Meerkat - you think your busy now.... just you wait!!
Glad your doing well!
As for the rest of you - I can't believe you are all eating spicy food and pineapples and I am missing out on all the fun! Instead I am trying to figure out how to change Megan's diaper without her screaming bloody murder & how to stay awake at 4am when she just wants to cuddle for the 4th straight hour. She sleeps most of the day but when night comes she doesnt want to be in her bassinett.
At least she is not a big crier & no colic!!!
She has her cluster feeding at night too. Trying to nap when she does - but boy its hard to sleep during the day and be up all night! And she is impossible to wake up - you could have a marching band by her and she could care less. I can play with her feet, etc and it doesnt wake her up at all! Today I managed a morning nap which was a help. Hopefully when dh is not on call anymore things will be more manageable - right now only I am up with Megan all night so he can sleep. He's been working practically nonstop since thurs am - Ive barely seen him. Its so hard on him - he is wishing he could be home & he misses Megan so much. Its amazing how attatched we can be to someone we just met!
Im becomming impatient for you guys to have your babies - I cant imagine how YOU guys are feeling about it! LOL Want to tell your babies "hurry up already!!!"

As for the rest of you - I can't believe you are all eating spicy food and pineapples and I am missing out on all the fun! Instead I am trying to figure out how to change Megan's diaper without her screaming bloody murder & how to stay awake at 4am when she just wants to cuddle for the 4th straight hour. She sleeps most of the day but when night comes she doesnt want to be in her bassinett.

Im becomming impatient for you guys to have your babies - I cant imagine how YOU guys are feeling about it! LOL Want to tell your babies "hurry up already!!!"