Could use a buddy

Thanks Lauren!! I think so too! My temp was clearly rising since CD15 just not enough to over write the previous temps!
Treasured--- it def. looks like you O'd on CD 15.:dance:
Yayy thanks pino! Big temp jump up today so I am glad it is still rising!! Think I am roughly 8dpo... Do you think it would be far to early to test tomorrow? I wasnt going to bother but I am going out for a friends birthday meal and want to know whether I should have a drink or not! Ugh I wish you could find out the day after O! Why must we wait!
HAPPY FRIDAY!!! I am totally rubbish at posting on here as i am usually on my phone and when i do post there are loads of instances were spell check has got it wrong! I am still stalking though! Hope everyone is well and there certainly are some go symptoms lurking around. Hoping and praying they are early signs and not just the nasty AF.

AFM - this month i don't think i ovulated at all and i am also doubtful i did the previous cycle. I don't temp but I was using OPK's this month twice a day from CD9. I am a very reliable 28 day girl so i didn't think anything of it. Anyway i didn't get a line at all (not even a light line....) and no EWCM.... Very frustrating! Fortunately I had booked a doc appointment a couple of weeks ago and she was great. Sent me to the hosp for bloods (day 19 - 21) so i guess that will confirm if i did or not.
Af is due next Thurs so i just want to start my next cycle and get on with it. This cycle we have been BDing every other day, I started acupuncture and going to a yoga class. Both me and DH have been on supplements for about 4 months. Not sure what else I can do!

Having a hard time at work as well. Why does everything happen at the same time? I am getting to the stage were i just want to leave and that may be the best for everyone but we will see.
Have a great weekend x
treasured - nice temp rise today!! :dance: :dance: 8dpo could still be too early to test though~ Ah, i also wish we have some sort of stick we can pee on right after we O and BD to see if we catch that egg! So we can spend the 'tww' crying over it and preparing for next cycle! :haha: someone MUST invent those magical pee stick!! :haha:

jaynie - Happy Friday to you too! BD every other day sounds like you've got all your bases covered~! are you taking anything to help with ewcm? Ah, things always happen all at the same time! Guess that's life~ :hugs:

afm, temp dropped today again. so that really took a big chunk of emotion out of me. not to mention the reminder of Feb 3rd -- the exact edd for my angel-bean from a friend of mine. I had dinner with some of my girlfriends last night, gossiping, chitchatting about life. One of them brought up about that friend of ours who is pregnant (the same friend), and she's superstitious and saying something about getting something from that pregnant friend to me to 'pass the luck'. I know all she only means well... (this happened once before too and I said no thank you - this was probably back in Dec?)... but at the same time.. i wish she could be a little more sensitive on the subject.
lxb :hugs: :hugs: I am not giving up on you this month! I just know you'll get pregnant soon. Very soon!! Still, the temps can feel disappointing--but I have seen 'bad' charts become pregnant charts and many 'great' charts end up as AF charts--you have a little drop but it could be nbd! Your friends do sound like they were trying to help but it does NOT sound like it would feel helpful at all :( I am sorry you're having a rough one. You are such an inspiration on this board and I hope you only have to wait a few more days for your rainbow :hugs:

treasured Did FF give you correct cross hairs or did you override? I think you're right on with the CD 15 O! How long until testing for you? I agree that 8dpo might be a tad early but you never know! I'd say it's always safe not to have the drink ;) but if you do, it probably won't be the end of the world as long as you go easy!

How is everyone else's Friday?? So glad it's the weekend! Am I the only one in the US who doesn't have Columbus Day off?

