Considering at-home insemination with donor sperm...?

Hello everyone,
Just read through a hundred pages of posts and am excited to start TTC within the next few months. I have a few donors already set up and all I'm waiting for is to get a handle on when I ovulate. Just bought my first OPKs and tested. Eeeeep!!!
Jury, that's so true. We were waiting outside and I said 'I wonder if it's putting him off, knowing that we're waiting knowing exactly what he's doing?' It was a bit surreal really.

LauraC, whoo! When do you think you'll be trying?

Child2hold hi, good luck with your testing. A couple of months of cycle monitoring is a good way to start. Are you just using OPKs or doing anything else? I take my temperature too but that's a bit of a faff, having to take it at the same time every morning and that. I've found it useful, though it doesn't predict ovulation so doesn't help with timings for insemination.
Child2hold hi, good luck with your testing. A couple of months of cycle monitoring is a good way to start. Are you just using OPKs or doing anything else? I take my temperature too but that's a bit of a faff, having to take it at the same time every morning and that. I've found it useful, though it doesn't predict ovulation so doesn't help with timings for insemination.

I did temp in the past, but my sleep pattern is so erratic its not worth it. Maybe I'll set up an alarm for the same time every day. I just want this to work. I'm willing to do anything.
I pretty much think I know around when I ovulate but just looking for confirmation. LOL
Jury, that's so true. We were waiting outside and I said 'I wonder if it's putting him off, knowing that we're waiting knowing exactly what he's doing?' It was a bit surreal really.

LauraC, whoo! When do you think you'll be trying?

Child2hold hi, good luck with your testing. A couple of months of cycle monitoring is a good way to start. Are you just using OPKs or doing anything else? I take my temperature too but that's a bit of a faff, having to take it at the same time every morning and that. I've found it useful, though it doesn't predict ovulation so doesn't help with timings for insemination.

We're trying this month Hun. I will probably ov around cd20ish
I still haven't had success despite having hubby as the donor :(
I have lost count but I'm pretty sure this is our 6th consecutive negative cycle.
This should be 7dpo but I'm feeling breast tenderness already which is usually a sign that AF is getting ready for me. Guess I'll just stay hopeful.

Just so bummed. Hubby has moved to another state for work so now we'll have even less of a chance.

I think we'll get fertility tests soon. Hubby's semen volume seems to be consistently low. It's 1.5ml on a good day and sometimes only 0.5ml. Otherwise, I'd consider us to be pretty healthy.

The day I got my OPK positive, we did an insem, and I was lying on my back to keep it all "in" but could you believe that I sneezed and I felt it all come out (sorry, TMI). That was like doh!

Good luck to everyone. This thread gives me hope. I keep coming back because I know AI at home works.
Im back.
Sorry I went MIA but I had to leave the TTC and pregnancy forums for a couple weeks.

I was really heart broken about not being able to try in January (thanks to shipping issues - I thought 2 day shipping meant I could order/ship Thursday the 2nd since our bank was shut on the 1st, and receive it on the 4th. Apparently their carrier doesn't deliver on Saturdays though.) I got a positive OPK on Sunday and we wouldn't have received our sample until Monday sometime. :( :( :( :( I am thankful my guy talked me out of being completely insane and paying double the shipping to get it on Friday though. Im also thankful we didn't gamble it and order it for Monday.

Anyway, we ordered and shipped on Thursday and will receive our sample for February's try (our first) on Monday. I am excited and just praying I don't O early (Im not scheduled to until Wednesday so odds are in my favor.)

I am excited but also super busy which I think is good. School just started back up for me and Im a double major so there is lots to be done! :)

Congrats to all the +'s I missed and I hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
May be officially joining you gals soon-Upped our TTC date to July of this year. Found a very nice donor online, hoping all continues to go well. Cycles a little wonky, so we will have to iron those wrinkles out before officially TTC, but getting excited to start trying. Been charting for almost a year now, so we have a pattern going-Shame that I've got my cycles down to a T, but Tam who is up to inseminate first is still a little lost :dohh: she's getting there though! Hope everyone is well-glad to see so many bfp's since I was here last! Congrats everyone!
Our donor informed us today that he won't be donating for any future children that we want. He and his wife decided it would be weird if we had more kids by him than what they have together. We are of course thankful for the 2 we have coming and we knew this was a risk we were taking, but I can't help but be extremely disappointed and a bit pissed. They knew we wanted 4 before we ever started. We were happy that all 4 of our kids would be genetically related and we wouldn't have to worry about getting another donor. It is what it is I guess.
Hello Everyone,

I just want to say that this thread has given me hope and I thank personally everyone who posted and increased my knowledge about AI.

My story is weird, I am a dad of wonderful honeymoon baby girl.
She is 2.5 years old now, 6 months ago we started TTC for a baby BOY! with different methods mainly based on timed intercourse after Ovulation.

The issue tuned out that I cannot perform under pressure, and even when we gave up wanting a boy and trying to have normal sex each other day, I still cannot do it during the fertile window! some sort of Performance Anxiety ED.

I did lots of research and found this method and oh what a relief although my wife still hating it.

We started this cycle and did two insems using cup to 10ml syringe, and I push the syringe as far as it can go but while i can still hold its end so that I can remove it, but I have a big worry if the semen is deposited close to cervix or not !!

and if the cervix is deeper insider, is that enough!! and can sperm travel the remaining distance?

I really appreciate Nimyra and other heros if they can answer this question?

