Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

Hi all

Emma - hope all is well with you and bubs. Tell him I told him to stay put for now :)

Hope everyone had a good weekend, I went to my friend's halloween party on Saturday. It was actually quite nice because more people than not weren't drinking, so I didn't feel like the odd one out (most of them were driving home). Tell you what though, apple bobbing from a washing up bowl on the floor isn't that easy with a bump! It was quite funny though.

Got my first "pushing class" (as DH is calling it) tonight, and breast feeding class tomorrow, it's all getting very real all of a sudden, he's coming next month (that sounds a lot closer than 7 weeks).....
yah, that next month thing is really freaking me out LOL, i still need to go get a bag for both of us for the hospital, and a cot, gawd, next week hopefully i get all that done!!

Bub seems to of chilled out a bit now, i'd been on and off getting these contraction like pains for almost a week, and on friday they were making me stop walking to catch my breath and breathe thru them, wasnt good, having a bit of a show just got me more worried, but the doc said that i was long and closed and not in early labour, so that is good, she hooked him up to a monitor to check his heartbeat and it was really erratic, jumping from the 180s down to the 140s, took him a good 20 minutes to settle down, she said he seemed over-excited at something, which was probably causing the contractions... anyway, at least its overwith now!

Hope you enjoy your classes JayDee, i'm not going to any! dunno, why, just the way things turned out, no one i know seems to be having them either, perhaps it isnt the done thing around here lol..

is everyone pretty much sorted and got everything now? like i said, i need a cot and my hospital bag, theres some other things too but nothing thats as urgent as those, i really need to find some sleepsuits but my mum says i should not buy clothes, i'll get so many when hes born and she thinks he'll be straight in 3-6 months clothes anyway, like i was, were all born really tall apparently! but i dont think people will buy sleepsuits will they? isnt it more, cute lil outfits? so i wanna get some funky brightly coloured ones, anyone know anywhere other than next that does them?
Glad your bubs settled down Emma! Wonder what was getting him all excited? I always wonder what my LO is thinking & what she is up to in there - esp. when she gets all crazy! I've been feeling less kicks lately - mostly rolling motions with her head which is above my belly button. We put a music toy on my tummy the other night and she was squirming all around - it was so funny!

Everything seems to be getting real very fast - I'm dreaming about having the baby & in some dreams she is already born. Most of the pregnancy I have been dreaming lots of vivid weird dreams- but never about being pregnant or having a baby.

We got the carpet installed in the nursery. Next step is to put up the crib. We have our carseat - but its not installed yet. I started packing a hospital bag for me & dh this weekend. I have to do quite a bit more though to get it finished. Our next (& final) baby shower is on Saturday - so I cant go buy things until that is done - I put lots of things on our registry that if someone doesnt buy it for us as a gift, then I will need to go buy it soon (like diaper bag, covering for the carseat, more crib sheets, etc.)

Emma- might be different over there but people seem to like to buy more outfits for me than sleepers (even though only sleepers are on my registries!). Also I've been getting TONS of socks - I think I have at least 60 pairs & no gift receipts so I cant take them back anywhere! LOL And with sleepers or pants with feet she wont even be wearing socks - so Im sure most wont ever be used. The other popular present has been blankets - not the little receiving blankets - but the more plush cuddly ones. We'll see if the trend continues!

My ultrasound is tomorrow morning followed by a dr appt. My fingers are already crossed!
Hi Ladies!! I had a great weekend. DH and I went to our first of two day intensive antenatal classes--7 hours on Halloween!

There's 6 couples in our group and the people running the classes organize coffee meets after the completion of the classes, so we have a little mum's group all set to go. Some of the highlights included:

-Teaching partners how to give good back and neck massages during labour, and then they made them practice on us! :thumbup:

-Practicing "stop-prop-flop". When we feel a contraction coming we're supposed to stop moving, prop ourselves against partner, wall, etc., and then flop and try to relax our whole body so that it is not fighting against the contraction.

-Honest warning about the transition phase. The thread in 3rd tri about what they didn't tell you to expect covers this as well. Pretty much, you can be in a state of panic, shaking, puking, abusing your partner, looking and feeling like you need an exorcism, etc. during transition but it's all a good sign that you're getting ready to push and meet baby. She also said transition doesn't last long. Some lucky ladies never have any of this during transition (fingers crossed!!) and others have some or all.

-They had a new father of a 10 week old come in and he took all the guys out for a bloke's session while we did yoga! I still don't know all of the details that they talked about but it was good bonding time for them and a chance to ask open guy questions about what to expect from their side of things.

