Could use a buddy

Sashimi - yay for your scan going well!! I'm excited you started a journal too. Another thread dog me to stalk :) did OH cry when he saw the heartbeat? I can imagine that it's quite emotional.

Lxb - Ohhh yeah for O'ing and positive OPKs! Are you feeling better or still like you're coming down with something?

Haribo, Pino, Preg - how are you three doing??

Treasured - I hope you and OH caught the egg this month! Congrats on his work promotion/bonus - that's great!

Country - in so glad your babymother went well! OH is so sweet to plan that trip for you! Did you feel ok with the flying or did it not really have any effect (sorry if you already commented on this).

I'm on business travel for the next 3 weeks so I'm really feeling lonely and missing OH. I'm trying to get as much rest as I can and eat healthy while up here. I'm feeling fine generally and don't have many symptoms so I think that's a good thing. I miss getting on here!! My work laptop is so darn slow! I'll try to login more often though bc I miss my crazy ladies!!!
Country happy banana!! Lol! I am so glad you had fun and your DH is just a gem. We missed you!! Did you bring back any souvenirs? :) I can't believe I'm 9w either--when I first got pregnant that sounded sooo far along to me.

Sleepy that is a LONG bout of travel!! I don't blame you for missing OH--that's really tough! So glad you got your bfp before you had to leave so that you and Oh could celebrate together with chipotle!! Take it easy and get lots of rest :hugs:

I am on my phone and SO tired tonight. I will try to get on at work tomorrow. Only a week until I have my own door to slam at work! I can take BmB breaks whenever I want... :haha:
sleepy- hope your not too bored on your business trip :( keep yourself rested and fit and we willbe glad to have you back properly in 3 days :D xx

Bit confused today ladies.... I should have ovulated either yesterday or tuesday.. but its now CD15 and my temp is still down. Also this morning when I went to the toilet there was quite a large 'clump' of spotting. sorry TMI!!! It was brown and deffinately not red like AF. It was just a bit of a shock because this has never happened at around this time before... do you think my dieting could mess up my cycles? :( I still dont have a completely positive OPK and my temp was quite low today.

Arggg, just as I thought I was getting into a pattern! I dont have sore boobs either so I know I havent O'd.
Week 1 Day 1 of Couch to 5K Challenge COMPLETE!!! :happydance: :dance:

I am so SORE. The challenge started with a 5 minute warm up walk, followed by 8 repetitions of 60 second jogging and 90 second brisk walking (wasn't so brisk by the end of it :blush:) and then a 5 minute cool down walk

Since I love in the middle of nowhere I walked a dirt road around a Bermuda field. Well the dirt is uneven and bumpy on parts, and I think that made it worse. My ankles are very sore, but it was so worth it. I went around the field twice. The first time around I was huffing and puffing and I really wanted to quit! I was so close to my house. I am so proud of myself for not quitting. I kept going.:thumbup:

I am not sure if I am going to do day 2 tomorrow. I might just re-due day 1. IDK. OH claims that he wants to do it also, but I just don't see it happening after he gets off a long day at work.

I am so very proud of myself!!!:happydance::thumbup::happydance:

On a NTNP note. It really has not been on my mind. Every now and then I will think about my cycle, but I am trying to put all my energy on eating healthy and exercising. So far it has helped relieve my stress.

Me and Oh have decided that I am going to look for a job. I know it will be temporary as we are moving, but we could really use some extra income, so I am working on job applications. This should also help keep my mind off of TTC. The only catch is I am hoping for something close to home, and options are slim as I live in a small town. We will see :shrug:

Finally went back a few pages and saw this. This is great Pino! My sister actually used this program when she first began losing weight and it's been 3.5 years since she started that and has lost and kept off over 30 pounds! I hope you have a similar experience. Really great that you are doing this for yourself!!
treasured - I have had ovulation spotting before, so could it be that? Definitely wouldn't be AF at this point. I don't think your dieting could affect your cycles much unless you are super depriving yourself, and it sounds like you're not. I think that type of thing starts affecting people if they are truly starving or have less than 15% body fat or something but I wouldn't worry about that, like marathon runners who weigh 90 lbs. Anyway, did you have a + or mostly + before?
sleepy - 3 weeks of business travel? that's a pretty long time~ where are you heading? is it far away? it can definitely feel lonely being away especially with the newly bfp news! definitely squeeze in more facetime with oh!

treasured - i've heard of it too and like lauren said, it probably wasn't due to your diet. what was your temp this morning? I dont see it on your chart~~
lol @ lxb, always worried about those temps!

Sleepy - the flying didn't really bother me, I just tried to stay calm! Yuck for travelling for 3 weeks, at one of the most exciting times in your life! At least you'll be that much further ahead in your pregnancy when you get back. Do you have any doctor's appointments coming up?

lauren - I got little buddy a stuffed tigger and mickey lol Your big move has come up so quickly! Are you sad to leave or excited to move?

treasured - I've spotted at O before too, it could be that. Only thing I can recommend is keeping up on temping! Hopefully you'll O soon and catch that egg!
I finally posted scan pics in my journal! It's been such a long week and we have an off-site company meeting across town, at a night club tomorrow afternoon. I'm not sure why it's being held at a night club at 2 pm on a Friday, but I'm just going with it. I'll likely have to do work through the weekend as I'm on deadline!

