Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

Emma - poor you, piles sound horrible - do they go away once bubs makes an appearance?

I'll do my best to try and get him out at some point this weekend, but kind of resigned to the fact that he'll come when he wants, not when I want! Hope it's soon though as DH has to have the week between xmas and new year off work as holiday cos his work is closed, and it would be a shame if that was without bubs.
they get worse after labour apparently, but should settle after a few weeks :(

I'm still getting some pains that could be/couldnt be... not BHs, more period pains, but still not regular enough to count *sigh*

I think i'm gonna brave town. theres an offer on a soap & glory gift set today in boots from £50 - £20 complete bargain, though i bet theyve all gone by now!

Hope your lil one plays ball and comes on time!
Hi All !

I've resigned myself that there is going to be a Baby Jesus in the family ;-) As much as I want him/her to be born now I know that it will be when they are ready and not when I want them to be ready! Am a bit reluctant to try some of these methods i've been reading about too (evening primrose oil capsules up your foof? anybody trying that one?)

Have got the MW on Monday morning when she will hopefully be able to give me a sweep but bubs isn't even engaged yet so might not be able. Anything to avoid a hard drugs induction really! I don't fancy being tied up to a drip and unable to walk around but fingers crossed it won't come to that!

Hope you are all keeping well! Looks like we are all in the same boat waiting wise (apart from Daisy who has the absolutely adorable Megan to keep her on her toes over Christmas!). Maybe i'll have the first baby in 2010 and get our photo in the local paper (god no!)

Sorry to hear your piles are giving you so much gip Emma, not good! As if there weren't enough aches, twinges and pains going on without that as well! :( I sent OH into Boots today to get a couple of those Soap & Glory gift sets for birthday pressies for folks next year! I can recommend the forum and the website for first hand notice of bargains!

In my heart of hearts I know bubs will very likely be making a late appearance as my dating scan is a week earlier than my very probable conception due date. I've also had no Braxton Hicks, baby isn't yet engaged, not even a sign of a show or anything else :(

Have also been thinking a lot about pain relief lately and would love to be able to get by on G&A but i've absolutely no idea what the pain is going to be like and I guess if I need more then so be it! I don't want childbirth to be a traumatic experience (although they say it's a very forgettable one, just so that you want to do it again!). Have been reading all the birth stories online and getting different people's experiences. F ingers crossed nobody else will be using the birthing pool when my turn comes around (there's only one here) as i've heard so many good things about them!

My chum went 2 weeks overdue then there was no bed available in the hospital for her to be induced for another 3 days so by the time her daughter was born she was 42w+4 and weighed 11lbs 13oz (!) and had to come out via C-Section. You are right Jaydee, the longer they are in the more chance they will be bigger and it hurting more, mwah mwah mwah!!!

I think it's going to be hard too for our birthing partners to see us in pain and be unable to do anything (apart from let us shout at them!).

This awful snow is worrying me too as we have a few hills to get up to reach the hospital! I've no qualms though in going in earlier than necessary, just to make sure, despite if they say stay at home. I'm not prepared for a home birth (!)

My parents are only 4 miles away but mum wasn't too pleased that we weren't willing to commit to coming round on Christmas Day. I've heard so many things about hormones that if I want to be able to shut the door and put a 'Do Not Disturb' sign up then I will :) It just seems like quite a lot to be dealing with doesn't it!

Emma - am also sure you will gazump us all and be next!

Will be keeping an eye on facebook for any status updates from you all! Please don't leave me behind - i'll be the last person on this thread ! xx
On another note... make sure you guys are stocked up on pads... really not expected to go through as many as I have.

Are you talking panty liners or breast pads? Megan is sooo cute I love your pics. Keep posting won't you, it reminds me of what we all have to look forward x

AK - Oooh how exciting, could be happening soon then!! I can't wait to see who's next to deliver our little christmas pudding!

