COQ10 statistics

Wow Vix, fantastic that you quit smoking!!! I had to laugh when you said your body wasn't used to all that healthy stuff so you had to grab a mcD's:haha:

I've only ever had issues with supplements with taking them on an empty stomach or right before bed (B vits keep me up). I bit the bullet and bought 12 bottles of CoQ10. Was only taking 400/day. Gearing up for IVF one day soon.
Hi all. Alley i quit by using an electronic cigarette which so far seems to be working (2 weeks in and not psycho at all!!) Still has nictoine in it but I am on the low dose hoping to get to nothing soon.

2have thanks. With Xmas here finding it hard diet wise to eat healthy and as i said before my body gets shocked with too much good being done to it.

Have had side effects from acupuncture/chinese herbs this week which i think are possible improvements. Hot flashes/flushes have gone down and I was hormonal to the point where tues/weds this week I was crying at anything and everything! Also CM is coming back (so OH reliably informs me :blush: Hopefully means I am responding to treatment. finally had a call about an appointment to see specialist regarding my problem so will be getting help from NHS too shortly (I hope).

Am taking so many supplements Wheatgrass cocktail drink in the morning which i am starting to like (also has spirulina in it but only 2%), chinese herb tea twice a day for 5 days then two off, 900mg coq10, 2000mg vitex, 2000mg maca, Omega 3 folic acid and a conception supplement. Hope that these are the right things to take as can be hard to find info online about them all!!
I read the thread and I take 250 mg/day of coq10 vit b100 complex multivitamin omega 3
and metformin . I will try dhea if I can find it

Hi mrs c
Hello all,

Not a good time at the moment saw a consultant yesterday who said my chances of getting pregnant are less than 5%, offered me HRT and basically confirmed that I am menopausal.

The only good thing i should report back is that I reeled off the supps I am on and on every one he said hmm and nodded until I mentioned COQ10 and he perked up a bit and said yes enthusiastically. (just thought i would let you know).

On my part the electronic cigarette has been ditched for a couple of days, I have been up since 2am (now 5pm for those of you o/seas) I have cried so much that I look like I have had an allergic reaction. I was intending to go to work this morning but was verging on hysterical so my OH said no way and lets go to the doctors. I then vented (swore:blush: but not at the doctor or my oh) cried alot and shouted too. :cry: My doctor has given me sleeping pills as it was a hot flash that woke me up last night and that was it then I was awake on under 2 hours sleep (if I get less than 7 hours I am unable to function).

Consultant said my only real hope was DE but my OH had a bad immediate reaction to that saying that any baby would not look like me, be like me and would be another womans. (he sat through the consultation looking like he had been struck and this made me even more upset thinking that I had caused it). Consultant also said it was not impossible to get pregnant just not likely (he then said if I decided not to have any more kids that i would need to go on BCP to stop me getting PG :shrug:) Not a happy bunny but am carrying on with supps and acupuncture to see what happens. On the plus side my doctor has given in to monthly bloods for me (i think she just wanted the mad woman out of her office!!)
Vix, am very sorry, it's never great to hear these things but then FSs somehow manage to make them sound so much worse than they really are. Obviously from his viewpoint using donor eggs will improve his statistics for successful treatment but I am so sure that you can still get pregnant naturally or via IVF with your own eggs. I was told in July that my time was running out and was seriously depressed for a while. I am more optimistic now, BTW acupuncture can reverse the menopause process so talk to your acu practitioner. Obviously smoking is very aging for our ovaries but you know that already. I cant remember are you ovulating on your own? if so you can try a natural cycle IVF (without stimulation) with just one egg but it's said to be more successful for ladies with low ovarian reserve
Vix, I'm so sorry about the bad news, but don't give up on your dream. With acupuncture and IVF you still have a good chance of getting pregnant.
Vix, I'm so sorry for the negative consultation, but I really have hope for you since you said your CM is coming back and you're more emotional / hormonal. It sounds like the acupuncture is really doing some good work. Lots of hugs to you, and babydust!!!!

Hi to all the other ladies here - Alley, Cali, Briss, Here, 2have, Bklyn, PatTabs, and everyone else!! Hope you're all having a happy holiday season!!

AFM - I'm waiting for AF to come so I can start TTC again next cycle (first cycle we'll be trying after the m/c). Hopefully it gets here today!!
Hi Moondust & all my other friends here. Moon it's your first cycle then since m/c? So how long has it been for you? I was about to start my 8th week without AF until I went to the fc and they gave me progesterone pills to force AF. Worked in 2 days, I was thrilled. Back to square 1.

Dusting off the softcups, taking out the supplements, and a few new blood tests for both OH and I to see if there's anything else wrong causing the m/c. Back on the IVF wait list, I think they'll be sending the kit after Jan AF to start in Feb. Just throw back a set of twins. OK and lets get this party started (again)!

OH is on folic acid daily now as religiously as I am with my supplements. He just found a little article that links up to 1/3 of m/c, downs syndrome babies and other chromosomal problems to male dietary lack of folates. I sent you this little article moondust but I recommend this to all the ladies here:

I hope you're all gearing down for the holidays. Sending you all my best wishes!!
Hi Girls.
Vix..I'm so sorry. i know you'v heard it a thousand times but still don't give up. I have seen ladies on here that their RE's have given them 0% chance of conceiving. They come back and say they are pregnant. "Screw those words" that she said. I would not give up. It is also true about the acu in that it can reverse. I've heard a lot about it.

