Could use a buddy

sashimi - those tests and those waiting for results are just nerve wrecking! like country said.. you ARE going to be a Mom! there will never be a true moment that you're not worry and this is only the beginning~ Yay to the first step towards parenthood~ :thumbup:

sleepy - i'm w/ country! maybe there's a bfp waiting for you~~

country - woohoo!! LOVE MIL rant! The fact that she didn't even ask how you are doing at all is just annoying! afterall, it IS her grandson! but you're right, don't let her reaction and her lack of happiness affect you because it is just not worth it. people have their own expectation and it's not our job to meet their expectations.

lauren - ergh @ losing dinner but yay for symptoms!! hope your review goes well and FX for that bif fat raise!!

pino & treasured - how are you two doing? hope af isn't too bad.

afm, DH's birthday is today! af is medium/light when I went to bed last night. It was about 3:30am when he got home as he is working the 2nd shift this week. I was half asleep when he got back and I said.. "Happy Birthday!! Would you want your present now or later?" <== ahhaa... why did I even bother to ask?! he loved his presents! Didn't have birthday bd as it won't be pretty and I want to sleep afterward and not shower! :haha: (sorry... tmi!)

:wacko: it's going to be a loooong day today! I didn't go to sleep 'til ~11:30... got woken up by DH's phone call at around 12:15 as he couldn't pre-order iphone5 (woohoo! My very first smartphone!!). Got hungry.. ate something... went back to bed ~1:30? Got woken up by DH again ~3:30... gave him his present & went back to sleep ~4? :shrug: I feel like a zombie right now sitting in my cubicle~

cd5. af this morning was light/spotty. So I guess we could've had bday bd! :haha:

Happy Friday crazy ladies~~
Country - I am so mad at your MIL right now. How could she express any type of gender disappointment after all you and your OH have been through!? Well I am delighted for you both and little boys are the cutest.

My OH has told all of his siblings about our news, with the exception of his father. His dad tends to occasionally be really over the top, and always asks millions of questions and OH just doesn't want to deal with it right now. For example, on several occasions FIL has said in front of SIL and her OH that the best day of his life is when she married her first OH! She had a messy divorce many many years ago, yet the dad keeps bringing up what a great day that was. Never mind her wedding to her current husband!! I don't know if FIL was trying to make me feel better a couple months ago, but he told me how much he hates babies and little kids out of no where over the phone. It may have been one of the many very random things he says, or perhaps he knew that we were struggling. LOL!

Pino - I'm delighted that you will see a new doctor and just get a clean slate with this whole thing. If one doctor doesn't give you answers, seek another that will tell you what the problem is. I have no doubt in my mind that you are going to achieve the results you want!

Lxb and Lauren, thank you for easing my fears. I feel like I'm in a 12 week wait now and waiting on results of frequent tests will be hard but I prefer this kind of anxiety to the alternative. I Googled the heck out of HCG testing and I read that it is normal for levels to rise 60% in 48 hours and that it can take up to 72 to double completely. I can't believe I have to go for another blood test and wait around all day for results tomorrow. I'm visiting my parents and their 3 dogs tomorrow, so at least I won't be at work unable to concentrate.
Work rant!!!! (can you tell already I didn't get my raise?) SO my workplace had me budget in 3% (cost of living?) increases for all employees--including myself, specifically--before review time. I expected to receive an increase that would put me at the salary I requested when I came back into a management role! But instead they gave me 1.5% as a 'gesture' stating that I got an increase when I came back...I was like, No! I got a new job with a starting salary and WAY more responsibility and work! And I saved your asses (back story available)! Oh, can I also say that this was after receiving absolutely SPARKLING praise and being told that I always go way above and beyond!! The other main reason I got for not getting more of an increase was that I don't have a business degree, which is apparently part of my minimum made me feel like unless I get a second degree it won't matter how good of a job I'm doing--I just won't enjoy the benefit of an increase!! Grrrr!!!!! I wrote my supervisor and said as much after, in a much more diplomatic fashion.....Rant over! Thanks for listening crazy ladies.

Sashimi - Pregnancy is such an organic and mysterious process--I think you're doing great and that everything you've experienced so far is totally normal! I am glad that your docs have their heads on straight about it. I found, too, that my docs didn't have rigid expectations of what my numbers etc should look like. I think even with measuring the bean for dating purposes there is a margin and some space for variation. I hope your next few days getting this testing go fast!

lxb - Yay for AF being on the way out and getting a birthday BD in :happydance: My OH is VERY impatient with AF and always thinks certain days are 'fine' to BD...but I have limits!! Lol. I guess I'm glad my OH doesn't care about it too much.
So my period only lasted 2 days :shrug: It was not heavy either only like 2-3 tampons. It was really weird.

