Could use a buddy

Treasured - our chart looks pretty similar! Hehe... Nah. Don't think I am gonna test early. I don't have any hpt at home so I guess that helps me fight the urge? I guess I will wait out on af and see how my temp progress. Yay for friends visiting! Anything planned?

Sashimi - hehe... That shall be one of your memories photo. :thumbup: are you and oh discussing about babymoon?
We are thinking of NYC before Christmas. January and February are snowy and it can be an unpredictable time to fly. I don't want to go to to far either and NYC is s 45 minute flight. It could be fun to take in a few broadway shows and see everything lit up for the holidays.
Sleepy - doing alright :)
Your business trip sounds exhausting, I´m glad all I have to do on my flying trips is rest up (though sometimes I shop a little).
I hear ya on missing OH...
lauren - Lol at BnB breaks at work, sounds awesome :)
I´ve got a cat like that too, she´s really really old and keeps meowing in the night for attention. She´s practically blind and deaf now, so that´s not really surprising. But yes, it can be quite annoying ;)
treasured - I hope you O soon :hugs:
Sash - wow, what a rude thing to say! People really should keep some things to themselves...
all the fun I´m having this weekend is sleeping in Seattle (notice I didn´t say sleepless ;) )
lxb - I´m one of those people that never put pictures on facebook. I take a profile picture every now and then, and the rest are pictures other people have tagged me in... I just don´t like the idea of people knowing everything about my life from pictures on the internet. I can´t control who sees them...

I´m basically just working like crazy.
Just enjoyed a nice week with OH in Denmark. We spent our last 2 days together taking trains all over Copenhagen to buy stuff for the big move that´s happening at the end of October...
We bought boxes and carried those home (heavy stuff), some paint to paint the apartment before we leave, and pallets to transport our belongings back to Iceland (3 of those, each weighing about 23 kg´s... my forearms are a bit bruised from carrying one of those.)

I was supposed to be working 5 morning shifts in a row, but got a call yesterday, asking me to switch those for a flight to Seattle. I gladly obliged.
Much easier to go on one long trip, rather than 5 short ones.
It also makes sure that I´m actually home on Monday when I´m supposed to receive the keys to my new apartment :)
I´m thinking that the first thing I´ll do in there, is bring a towel, some shampoo and a bubble bath, and take a nice long bath. This will be the first apartment I have in 6 years that actually has a bathtub. Can´t wait :happydance:

Little Bub kicks every day now, I kinda feel like I have a merry-go-round baby in there, as he switches positions every day. At least his feet are pointed towards my belly button today. It´s not so pleasant when he´s kicking my crotch or my lungs from the inside ;)
Hey guys.
I just wanted to let you know that I´m cutting down on my subscription threads here on BnB.
I really need to focus on studying flying material this winter, so I´ll only be checking up on my pregnancy journal. I´ll try to get on there every day, but can´t promise anything.
Those of you that want to keep up with my progress, can follow up on me there.
I´ll miss you guys, and maybe I´ll get on here more after the new years.
I won´t stop completely, but I´ll cut down on my internet time a lot.

Internet is just too damn addictive.

Still love you guys, and :hugs:
all around
Treasured - how strange about the spotting! I will be interested to see how it turns out. Maybe you super Oed?

Lxb - liking your chart and your dpo! I need this tww to pass quicker for you and treasured :)

Sashimi - NY at Christmas or before sounds amazing!! A good family friend of OHs is up for the lead in Elf on Broadway--I'd love to go out and see him if he gets it but I'm totally out of vacation time.

Preg - aww your kitty sounds as cute and annoying as mine lol. I will see you in your journal! Happy studying.

