Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

ohhh i hope i dont look 6 months pregnant after birth, i was huge! haha.. My friend who just had her baby looked back to normal in about 2 days, bitch!
Hello lovely ladies- i've not been on this thread for a while but have been quietly keeping an eye on what's been happening.

All good with me,
ttc - good to hear from you! Glad things are going well- hope to hear more from you soon!

Hoping I'm one of the ones who looks back to normal right away - but my luck that won't be me! I'm thinking if I prepare for the worst then maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised!

I haven't been doing a good job keeping up with bump pics at all & wishing I had done it more like you have JayDee. I have some early on pics when I was wishing & hoping it was the start of my bump - then a few from my shower (fully clothed of course) and then dh took a few a week ago. He was commenting on how big my bump was getting - so we took some with clothes & then a few with me holding my shirt up with side angle. I'm wanting to get some shots with the camcorder of my belly when the baby is really active. DH isnt sure that you will be able to tell with the camcorder - but I'm thinking we will. I'm thinking once the baby is out - its going to be weird not seeing her move and feeling her wiggle. My movements are already much different than they were before - instead of big kicks I get lots of smaller movements & like waves going across my stomach. Today she likes to punch my cervix - not comfortable! Not sure if its her head butting me or what?
TTC - glad you're ok :)

Daisy - I bet you would see something on the camcorder, people seem to be able to see my belly jumping if I point out that it is, and not just the person sat next to me.
I know what you mean about movements, they do seem more like waves now rather than kicks (although I am still getting the odd kick). In a funny way the waves are more uncomfortable sometimes than the kicks because they pull your skin more maybe??

I had another weird pregnancy thing yesterday, pretty early on when I started having weird dreams I drempt that one of my ex-collegues was pregnant as well as me, but I had a big bump and she didn't so no-one believed her. Well, guess what, she posted her 12 week scan pic on facebook yesterday!!

Think they've put something in the water round here, as I know of at least 7 people who are currently pregnant (either friends/friends of friends/ex collegues) and a few more who have had babies this year. Maybe the local water people think our town is under populated or something - ha ha.
JayDee - Yes I agree the movements now are more uncomfortable & at times I wish she would go back to sleep. LOL Is it wrong to think that? I still get kicks sometimes too - just not all the time like before - when she does though it is usually a crazy kungfu take my breath away kick. My dh laughs when she does that - cause I usually make a funny face or jerk my whole body in surprise reaction. She likes to wiggle her feet when I'm laying on my side - but that almost tickles me - it feels funny!

I've been trying to get organized this week - feel energized and the weather has actually been decent so think that helps. Makes me feel better to be able to check things off my list. Our baby shower is tomorrow & I talked dh into coming although think its mostly girls going to be there - I think maybe 3 other guys?

Thats funny JayDee that so many girls you know are pregnant! The only other person I know right now thats pregnant is my aunt who announced to me at my last shower. She is only 6 years older than me - but she commented how it was funny that my grandma will be a great-grandma and then be a grandma after that.
loads of my friends are pregnant too, its very strange!

Jaydee did you tell your friend that she was gonna get pregnant? how strange!

I had dreams that my baby was gonna come really early, i think i've past the stage it was at now so i'm glad that one didnt come true!

I'm going out to lunch with a friend today and i'm going to try and find some jeans or something - literally impossible when you're a giant like me! but io've got one pair of maternity jeans and they really aint very comfortable anymore!
I agree with you all, the movements are definitely more like waves than those cute little kicks we used to talk about. Sorry Emma I'm glad to say I dont have piles but I do have the pelvis ache that Daisy had been getting (although it's not as severe as yours Daisy). I notice it usually at night or when I get up from sitting for a long time. Apparently it's quite common but I don't like it one bit.

JayDee, well done for getting on the NCT course and getting a discount too! I'm impressed that you can still fit in your normal skinny jeans. But how can this be? :shrug: I was a size 10 before I got pregnant and now I look like I've swallowed a sofa... And still 7 weeks to go :dohh:

TTC - Hello lovely, glad to hear you're well. x :hugs:

Daisy - How was the baby shower today?

