Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

Hello Christmas Chicks!

Not long to go now! Where have the past few months gone ?! It's crazy! I can't believe there are only 5 weeks left till I finish work. I had a wad of CVs to review today for my maternity cover and I didn't like it! I'm such a control freak I don't like to think of somebody else doing my job when I'm off (madness eh) and, in addition, what they are having to pay somebody is utterly ridiculous (ie/ what they will get in a week I won't even get in a month because they are agency 'day rate').

Have got my first NCT ante-natal class tomorrow night so looking forward to that. I think it will make everything seem more real :) (and of course probably put me in the bricking it lounge sooner than intended!).

Jaydee - How was your 24 weekend?! We finished Season 2 of Dexter :) I got a baby monitor in Boots last week only because it had £10 off and I knew it wasn't any cheaper online. It's still in it's box though as the nursery is currently still dust and plaster with the radiators removed! MWAH!

Emma - Spooky, Cerys is also on our short list of girls names!!! My Braxton Hicks haven't been too bad, they are deffo worse if i'm walking or at mild exertion than sitting down.

AW - Good news about the plumbing!! Hope you are having a lovely time in Aussie. Wish I was there instead of here - it's been a total washout in Scotland lately with some really wet and wild weather. We got some cavity wall insulation done at the weekend -oh the high life eh!!

Daisy - Sounds like you got lots of useful info at your breastfeeding class. Mine isn't until the week or so before my due date - eeks! The Midwife did give me a DVD to watch though (did anybody else get one?) I've had no leaky boobs to report yet though.

Meerket - No idea why my friend's baby was so big. She is an average size 12/14 and he is quite tall and skinny. Her bump was MASSIVE though when I saw her 2 weeks before my due date and it did scare me a bit! I think sailing and babies could be an okay mix as long as your OH can sail the boat single-handed whilst you tend to LO! We are having to adjust our outdoor passions when LO comes along, at least for a wee while (we love rock climbing and surfing).

Snailpace - Hi & Welcome! There are 3 of us due now on 20th December :) It doesn't really tie in with my ovulation dates so am expecting LO to be late (famous last words!!)

I really hope we can all keep in touch too after our LOs have been born as they will all be going through their 'firsts' of cvarious things at similiar times. I'm on facebook too, not sure if a Facebook group (did somebody already set one up, i can't remember?) is easier than B&B or not for keeping in touch?

Went to see a couple of nurserys last week (current intention is to go back to work in July or so) and I was pleasantly surprised. All the kids looked really happy and were confident and not scared by strange people being in the room. Crazy that you have to put your name on a waiting list before bubs is born!!

Stay well everybody!

Bye for now, Pie xxx
Hi there girls :)

Firstly, I can't believe you're all having BH, I'm not sure that I've had any yet. Well, either that or I'm just assuming they are baby movements, can anyone describe the difference to me? (don't worry if not) My SIL said she didn't notice having any either, and my auntie said she didn't with her first, maybe I should ask my mum, perhaps I'm being excused them?

I think there is a facebook group for people having December babies, think it was MrsQ that set it up. I didn't join it at the time because it wasn't completely public knowledge that I was pregnant but I think it exists.

This is me (oh no, this has got my real name in it!)
Not sure if that's what you copied Emma, but you could find me from my name, my profile pic is me with a white beach cover up thing on walking on a beach.
I'm going to try and get on here once baby's born but I'll def be putting pics and updates on facebook, even if it's only status updates.

Pie - We managed to get through all of 24 this weekend, don't think we left the house at all, how bad is that!

Daisy - your pink nursery sounds really cute. We've stuck with the magnolia colour that was on the wall, but have got blue curtains, bedding and throw to go on the chair. We've also put a few pictures on one of the walls which are really colourful. I'd like to get a pale blue rug but so far haven't managed to find one, I guess pale blue isn't in fashion at the minute.

