Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

On and off i keep getting contractions, theyre nothing like the braxton hicks i've been having, these hurt! i saw my midwife this morning and she said she thinks hes gettin ready and thinning out my cervix - probably in slow labour...

So i have an appt at the hospital, instead of the midwife next monday, then one with the midwife on the 4th Jan, then the hospital on the 7th! geez, i hope this snow buggers off! I got a cab this morning to go a 2 minute journey cos i was too scared to walk! its downhill and ive already had one slip! felt like a right lazy cow!

snows probably a good 8-10 inches here, and thats after a night of melting! lol, theyve not even sent any gritters out! stupid council!

Happy due date Jaydee and pie! hope your lil ones get a move on for ya!

Ive got 7 days on one due date and 13 days on the other!

I havent been offered a sweep or anything - anyone else? keep wanting to do one myself but it freaks me out a little LOL
I've got a check up on Wednesday to "discuss" a sweep, which they won't do till 41 weeks. DH has decided that we're having a binary baby (01.01.10) he thinks it'd be cool for him to have that date of birth, but really I think he's just as impatient as me.
Every time I get up in the night to go to the toilet (usually only once a night) he asks me if I'm ok, until recently he's just pretended to be (or actually has stayed) asleep.
ive always said thats when mine will be born, ever since i found out i was pregnant! but i'd dread gettin my picutre put in the local paper!
I'm still here! Don't think I'll be going anywhere soon! :(

Had midwife today, she called the hospital and booked me in for an induction on 1st Jan as policy here is 40w+12. I tried to push for the 31st Dec but she said they don't like to induce as long as is necessary hence the 12 days over due date. Mwah!

Also booked for a sweep on Christmas Eve at 40w+4 ...

Think it all got a bit much then cause I burst into tears! Not sure why think now that my due date has been and gone I feel a bit out of sorts and am deffo fed up with being off work and on my own most of the day!

Baby is still on the brim, just in the tip of my pelvis (if that) and she said the lack of a show didn't mean anything at all and it was common to lose your plug in labour which made me feel a bit better! She also advised against putting anything up there like evening primose oil capsules as could cause an infection (see thread on 3rd tri) and said baby will come when they are ready! We did :sex: on the due date but it's made no difference!!

Took me over half an hour to clear the van this morning and the roads were very slippery and icy. Doesn't look like it will be warming up this week either!

Time for a mince pie or some comfort food methinks!!

Hope you are all well xxx
Pie - I know what you mean about things getting a bit much, I was getting really frustrated with the midwife on the phone the other day when I was trying to find out whether this appointment that I have on Wednesday was for a sweep or not and whether it could be changed (turns out it isn't and it couldn't) but I could quite easily have cried at that - maybe it would have helped get some straight answers.

In a funny way, it makes me feel a bit better than I'm not the only one overdue and waiting, I keep updating the Dec Stars thread and seeing it fill up with babies, but not mine :( hopefully soon....
Every time I get up in the night to go to the toilet (usually only once a night) he asks me if I'm ok, until recently he's just pretended to be (or actually has stayed) asleep.

Funny that, my DH is exactly the same!

Hope everyone is well, it sjust a waiting game now isnt it xx
Jaydee, I love the snow pictures!! It's funny how you are all dealing with winter weather and snow and I"m complaining about the heat and swelling! The monkey cake is too cute as well. Did you make that yourself? :-)

Pie, that's great that you get a sweep on Christmas eve, if LO doesn't arrive before then! If it's effective, that could put you inline for a Christmas day baby. My hospital will only let people go 10 days overdue, but they will only take the latest due date on file in order to give the maximum time before inducing.

Emma, sounds like your body is gearing up for labour--albeit slowly! I'm jealous--mine has shown no signs of gearing up or coming anytime soon.

Daisy, did you decide how to handle the family Christmas obligations?

:wave: Hi memysonandthree. Wow-Triplets are amazing!! How exciting. You've done really well to get this far with a due date of Christmas (don't multiples tend to arrive quite early?).