DH had been busy building the cot and dresser this week. And the pram arrived today too. so that should keep him busy, along with the wardrobe :haha:

We're expecting delivery of the car seat on Monday too. But there's still so much to get, it's like the never ending list!! How's everyone else getting on?
Hi all

Emma - no, I didn't tell her that I thought she was going to get pregnant at the time, once she'd announced it I did tell her that I'd drempt it ages ago (as it happens, they were trying at the time but I didn't know!)
My friend that's due in March is having a similar problem with clothes I think. She was about a 12 pre pregnancy, but doesn't think her size 12 mat jeans are going to last much longer. She's also got quite a high up corporate job, so is going to have to try and find lots of smartish pregnancy clothes as well. She can get away with black trousers and a smart top most of the time but, like she says, you can't wear the same pair of trousers every day. Glad I don't have that problem.

Daisy - hope you enjoyed your shower, how's the sock count doing? ha ha
I'm glad the weather is decent with you, it's freezing here today (well it was 4C when I went out this morning - no idea what that is in F, but it's pretty close to 0C to me!)

Meerkat - glad you're getting things sorted. I washed all the baby clothes/blankets etc that we've got on Friday/over the weekend. There were about 4 washloads of stuff, I couldn't believe it! Ok, there were lots of blankets/muslin squares but quite a few clothes as well. Sure it won't seem like we have that many once he's here.
We also walked round mothercare on Saturday (for something to do) and came to the conclusion that we had everything we needed. Ok, he could do with some toys, but imagine people will get him those for Christmas, and if not we'll buy them after. We have a playmat and a couple of things, but newborns just sleep really don't they?

Been to doctors this morning for 34 week check up. All well, I think I was back in the car within 10 minutes of getting out of it, can't be bad. Baby is laying head down with body on my right side as I thought. Not engaged yet, but he said that was normal at this stage. If it means he's going to stay there till at least 37 weeks that suits me fine!
at least hes the right way round JD! gets rid of all those fears of breach!

my bumps gone! *poof!!* i went from lookin 8 months pregnant to 4/5 months pregnant in the matter of hours! now i'm guessing that his head just engaged?!? well i guess i'm hoping its that after losing what seemed like some water on sunday night... some of you may of seen that in my post in 3rd tri - MW told me not to worry too much and to keep an eye on if i lost more...
thing is, she asked me if my bump had shrunk and i said no, it wasnt til i got dressed that i realised that it had disappeared, i wonder what her answer would of been if i'd of answered yes? i wish i had her mobile number, grrrrrrrrr.......
Wow Emma - youve had quite the past few weeks havent you? I would call someone if it were me - even if it isnt your midwife - just to see what they say. Hope you are ok!

I had my dr appt today and my blood pressure was back up! Grrr! It was good all week too - and then today it wasnt good at all - at dr's or when I got back home. I tried to relax but it didnt help - so I went shopping for baby things & then it went back down! LOL Opposite of what should happen isnt it? So protein test was negative again but they are making me go back in on Friday to recheck blood pressure.

JayDee - how did your dr check if you were engaged or not? Mine didnt mention it even :shrug:

My whole pelvis hurts really bad since last night (usually its more just the right side) - I had a sore tailbone last night and pushed on it - and it made the baby move? My imagination?? Then later was having crotch pain and I put pressure on that bone and again - felt the baby move (up above not like it was the baby I was pushing on) - but wondering if she is putting pressure on these bones & thats why it hurts? :shrug:

My baby shower on Sat. was fab! We had yummy food, pink cupcakes & opened tons of presents. DH even had fun! (There were more guys than originally thought so think that helped.) We got so many clothes - and only 2 things of socks so 6 more pairs - LOL.... but got way too many bibs and clothes which were mostly 3 months size so I've already started taking things back to exchange for bigger sizes which I have less of.

Sunday we put together the crib and mobile - and we both teared up after we were done and sat there and looked at it. It was weird - realizing that is where our baby is going to be sleeping. Made things very real!

Meerkat - hows that list coming along? Sounds like you've got dh busy!
Yes i really have had a dramatic coupla weeks, thats what i get for having no problems early on, no ms or anything like that... hmph.... still havent phoned the docs, but do find myself panicing if he hasnt moved in an hour, i should just get checked out, urgh!