-I also learned that the epidurals done at my hospital are far from the classic epidurals that I had read about before. For starters, you're not completely numb so you're able to walk around. Also, after they put the tube near your spine, the medicine is administered by the woman so you control the level of drugs/numbness but it also means that you're not stuck to machines on a bed. I've always said that I only wanted the epidural as last resort which I still stand by but I'm a lot more receptive to it now that I know I can still walk around and choose my own birthing position instead of being stuck on a bed.

-Most importantly I learned that the 4 new birthing pools at the hospital have spa jets!! :happydance:

Sorry for such a long post. I'm really excited about next weekend's class now. A lot of what's covered in the class is found on this forum and in books, but the class so far has been great for DH, and has made both of us feel a lot more informed and confident about the birthing process.
Jaydee, have fun at your pushing class! Glad to hear you had a good Halloween. I stayed at home giving out chocolates and admiring the cute costumes that the kids were in.

Emma, so glad to hear your little one has settled down. Hopefully no more contractions until 37 weeks!

Daisy, hope everything goes well with the ultrasound and doctor's appointment. Keep us posted. It's funny how people keep buying blankets. I've been warned not to buy any blankets as it's such a popular gift.

We have all the big items covered, i.e. pram, carseat, cot, changing table, bath, etc. but we still have lots of little stuff to get. Mainly I need more sleepsuits, a sling or baby carrier, breast pump and bottles, nursing bras, ....hmm i think I should probably make a list so I can keep track of everything!

Hope everyone else had a great weekend too!
Hi all - hope everyone's well,

Seems I have missed quite a lot since I last logged on. I couldn't get any of the facebook links to work except AK's. So AK, if you get a friend request from an unknown Suzanne it's me!

Did everyone else use the pm facility to send a link to Facebook?

Emma - Sorry to hear you've been having worries with LO but glad to hear that was ok in the end. It must have been quite a hairy time wondering what was going on. Why did you think you'd lost some of your plug if you don't mind me asking?

Daisy - Good luck for the ultrasound tomorrow x

My nursery furniture arrived today hooray and also I ordered my pram (quinny buzz) and carseat so I'm feeling a bit more chilled. I've decided I shall concentrate on my hospital bag next to make sure I have everything if LO decides to make an early appearance. Not that I have any reason to think he/she will but you never know!

Pie - Are you still struggling to sleep? Recently I've been getting 'restless legs', really bad heartburn and having almost hourly wee trips to the loo. So sleep time has not been great. But only 3 weeks of work and then I'm officially lying in every single morning!!

PS Not sure what I've done but can't get my smileys to work anymore :O(
Hi Meerkat, I just confirmed you on Facebook and also sent you friend suggestions for Emma and Jaydee. :thumbup:

Pie, I couldn't get your facebook link to work.

Meerkat, sorry to hear sleep is being difficult for you right now. I bought some hypno-birthing CDs (kindof like self meditation to calm yourself during birth). If I listen to those right before bed, I fall asleep really quickly and have much sounder nights.
Hi ladies

Well my class was PANTS! Emma, you're really not missing much by not going, all it went through was:
how labour starts/progresses
what you should do at each stage/when to ring the hospital
what pain relief you can have
a little bit about non-routine deliveries, but not why you would have them

I really wanted to learn about the relaxation and breathing techniques, but apparently the NHS courses don't cover that any more, so I'm thinking about trying to get on an NCT course. Don't hold out much hope though given the only one in my area that would be suitable (ie before my due date) is weekend after next, it was probably full months ago.

Also found out that next week's course is about feeding, so no idea why I was also offered the breast feeding course that we're meant to be going to tonight, even the midwife running the course couldn't understand it, so I'm going to have to ring up about that today as well, don't want to sit through the same thing twice.

The 3rd week is "life with a new baby" which I suppose could be a little bit useful, although I think we have a pretty good idea what we're letting ourselves in for.

Emma - I would think that people are more likely to buy you cute outfits rather than sleepsuits. Sleepsuits/bodysuits are the only things that I do have really as I've been told the same, people will buy clothes as presents. Asda have some really cheap ones if you're happy to go for cream/white or pale blue. I've not seen many bright coloured ones in places other than next - maybe mamas and papas, some of their stuff is a bit brighter.

Daisy - I don't know what you'd do with all those socks either! We've got a few pairs that SIL gave us that she had for her baby, although she readily admits that most of them were never worn cos baby lived in sleep suits (which have feet) most of the time.

Meerkat - I've sent you a facebook request.

