Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

Pie - it is weird how it changes from area to area. I don't think I'll go in at 40+10, it's just that's when they'll ring to tell me when to go in. Quite like the idea of him being one of the first babies of the new year so hopefully I can go in new years eve and have him new years day.

Really, I'm the same as Emma now, I don't really mind when he comes, as long as he's ok when he does.

I've had backache more than I've ever had before in the past week, but not sure how much of it is v early labour signs and how much is just cos he's getting bigger and heavier. I guess I'll never know.....

I've not done anything interesting since my last post, other than make chocolate rice krispie buns, seems bubs likes chocolate :)
Ouch Emma! Between your hair removal & piles I'd say you win the prize for being most uncomfortable down there before you even give birth! LOL Doesnt sound like fun at all.... :hugs:

LOL JayDee at the "late" dec babies. I cant believe I had mine so early & then all the rest of your LO's are staying put as long as possible! Pie - induction isnt THAT bad... it wasnt fun but I dont think any kind of labor or delivery could be classified as fun! As long as your LO gets here & you and LO are both safe & healthy - all that matters!

Megan is still changing every day - she is starting to stay awake for longer periods of time and is more interested in what is going on around her. I'm still completely in awe of everything she does & have to force myself to put her down so she's used to sleeping somewhere that isnt in my arms. LOL HA - I'm such a sap! She still doesnt have any kind of sleep schedule... dh was heading for bed last night around 10:30 when Megan decided to wake up & be active til around 2 am! Then was up about every 1/2 - 1 hr til early morning wanting to eat. So finally this morning she let me sleep from 8:30-12:00!! That's the longest she has slept yet ..... too bad it just isnt in the actual night time! Oh well....

Going to take a xmas card picture tomorrow - I'm behind I know but figured our family and friends won't care. Going to send it out as a xmas card/birth announcement all in one. So I bought Megan a dress & tried it on her yesterday! She looks so cute in it! I'll put a copy on facebook hopefully later this weekend. Thinking we are staying home for the weekend - the weather is getting worse already - and supposed to be pretty bad tomorrow - Sat.

Your backaches - you could try a hot rice sock on it - helped me with my back during early labor.

Can't believe today was my due date!! Megan is already 3 weeks old! Time is flying by faster than I could have ever imagined! At this rate she'll be crawling and talking before I know what hit!
wow 3 weeks already! how fast has that gone?! doesnt seem like my last 3 weeks have gone very fast but now you say that!!

yeah, the hair removal is definitely self inflicted and all my own fault! the piles arent sore any more, so thats fantastic as that was some realy bad pain i was in, they were waking me up in the night! though i hear they get bad again after the birth *sigh*

does anyone get a feeling on their cervix that kinda feels like LO is scratching it? man it makes me cringe! i get it occasionally, not toooften and it really makes me oooooooooh!

Great idea on the BA & xmas cards! ive only done family cards this year! bought some but just cant be bothered to post them and not much point now!

JayDee, i have this strange feeling that you are going into labour tomorrow, so give me a text if you do so i can keep these ladies updated!

Okay i'm off to bed, Nighters X
Daisy - I was thinking last night, given our babies are hanging on in there and Megan made an early appearance she's going to be a month older than most of ours. Seems so weird given that we were all due within a few days of each other.
Glad to hear you're doing ok, and I'm looking forward to seeing the card pics. Joint BA/xmas card was going to be my plan, but looks like baby had other ideas, ah well... My SIL did photo cards of her little girl (9 months old) of her in a santa dress, it's really cute, I will definately be doing them of our LO next year.

Emma - I wonder if I've given my pregnancy psychic-ness to you? I will, of course, let you know if you're right, although personally I think he's in for the long haul now, NYE or New Years day but we'll see....

I guess today is probably the last day we'll all log on before xmas so MERRY XMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL x x x
Keira had her baby last night!!!

I received a text at 4.55am saying

"Waters broke on monday, went in to be induced on tuesday and finally gave birth to a baby boy last night via emergency c-section"

Thats all i know for now, will let you know if she texts me again!
Her facebook status is....