Oh, and I would just like to say, I love my MIL! She got DH a "so you're going to be a dad" book for his birthday, and he actually started reading it last night and kept coming out with "did you know...." things that of course I already did. Sure I've told him most of them as well and they've gone right over his head, glad he's actually taking some of it in, just so he knows as well for when I get complete baby brain and forget it all!

Catch you later ladies x
Awww how sweet about your dh's reading up JayDee! I think our dh's deserve a medal for going through all of this with us!

My braxton hicks feel like my uterus gets hard - like it feels like its tightening up and then it goes away after about a minute (maybe - Im not timing them!)
A lot of times I have my dh put his hand on my belly - cause at first I thought it was baby moving and just pushing out really hard. Now I can tell the difference cause I'm getting more used to the feeling.

I think Im the only person in the world not on facebook! LOL But if thats what I have to do to keep in touch with you gals after the baby ... guess I'll have to get on board!

Off to dr...... see ya later!
Yeah thats what i was thinkin Jaydee, i'd find it easier updating facebook than coming here and i'd have pics an stuff up cos have a lot of family on there... though your link didnt work, if you didnt set an ID for yourself like my bit /emmalou80 on the end, then you cant link that way, how do we find out everyones names?!
though you should all be able to click on me and add me!

Not everyone has BHs i wish i didnt! theyre like a tightening, my bump goes really hard and i get back ache and period type cramps with it, quite a strange feeling

Great idea from your MIL!

Daisy, get on it! lol have fun at the docs!
Well I had my dr appt - & blood pressure was high! GRR! They had me all worried about it too- had me do a urine test at the lab to check for protein & the dr said if I had any protein then I would have to be admitted to the hospital!!!! There they would run more tests, etc. Well.... I called them a little while ago cause I couldnt wait any longer for results - and ..... negative! LOL So worrying for nothing! Dr. said that I need to start coming in weekly to monitor the blood pressure more & I have an ultrasound set up for next Tues. I guess high blood pressure can make the baby smaller than usual which they hadnt told me that before today. Well at least I get another look at my baby! LOL (trying to look at the good side of things) I was told they would try to not induce me before 35 or 36 weeks - ???!?!?! All of a sudden I'm feeling like I could be having this baby by the end of november!?!? This honestly hasnt crossed my mind before today- even with blood pressure doing some so/so readings. So now I'm thinking I should really start getting ready - like a hospital bag especially! But doesnt that seem a bit early to talk about things like inducing - if I dont even HAVE pre-eclamsia?? I was told by another dr that my blood pressure could be higher but it not be pre-eclamsia... so guess it depends on the dr. I'm having a harder time getting into see specific people - and seems like they all have a different opinion.

I'll have to figure out facebook another day - I'm off to "rest" since that is what I was told to do - who am I to argue :shrug:
Here's my facebook info: I have no idea if i did that correct. Let me know if it works. Pie, your link didn't work for me. Jaydee, yours did-have requested friendship (my FB initials are KH). Emma, have you on FB!

Daisy, so glad to hear the negative result on protein. I can't believe your Doctor is already talking about a possible early induction. :o Now follow doctor's orders and get some rest (and sign up for facebook).

Jaydee, I haven't had any BH yet either--at least not that I've been able to identify. I love that your DH has started reading the book from your MIL. Mine hasn't hit the books yet, but he has expressed excitement about our first antenatal class coming up this weekend.

Pie, good luck at your antenatal class! I can't wait for mine on Saturday. Good to hear the nursery's look nice. I work at the University and there's a creche onsite. Enrollments for next year start on November 2 so I'll be there first thing in the morning to get my name on the waiting list.

Emma, glad to hear the BHs have settled down. I'd probably err on the side of caution and ring the midwife or delivery suite if I had them at a regular rate like you. That's what they're there for afterall.

Snailpace, Hi and Welcome! :wave:

I'm jealous of the breastfeeding classes. Are they run through your hospitals? I got a 1 page handout on latching on from the midwife and that's it so far in regards to BF!
A-HA JayDee you have a friend request from me also, i had to c and p rather than just click on it!