Emma - Sorry to hear your piles are back :wacko: At least after the birth you can start taking some strong pain killers if nothing else hon. Each week brings something new for me - I have constipation, iron deficiency, insomnia, sore feet and a coldsore this week! :growlmad:

JD - Hope your power stays on for you, that's the last thing you need right now! you sound like I feel, getting a bit impatient and wanting the baby here NOW!

Pie - I feel the same as you that my dating scan is prob wrong. The only difference is that I'm booked in for an induction on 29th but the head isnt engaged or anything and I've been told I could have contractions for up to 3 days before I go into proper labour!! Scarey or what!!

glad everyone is well anyway, hope to hear some birth news from someone soon!! x
Well my dating scan only changed the date based on LMP by 2 days, and I do normally have a shorter than 28 day cycle anyway (without the help of the pill) so assumed it to be about right. Ask me again on Monday I guess....

It's snowed and laid a bit here now too, luckily it waited until I got home, and it's probably only about 1cm - enough to look pretty but not enough to cause any major travel hassle (I hope!)

Baby is wriggling about like mad, wish he'd save his energy for pushing himself out - ha ha.
Nice to know you have faith in my bubs pie - lol, some days i believe yas, the next i feel like hes never gonna be out, i do know that i would rather go thru a few hours of extreme pain than sit in constant pain for days on end - think you all read about my lil fall!

see my last scan says that bubs will be here on the 29th, even though the hospital wont change my official date! which means i have just 10 days left then from when i conceived i get the 31st December! - i still think he'll be a new years day baby tho! all speculation i guess, up to him aint it!

Sorry you're suffering meerkat - it really is no fun is it? *sigh* who said pregnancy was enjoyable?!

So - you ladies who are gonna just try to have gas and air - can i ask why? not knocking you at all, just wondered why people do it, lol... i want anything and everything to make it as painless as possible, never understand why people want to feel the pain lol - epidural all the way for me, even if i didnt want one my consultant wouldnt allow it! they think my hips will dislocate in labour, niceeeeee
I'm 95% sure my conception date = 27th Dec not 20th Dec which is a bit bobbins as might mean an unnecessary induction but will speak to the MW about that on Monday.

I'm not discounting an epidural which is why i'm chosing to have bubs in a Midwife Led Unit at the hospital (just in case) rather than the (much nicer and attentive) stand alone Midwife Led Unit which is probably another 30 mins away.

Everybody who has gone to the stand alone MW Unit has RAVED about it ie/ the attention you get and how you can stay in as long as possible before being kicked out etc etc BUT they cannot administer epidurals and if you need an EMCS have to get taken in the ambulance to one of two hospitals (each about 40 mins away).

So..... we went for the MW Led Unit which is in a hospital - just in case a) I want an epidural and b) anything goes wrong!

Meerkat - pads as in panty liner ones (but the thicker ones - not just the tiny liner ones). Noticed that it was best to change them very often & have gone through all the ones the hospital gave me plus 2 1/2 big packs & sounds like maybe some hospitals dont give you some like mine did?? I would bring lots of huge ones to the hospital if yours doesnt supply for you.

Boy sounds like everyone is just in a waiting game! Talk about twittling your thumbs time... good thing its xmas to help keep everyone a little occupied - or just think of how bored & impatient you would all be about right now!

Emma - I had been up in the air about the epidural - but I had my mil in my ear the past months saying how horrible they were with the needle & what if there is complications with the epi etc... (she has never had one just very opinionated... lol) Well during labor was when I decided that I wanted the epi - & the needle was nothing & no issues with it during or after labor. I am VERY glad I had the epi - & feel like it helped me have a better labor. I am for sure planning on more kids in the future & will most definately be having an epidural. Why be in pain? I felt things happening and felt the urge to push and felt her crowning - but not the pain. Best of both worlds I think.