We are not doing much as OH has to work, but lets just say my sex drive is back full force :haha: OH is THRILLED! hehehe

I hope everyone has a nice relaxing weekend. I know I will :hugs:
My OH and I talked and he wants to not try this month and just go with the flow of stuff. I think this month we will ntnp just cause the stress of last month is fresh in our minds. He wants me to stop temping, but I think I am going to keep doing it and just not tell him. We are going to take it easy this month. Th stress of last month took a bit of a toll on our relationship, and we need to fix what we have before we go after what we don't if that makes sense.
My OH and I talked and he wants to not try this month and just go with the flow of stuff. I think this month we will ntnp just cause the stress of last month is fresh in our minds. He wants me to stop temping, but I think I am going to keep doing it and just not tell him. We are going to take it easy this month. Th stress of last month took a bit of a toll on our relationship, and we need to fix what we have before we go after what we don't if that makes sense.

Relaxing sounds just like the thing for you :)
Temping is going to keep you sane (as in not losing track of things).
I hope this relaxed approach this month, gets you your long wanted BFP :hugs:
Thanks hun! I will probably not be on here as much as well. I will just silently stock hehehe.
I'm not going to disappear. That takes way to much will power LOL I am addicted. I am just going to take it easy on MY TTC and focus on everyone else's cycles and pregnancies LOL
Argh, CD25 and I've got definite spotting, so expecting temps to be down by Monday. It's the usual deflated feeling, on to month 15 I guess.

Lauren sorry about your work, sounds very frustrating and Sashimi, hang in there. Pino I hope you have a nice relaxing month with OH.

My husband is away again this weekend, I'm really missing him but was nice to see my mum on her own today. It's a tricky situation-my sister apparently feels really guilty that she's expecting her 2nd so quickly while we're still struggling with our 1st but I would never expect anyone to put their life on hold and an 18 month gap between the two will be lovely. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't tough though.

Haribo--- I know what you mean by it being tough, but we can't change reality or other peoples lives to make ours easy. I took it really hard when my brother who is 2 years younger got his wife pregnant on their first month trying. It still bothers me. I don't really have any advice but hang in there :hugs:
Pino, I think a break might be just the thing :hugs: TTC is so stressful. But like Sashimi said, I hope you don't totally disappear! My and OH's NTNP time felt much needed and was a relief.
haribo :hugs: My SIL felt the same way knowing that they were starting to try for #4 and we had none! But of course you don't expect anything from her. I'm glad you and your mom got some alone time. I can't stand when my OH is away!! I totally get it. If I were you I'd watch some chick flicks and eat vanilla ice cream :)
Getting NERVOUS for my 8w scan on Tuesday!! I felt so confident about it at the 6w but now I'm starting to shake in my boots again...I hope that I'm not as panicked on Tuseday as I was two weeks ago before the scan! It just can't come soon enough. After that I don't know when my next one(s) will be, so I suppose I'll have to relax for a while.
Lauren, hope Tuesday comes quickly and know it must we worrying when it is still early days. But is very exciting that you have an 8 week scan and I will keep my fingers crossed that it all goes well for you.

Sashimi, whens your next blood test? Hope you are relaxing as much as possible.

I'm off to work for a few hours this afternoon, have to go in :(
Haribo yuck! Work on a Sunday afternoon? No thanks. I has my third blood test yesterday and the results were great! I spent all day worrying and it always feels like they take forever to call me. I go for a final beta blood test on Wednesday and then my first scan on Sept 24.

Lauren I know now how anxious all these early tests are but you always tell me to trust and have faith. So I'm telling you to do the same, your scan will go great and it's really only 4 more short weeks until trimester 1 is over!!

Pino I think when OH and I had a TTC break throughout June and July (when we went away on our trip) it was the best thing we could have done. We were on the tail end of 3 failed IUIs in a row, we were beyond devestated and we just needed to throw in the towel for a little while. Our entire BDing life had gone from timing it perfectly which is hard enough to timing it within the walls of a fertility clinic while in separate rooms. We were at our wits end and taking a break reminded us of the couple we used to be. We spent those two months BDing when we felt like it, not because it was time, I took a much needed break from fertility drugs, I ate and drank whatever I wanted and it was great. It took a long time to get over the heartbreak of those failures. I knew I was ready for IVF because I could think about those failures without having an emotional breakdown. So taking a break in my opinion is a great thing, but do not disappear from here!!! Also I'm sure that new doctor you mentioned will be able to provide some answers and you'll feel good about that.