Afm, the apartment is moved and the old place is clean!! The guys and OH moved ALL of the furniture in an hour and a half...up three flights of stairs! How? I don't know. One of the friends who helped is a runner and placed 3rd in a hundred mile race last summer (you did not read that wrong). He spent his childhood running barefoot in Africa and is a freaking powerhouse of an athlete! Anyway, the only problem is that when I got here yesterday the courtyard of the complex smelled SO strongly of natural gas...I called the energy company and apparently they came and checked it out...This morning as soon as I came out of our bedroom I smelled it very strongly again in our apt! I am nervous because it seems like a building-wide issue at the moment and apparently no one else who lives here called! I am hoping they either fix it ASAP or that I have my smells wrong.

Other than that, great view of a lovely park from our bedroom and balcony! I will try to post it later. We don't have Internet until tomorrow so ndoing this on my phone. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
sashimi - nyc sounds fun and definitely snowy!! broadway shows sounds great as well~ a friend of mine are currently enjoying the time with just the two of them. day trip to random places, shopping, etc.~

treasured - i see your temp is going up as well~! :thumbup:

preg - gluck!! will definitely keep up with your journal and see you grow! :thumbup:

lauren - great to hear the move is all done! a HUNDRED miles???? at first i thought i read '100 meters'... i was thinking.. o .. a sprinter?! Then I saw "you did not read that wrong" and went back to read it again and saw "Miles"!! CRAZY!!!! when we move to an apt... we too had to move our stuff through 3 flights of stairs! but we only had a futon and a bed! :haha: not much stuff back then~ enjoying your new place now? :)
lxb - Woohooo that temp is looking good :) Yes, 100 miles!!!!! It is nuts. I am loving the new place and can't wait until it's all unpacked :) How was your weekend?
It has been so quiet on this thread!! I expected to have missed about 10 pages but looks like I'm fairly caught up!! How is everyone doing? Where is everyone in their cycle - Haribo, Lxb, Treasured, Pino??

Sashimi, Lauren - How have you two been? Lauren - congrats on the move!!

Nothing new here - still on this stupid business trip. Going home for the long weekend then flying back up on Monday. I hope this trial goes quickly because I am so looking forward to be home for good. The people are nice enough but there's nothing like being at home with your hubs!
Sorry I have not been on much. I keep an eye on here every day though secretly spying LOL. I sounds like everyone is doing really well and enjoying life!!

lxb, treasured--- Your charts look great!!! I really hope it is your guy's time!!

lxb--- Christmas is over :cry: but hopefully you will get a nice Christmas present :haha:

Sash--- NYC sounds great!!! I have never been to the city, only to Buffalo :shrug: as that is where my Mom's family lives.

Sleepy-- Hopefully you will be able to go home soon and enjoy early pregnancy!!

Lauren--- Happy 10 week prune baby!! :dance:

Country--- I saw both of your crib choices, and they are both beautiful!!

Haribo-- Where are you? Hopefully all is well!!

I hope I covered everyone, if not though be free to yell at me via smileys :haha:

Well tomorrow is our immigration interview. I'm trying to stay calm about it all. I looked online, and it looks like the Tucson office we are going to has some pretty good reviews, so it relieved my fears a bit. It's hard knowing that my husbands fate is in someone else's hands based on the portfolio I made.

We tried to postpone it, but no luck so far. I got an email from our lawyer, and she said to go unless I hear from her.

I made a zucchini lasagna for dinner yesterday. It was great!! I was surprised how well it turned out!! My OH even had 3rds :haha: after he made a grossed out look :rofl:

Today, I have to run to the library and print some stuff out for tomorrow, and then head over to T mobile to see if they have call records going further than October 2011. That is all I can see online. I am hoping my mom's letter comes today.

Talking about the letter. I am a bit worried about it. My mom was supposed to write a short on about how she approves of my and OH's relationship and get it notarized. Well she works some crazy hours, and the notary was not in the office for a week, so she had my dad write it, and my mom notarized it. There are only 2 notaries in her office. Her, and this other lady. I hope they don't notice :shrug:

With everything going on I have been eating ok, when I am home, but not being home is horrible :blush: I have not been exercising much though as there is just not enough time in the day.