The wife of OH's friend has been periodically checking in with me since I got my BFP. She knows what we have been through and seems to have been generally excited for our recent success. Last night she asked how my scan went and I told her it was great. She responded by telling me her friend just lost her baby at 15 weeks... Honestly, that kind of stuff is the LAST thing I want to hear. Especially since I just recently got my nerves in check!!

I brushed it off, not really trying to read into the reasons WHY she told me that. Was she simply telling me the tragic story of a friend or was she warning me not to get overly excited yet?

Normally OH is never phases by anything anyone says, but this morning he told me he woke up at 3:30 in the morning and couldn't get back to sleep he was so angry at her for saying that in response to our good news scan! He was set on writing a very stern letter saying while we are sorry to hear about the friend, we are only surrounding ourselves with positivity. I told him to hold off for now and if it happens again, then we will say something.

I know terrible things happen, but I found it very odd to say to someone who has just struggled for 15 months and is obviously on edge.

Anyways, how is everyone doing?

Country your trip sounds amazing! If I hurry up and get my passport renewed, OH and I are thinking of an NYC trip just before Christmas. As you know, January and February are a terrible time to travel in Canada. That is a amazing you got to see the Jays in Florida!!! OH is at a Jays game tonight here in town.

Sleepy, 3 weeks is such a long time for business travel! Hope you are hanging in there okay and getting lots of rest.

Pino, your fitness challenge sounds amazing. Good luck! I have personally always gotten frustrated with exercise because I try to do too much, too fast, injure myself and want to throw in the towel. Sounds like you have a really positive mindset!

Treasured, I had O bleeding once. It was like a spot of blood in EWCM. It was really strange but never happened again. I saw some baked treats you posted on Facebook and now all I'm craving is sweets!

Lauren, I keep meaning to ask you if your co-worker has been less annoying?

Haribo, when are you starting your new job?

Lxb, I haven't had a chance to go through Chinatown yet and look for those plums. We are having weird weather where it seems to be summer in the morning and a cool fall day by afternoon. The day I was going to go look, it was so hot when I left for work that I left my jacket at home and then I froze when I left work! Maybe next week I will be more prepared for the plum hunt!
Country - :haha: I am such a chart addict!

Sashimi - :growlmad: @ ur oh's friends wife! That is the last thing any pregnant ladies would need to hear. Especially given that she knows about your history. Glad ur oh wrote them to express the feelings towards their insensitivity. She probably just associates all things related to 'babies' as appropriate topic. Hope you're not too affected by it.
lauren- thanks for the reasurance :) I havent been starving myself in anyway! just changing to healthier foods, so I guess your right about it probably not being my diet! Spotting lasted the whole day though, even when me and OH had a last minute BDing session it was there haha! VERY strange for me... Temp was up a TINY bit today, we shall see if that continues to rise. When I looked back at my OPKS they were actually a bit darker than Id thought, almost positives, but the temp doesnt match...

I cant believe you are nearly 10 weeks already! this time has just flown in! Sooner than you know you will be running around after a little baby :D Do you think you will stay on B&B after the birth? I hope so!!

lxb- I have heard of it also, apparently its just your body geering up to O and the cervix being open, and then there is not quite enough progesterone to keep the womb from shedding yet? I guess that would explain my late O, or maybe I just wont O this month... :( I did temp and have put it on my chart now :) your chart looks like you deffinately O'd but doesnt seem to have risen very high? is that a lot differnt from your previous charts?

country- glad you have experienced that and it was nothing to worry about :) thanks! yesss I hope so too! I am begining to think I will be the only one left on here haha! its a scary thought! as long as you ladies stay here it will be just fine :D haha! how are you getting on? through the first tri and enjoying every minute of your pregnancy I hope! still holding out for a bump pic or is there one in your journal that Ive missed?

sashimi- So glad your scan went well! I think that is rediculous that OHs friend would mention something so sensitive to you at the moment! I'm sure she didnt mean for you to be in constant worry but maybe just thought she was being realistic? You dont need realistic right now though you need positivity! and anyway there is NOTHING to suggest that that would happen in your case! So just ignore her! You deserve to concentrate on the positive energy that you should have during pregnancy! Goshh, we all thought TTC was hard huh! I found the spotting very strange too, but mine lasted throughout the whole day, it was like the end of a period, clearing it all out... weird! Hehe, I had a charity event for cancer support, and held a tea party for my friends and family and raised over £70! My amazing sweet creations were a hit ;) I wish I could send you some! They'd deffinately be off by the time they arrived though haha!

It is annoying me because I had all the signs of O a few days ago and nothing has come of it.. I am begining to think maybe this month I may not O at all...