Does anyone in here wanna switch mobile numbers for texting purposes?

more socks daisy! lol glad your baby shower went well!
Daisy - glad your shower went well. Your blood pressure sounds like a pain, I guess at least it's not consistently high - that would be worse wouldn't it? Mine has been either 105/60 or 110/60 all the way through (well it was something/56 once) so I've not had to worry about it.
Doctor said baby was head down but not engaged, which was fine for how far along I am. In the maternity notes that they fill in at each appointment it says they don't worry about position/engagement too much until 36 weeks.

Emma - sounds like you've been having a bit of a dramatic week. The first day my SIL was in labour (she dragged it out for 3 days) she said she'd noticed that her bump had moved down (her exact words were "I've got my ribs back, haven't been able to feel them for months!") so hopefully, unless you're having contractions as well, bubs is just getting comfy.

I went to a work related thing yesterday (I'm meant to go to so many of them a year to prove that I'm not letting my brain rot!) - first problem was - do I have any smartish clothes that fit? Answer no, I ended up doing the hair bobble trick on a pair of trousers, finding a top that would cover that up and throwing on the matching suit jacket! I then had to sit for 2 hours on chairs that were really close together (last year it was chairs around tables) in a really warm room - glad I don't have to do that very often!
Hi Girls,

Hope you are all well! Time is FLYING by isn't it! Only 3 weeks left at work, very scary biscuits indeed! Nursey is coming along (pics on my facebook under 'Misc' photo album). None of the furniture has been assembled yet but the room has been stripped of wallpaper, plastered, painted, cupboards built into an alcove and new carpets put down. It was such a state before!

ANYWAY, i've been on a bit of a downer the past few days as i'm quite stressed about whether or not to have the swine flu vaccine. What have you guys decided/done? The other 5 women in my NCT class have had the jab (although I wouldn't base my decision on that as it's seems to be 50/50 across pregnant women as a whole). It somehow seems to come down to an unknown risk of the vaccine on the baby against the known benefit of swine flu prevention? I was supposed to go for my jab on Saturday but cancelled and the OH is coming with me to the Midwife on Monday to see if, together, we can make a decision - seems to be devil you do, devil you don't. MWAH MWAH MWAH :(

I've not heard of anybody here having a baby shower but looks to be a good way of getting lots of things that you need!

How you finding the NCT classes Jaydee? We've had 3 now (I think) but most things I knew so far from the internet and things. They are deffo anti C-section though! My friend called their breastfeeding line and when she told them she had had a C-Section they told her she had given her baby the worst possible start in life ???!!!!!

Eggnog seems to have distinct times for movement during the day and often goes for a few hours without doing anything then makes up for it later by booting me under the ribs :)

I wish i'd kept a diary or a blog or something now that i'm coming towards the end of my pregnancy. Maybe when i'm off on Mat Leave and have some time on my hands (?) I might write it retrospectively (ha, i'm not going to do it am I!!)

Weight wise i've put on just over 2 stone so far but my muscle tone has definitely gone by the wayside as I stopped running about 3 months ago and have been doing very little exercise since (compared to what I used to do) oh well, i'm keen to get back into burning up a sweat after bubs makes an appearance!

Think we've got nearly everything for the arrival. Not got a playmat or rocker but can get that later. Have also washed the things I will need for the hospital and a few things for afterwards and the bedding. Must call the labour ward for a visit too - has anybody else done that? How was it?

Might get a full nights sleep tonight, one can live in hope! Have had terrible weather lately, the town just down the road from us flooded so badly a couple of weekends ago it made national news! (Stonehaven) crazy!!

Pie xx
Pie - I've not been to NCT classes yet, we're on an intensive 2 day one rather than lots of shorter ones, the first one is tomorrow. Can't believe they would say that to your friend about c-section, I mean, people don't always choose them but sometimes end up having them don't they? When we went to the NHS breast feeding class I was asking her about expressing rather than feeding baby straight from the breast, and whilst she agreed it was possible, and that they would help if that's what I decided to do, she actually used the words "the next best thing" - personally, I'd prefer not to have to be the one feeding my baby every time he's hungry, but I think it's personal preference, we'll see when he gets here. Anyway.....