AK - I can't remember how to send friend suggestions on facebook, but I'll try and figure it out and match up you and Pie.

Sounds like everyone is getting organised, I think the only thing I still need to do is pack a hospital bag for me (one for bubs is already packed) but to do that I need to figure out what clothes I want as a going home outfit. I've had most of my clothes not fit me for so long it's difficult to guess what will fit once baby is out. I could just go for something that fits now, but that would mean I'd be giving up part of my very limited wardrobe. Maybe I'll just go buy something new next time I go into town shopping....
any excuse to shop eh JD? i have no idea for that either, not really that fussed to be honest, jogging pants will do me LOL...

i'm gonna start hinting at people that i need sleepsuits lol, random people ask me all the time what i need so thats gonna be my reply!

Geez Daisy, thats some amount of socks! lol, ive bought about 15 pairs and i thought i'd gone over the top!

im confused who i have on facebook now, i dont recogise half the names haha, JD - youre Jeni, Amerikiwi - you're Kate, Meerkat is suzanne, so Rowena - Pie - who am i missing? Just Daisy?

I have just gained piles! i'm so devastated!!!! lol
Lol - Ok so just counted and I have 46 pairs of tiny infant girl socks! + 2 pairs booties(more like slippers) & 6 pairs of socks I put away cause they would work for a boy so I'll save them for the next baby. So that = 54 pairs! If people give me socks at the shower on saturday I will probably burst out laughing!

I had a GREAT ultrasound and appt today! I am so relieved! I think the dr last week got me all worried for nothing - she isnt too small & my blood pressure is looking good & no signs of preeclampsia. First off - my baby is head down!!! What dh & I thought was her head - its really her butt! LOL So we've been playing music by her butt - how funny is that!?!? So this means she's been dancing with her hips & butt - not headbanging to the cute baby toy - LOL Her spine is on my right side and her feet are down by my left hip area - which is the only part we had right. She is in the 49%tile and weighs 4 1/2 lbs. She has very chubby cheeks & liked to have her hand by her face. The woman was trying to get us a profile shot but baby didnt want to move her hand - she finally did but right after she pushed the button for the pic - her hand went right back to her face. Heartrate was 153 during the ultrasound & during the dr appt she was pretty active & heartrate was higher.
My bp was good & this dr doesnt want me to worry about it & luck would have it I get to see the same dr again next week. So overall - good appt & awesome ultrasound.

AK - so glad that your childbirth classes are good! I cant believe you will be able to walk around even with an epidural! We were told that we control the button that decides how much you want but we cant walk around after we have it. You'll have the best of both worlds!

JayDee - that totally sucks that your class wasnt worth your time. Have fun with your shopping! I'm in agreement with Emma - jogging pants sounds good to me. I went to the store and bought a package of cheap underwear for right afterwards & I stood there trying to figure out what size I should buy. I still dont know if I bought right - thinking I might try a pair on to see if they might even be close!

I'll get facebook figured out in the next few days - I got signed up - but trying to figure out what I do next - I"ll play around with it later on.
im confused who i have on facebook now, i dont recogise half the names haha, JD - youre Jeni, Amerikiwi - you're Kate, Meerkat is suzanne, so Rowena - Pie - who am i missing? Just Daisy?

I have just gained piles! i'm so devastated!!!! lol

What piles piles or a new facebook friend?! :confused: :rofl:
Hiya everyone, thanks for sorting out facebook for me. Nice to see you all! Just a few more peeps left. I've never had so many pregnant friends at the same time! :haha:

Ddaisy - Fab news about your appointment. I sometimes wonder if they have any idea how much they worry us with their negative comments. It's such a huge relif to know all is well. That's really fantastic hon :hugs:

AK - Your hypnobirthing cd helps you to sleep? I need one!

I'm thinking about trying to get on an NCT course. Don't hold out much hope though given the only one in my area that would be suitable (ie before my due date) is weekend after next, it was probably full months ago.

Sounds like everyone is getting organised, I think the only thing I still need to do is pack a hospital bag for me (one for bubs is already packed) but to do that I need to figure out what clothes I want as a going home outfit. I've had most of my clothes not fit me for so long it's difficult to guess what will fit once baby is out.

Sorry to hear about your rubbish antenatal classes. How crap is that? It sounds really badly organised. I'm doing an NCT course in 2 weeks but I had to book it in May! You never know though, you might get on. Fingers x'd for you hon.