Daisy get some rest!!! then set up your Facebook & pack your hospital bag, lol, looks like yer gonna be the first in here!!

Amerikiwi - I probably should of called someone, but i'm one of those people that leaves everything til as late as possible, i hate doctors as it is, luckily this time i was right not to call, just a false alarm!

Dont think ive had anything on BFing, at all, dont think anyones even asked me what i'm doing!

I got my nursery furniture! finally! i went with the leksvik range, still need to go get the cot, thats just pure laziness from me, i'll get FOB to take me soon i spose, hes being kind of useful at the moment!
Aha, sorted, I now have 3 new facebook friends - yey!

Daisy - it's pretty easy to set up, only takes a couple of minutes when you feel like you've had enough of resting. The doctor saying you might be induced at 35/36 weeks seems a bit early unless there is something wrong, as far as I know 37 weeks is classed as full term, maybe you can convince them to let you wait until then, you'd at least be a December star then! Seriously, at least they have spotted a warning marker and are keeping an eye on you, and I do know 2 people (friends of friends) this year who have had their babies taken out early - one for pre-ecamsia and one because the baby wasn't feeding from placenta properly - and they are both fine now (the first was only 3lb something when she was born, the same as they estimated my baby was at the 3d scan).

Emma - glad you got your furniture sorted, also glad to hear FOB is making himself useful rather than being a pain.

AK - I'm glad I'm not the only one who isn't having/can't identify BHs. Baby is still jumping around like mad though, so that could always be masking it if it happens at the same time, sometimes it feels like he's moving is every possible direction at once, or maybe he's just trying to have a big stretch!
JayDee - yes I agree 35 weeks is very early - & I think a bit premature to talk about it - esp. when I don't have any protein issues. After calming down and thinking more clearly about it last night I'm surprised that something like that was said. My #'s are pretty much the same as they have been the past month & with NO pre-eclampsia signs (proteins, headache, swelling, dizziness, etc.) .... I don't know why the dr was talking about induction so early! My first reading in the dr office was on the high side - but really - it wasnt scary high - & it was down when they retook it at the end of the visit. After I got home I was taking it throughout the day - and #'s were all fine. Also - at my 3d ultrasound they didnt do any measurements - so I have no clue how big she was at mine. Last measurement I had was at 18+5 when she weighed like 10 some oz I think??

Amerikiwi - my breastfeeding class is through the hospital... same place where my childbirth classes were offered. They also offered a newborn care class, big brothers & sis. class, etc. They were all between $10-$40. The lactation consultants are also from the hospital that I could make an appt with to have one-on-one help from anytime now or after the baby is born. Also - what is "creche"??

Emma - Yay for getting your baby furniture!! My crib is still in the box in my bedroom. Waiting for carpet to be put down in the nursery first - hopefully this weekend we'll get that part figured out when dh will be not oncall so should hopefully have some time.
Daisy - a creche is daycare, or certainly somewhere you take your kids for someone else to look after them whilst you shop/work/whatever. To me, slightly different to a nursery, which is perhaps slightly more educational but maybe because we call pre-school nursery in this country. I didn't realise that was another word that didn't work across the world properly, we'll all be fully versed on international baby language soon I'm sure!

Hopefully the doc will see the error of his ways with your blood pressure results if they still look stable at your next check up cos although it'd be nice to know when she's coming, I'm sure you'd much rather it was 37 weeks rather than 35 if possible.
Thanks for the info on what creche is JayDee! Ha - seems funny that we use so many different words for everything & yet are all speaking English!

Yes - we'll see what the dr says on tuesday. A different dr than I saw the other day - so who knows what their opinion will be! I wish I had 1 dr & could stick with that dr. Before they were ok with me trying to request certain people but I was still limited - I would ask for dr a or b & they would say no you can have d or e. Then the next visit they would say you can see b or c. Etc. Now they are saying dr c is the only available dr that day, etc. So thinking they have changed their policies somewhat. 35 weeks makes me nervous - the nicu isnt a place that I want to know anything about!!