I hate my body!! haha!
Sashimi – I have said this, but I think it’s totally insensitive for the friend’s wife to say that to you. I am with you wondering why she would say that to someone in your position—is she just totally unaware of how it would undoubtedly affect you? I don’t blame your OH for being furious!! My co-worker has been more supportive as a friend (she used to be such a great friend!), though the other day I had a croissant and an orange Izze for breakfast as that’s all I could eat and she looked at me like I was eating mud!! I almost yelled at her—my fuse has been extra short lately. I can be pretty judgmental (especially since becoming pregnant) and I think that’s why she triggers me so much judging my pregnancy. And because it’s just a s****y thing to do!! Anyway.

Treasured – Your temp actually looks like it’s up a good amount today! I bet you’ll see it rise more tomorrow, too. I had months where I am SURE I Oed but my OPK was never totally +. Mine were very fussy and I had to do them at just the exact right time of day for them to give me an accurate reading.

haribo - Did you find out any other information about what the doctors told you?? I have learned that there's a forum for anything if I Google it.

Lxb – Temp-crazy lady, where is your temp?? I need temps!! :)

Afm, I went to bed at 9:15 last night but my cat Marshmallow meowed for TWO HOURS straight starting around 12:30…so annoying! I fed her, snuggled her, sprayed her with water, yelled at her…all to no avail! I finally just stuffed my ear plugs as far as possible into my ears and locked her out of the bedroom. OH was gone overnight and I think she missed him! Anyway, even though I spent so much time in bed I feel so tired! Tomorrow is move day and just looking at the piles of boxes and furniture in our apt. makes me tired. Luckily four guys will be helping OH and I won’t have to lift anything! MIL is coming to help me clean, and I am still irked at her but will try to get over it.

Happy Friday all!
Oh and country! Those toys sound so cute. I am excited for it to be OVER. I am a little sad but ready to move on. Seeing the place all packed up and in need of a good deep clean is helping me look forward to a nice new place. :)
treasured - yeah~ let's see the temp for tomorrow. my temp is typically higher after O (above 98), so this cycle seems quite low. I'm still getting cramps and start to think perhaps it's just gas! :haha:

lauren - temp is up! :haha: still looks pretty low though because it usually just shoot up! :shrug: boobs aren't sore...

sashimi - hope you find some yummy dried plum~! :thumbup:
lxb It definitely looks to me like you Oed still!! Maybe just a slower riser? :) Is it cooler down there right now? That could contribute. Do you feel like you Oed?
yeah~ i think I've Oed. judging from the cm. cm is now creamy/sticky~! still cramping here and there (thinking that's just gas! :haha:) :thumbup: weather is certainly cooling down (although high today is still 97F! :dohh:)
So I need some help from people that know their technology. A while back my husband was tagged in a picture from someone who deleted their account on Facebook, before it was deleted he cropped it and set it as his profile picture. Since he deleted his account the original picture is gone. Is there ANY possible way to get the original picture back, or invert the cropped picture back (undoing it). It is VERY important.
pino- i dont think there is anyway to undo the cropping, as it will not have saved the the computer or facebook as the pre-cropped version. Is there no way that your husbands friend could send over the picture? or even restart his facebook just until you get the picture because I am sure you can restart it!

lauren- I hope your right about the temp! we shall see :D you should just relax and order the boys around! there is a reason you are tired because your busy growing a little bean and that is enough work out :) Pets can be sooo annoying! my dog scratches at my bedroom door and whines until I let him in in the morning! Very irritating!

lxb- maybe its just changed a little since your cycles are just getting back on track? also could be the change in temperature! is your thermom cold when you wake up? I googled that and you are supposed to warm it up under your body before turning it on because it can really affect the results! its clearly not as cold there as it is here but my thermom is always freeeezing!

Still a little bit browny CM today... but much less than yesterday! Hoping I O'd yesterday but still unsure, will see when I temp tomorow! I had my first weigh in today at the gym and Ive lost 3lbs in the week :D So I am very happy with that! Will post more in my journal.

Hope everyone is doing well! xx
pino - don't think it's possible to retrieve the picture. especially if it's already cropped and used on facebook as his profile. that is a complete bs if your relationship is based on photos as 'proof'. what if the couple just don't like to be photograph?? what if there was a natural disaster that you lost all the pictures you had? not everyone put everything online and/or facebook~!

treasured - fx for ur temp to go up tmr~! :thumbup:
lxb- Im the same as you! slow rising temps! pretty positive ive Od though because im getting sore boobs which is very normal for me! still have a tiny bit of brown CM today and a slight bit of pink when i wiped. I dont understand it at all but we shall see what happens I guess! Are you going to test or just wait out for AF? I dont think I will bother testing because Im not sure of O and I actually prefered to just see AF rather than a BFN :(

Where is everyone today all the boards are quiet :O Hope everyone is well!

I have friends visiting from up north tomorrow and I am looking forward to seeing them very much! They are also diet freaks so they will help me haha!
It's always so quiet in here on weekends!!! I went and got my hair done today and Justin low-lights so no chemicals touched my head! I had an acupuncture appointment this morning, too and then went and got my passport photo done. My skin is terrible so ill have a nice zit immortalized on my passport for the next 5 years.

Anyone up to anything fun this weekend??

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