Afm, spent my first day in my new office--fully equipped with door-slamming capability! :haha: My supervisor told me that she's put in her notice and will leave after December. It's for the best--our team keeps getting super PT supervisors who are never in the office, and her top priority is baby (who can blame her?). She and her OH can afford for her to not work for a while, so she's leaving to be with her little girl. I am jealous! This may also mean that my job changes a bit and that I don't have a totally unqualified supervisor for once....I love the lady who is leaving, but she doesn't know a thing about my job! She's a therapist. Anyway! Just glad to have a door to slam and some privacy for BnB :rofl:
lxb- so sorry for your bfn! but it could still be too early! I dont even want to test, I HATE seeing 1 line. Im 11dpo now so AF 'should' be due in today but seeing as I O'd 2 days late she probably wont show today. I would love magical pee sticks, cause then you could kinda ignore the 2WW and just use it as fun time without the worry of whether or not your pregnant!

lauren- FF gave me crosshairs for 17dpo... I changed it to 15 because I thought it was more accurate! I thought taking temps vaginally would give a clearer pattern this month but obviously not haha! my temp dropped today anyway so Im just assuming AF is on her way soon :(

nothing new for me symptom wise, sore boobs and back but thats normal.. I was wishing that spotting was a good sign but now Im just thinking its another annoying thing that we toy over in our minds only to disapoint in the end haha!

This board really is quiet now! Pino - where are you? :( and haribo!!! we need you back!
Boo to that temp treasured and boo to lxb's BFN! I am hoping for a different result for you tomorrow treasured and you today lxb :hugs:. This board is very quiet!! Where the crazy ladies at?
I know! Crazy ladies are MIAs!!

Treasured - those temps are confusing! I did an overlay of my chart to yours! Looks pretty similar except mine is a bit higher overall. :haha: I am thinking it is of the weather here is az! Lets see how your temp is tomorrow... Lets pray for that BfPs!!

Yours is green and mine purple~~
I hope so too lauren!! FX

lxb, thanks for doing that chart overlay! its good to see that our charts are fairly similar! Glad yours went up again today! If my temp is down again tomorrow I will know Im out! I had a few cramps earlier and have a REALLY sore back but think I maybe just slept funny!
you having any symptoms that could be positive?
i think my boobs just hurt a little bit more compare to few days ago? I still have cramps here and there. Other than that... just feeling hot!! And I'm thinking perhaps I'm catching a flu?

a lot of my symptoms are far too similar this cycle pre-O and pos-O! Like queasiness! I think I just have bad stomach that I eat too much!
waaaah :( temp was up a bit this morning so I was hopeful but then went to the toilet and I am spotting so I guess Im out :( that spotting earlier on must have beeen nothing :( x
Treasured I hope you are wrong an she stays away!!! Lxb, I await your update...We need two BFPs this month! :hugs:
Hi everyone, sorry to have been offline for so long-I have been crazy busy at work and then spent a week in Sicily with my husband and got back on Sunday. We had a great break and it was just what we needed after the last month.

Not much is new with me, I'm CD23 but am not holding out much hope what with my hormonal imbalance. I went to see a specialist this morning who's going to do both acupuncture and herbs on me over next few weeks but I broke down this morning after the meeting when I was having blood tests for 3rd time in only a few months while it's one of my best friends' due dates. Seems so silly that I am still so far away and now spending so much money on this specialist when it should be the most natural thing in the world. I'm ashamed to say that I am finding it hard to cope with my sister being pregnant with her 2nd when we have been trying longer than my niece has been alive and my niece is going to be 1 on Sunday-they're having a big party and will then announce to all the family the 2nd baby, all things going well at her scan on Friday. I am not sure how I am going to cope this weekend.

Anyway, that's me, as you can see, I have been staying away from the board as am not in the best place right now and didn't want to ruin the positivity online.

Hope all is well with everyone else and fingers crossed lxb and treasured that your periods stay away.
haribo- :hugs: dont you worry about not being on here, you need your space and time with your OH is best atm. But dont forget we are always here for you if you need us! :)

So sorry to hear how down your feeling, I am kinda the same (although I cant imagine how tough it would be with your sister) I know you will probably have to attend seeing as it is family but maybe even just let her know that you cant be 100% excited right now because of what your going through! I am sick of puting my feelings aside to try and help others, Im done with that and if I wanna be upset then I will be! Although obviously I hope you feel a lot better soon! You never know about this month there have been ladies with crazy conditions and problems that have gotten pregnant naturally :) I will have my FX for you :) and anything you need to vent feel free :) xxxx
agree with treasured~ haribo! Feel free to vent away~! We're always here! :thumbup:

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: it must be hard especially it's your sister. it's such a mix emotion where you want to be happy for them but at the same time, it just reminded you of how much you want it. do take care of yourself first and make sure you're okay first before putting other people ahead of yourself.

