Considering at-home insemination with donor sperm...?

Amy is nausea nausea nausea at the moment. Although I had a tummy bug last week so I think she may have that, but no vomiting as of yet which I did constantly.

I know it's too early to be pregnancy related, but fingers crossed a bfp might be on the way
I'm feeling like crap! lol I'm so freaking tired, I can sleep 11-12 hours at night and still take a nap during the day which is very unlike me. I'm nauseous about 80% of the day. No throwing up though, just super nauseous. I'm so excited to be getting close to the 2nd trimester so hopefully I feel better and can stop worrying so much lol

If you are 7dpo now, when did you start testing? That's so early...

My 2ww turned into like a month long wait. I had spotting about a month ago which I think was a really light AF but at the time thought it was IB as it happened at about 6dpo. FF has put me as OV on the 23rd Sept due to my bbt chart and also got a positive OPK but also had had the BFP a couple of days before. So basically I am just following FF but I am a bit lost as to where I am as still havent had AF other than the spotting I had. If all that makes sense. When we got the positive OPK we BD again just in case but only the once as we didnt have a clue what was going on. so if I go off 7dpo then I wont be testing until this weekend at least now but just hoping we get answers one way or another. Its all a bit of a mess really :nope:

I always think that morning sickness feels a bit like having a hang over without the fun before hand. Its that sort of 'grey' feeling that gets worse at certain smells. I hope it passes soon for you!
Have you thought about making an appointment with the gyno just to check things out? Couldn't hurt for some peace of mind...

Yeah, that's how I've been explaining ms! A hangover that never ends lol
Yeh I think I'm going give it a little longer then go to doctors. I feel fine just lost the plot a bit with trying to keep track of things.

At least at 9 weeks you should hopefully turn a corner soon with the ms. I hope with it being twins it isn't like ms double fold! X
Ugh, Skylark... how frustrating all of this must be. :hugs: FX that you get some answers soon!

As for me... my almost-positive OPK disappeared (I think it was because my pee was super concentrated; I hadn't had anything to drink in awhile), and I definitely haven't O'd.... I expected my positive-or-almost OPK last night, but so far nothing. Negative as they get. Not the usual fertile CM I get, either. So I'm thinking I'm going to O late this cycle. We got a donation yesterday afternoon in anticipation of the + OPK, and we were supposed to get another one tonight... but if the OPK doesn't turn positive before the evening, I'm going to hold off until I get one. :shrug: Trying to just relax and go with it, so... we'll see what happens!
Hope the +OPK shows up 2moms!

We are 5/6dpo at the mo and Amy had some pink cm spotting last night. Literally two wipes and it was gone. She still has nausea but that has been around since 2dpo so not chalking that up to much anything
Jumping in here after a few months of lurking, it'll be nice to be able to talk with someone about this since it's not something I can share w/ people "IRL". Our first cycle last month was unsuccessful. :( I was really hoping it'd work on the first try because this is not exactly my preferred method of conception, lol. Anyway, cycle 2 is under way and we are doing our first insemination tomorrow night and then another one or two until ovulation (which should be Sundayish).

Baby dust to all!
I think the stress of all of this is messing with my cycles, too, which is really frustrating. I have always been like clockwork, extremely predictable cycles and ovulation, and naturally, the first month we start at-home inseminations, my cycle gets wonky. Gotta be the nerves/stress. Hoping this month things go back to normal, just gauging things based off my prior cycles!
I'm having the Cycle From Crazytown. Two days of + OPK's, later than normal but not ridiculously late... the surge lasted about 10 hours less than usual, which I thought was interesting... they went negative, so I assumed I ovulated. Except I was still having EWCM on "ovulation day," which was out of the ordinary, but whatever... it can happen, right? Negative OPK's all day yesterday, I'm expecting my temp rise this morning... and it dropped.

Sigh. No ovulation. Thinking maybe I'm having an anovulatory cycle. Okay. That sucks, but they happen. We missed our last scheduled donation, so I'm thinking everything happens for a reason, so maybe it's to spare me the horror of the man-juice if it's not necessary anyway :haha:

Take a test just for the hell of it around 8:30am today.... and it's as close to positive as they get, without actually being positive.

... Okay? Maybe my girls are trying again! So I'm about to take another OPK, and we're going to try to get a donation this afternoon if it's still almost positive or positive.