Keira Is a mummy!! Little boy Gill was born at 6:45pm yesterday weighing 9lb 6!! Name and photos to follow soon I promise! Xx

So I guess not much more info than you had. Thought we hadn't heard from her for a couple of days.... About time another one of us had a baby, thought none of them wanted to come out!
Glad to see everyone's well - Merry Christmas everyone and fingers crossed to seeing some more of these babies here over the next few days! Although I'm aiming for boxing day rather than tomorrow if poss. Dont want to interupt my lovely crimbo dinner! xx
Hi All,

CONGRATS to Keira! What fab news! :)

Had a very sleepless night last night, incredible back pain and contractions every 10 mins - called the hospital but they don't want to see you till you are having them every 5mins and can't talk during the contraction. There were weaker contractions amongst stronger ones that made me feel really sick and have to go to to loo. I always thought the pain would be in my stomach but these are 95% my back.

Fortunately had a MW appt today for a sweep so off we went. She did an exam and said i'm 4cm dilated (!) and if the pain got too much to go to the hospital. She was very excited for me but then I went and googled it and seemingly people can stay at 4cm for days/weeks ! Not sure if that's with contractions or not though.

I can't face eating anything and am now sat with a hot water bottle stuck down the back of my trousers. Hopefully it will all come to something sooner rather than later as i'm not sure how long I can have this back pain for.

PS - Sorry, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY! Hope you all have a lovely festive day full of laughter xx
It will usually only stay like that without contractions hun - you should progress with contractions, albeit not necessarily fast! You okay with having an xmas baby?! not that you have much choice! lol

my friend only had contractions in her back - never in her stomach, was not at all aware it was labour as all her other pregnancies had been stomach contractions and ended up giving birth at home! lol

oooooh its happening for everyone! well... nearly, looks like me, JayDee and Meerkat are heading for new years!

take some painkillers and rest hun, you're gonna need all the energy you can get x
Oh Pie, poor you, sounds erm, lovely! On the positive side, at least it sounds like baby is getting the right idea, even if (s)he isn't playing properly yet.
Being 4cm dilated has got to be better than not being dilated at all. Out of interest, did she check how engaged baby is? Mine's still only 3/5 palp so I'm resigned to the fact that I'm in for the long haul....

Emma - afraid I've not got anything to report, so maybe don't give up the day job to be a psychic :)
haha - okay, maybe you were clouding my vision and it was meant for Keira or Daisy!

Dont worry about the being engaged part - dome people dont engage til labour!

My midwifes a bit... hmm... i dunno, she just wrote "fixed" at my last two appointments as opposed to "Free" at my earlier appointments, but she never seems sure about anything! all her comments either start or finish with "i think" it never fills me with confidence!

Someone just brought me a moses basket - how nice of them eh?! shame it was pink, lmao!
I think some of them are a bit... vague.. is that what you mean?

Given I've seen a different one nearly every time I can compare. Some write the heart rate, others just write "FHH" which I assume is fetal heartbeat heard. One of the doctors didn't even bother measuring my bump, just put "=" meaning ok for dates. I guess we are just too informed these days, my mum found her maternity record from when she had my brother and showed it to me earlier. To this day she didn't know what half of the stuff on it meant, I had to translate it for her, like she said, over 26 years too late! Out of interest, they seem to record similar stuff, only differences seem to be they weighed you at each appointment (at 5ft 3 my mum managed to tip the scales at 8st 11lb at 38 weeks!) and you got seen a lot more often, almost weekly from 30 weeks onwards.

Baby is still wriggling away, think he's trying to dance his way out!

Ha ha at the pink moses basket Emma, given they only fit in them for about 3 or 4 months maybe your little man won't mind too much, get him in touch with him feminine side early! (or maybe you could cover it somehow/dye the fabric?)
Merry Christmas!! (I realize it's only Christmas eve for the rest of you, but it's officially Xmas here in NZ)!