We went and looked at carpet last night - exciting but overwhelming... I have no clue what I like!
Thanks Jaydee: yes, a creche is a daycare centre/nursery. We don't really have the term nursery. Here it goes creche-->kindy-->school. It is funny how three countries that speak English can have so many different terms.

Daisy, hope your doc appointment goes well on Tuesday. 36 or 37 weeks def. sounds better than 35 to me. I'll keep my fingers crossed that your BP stays down.

Has anyone's baby turned head down yet? At my 30 week appointment, baby was traverse (lying sideways) and the midwife wasn't too concerned yet as she could flip either direction. She did tell me that by my next appointment she wants to see baby head down. I've been telling baby that she can stay in whatever position she likes until 34 weeks (at which point I'd get an extra scan if she's not head down) and then she should flip into correct position right after the scan!!
My baby had been traverse but thinking she might now be head up?! I suppose I will find out at the scan on Tues. If she isnt head up she is still traverse - for sure not head down. Her feet like to kick me down low to the left. If I am laying on my left side - which I have been trying to do for blood pressure she doesnt like it. She kicks and wiggles her feet which isnt so helpful at night when I'm trying to sleep!

Childcare in the U.S. is called daycare which is either in-home daycare with licensed or unlicensed providers; (This is what I do & am licensed which means I have visits from the government & rules I have to abide by & have to take classes & have lots of paperwork!) or is in a "center" which means that kids (any age including babies) are enrolled & it is treated more like a school with kids divided up with different ages groups & multiple providers taking care of a big group of kids. Home daycare has usually only 1 provider & less kids (under 10 usually with multiple age groups all together (so siblings could be together which in a center they could not) Centers could have 25 kids in each section - so example - 25 preschoolers with like 4 providers, 20 toddlers would have a different room and different providers, etc. Some in-home providers and all centers provide preschool activities & curriculum (I do). Otherwise there are separate preschools that you can send your kids to(usually kids have to be potty trained before they can attend - typical age is 3/4 yrs. Most of these are a few days a week or only a few hours each day. Kindergarden starts at age 5 with usually either a.m. or p.m. Right now in my community infant care is in high demand - so people usually start looking shortly after finding out they are pregnant.
I think the childcare thing is the same here, lots of people need to go back to work so it's in high demand. I'm very lucky that I have mum and MIL nearby who have both offered to have him a couple of days a week when I go back. DH is thinking he could go to 4 days a week as well so *hopefully* I won't need to worry too much about it.

AK - My LO is head down, or he was at both 3d scans (28+something and 30+something) and my 28 week midwife appointment. She didn't seem too concerned about checking at 31 weeks, took my word for it from the scan a few days before, but it was a different woman, she said they'd take more notice next time.

Daisy - I know what you mean about seeing a different doctor each time, I don't know how many there are at my practice, at least 5 I think, but they all seem to be there on different days. Given I don't see them very often I'm not that bothered about which one I see but it must be annoying if you need to see them more often.

DH has gone out for a boy's night (luckily he's staying at his friends so I don't have to worry about him waking me up or dealing with his hangover in the morning!) so I'm deciding what sort of take away I'm going to have for tea, I can't be bothered to cook properly just for me. Bless him, he did ask me about 3 times if it was ok if he went, think he's worrying that baby might make an early appearance and he'll be stuck an hour away (his mate lives 40 miles away) - I did point out if he comes this early him not being close by would be the least of my worries! It was quite sweet though I guess :)
Braxton hicks again for me today! i also lost some of my plug.... i really dont think hes far away?! isnt it too soon to be losing my plug?

the BH's have been makin me feel sick, they were real high up this time, whereas last week they were low down....

so confused at what to do! BHs have subsided for now!
Emma - I see in 3rd tri that you were told to go in.... Hoping you are doing ok! Will be thinking about you & waiting for an update!
Emma - Saw your facebook update, sending hug and hope all is ok xxx

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