Nothing going on NTNP wise except OH has been very horney lately LOL. My nipples are a bit sore, specifically the left one, but I don't think it is a symptom as much, as OH needs to be more gentle on my goods LOL
lxb- yayy for matching charts! So glad im on my second high temp today!!!

pino- GOOD luck for the interview tomorrow!! Im sure everything will go fine and im so glad you managed to find that picture :) Let me know on facebook later if you want to chat :) you have any idea when you are going to O or are you jut ignoring all signs haha!? can you tell me how to put a weightloss ticker into my journal cause i tried before but I dont know how to edit it when I lose weight?

sleepy- I think I am 5dpo... but my O day was weird this cycle I dunno what was going on with it! Not going to bother testing or anything Im just going to wait it out for AF... hate that witch! are you having anymore noticable symptoms or still feeling pretty good? :)

So 5 dpo I think, not got very sore boobs except from the nipples... still confused by my spotting, dont know whether to take it as a good sign or not!! I also had a bit of a breakdown this morning because as I mentioned before my neighbour next door (who is very nice) just had a baby. My mum knows my neighbours parents well and loves children and has been going on all morning about what she is going to buy for her LO for christmas... I dont blame her for loving babies but this morning it just really got to me for some reason and I had to come up with an excuse to get her to leave and sat and cried for a while. I was just thinking why cant it be MY baby she is buying christmas presents for, and what if its NEVER my baby shes buying things for.... Sorry to put a downer on the thread haha I know everyone is surrounding with positive vibes, I just felt kinda alone today.. Also.. I was quite annoyed with a forum I read on another site titled 'how long did it take you to conceive your first?' and there was literally 2 or 3 out of hundreds that had taken over 10 months TTC. The rest were just like 'oh wouldnt even call it trying' 'one go and BAM' . that pissed me off a little!

haha! anyway, sorry for the rant ladies :O xxx
Treasured--- I use the one from Myfitnesspal

steps from your home page:

1. Go to tools
2. weight loss tickers
3.choose the kind you want
4. copy and paste ticker

It updates automatically when you update through myfitnesspal

I'm trying not to focus on the signs. I know I am close though as I am day 20. I am not to worried about it though cause we have sex often enough. We will see how well I do ignoring it knowing I hit the TWW. We will see. With everything else going on, I have been putting it to the back of my mind.
sleepy - agree~ there's nothing like being home with hubs~! you've mentioned you guys skyped/text throughout the day right? so that help easing the loneliness a little? almost time to be home sweet home~ :hugs:

treasured - I'm thinking one or two more high temp, then ff will show crosshair?? :thumbup: i only have minor sore boobs. not sure if its from me squeezing them every so often to see if they hurt?? :haha: it's okay to feel down because we all know every single crazy lady here want to be a mom so much and can't wait to hold a little baby in their arms~ on that forum, people who ttc for >10 months as you've mentioned probably didn't want to bother posting either so definitely don't feel like you've alone as there are many women out here who know exactly how you feel~ the rule of thumb is, if the forum gives you positive vibes, then go for it. else, stay AWAY!! (I still need to learn that myself! :haha:)

pino - good luck tomorrow!!! hopefully everything will go as plan! :thumbup: I think tmobile should have records that you needed. fx! :haha: @ oh be extra horny and need to go easy on your nipples!! Men~!

lauren - i still can't believe it's 100 miles! simply amazing!! how's unpacking going? it can be a bit overwhelming huh? I think I still have ~2 boxes left and I moved ~3 years ago! :haha: I guess I don't really 'need' those items in those 2 boxes if i left is unopen for ~3 years!!!

afm, yep. enjoyed my christmas before it is over! :cry: dh picked up her up last night while I stay home. I got a bad headache! :dohh: didn't see her this morning either! :haha:

6dpo, have cramps here and there. minor sore boobs. that's pretty much it. :bodyb:
Pino - I hope you get everything straightened out with phone records and pictures. You must be keeping very busy with all of that! Hope it's not stressing you out too much, sending positive thoughts your way!

treasured - I'm interested in finding out if this tinged CM leads to a BFP! When would AF be due for you? Sorry to hear about your Mom/neighbour thing, it's totally understandable it would be upsetting! I never understood when women said it took 4 months and it felt like FOREVER! Rant away, we love it!