Can't wait to see who's next!! I think I can keep busy until Christmas and will then go crazy waiting if bubs is not here.
If you think your emotional now just wait til after you LO is born! I was a mess for a week at least! With the hormones crashing - I was crying at EVERYTHING!!! I'd get all happy and just start crying without any actual reason! LOL I'm more normal now... well as normal as I get :winkwink:

AK - thinking I won't have to make a decision about xmas - we are supposed to get 12" of snow just on xmas eve alone! Its supposed to snow every day between now and sunday! Also freezing rain for later this week too - so will be extra slippery. So - if its going to be bad weather we'll stay in town - which means we will only be going to dh's side and then staying home. Maybe its fate! If we get snowed in then will probably go see my family (grandparents, aunts & uncles, etc) over new years. My mom has all of next week off - so sounds like my parents are talking about showing up for a day or two to hang out & help out. Not sure if I'm loving that idea or not yet. We were in the process of remodling our downstairs when we got pregnant - so everything got put on hold. That is where our spare bedroom was - which now is just a big void of nothingness! So if they will be sleeping here I would be just putting an air mattress on the living room floor for them - not very practical! We'll see what happens!

Keep thinking that SOMEONE will finally be in labor!! Its been forever since Megan was born - she'll be 3 weeks on wednesday which is our "due date". It seems so weird that date is coming up & now means really nothing. Silly I know!

Emma - good idea with the cab! You don't need to be falling again! Its one time in your life where you have a reason to be "lazy!" Take advantage!!
well it aint me! so if someones in labour they're keeping it quiet, lol...
lost a bit of my plug last night tho:thumbup:

Up early AGAIN! I didnt even get up at this hour when i was working, what is wrong with me?! 7am each morning and i'm wide awake!:growlmad:
At least your body waits till 7am Emma, I'm awake at 4am every day! Luckily I go back to sleep though...

Does sound like you might be next Emma, certainly showing more signs than me anyway. Quite glad really cos DH came home from work yesterday with a horrid cold/flu thing, he's laid up on the other sofa right now. Have a horrible feeling the hospital wouldn't let him in for fear of infecting everyone! Hoping a duvet day will pull him round...
oh, forgot to say AK, yes I made the cake. DH likes monkeys (we have lots of soft toy ones around the house) so given I had nothing else to do thought I'd make him a pretty cake, he seemed to like it.

The snow seems to be melting here now, just need DH to get back to health (he's sleeping at the min bless) and then baby can come out....

You getting any signs of anything happening Pie? I keep getting a few more contractions but nothing regular. MW tomorrow morning so we'll see what she has to say.
OH didn't make it to work today the snow was so bad and the main periphery route through Aberdeen is 'treacherous' due to snow and ice (it's the road we take to the hospital)! Oh the joys! And it's forecast to snow on and off here till Christmas Day!

I had period cramps and backache most of yesteray afternoon and i've had more bowel movements (sorry if TMI!) than usual but nothing apart from that :( I need to keep reminding myself that our babies and bodies aren't working to a timeclock like we are!

I got quite upset watching a thing on TV about the mums who have lost their sons in the war and it will be a sad Christmas for them. It kind of made me realise that an overdue baby is far from the worst thing in the world. Did help me get a grip on things!!

I've been doing a bit more reading online and am soothed by the fact that apparantly, on average, first time babies are 8 days overdue. My friend said both of her children were just over a week overdue. Sweep on Thursday (which by all accounts doesn't sound very pleasant at all do they!) but if it helps avoid an induction i'll take it!

Am a bit concerned the longer he/she is in there the bigger it will be. Am hoping it takes after me (5'1") and not my OH (6'3" and over 10lbs when he was born). I don't know how much I believe it when they say your body only makes a baby you are capable of delivering, in fact I don't believe it! :)

Time for some tomato soup, no point in getting dressed these days! x
we've just had another huge downpour of snow- public transport has stopped, its pretty crazy, i am shitting it now if i go into labour, how the hell do i get to the hospital?!

