be picked up spin early enough to
try and delay it xx

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