Hi Ladies!!
I had a wonderful weekend. My DH has been sick but on Sunday morning he rallied himself up and asked if I wanted to do some Christmas shopping. He was quite eager to leave so despite being in the middle of picking up the house, we head out. When I return, I see my Father in Law outside the house and thought "Oh no, they've popped by for lunch. Hope they haven't been locked out long!" Then I got inside and friends and family had all gathered for a surprise baby shower!! It was great. NZ generally doesn't do the shower thing, but my DH and his mum organized a lovely shower complete with great food, prezzies, and even games!

I was spoiled with outfits, toys, bathing stuff, bottles, and yes---socks!
Regarding Swine flu vaccine: NZ has not released it's stocks yet so it's a decision that I don't have to make. As such, it's probably easier for me to say what I would do, however, I had decided to get it if offered. In the US for decades now all pregnant women have been advised to get the seasonal flu vaccine without problems. My understanding is the swine flu vaccine is administered in the same substance and is a dead virus. Had they had a crystal ball when they guess which four flu strains they think will be most prolific for the year, then it would have been included in the seasonal jabs. My DH has been sick with flu like symptoms for a week now and when his temperature was over 40 I really wished that I had had access to the vaccine as a fever alone could harm bubs. Instead, he was in quarantine in the guest bedroom.
Pie, glad to hear your brother in law is OK. I remember how scared I was the first time I witnessed a seizure.
Daisy, hope your BP remains good. That's interesting about the kick counts. Our hospital says 10 kicks in a day but are more concerned with routine. I.e. if bubs is a morning kicker, then they're concerning if you have a morning without kicks.
Meerkat, enjoy your last week of work! That's so exciting!!
Jaydee, how'd your first NCT day go? Hopefully it was more beneficial than the NHS! I'm meeting my antental group next weekend for our first coffee meet now that we've finished our classes.
Emma, how are you? Hope the bump shrinking was just bubs getting comfy and engaged. If I was in UK I'd exchange numbers for text, but the international rates may be a bit too high.
Hope everyone has had a great weekend. It's Monday morning here, so back to work...