I'm always up during the night too Jaydee, bladder has gone back to how it was in third tri, lol, grrrr

oooh pie, how can they say that, you hear of sooooo many people having to have c-sections due to their baby being so large! its something that bothers me also, i'm 6' and FOB is 5'11 - what chance do i have!:cry:

Having a washing day today, so everything in newborn is now washed and in his room- dont know if to start on the 0-3 and 3-6 or leave them til he's closer to fitting in them! i'm sure i'll end up wanting to wash things again then to get them to smell babyfied so i might just leave them for now...

Need to re-check my hospital bags too - i know for sure i've got no clothes for myself in them!
we've just had another huge downpour of snow- public transport has stopped, its pretty crazy, i am shitting it now if i go into labour, how the hell do i get to the hospital?!

You poor thing, try not to worry too much about the snow.:hugs: How far from the hospital are you? x
not far - 10 minute drive - its just i dont drive, LOL - so i was gonna reply on a cab an a lot of them are deciding its too dangerous to be out!
I can't believe everyone dealing with the snow! We were told at antenatal class that your body will stop labour if you're in a situation that's unsafe to labour during. I'd like to believe that, and think that if you're unable to get to hospital, then you're body would send stress hormones which would stall labour until it's safe.

Looked up some stats last night on first time births:

25% arrive early
5% on due date
70% late

One of these Christmas babies need to get a move on and then maybe the others will follow suit...
I'll hang onto those thoughts about labour waiting AK, might help me sleep tonight! :) We are about 14 miles from the hospital, normally only 10 mins in the car but not in this weather. We've been having a sticky beak to see who in the street has a 4x4 we could hijack just in case (or call an ambulance!)

Sorry if i've already posted this but I read that on average first babies are 8 days late? I was secretly hoping bubs would appear on my due date seeing as i'm a 'Planner' for a living! But nope, so must take after my OH who is somewhat far more laid back than me!

Am already half dreading my sweep on Christmas Eve, the thought of having a gloved MW fingers rummaging around really isn't very pleasant! :sex: didn't work (!)
I think my body has gone into this not wanting to go into labour mode. DH has been to docs this morning and has a chest infection, so think baby is waiting till daddy is better - bless him.

Seen the midwife this morning, still the same, 3/5 engaged, got a sweep booked for Monday if he hasn't come by then, they will ring with an induction date at 40+10 (so a week today) if he's still not here.

MW is coming to my house to do the sweep so at least I don't have to go anywhere, the roads are ok near us now, snow is melting, but it took me ages to desnow the car, not been out since Sat night so there was a bit on there.

Just realised I think I jinxed us all by the name of this thread "late" Dec babies - I meant late in the month, not later than due date, think they took it too literally - ha ha.

Hope you're all well.
Strange isn't it Jaydee that they will give me a sweep tomorrow at 40+4, and you next Monday at 40+7, but the policy here for inductions is 40+12 (and you 40+10 - at least you will hopefully have a 2009 baby!!). Seemingly sweeps can take up to 48hrs to take effect (if they are going to work that is). I read a horrible article online about inductions (written by one of those 'natural all the way' type people) so I took it with a pinch of salt to make myself feel better.

I woke up at 5am with really bad backache and stomach cramps that have been off and on all day. Googled it (as you do) and it can be an early labour sign but one that can show 14 days in advance of actually going into labour! Ho Hum.

I don't mind now what day the baby decides to make an appearance on, just want it to be born and know that everything is okay as my mind is starting to go into paranoid overdrive!

No sign of Emma online today - wonder if she's on her way!

Will pop out for a walk to the library later and get some new books, seem to be reading one every 2 days at the moment!

Hope everybody else is well xx
Nope still here, no signs since last post, think hes just comfy.. i prolly shouldnt of changed my ticker to the date its at, lol... everyone here is goin off the 28th, including the midwife! even though the hospital wont! mind boggles!
I never know what to tell people when they ask, so i've been saying monday, so i'll stick to that!

my friend is forcing me out tonight, said she'll pick me up at the door and drop me back off at it a couple of hours later, lol... argh i hafta face the snow!! just going to my old works for the pub quiz!

I bought some hair removal cream the other day, as shaving has become impossible, oh my god!i think ive burnt myself down there, lmao! OUCH! nappy rash cream is useful! LOL

Theres my day in a nutshell!

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