Sashimi - That little zit on your passport picture will be a memory of the little bean growing inside you! Your babymoon plans sound awesome! That would be an amazing time of year to go to NYC, you'll have to take lots of pics!

lauren - glad you got all moved and so easily! That is very strange about the natural gas smell, did DH smell it? Happy 10 weeks! During my 10w (11th week, whatever) we started telling people, any plans to start revealing to more people?

lxb - your chart looks great, how are you feeling about this cycle? :hugs: for Christmas being over :cry: does she have any plans to travel again anytime soon?

Sleepy - I'm looking forward to you being home with DH, I can't imagine being away right now! You'll have lots to catch up on and talk about I'm sure!

It's our Thanksgiving here (in Canada) this upcoming weekend so we're doing our traditional Thanksgiving camping! This'll be the last time for camping this year and it's always so pretty with the leaves changing. How's the weather where everyone is?
thank you pino I will try to do it tomorrow when Im less tired! yesss the dreaded TWW is always sneaking up on you even when you try to ignore it!

lxb I hope I will get cross hairs soon thank you!! you are right about all of us wanting our baby to hold! and I do believe that we will all get it :D Hopefully this month :D You have been through so much and I admire your strength and positive attitude so thank you for still being here for all of us :D

country I am curious too! It seems really coincidental that the month I start to diet that I see this spotting but maybe not... Hmm I will just have to wait and see! AF is due on the 10th roughly but seeing as I O'd late im not too sure! Will wait until then to test anyway :)

I had some more spotting today :S like almost unnoticable, it was a pinky brown creamy colour (TMI SORRY) but barely there like I say! I got excited for a minute thinking maybe IB but Im only 5dpo so it would be too early for that anyway... Did any of you prego ladies have IB just out of interest?


It has been a GREAT day and it is only 3:00PM!!!

I got my phone bill, and the pictures printed.

I got my nails done.

OH got his Social security card in the mail

My mom sent the notarized note


The appointment was postponed until after our 2 year anniversary :dance: This means that instead of being put on a 2 week probationary residency, we will be able to apply for his citizenship in 5 years!!! :dance:

I am very happy now :haha:


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treasured - VENT AWAY!! We are here for you :hugs: and it's totally understandable that those things upset you. I am with lxb--stay away if a forum upsets you! I did have IB but it was 12dpo and looked like AF. I hope those promising symptoms deliver for you!

Pino - I wrote on your journal but good luck!! I hope everything goes as it should. It's just ridiculous that you have to prove the bond between you and OH.

lxb - We have lost a box every time we've moved, and OH and I have moved a LOT since being married. Oh well! Lol. I must not have needed those things too much :rofl: or I'm just disorganized! I am sorry MIL is back :growlmad:, but glad that your temp is looking up!! :happydance:

country - I am so jealous of Canadian Thanksgiving! Monday is a bank holiday here but I don't have it off...People in Boulder are so anti Columbus Day! Dumb! Free day off, people, lol.

My day and week have been a little rough. More update later!
Arggggg. Got crosshairs on FF today but saying I O'd on CD17 :S! I was sure it was CD15... I dont know whether to go with it or not? It would mean Im only 4dpo today...

This month is deffinately not quite right haha!
Treasured I think FF is wrong and that you Oed on the day you think you did. I bet the few high temps earlier threw it off, but looks to me like its giving you Sam inaccurate O date.

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