I know what you mean about what to wear after LO is born. I was wondering the same thing. I hope to god I'm not the same size as when I go in!! :dohh:
Make fun of my piles again and i'll be sending them directly to you woman! :grr:


owwwwwwwwww :(
Daisy, so glad to hear about your appointment and scan! Quite exciting that she's head down now and no signs of PE!! 46 pairs of socks?!?! I don't have a single pair of socks yet--just sleepers with feet and a couple pairs of booties. So cute that your little one is already dancing with her hips--gonna have to keep an eye on that one as she gets older. :haha:

Jaydee, sorry to hear your class was rubbish. I was reading the responses to your post about the NCT classes on 3rd tri and it sounds like the NCT ones are very much like the ones I'm going to. We had the option of the free hospital ones or the expensive(comparable to your NCT price) private ones that we choose. I fully agree with the people who spoke of the benefits for DHs--even if I didn't learn a single thing, the confidence and directives it's given him already on how to help on the big day has been money well spent.

Meerkat, I wouldn't imagine you'd be the same size as when you go in. I least I'm hoping not!! Track pants sound the way to go to me--comfy and they adjust to different sizes. One thing we were told is to choose pants that have a drawstring instead of elastic in case you end up needing a c-section, elastic will rub the incision site.

Emma, you've sorted out the facebook names to BnB identities correctly! Now we just need Daisy.
Make fun of my piles again and i'll be sending them directly to you woman! :grr:


owwwwwwwwww :(

Sorry hon, just kidding :muaha: Please don't send them to me, I have enough of my own nasties going on! :cry:
Track pants sound the way to go to me--comfy and they adjust to different sizes. One thing we were told is to choose pants that have a drawstring instead of elastic in case you end up needing a c-section, elastic will rub the incision site.

Good advice I reckon. Although it's a bit scarey talking about incisions. Let's pretend nothing like that is going to happen! :ignore:
Arrrgghh - I hate jog pants. I have so far refused to buy any during pregnancy, and the only ones I own from pre-pregnancy are 3/4 length ones that I used to wear to go to the gym. Maybe leggings and a long, baggy-ish jumper is the way forward.
Don't hate me, but I can still wear my pre-pregnancy skinny jeans because they sit below the bump, like under bump maternity ones, I'm guessing ones baby drops that will be a different story!

Daisy - Glad to hear that your scan went well. Your little monkey sounds a lot like mine, positioning and unwillingness to have a proper profile pic, even size %ile. Hopefully the docs will let her stay in there until full term now.

Emma - I know it's nice to share but, on this occasion, I'm going to decline your kind offer of piles :) Hope you manage to get rid of them somewhere though - shame you can't give them to FOB - lol.

I'm pleased to say the breast feeding session we went to last night was much better than the active labour session the night before. I've also been really lucky and booked the last place on the NCT course in November, which is the one they recommend for mid-late December babies anyway. Plus, they've given me a discount cos I don't have a job - double bonus!
oh lmao!! if only i could pass him things, they would sure be one of them!!! i take it no one else is suffering then?! i hate you all! I have grapes hanging out of my butt!
:rofl: JayDee - your idea about Emma giving the FOB her piles! Sorry Emma - no piles here - I just have a rice sock attatched to my lady parts lately - my pelvis has been killing me! Brought it up to the dr yesterday - that I cant put weight on my right leg sometimes & at night when I try to get out of bed its like my lower half doesnt want to work & my right side of my crotch has such bad pain. She - like the other dr I complained to- said "normal." Actually she also says as the baby descends it will probably get worse! :nope: Not good! So no fun here either - but not quite the same as your piles - ouch!

Glad you got in to the other prenatal classes JayDee - hope they are better than the other one you tried. We don't have different options where I live - only the hospital ones - so glad that mine weren't as bad as yours!

AK - I didnt even think about what to wear if I have a c-section- although agree with Meerkat - I'm going to pretend its not going to happen!

Don't they say that you will probably look about 6 months pregnant after the baby is born? Still - its hard enough to figure out what fits right now when I can try it on - let alone imagine what my body will fit into (& be comfortable in) right after birth!

Yes - facebook - on my list of to-do's, but today trying to clean out my office & organize more baby stuff! I promise I will get on there at some point though!
The only person I've been around just after she'd given birth was SIL, and 2 days later she just had a bit of a flabby stomach, that was kind of shaped like a deflated bump, certainly wasn't a 6 month bump. Maybe it's another one of these "everyone's different" things....

I've been taking bump pics every couple of weeks so I can see how much it's growing (I don't think you notice day to day), maybe I'll carry on afterwards to see how quickly it goes down again....

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