Country I looked at your journal and I'm stealing the recipe for gender reveal cupcakes. What a fabulous idea! I'm still so excited that it's a boy and couldn't be any happier for you.
I'm probably going to have lots of early pregnancy questions for you!

Lxb how are you doing? MIL gone? I'm excited for you to start TTC again. Especially while having an empty house!!

Treasured how are you doing???

Sleepy how was your work trip? When is your next doctors appointment?

Afm, I'm still feeling like all of this is so surreal. The beta blood testing has been very hard. I don't have a lot of symptoms and the ones I do come and go, so I get worried. It's torture to wait all day to get results!! So I go back Wednesday for the final blood test as mentioned above.

Also, minor vent here... I've sworn that I would never be one of those people who foghorn (as I like to call it) on FB about BFP announcements or weekly bump pics, etc. When I got my BFP on Tuesday I cryptically wrote that I was over the moon as my status and only those who knew about my battle with infertility would get it. My BF has a friend named Candice that I have never really gotten along with but Candice has also battled infertility for 2 years. Time and time again I have asked my BF to have Candice reach out to me if she wanted someone to connect with who is going through the same thing. Well Candice figured out my FB status and she sulked to BF about it and said something like "well I guess sashimi is just lucky!!" BF explained said she didn't feel I was lucky and told her about the extent of my infertility, our low fertilization rate and basically all the emotional ups and downs of this whole thing. She urged Candice to call me as she will be doing IVF in December... Well Candice said no way and said she would never speak to me now knowing I am PG.

It makes me sad. Not only because my status inadvertently upset someone else battling infertility the way every other PG person's BFP gloat upset me for 15 months. I still feel upset when I see pg women and I think it will take some time to get over the emotional scaring that infertility has caused. But I'm upset because hearing success stories of real people is what got me through IVF. I met someone who goes to my doctor at a IRL support group and she had a successful IVF. Also OH put me in touch with his coworker who also had a successful IVF. It was those women's stories who gave me the courage to think okay maybe this CAN work. Candice has hated me for 10 years for no reason and I'm sad she is choosing to suffer alone.

Anyway, I hope this board doesn't disappear. I love this thread and I feel like you ladies are a lot closer than most of my IRL friends. Youre the only ones who really knows what this is like!

I was thinking of starting my own PG journal but I honestly don't know how. I also can't figure out how to do the ticker thing in the signature. Any tutorials on this would be greatly appreciated!!! :) although I feel more relaxed after a good blood test yesterday I feel very vulnerable in these early days and feel I am now in a 12ww which is just as hard as the 2WW!! I feel like it would be more appropriate to write about all of that in a journal.
Sashimi I am writing you right now on how to do the journal and links!
sashimi- I think you deffinately should start a PG journal! It is your time and you defnately deserve to write about it. I think by making a journal too you will be able to look back on your pregnancy with happyness, and it will help you to over-write all the bad times youve been through in the last year :) Im doing ok, had AF for 4 days now but it has been very light so thats good!

pino- I think I am following you down the NTNP path this month... I think we are in need of a break and very much deserve to get our normal lives back haha! Im going to continue temping because I really do love the control that it gives you, but Im not going to be pestering OH into BDing or bothering with OPKS! I think you and OH will really appreciate just being with each other without thinking about when what and how!!

haribo- is spotting normal for you? it could be a good sign? I hope AF stays away and yu wont have to go onto the next cycle!! It is tough trying to deal with close family/friends pregnancies! I am lucky in a way to nnot have any siblings to get jealous of, but in a way that scares me more as my family would be devastated if I couldn't have children :(. Atleast you can enjoy another little one around the place and be an auntie again :) What gets to me is seeing people that really dont deserve it getting pregnant. My neighbours from over the road, one of which is 22 the other who is 18 are both pregnant, from a family of drug addicts and alcoholics that steal from the local shop and cause trouble everywhere! And I just think to myself... ok maybe im not 100% perfect with millions in the bank, but I am in a hell of a better place than them! woah, rant over hehe!

lauren- dont be worried! everything will be great :) sooner than you know it you will be finding out what flavour of bean you will be having hehe! I cant believe how quickly its flown by for country and preg. hope you are able to relax and not worry to much about your job! which I find redicullous btw! hope your doing well :)

how is everyone else!? lxb are you excited to restart TTC and become crazy with us again :yay:

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