I've not been offered the swine flu jab yet (my doctors are expecting stocks later this month) and I'm still undecided. To start with I said 100% no, just because they can't say 100% that it won't affect the baby, I usually have a good immune system and I'm at home most of the time so feel I am at low risk of catching it. DH is less convinced and thinks I should sit and speak to the doctor about it first, ask him what he would do if it was his wife/daughter that was pregnant. I know what you mean though, it's a horrible decision to have to make, and I don't think anyone other than you and OH can make it.

Sounds like you're nearly sorted baby stuff wise. You never know, you might get nice grandparents buying baby a rocker or a playmat for Christmas if you ask them nicely! Both sets of parents have already offered to pay for stuff for the baby for us (they know there is no way I'd want someone else choosing important stuff and would want to be mega organised and have it sat waiting!) but they are both buying little stuff for him for Christmas as well, and I've "approved" all of those so far as well (only cos I was shopping with them and looking at baby stuff in whatever shop we were in).

Hope everyone has a good weekend, we've got NCT class all day Saturday and no other plans but sure we'll think of something to do on Sunday as well.

I'm off to dr. in a bit - so quick note while I keep myself distracted!

Sounds like your getting organized Pie! Horrible thing about what was said about c-sections! I can't believe they would say that! Most women who have them dont have a choice - I think mom's & babies health is what should come first - & sometimes that does mean c-section.

I did decide to have the h1n1 vaccine. Sounds like over here in the U.S. that the dr's are all supporting it (including mine). At first I was against it - and then after talking to dr's and realizing that tons of people around me were and are getting it (the flu)- I decided to take the leap. I was worried about what if I did & what if I didn't - so can totally understand your feelings. In the U.S. too - pregnant women often get the regular flu shot (i had that too). So think that makes it a little different than over there.

Movements - my girl seems to be most active from 4-7 a.m. and then from 5-11 pm. LOL Great schedule she has herself on!

We are getting close to getting the nursery all complete - hopefully by next week I'll have a pic for you guys! Also - as far as the shower - a great way to get things for the baby.... but also - esp. for clothes... people didnt use my registry for ideas. So I didnt get to pick out very many baby clothes (which is kind of a fun part I think!) Think I might do some shopping this weekend. Dh & I are going to a baby shower tomorrow & Sun. dh is going to a football game with his dad. Kindof neat - cause they don't really do things like that together.

Ok - enough distraction - FX for my dr appt! have a good weekend everyone!
Emma - Is everything ok now? Did you speak to someone about the change of position/size etc?

JayDee - IKWYM about the chairs. It's just not comfy sitting upright for long periods of time is it. So glad its my last week at work! Let us know how the antenatal classes go, I have the same 2 day NCT intensive course which starts next Sunday.

Pie - Would love to see the nursery pics but not sure if I have you on facebook do I? Got my visit to the labour ward tomorrow afternoon but feel like a bit of a fraud after I've been there already a while back (when I went in due to lack of fetal movement.) Oh well I'm going again anyway!

I'm so undecided about the swine flu jab and although I've been researching I really can't decide what to do for the best. I haven't been offered it yet but I hate taking any medicines anyway let alone when I'm pg with a jab that hasn't been around very long. Really not sure what to do.

Daisy - How did you get on at the docs hon?

Been busy training up my replacement at work so got a really busy week ahead. Finishing on Friday though, so just hope I get time to tie up the loose ends and clear my desk etc.
Well my blood pressure was down a bit - still borderline so they are having me go back in Tues. I may as well get used to feeling like I live at the hospital! They are going to do a fetal monitoring test and another ultrasound to check the fluid level (not sure why they didnt do that with the ultrasound we had 11/2 weeks ago???) This was the same dr who had me do that ultrasound - so think she likes to run tests. I'm not worried about it.
I asked her about movements - cause my hospital says 4 kicks an hour - well she says that is during the baby's active time. So if my baby is most active in the evening thats when I should do the kick count & its normal for all babies to have sleepy times where you don't feel them. So that helps explain their expectations a little better anyway. The dr on tuesday was saying it was important that I pay attention to the movements with my blood pressure issue so I was confused.

Bet your excited to be almost done with work Meerkat! Good idea about seeing the hospital again - ours explained how things like the beds worked, etc. - you might get that kindof thing too.