it's good that you and oh had that nice little break. and like treasured said, you never really know as this is a game of chance. we have everything cross for you~ :hugs:
haribo :hugs: I'm so sorry you're in a hard place and you should absolutely take the time you need!! We are here for you, like the ladies said, but you should do what's best for you. I went through the same thing with my SIL's last pregnancy. I just couldn't and didn't get excited for her and didn't want to hear about it. I love my nephew now but she announced her pregnancy right before we started trying and he was born and they announced they'd start on #4 before I got pregnant!! I will not give up hope for you because I thought I'd have 0% chance of conceiving and here I am. But please do what you need to feel supported. If this board is not it, then we will understand :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Thanks for being so sweet, it's really appreciated. I am just struggling a bit at the moment as I can't believe it's come to my 15th (16th next week!) month and everyone either has a baby or is pregnant-all my best friends are pregnant, my colleagues are pregnant and so is my sister-I am the definition of surrounded! It's not surprising as I am 31 but I feel pretty lonely at the moment.

I've shared our troubles with a few friends who have been really supportive and kind-it's my family I am currently finding difficult. They have best intentions but are, I have come to realise, making me feel worse about things. I'm finding it hard to communicate this to them though without hurting them (we have always been very close). They are irritating because they tend to just bat my concerns away, saying it'll all work out in the end (will it?!) and say I am worrying unduly (or my favourite, my stress may be stopping me getting pregnant). They already have preconceived ideas about what I should do (head straight to IVF!) which they draw on rather than empathising with me because they think it's their duty to stay positive at all times. So whenever we talk about it I cry and it generally brings out the worst in me! As a result they all think I'm a nightmare who is constantly upset when most of the time I am fine. It makes me so frustrated!

My lovely, endlessly supportive husband has spoken to my mum today so maybe that will have some impact but she said earlier he's too kind and should be more tough (??) with me-she clearly thinks I am dealing with the whole thing terribly which I find really upsetting as who wants to be a disappointment to their family? I think I am just going to have to say I don't want to speak to them about it with any of them for a while until I've had a chance to feel more calm and measured about it.

Ok rant over, thanks for listening. My new job starts next week so hopefully I can launch myself into that and forget about things for a while and can get some positivity going again.

haribo - :hugs: :hugs: sometimes as a family member, you tend to want to say the right thing and be strong and positive for the other person when he/she is feeling down. People need to realize sometimes it's perfectly fine to stop and simply listen. no 'advice' needed. Simply be an ear and understanding. For people who hadn't struggle with ttc or have shorter ttc journey certainly can't understand the frustration.

like my sis, she's pregnant with her #2 right now. both times she got it within 3-4 months? when I was talking to her the other day, she said "you know the tips?". I said "what?" ... she said "the main thing is, to take it easy before fertile time and really work hard at it during the fertile window. relax". sigh.. yeah.. no kidding. :dohh: I remember when I had my mc and i explained to her what type of mc it is. And she thinks she understood everything and said to me.. "Hm. I sometime have late period. Maybe that was a mc!!" .... I didn't exactly know how to response to that either. and she tried to explain to my mom about mc. it just made me realize how ignorant she was in that sense with all of her 'logic' as to why it became mc. I just deeply sigh... and decided that I won't waste any of my energy is making her understand what/how I am feeling because I concluded that it wont work.

sorry. a bit of a rant there! :dohh:

Good luck on your new job!! :hugs: Sending positive thoughts your way~~
Thanks lxb, you've made me feel less alone as can totally relate to your examples! My older sis who gives me tips thought that temping involved waking up in the middle of the night to take your temperature and when I talked about TTC she said she doesn't like to talk about 'trying' for a baby and I thought well some people don't have to it's true but it certainly feels trying to me!

Regardless of the fact I won't be able to have IVF until next summer earliest, both she and my mum both think it's pretty straightforward. I tried to explain that it's really stressful, full on and hard to fit around work and can be tough emotionally if doesn't work out and my sis then said well it's a question of priorities, depends how much you want it! I thought I would scream! I know she is just expressing her opinion but sigh indeed.


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