Hope Santa remembered to pack your bubs' for delivery ladies. Think mine has her sights on the New Year. The midwife did give her a nice little pep talk yesterday, telling her to move down so that I can have a little room in my stomach for Christmas dinner! I figure if I can fight the heartburn, maybe if I force down a big meal, it'll squash bubs out of my ribs and once she gets moving she'll just keep moving and make her grand appearance.
True JayDee - and i do have two, i'll just use the pink one for him to sleep in upstairs, though with his fathers record, i dont want to tempt him to turn the other way - not that theres anything wrong with it, but this is the only child i'm having and there aint much chance of getting grandkids if he turns puff on me! lol

My midwife has never measured my stomach, just says "=" even when ive questioned if my bumps small or large she says "seen bigger, seen smaller" - always says FHH instead of an actual rate.. just pisses me off really, especially since the last couple of months shes had a student in with her so shes training her how to do it wrong, in my opinion, they should keep the mother more informed....

shes given me a 39wk appt for the hospital, when i asked if i'd see her again she said "nah, you'll of had him by the time we would normally do one" well yea, okay, thats your opinion but what if i dont?! i just looked her and said "you dont know that!" so she said, i'll give you a 40wk appt, but not to check anything, just so you can pop in.... the word sweep or induction have never passed her lips - i should of got a grip and said something by now... i also have a 40+4 appt at the hospital, do we have a scan if we get to that point? they gave me that appointment at my 20wk scan...

Happy Christmas Amerikiwi!!! hope you are having a lovely day!
I wonder if your 40+4 appointment is for a sweep Emma? I was told that I could go into the hospital to have mine if I wanted rather than go to a community midwife or have them come to me at home (the latter being what I've opted for).
They haven't mentioned sweeps or induction to me till this week, apart from when I asked at 37 wk appointment and even then it was make an appointment for 40 weeks and we'll see then. I guess they just don't want to waste their breath given quite a lot of people don't need them.

Merry Christmas AK (and everyone else of course!) - 2 hours to go here according to the clock on my computer.

DH still isn't very well, he's been in bed all day, asleep for most of it, so think we might be having a belated celebration when he's better. I guess if we wait till bubs is here then that's as good an excuse as any isn't it?
People keep buying us alcohol but neither of us are drinking at the minute, at least we'll be well stocked for when we are, even if it's another 6 months for me!
Merry Christmas girls!!

Congrats Keira!! How exciting!

JayDee - after seeing the birthweight of Keira's baby - realizing that although my little girl is going to be a month older than all of yours on paper.... she is still probably going to be the smallest! Bet Megan isnt hardly over 6 lbs at the moment!

We had a xmas party last night at dh's grandparents house.... there were 4 babies under a year old & 3 of them were under 4 months. This is in a family where there usually isnt any babies at xmas. There was barely enough room for all the carseats - it was quite a funny sight!

Hopefully you are having your baby soon Pie! Weird to think that with my induction I was 4 cm at 4:30 pm & Megan was born less than 2 hours later! Maybe your LO will decide to show up quickly for you so you can be done with the back labor pains!
hi girls update from hospital bed bizarre net set up but had a baby boy this morning after long labour then forceps couldnt get him out so had to have the c section. still not decided on a name!

all well and am in love he is very bruised in face after forceps

will fill in properly when get home

love to all, i knew i would end up with xmas baby ! x x
Wow - congratulations Pie!

Emma, I think you must have been thinking of Pie not me when you said someone would go into labour yesterday.

That's 2 of our team yellows who have gone to team blue, is it the UK girls having boys and the non UK girls with the girls I wonder?
Congratulations Pie!! cant way to see pics!

we are gonna be over-run with boys! i know tonnes of people who've just had boys or are due to have them!

my boy is hurting me tonight, tryin to get him to sleep by rubbin his back but hes goin haywire! went to the pub for an hour and everyone had to have a feel, think a few were a little rough, trying to get him to come out! I wasnt impressed and i dont think he is either!

having issues with FOB too, grrrr, todays turning out poo!

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