Megan is crying.... write more later!
So Emma - why do they think your hips are going to dislocate??? Are they being serious!??! Gosh I hope not! As for your piles - I feel horrible for you... and yes they can get worse with delivery - my nurse actually checked my backside the next day to see the damage as she said many women get piles, bruising, etc on their backside from the pushing. They offered me lots of meds after delivery that I declined - only took ibfropen & tylenol but they were offering me lots of strong stuff.... it might be something you decide you want - as when the epi wears off your backside might be even worse than now.
Emma - who is your labor coach?? Are you letting FOB hang around at all or are you having a friend or your mom??

How long do all of you stay in the hospital after your LO is born? From 3rd tri sounds like some girls are only in there for 4-6 hours?? I cant imagine going home after that little bit of time!

Today is the first day I feel more normal - down below I'm feeling almost like myself again... less bleeding too. I had enough energy to make some xmas cookies. Think it helps that Megan let me sleep a little last night! She lasted 2 1/2 hours between feeds during the night!!! :happydance: That is a record for her little tummy! Also was good about going back to sleep vs. wanting to just be held all night. What are the odds that it happens again tonight??!? HA! Oh well.... sleep is overrated!
YAY Megan - 2 an a half hours is great and hopefully it can only get better! Glad you had a good experience with the epi! Glad you are feeling a little bit more like yourself hun! dont forget, we want daily photo updates!!

I've had hip issues since i was about 13, they finally put it down to arthritis but personally i think they just dont know, it took 10 years + to get that diagnosis! they dislocate quite easily anyway - so i think they're just playing it safe, either way, even if they dont dislocate, they dont think my hips will hack being in any position for a long time and from my booking in appt have always said that i'll be in a consultant led clinic and have an epidural - never argued as i think its for the best for me!

I'm having my best friend in with me - who is 6 months pregnant & maybe another good friend too, dependent on if she can get out of work the day it happens! Not even sure if i will let FOB know when i go into labour- i dont really hear or see anything off him now i'm finished work, i find it really inconsiderate that he cant even text to see how i am - we're supposed to be friends, even if nothing else - he has a new woman in his life now, so i guess thats how it goes.

The general ruling here is 4-6 hours too,unless you give birth in the night, then its a little longer - though it can be longer with an epi too, my friend who recently gave birth had him at 10.30pm and was home by 6pm the next day - she had an epidural and from what i can gather they werent too keen on her going home, but as her baby was fine - she insisted... the visiting hours are kinda poo i think - and i think that swayed her - the FOB was allowed in to see her but other than that no-one outside visiting hours- so how would i go on with no FOB? i'd be on my own a lot and i know i wouldnt like that - i'm not a fan of hospitals anyway!

Gonna hafta speak to the MW on monday about the piles situation, they wake me up in the night they hurt that much! driving me completely batty!

Ladies how do you fancy having a joint journal thing for us all when we've had our lil ones? just an idea!

I'm off to my grandmas today - bones are a lil better now ive slept, am not intending to go out in the snow again any time soon! so mother is collecting me shortly

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Boy & i was complaining about my hips during pregnancy!! Sounds like you have more to complain about Emma! Glad they have already made the epi decision = sounds like a good idea! :thumbup: I would think for visitors they would let someone else in vs fob... im sorry hes being selfish right now.Glad your friend will be with you though.

4=6 hours still seems very fast to me - I think for me I was feeling good about leaving about 24 hrs later (went home after 36)

Have fun at your grandma's & stay off your backside!!! At least when it comes to the snow!

A journal is a lovely idea! Im in the mood to write lately if you cant tell! :winkwink:

Megan was up about every hour throughout the night. She makes such cute puckering faces after eating now though that I cant help but forgive her! :kiss:
I think i'm in labour :wacko:

contractions are about 11 mins apart so far! ohhhh myyyyy goddddddd!
i have an 18th to attend tonight - only for an hour, still gonna go but, ohhhhh myyyyyy godddddd!
OMG, how exciting Emma! Go Girl ! Fingers Crossed (!!) xxx

Wonder if JayDee is too, haven't seen her online today (or maybe she's just got a life away from the internet, unlike I seem to have!)