Off to the baby shower! Have a good weekend!
How did you find the NCT class Jaydee? Think it's our 4th class next week already!

I've got the midwife tomorrow so will ask her about the swine flu vaccine (although I know they are all sitting on the fence about it) and if ther eis any stock of the Celvapan vaccine rather than the other one available in our area but doubt it.

Had quite a stressful night last night. Woke up about 4am to my brother in law having a seizure which was quite frightening and we had to call the ambulance in the end as it just didn't seem to stop. Thankfully all is ok (it wasn't the first time) but i'd never seen anybody have a seizure before.

Called the labour ward today to make an appt for a visit and they are fully booked until the 5th December! Wow, guess that's what I get for leaving it until the last minute!

Hi Ladies!!

I had a wonderful weekend. My DH has been sick but on Sunday morning he rallied himself up and asked if I wanted to do some Christmas shopping. He was quite eager to leave so despite being in the middle of picking up the house, we head out. When I return, I see my Father in Law outside the house and thought "Oh no, they've popped by for lunch. Hope they haven't been locked out long!" Then I got inside and friends and family had all gathered for a surprise baby shower!! It was great. NZ generally doesn't do the shower thing, but my DH and his mum organized a lovely shower complete with great food, prezzies, and even games!:happydance::happydance: I was spoiled with outfits, toys, bathing stuff, bottles, and yes---socks!

Regarding Swine flu vaccine: NZ has not released it's stocks yet so it's a decision that I don't have to make. As such, it's probably easier for me to say what I would do, however, I had decided to get it if offered. In the US for decades now all pregnant women have been advised to get the seasonal flu vaccine without problems. My understanding is the swine flu vaccine is administered in the same substance and is a dead virus. Had they had a crystal ball when they guess which four flu strains they think will be most prolific for the year, then it would have been included in the seasonal jabs. My DH has been sick with flu like symptoms for a week now and when his temperature was over 40 I really wished that I had had access to the vaccine as a fever alone could harm bubs. Instead, he was in quarantine in the guest bedroom.

Pie, glad to hear your brother in law is OK. I remember how scared I was the first time I witnessed a seizure.

Daisy, hope your BP remains good. That's interesting about the kick counts. Our hospital says 10 kicks in a day but are more concerned with routine. I.e. if bubs is a morning kicker, then they're concerning if you have a morning without kicks.

Meerkat, enjoy your last week of work! That's so exciting!!

Jaydee, how'd your first NCT day go? Hopefully it was more beneficial than the NHS! I'm meeting my antental group next weekend for our first coffee meet now that we've finished our classes.

Emma, how are you? Hope the bump shrinking was just bubs getting comfy and engaged. If I was in UK I'd exchange numbers for text, but the international rates may be a bit too high.

Hope everyone has had a great weekend. It's Monday morning here, so back to work...
Hi all, hope you had a nice weekend.

Daisy - Good news about your bp being lower. :thumbup: And maybe its good that they've asked you to go back so soon as it will put your mind at rest if you have any worries about the :baby: not moving very much.

Pie - Glad to hear your BIL is ok :hugs: Don't worry about the visit to the labour ward. I went today and it really wasn't all that.. No screamers thankfully but I learned that we can pay £75 for a room of our own or we can share with 3 others for free (just to clarify I mean the post natal wards not the labour ward!! he he). I was quite underwhelmed by the visit really but it did bring it home that they can send you home the same day and how the hell do you know what to do with this new baby??? Do you really 'just know'? I can't see that myself.

AK - How lovely of your friends and family to throw you a surprise party :happydance: Weren't you suspicious that DH wanted to go shopping particularly if he had a get out card as he was ill? He he! Reading your post reminds me I really must buy some socks as I have none yet!! Know anyone with some spare? :haha:

Busy week ahead - got my scan on Tues to see if the placenta is still lying low or has moved. My MW says it usually moves, so we'll see. If it's still there I may have to have a c section. I know everyone says a natural birth is best but to be honest neither appeals to me :nope: so I can't decide what's better.

Friday is my last day of work! I have mixed feelings about that but my friends assure me I'll have forgotten all about it after a week!!

And Sunday will be my first of 3 NCT antenatal classes. So lots to keep me occupied this week. Gulp!

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