Moon: hi honey. Almost on the train..huh? Just a couple of day. Just think you could pregnant by this time next month. That would be so exciting.

Hi all my other friends. I know I haven't been around much..I haven't had anything to contribute. It just seems like I'm spinning my wheels. You know what I mean? Just trying to look forward to the break and enjoying my life the best as I can.
Thanx all you guys and f'xd for us all. I feel ok at the moment probably because I had acupuncture yesterday and told the Dr and receptionist what the consultant had said and got one helluva response :shock:. I was explaining to the receptionist who talks english and she told the Dr who got very animated and for the first time ever tried to talk to me! The receptionist had to explain this outburst from the Dr and said that she was angry that the western Doc had made me feel this bad. She also said that as I am too young to go through menopause they were going to reverse it, that they are doing the treatment so that i do get PG naturally with my own eggs or if i need IVF that i can still use my own eggs. I have never seen anyone so irate and unable to express it to me hee hee. Surely if she were looking to just make a quick buck and didnt get results or believe she will with me she would have not been so angry and definite. this does help a bit as I know we cant do ivf as fsh is so high no one would take me on. Am off the nasty cigarettes which is a good sign (whenever I relapsed in the past I just went back to smoking afterwards). Drinking my herb teas and taking my supplements. So all is not lost and I have stated to OH that I can now justify plastic surgery in late 40's as I would prematurely age lol.
I'm so glad your acupuncturist was able to encourage you. There have been tons of women who have been able to conceive with numbers like yours.
That is wonderful Vix my friend got preg after a tubal and told her chances were nil without ivf all from her Chinese medicine dr and acupuncture
Great post vix! What helped you quit smoking? Thats one thing i cant seem to do... the last time i tried i grew horns...

if you ignore the horror stories section, this is a really good website
Hi girls.

Age: 41 (husband:31)
TTC: 3rd month but 1st really trying (last 2 months pathetic attempts with 1bd per month due to food poisoning and being a new mummy)
Supplements: 120 coenzymeQ10, 5mg folic acid, prenatals and high quality marine oil. 3 x green tea per day for ewcm (works amazingly well)

I have a gorgeous 10 month old baby girl but previously suffered miscarriage and was tested by Mr Taranissi to have killer cell issues, with markers for RA as an autoimmune issue. I need clexane, aspirin, progesterone and steroids during pregnancy. I started taking coenzyme Q10 after reading it on this forum and it seems to have had the added welcome side effect of reducing joint pain. Ive googled COQ10 and found a lot of articles suggesting that killer cells are affected by it, reducing abnormal killer cell activity. Im going to speak to my dr about this as I have a feeling that my inflammation (linked to autoimmune) might have benefitted from this supplement, which might reduce my chances of miscarriage. Here's hoping.

Got bfp on 23 Dec, on 4th month of trying (haven't tried every month)...taking CoQ10 and green tea (took 14 months when I wasnt taking Q10 / green tea)

I really think its the green tea that does it for me, but the Q10 might well have helped.

Now I have to decide what to do about getting medication to reduce mc risk.

Good luck all.
Congrats.....lovely news. I must start drinking my green tea again!
Hi girls.

Age: 41 (husband:31)
TTC: 3rd month but 1st really trying (last 2 months pathetic attempts with 1bd per month due to food poisoning and being a new mummy)
Supplements: 120 coenzymeQ10, 5mg folic acid, prenatals and high quality marine oil. 3 x green tea per day for ewcm (works amazingly well)

I have a gorgeous 10 month old baby girl but previously suffered miscarriage and was tested by Mr Taranissi to have killer cell issues, with markers for RA as an autoimmune issue. I need clexane, aspirin, progesterone and steroids during pregnancy. I started taking coenzyme Q10 after reading it on this forum and it seems to have had the added welcome side effect of reducing joint pain. Ive googled COQ10 and found a lot of articles suggesting that killer cells are affected by it, reducing abnormal killer cell activity. Im going to speak to my dr about this as I have a feeling that my inflammation (linked to autoimmune) might have benefitted from this supplement, which might reduce my chances of miscarriage. Here's hoping.

Got bfp on 23 Dec, on 4th month of trying (haven't tried every month)...taking CoQ10 and green tea (took 14 months when I wasnt taking Q10 / green tea)

I really think its the green tea that does it for me, but the Q10 might well have helped.

Now I have to decide what to do about getting medication to reduce mc risk.

Good luck all.

Big congrats gonna start drinking more green tea again
yes, go and buy some poste haste. I actually demand it.

Thanks for the good wishes - right back atcha

Vix, I've smoked for 25 years but again, believe the green tea has helped due to antioxidants.

I need to set up my own green tea marketing board.
Yay NATO!!!! What kind of green tea did you use and how often?
Thank you!

I drink Clipper Green Tea with lemon. You should drink 2-3 cups a day but I had about 5, green tea hinders absorption of folic acid but I'm on 5mg of folic acid so was less concerned about drinking 5. Most advise only drinking it from CD1 to ov for that reason.

good luck

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