OMG Emma!! Good luck!! Does anyone have your mobile number to keep us posted?! So exciting. :happydance:

I'm off to finish my Christmas shopping today. My girl is still too comfortable in her high, unengaged, back to back position so don't think she'll be making her grand appearance today.

PS: love the joint journal idea. :thumbup:
Well i think we should stay in here til we're all mummies and then we can all have our LO's first pics in the startin post!

I'm still here, still having something, but i'd say its only about every 20 mins so far, they make me feel really sick! dont know if thats normal?

Jeni and Keira both have my numbers so i'll be sure to let them know if anything happens!

kept quiet to all the family that anything was going on, cos they'll drive me batty trying to find out if anythings going on lol, so i've just warned my birth partner that it could be soon, so she has her bag packed at the ready
Good luck Emma!I felt sick during labor... think that is pretty common. Im so excited for you!!!!! Hope this is it!!!

Dh, Megan, & I did some xmas shopping today, went to visit dh's grandpa & then parents. We ended up leaving Megan w/ dh's parents so we could do some grocery shopping. It was my 1st time not being w/ her & boy did it feel weird!
Happy due date Jaydee and Pie!! Hope you're both in labor now--or at least that your little ones won't keep you waiting for too long!
Hi girls, sorry to disappoint you but I'm still here, bump and all! I just tend not to log onto here at the weekend, seems a little antisocial when I've got DH sat there to talk to (although I'm sure he wouldn't be that bothered).

Emma - you're right, I will text you and let you know if he decides to make a move (you and half the world judging by how many people have said "keep me updated" - good job I get loads of free texts!)

I'm opting against an epi initially just because I'm not that keen on needles and, whilst I know there is a very very small risk of them getting it in the wrong place and it going wrong or whatever, well I'm just paranoid that it would happen to me and I'd spend the rest of my life wishing I'd just put up with the pain for a few more hours.
That said, there is no reason why my body shouldn't be able to put up with it, not like the thing with your hips, I might be thinking differently if I was you.

So, did anything come of the contractions or was bubs just teasing you again? Mine has been teasing me a bit more, but nothing significant. For example, on Saturday night at about 10pm DH said "do you know what, I don't think he's coming tonight" and almost immediately I had my strongest and longest contraction yet! Unfortunately it was just the one, and although they are getting stronger, not had anything like that again.

Daisy - Megan sounds like she's coming along great, hopefully we'll be able to join you in the joys of irregular sleep and the like soon!

I think the idea of a joint journal once we've all got our babies is a great one, would be a shame to lose our little group just because we're not pregnant any more.

Well, once I've caught up on third tri I'm going to try and find something to do which doesn't involve leaving the house. The snow came properly on Saturday night (just after we'd got in from collecting our takeaway so good timing really) and is a few inches deep so don't think I'll be driving around in it unless I have to. Normally I wouldn't be bothered but I'd never forgive myself if anything bad happened (gosh, I sound like such a paranoid person today don't I - worried about epis and snow, I'm not usually this bad honest!) Oh, and I'd have to desnow the car, and that's too much effort!
Oh, AK, just for you, as I'm pretty sure it won't be snowing in NZ at the min, here's some pics of the snow! It's not that bad, certainly nowhere near as bad as the news would have you believe. Think it's worse where you live isn't it Emma?

First one is Sat night as it was falling, next one is Sunday morning - going to show these pics to baby when he finally arrives to show what he should have arrived to!

Edit: ARGH - think the files are too big to go on properly! Serves me right for using my new camera I guess (this is what DH and I brought as a xmas present to ourselves) - I'll put them on facebook instead.
oh i want to add i am due on christmass with triplets they are almost here three little girls =)

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