Is it a must for semen to be deposited on the cervix or close to it?
can I try to insert the whole syringe inside even with its handles before pushing the semen out. the syringe is 9 cm long

Thanks again for any reply or feedback, it will certainly count
Middleeast, I'm no expert but if you're concerned you're not getting it close enough, I've got a couple of suggestions. First of all, aim it high up but then get your wife to raise her hips with a few pillows underneath to help it trickle close to the cervix. But rather than just lie there, she could rotate a few times onto sides and front, ensuring it gets at the cervix from a few different angles. I've read of other women trying this.

The other suggestion is, using a speculum if you feel confident enough, this would allow you to open her vagina up a bit to see the cervix.

Just my ideas, not tried and tested methods.

Jury, that's a bit poo about the donor, especially seeing as you were up front about your wishes to start with. Perhaps they will change their minds later. If not, I guess it's back to donor hunting for the next one.
Burrr, thank you for the feedback

Actually I bought the speculum but I was not able to use it since it hurts my wife and i did not feel it is easy to deal with.

We usually raise the butt on one pillow, we will try more pillows as you suggested in order to allow it to trickle on the cervix.

We do the rotation thing on the right and left side.

Thanks Again!
Hello Everyone,

I just want to say that this thread has given me hope and I thank personally everyone who posted and increased my knowledge about AI.

My story is weird, I am a dad of wonderful honeymoon baby girl.
She is 2.5 years old now, 6 months ago we started TTC for a baby BOY! with different methods mainly based on timed intercourse after Ovulation.

The issue tuned out that I cannot perform under pressure, and even when we gave up wanting a boy and trying to have normal sex each other day, I still cannot do it during the fertile window! some sort of Performance Anxiety ED.

I did lots of research and found this method and oh what a relief although my wife still hating it.

We started this cycle and did two insems using cup to 10ml syringe, and I push the syringe as far as it can go but while i can still hold its end so that I can remove it, but I have a big worry if the semen is deposited close to cervix or not !!

and if the cervix is deeper insider, is that enough!! and can sperm travel the remaining distance?

I really appreciate Nimyra and other heros if they can answer this question?

Is it a must for semen to be deposited on the cervix or close to it?
can I try to insert the whole syringe inside even with its handles before pushing the semen out. the syringe is 9 cm long

Thanks again for any reply or feedback, it will certainly count

Hi Middleeast, :hi:

You don't need to insert the handles of the syringe (which may hurt a bit too), in my experience and with all I've read in here, the sperm (swimmers :winkwink:) get to where they need to go :thumbup:

Good luck all :dust:
We did our first insem this morning when my OH got home from work. It was simple and sweet. He laid with me for a half hour while I kept my butt propped up (paranoia has set in already&#8230; I found myself asking him if he thought I could pee, 2 hours later, without them jumping out&#8230; Im aware I can't pee them out but really, Im nervous.) Finally he just made me breakfast and kept shaking his head&#8230;. he thinks I've lost my mind. >.<

I didn't bank on how suddenly nervous Id be. Ha.

Anyway aside from cramps I feel normal and fine, I went to classes and carried on like everything was dandy - which it is :)

I hope you are all doing well&#8230; who all is trying this month? When do you think you will be able to test? I am suddenly over-excited about this process. :happy dance:

Much love and baby dust to yah'll, I will be around. :hugs:
Hi everyone!

I'm pretty new to this, am approaching the end of my first TWW, peed on a stick, negative so I'm trying to look forward to next month. Bit sadder than I thought I'd be to be honest!

I'm 27, my OH is 26 and my OH has issues, he struggles to get and maintain an erection, and can't finish inside me, he never has. So before we go to the docs and try and explain this to them (they've not been particularly sympathetic about a request for help, told us to go away and do it naturally for at least a year, which is tricky when you can't actually do it in the first place!) we've decided to have him do the deed in a glass, and me insert. Are there any tips any of you ladies could give me?

I've been using the clear blue OPK, the ones that give you a smiley face, and we inserted on the two days the face was solid smiley (I didn't get a flashy one) and the day after.

Should I do it more? One of my friends conceived first time by doing it every other day after her period finished.

I'm currently wading through this thread from the start!

Is there anything else I could do? Any tips and tricks gratefully received. Best of luck to everyone trying!

Hi North_Star,

We are doing it every other day after my wife's period finished and sometimes everyday.

we decided that to clear our minds from thinking about when she is going to ovulate!

I do the job in a sterile cup, I immediately close the cup and keep it worm between my legs for 5 minutes to liquefy, I then suck it to the syringe, push out the air bubbles if any slowly not to waste any amount, then my wife out a pillow under her hips and I insert the syringe to its end and push the goods.

Then my wife keeps her legs in the air for some time and she sleeps with her legs raised by a huge pillow.

the next morning she feels some leakage which is normal.

Good luck to you and all who is trying this month
Hi ArtsyTTC2014,

We are trying this month but we are doing it every other day, so I think we still have one week of insems and then we will wait for some time before start testing.

Good luck
Good luck Artsy, hope you catch the eggie!!

I've conceived with donor sperm on the first donation twice. The first time, my donor did his thing into a sterile cup, and I took it into a syringe (didn't take out air bubbles), inserted into my vagina, then deposited as close to the entrance of the cervix and released, then masturbated, then propped up on a pillow for half an hour . Then I put a pad on afterwards and wore that for two hours, showered then went about my day and got my BFP 10 days later.

The second time was almost identical from the first time, except I put the pad on right after, drove home, and then masturbated (about an hour and a half). I kept the pad on until the next morning, and 11 days after insem, got my BFP. I'm due in July.
AF came today ladies. This is our 6th consecutive negative cycle.

I had a bit of a cry this morning but I'm going to get back onto the bandwagon and stay hopeful. I'm going to stay positive.

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