After this nonsense, my ovaries are getting a stern talking-to. But after they do their job, because I don't want to piss them off :haha: :wacko:
Hope you ovulated after all! Sending baby dust your way!

We insemed on Thursday and Friday night (got a strong positive OPK on Friday at noon) and I could feel the ovulation twinges yesterday (Sat) so I'm hopeful that our timing was good enough for a BFP! I'm feeling much more optimistic about this than I did last month. I would have preferred to insem one more time last night for safe measure but our donor wasn't available (ended up working a 15 hour day, yikes!) so we will cross our fingers! Back in the 2ww.....boooo! Hate the wait!
Hope you ovulated after all! Sending baby dust your way!

We insemed on Thursday and Friday night (got a strong positive OPK on Friday at noon) and I could feel the ovulation twinges yesterday (Sat) so I'm hopeful that our timing was good enough for a BFP! I'm feeling much more optimistic about this than I did last month. I would have preferred to insem one more time last night for safe measure but our donor wasn't available (ended up working a 15 hour day, yikes!) so we will cross our fingers! Back in the 2ww.....boooo! Hate the wait!

Thank you! Still no ovulation. Getting negative OPK's. :shrug: I've all but given up on this cycle.

Your timing sounds great! Welcome to the TWW... hope it has a happy ending for you! :thumbup:
Well ladies :witch: got me big time!

and with that my friend has pulled out of ttc :cry: She just cant cope with the roller coaster after what they have already been through and are now looking into adoption and fostering. I feel like I have really let everyone down.

So its the end of the road for our ttc journey. I wish all you lovely lovely ladies the best of luck with yours and really hope you get your bfp soon. I will keep popping back to check!! You have all been fantastic, thank you :hugs:
Hello lovelies! I used to frequent this forum months ago. I needed a break. I come back and see several successes from members I remember. How awesome! Congrats to those of you who finally got your bfps! Good luck to those of you who persevere.

I am weary of beginning this journey again and only intend to try until June 2014. That will make it over ten years of wanting and waiting. We have found a new donor, hoping that perhaps we will successful. We are taking the next month or two to get new paperwork in order and get the medical testing out of the way...again. We will try at home ai, if that is not successful we will try iui. We're looking at possibly trying the stork, and maybe the new digital opks, and maybe a new vitamin regimen-- if you ladies have any advice, please share!
Hi ladies, I wanted to introduce myself too! We conceived our first baby using a known donor and some clomid magic :haha:, looking to do it again here real soon!

We're still not sure if we're going to use the same or a different donor- we <3 our donor but he is 4 hours away from us and that makes it hard to do more than one insem/cycle. We found a donor in our city willing to help so we are considering using him.

Regardless, we hope to have another little one on the way! It would be great if it happened before Christmas but lord knows we'll see.

Nice to "meet" you all! Look forward to following everyone's journeys.
Welcome Ace! I switched donors for my second due to distance issues as well.

Welcome back firechild! <3

Sorry to hear that SkyLark. It is a crazy ride for surrogates and hopeful parents as well. And Adoption/Fostering is another wild ride. I wish them great luck with all that will entail. Don't blame yourself. This is how these things go. Its so hard not having control over what happens and when. <3
Welcome Ace! I switched donors for my second due to distance issues as well.

Oh good so it's not just us! Can i ask- what did you say to your first donor when you switched? We don't want to sound ungrateful and like I said, we really loved him- he was an amazing guy. It's just so HARD to meet up with him due to distance!
Hi fire & ace :) :)

And I'm sorry, Skylark... you definitely didn't let anyone down. This is a crazy journey, and we all have to come through it in our own way. It's really, for the most part, beyond our control. You were very generous and kind to offer, and I hope that your friend has lots of luck building a family in whatever method she chooses. You're always welcome here :hugs:

On my end... still no ovulation. :nope: OPK line is getting dark again (not positive yet), but I don't trust it anymore. I'm thinking I'll probably just abandon this cycle and wait for AF to start over. I've already gotten three wasted donations and am feeling rather hopeless.

FX for the rest of you, and I will be back for cycle #4! I'm considering starting Vitex and seeing if it helps keep me regular. I was regular for three cycles before this one, but before that, had some irregular months. So I dunno. :shrug:

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