Could use a buddy

I'm new to all this and have a lot of questions. So glad I found this site.
treasured--- If you wake up briefly it is ok. I do and it hasn't been a big deal. If you wake up, and take it, and can't go back to sleep. The bbt adjuster is great, at least it has been for me!!... PS don't forget to put your link in you signature :hugs:

Melloyellow--- :hi: you will love this website. It has been great for me, and you will find a whole lot of support!! :hugs:

Where was everyone else today?? Hopefully had a great day :hugs:
Good morning everyone!!

So my temps have been all over the place, as you all can see :shrug: So I wonder if it is because all of the sex. I mean me and OH always have quite a bit of it, but nothing compared to this month. :blush: As you guys know, I take my temp vaginally cause I can't take accurate temps with my mouth. So I am thinking, as much as I do NOT want to I might start taking my temp rectally next cycle. I despise the idea but it might be the only way to get accurate temps I guess. I have an appt next week w/ the Dr as when I went 2 weeks ago we discussed the fact that I don't ovulate every month, but I still get a period (weird I know). We have known this for a while, but she has absolutely no idea why. It looks like this month was a bust when it comes to ovulation :cry:. On top of that I ran out of my CBFM strips, and forgot to order more.

I think that I am going to stop using the CBFM, and just temp. We are relaxing a bit on the TTC cause of the impending move, and we need to be saving money. We don't want to stop completely just cause I am very superstitious in a way,and we don't want to miss a month just in case it is the one that we are supposed to have. ( I know that makes no sense. It sounded better in my head :haha:)

So how is everyone? Anything special planned this weekend??

My OH's grandmother is here, and it breaks my heart. Her house burned down last week, and she looks so vulnerable, and broken. She is usually such a strong together woman. The entire family in pulling together funds, and materials for her. She has money in the bank, but it takes a lot to start from scratch. She just got laid off as well, so for her everything is falling apart. His grandmother is a rare being. She has money, and could retire if she wants, but she believes that if she is still standing she can work. I think she just gets bored. It worries me though as she is 82 y/o.

Anyways, I hope you all have a great weekend!! :hugs:
Good morning!

Pino - your OHs grandmother sounds like a very strong woman and it's hard to see someone like that in such a vulnerable state. Hopefully insurance will help and she can get back to her life. What an awful thing to happen at that age too. I don't blame you for taking a break from that monitor, it seemed to be more confusing than helpful unfortunately. How do you and your doctor know you aren't ovulating some months?

:hi: Melloyello! This is a great site and a great bunch of ladies!

lauren - feel free to post your sticks! We can all help!

treasured - Woohoo! You got it lol now you just have to put it in your signature so we can stalk easier :winkwink:
Pino - Oh my gosh that poor woman!! I'm so sorry to hear that :( Good thing she's got family that cares for her :)
When I first saw my fertility specialist she thought I might not be ovulating 'strongly' and subsequently tested my prolactin levels. I think that there is sometimes an issue with the pituitary (I think) gland not effectively communicating to the body that it needs to ovulate, making ovulation weak or non-existant. I know you said before you had all the tests, but my first doc never ever mentioned the prolactin test, and it seems like a simple one with a quick fix. Maybe you could request that? If that's the case they can try you on Letrazole or Clomid. I think Letrazole is supposed to be a temporary one to get your brain back in line with monthly ovulation. Anyway, I hope you get some answers soon! And I think having an anovulatory cycle with bleeding is common--you still bleed because the lining builds up over time and eventually gets to be too much for the body to maintain so it sheds. GL with your doc!
Ugh today has been rough, ladies!! Pain and super bloating are almost gone but they were immediately replaced with nausea, total exhaustion, and dizziness! OH leaves town tomorrow morning and I thought I'd feel a lot better by then. I can't wait for this part to be over and get on with the BDing!! I feel grateful that I'm somewhat young and healthy or I bet this would be a lot worse. The woman who went into surgery before me looked to be in her 70's and OH overheard her husband say that sr had ovarian cancer :cry::cry:. I guess I should count my lucky stars and focus on the fact that everything went so well instead of whining! Still, wish OH wasnt leaving tomorrow! How is everyone else's weekend?
Hey all!! Im heading back home tomorrow from vacation and I already miss the beach :( I'll write to everyone individually tomorrow as its too difficult on this phone. AF got me tonight. At least she waited til the last day of vacation - shes not totally heartless I suppose!
welcome mello! you will find this extermely helpful and amazing :)

ohhh pino its one thing after another huh? laurens got a good point with the clomid suggestion.. have they never offered that before? hope your feeling a bit better :hugs:

I am still totally confused by temping cause by the looks of the chart yesterdays temp went up again :S I was staying at OHs dads last night and so couldnt take my temp this morning.... ugh!

Lauren- :( i hope your not still feeling too bad! I get what you mean about others in a worse situation but this is still a big deal and do not feel bad for taking care of youself and get totally back to normal before you do anything else! :) (no matter how tempting BDing may be ;) hehe) Will your cycles be the same as they were before do you think or will the procedure have affected your O day?

Had a fun night last night with OHs dad and his partner, had an AMAZING indian curry and quite a few glasses of wine :O, I know I know, but Im getting to the stage of oh what the heck! Cant live your whole life without doing the things your like!
I also found out that my other friend that thought she was 4 months pregnant is actually only 13 weeks and now doesnt plan on keeping it.... WTF? She was telling me she could feel it kick and everything, but now shes only 13 weeks? I smell a rat!! But now Im annoyed at her for her decision, although its probably best in her situation.
I have de ja vu that this happened before....oh wait, it did! :doh:

OH went off to work today with a bit of a hangover hehe, he was verrry drunk it was hilarious as hes not really had a drink for about a month! So im going to make him a nice dinner for when he gets in :)

how is everyone ? xxxxx
Hi ladies! Thank you for all your support and encouragement about IVF. I've decided to just go for it, and got the process started today. I will be taking birth control pills for 12 days to pretty much shut down my system so it responds to the fertility drugs. I gave a $4,000 deposit for the drugs and received a TINY vial of liquid to start injections with on Aug 3rd. Really, I can't believe that something which looks like an inch of water is this expensive!!

Anyway, it looks like we will be doing the retrieval and transfer at the end of August. Something about this timing just feels really good to me. I know it's soon and we haven't had a lot of time to process but I rather just go for it than sit around. I wondered if i should try to eat better and work out more for a couple of months prior to IVF... So I have had consultations with both my naturopath and acupuncturist and both of them said its better to have a healthy mind as opposed to a super healthy body. I feel great both mentally and emotionally right now and who knows how I'll feel in the fall. So that is that, IVF process has started.

I am going to follow a hormonal balancing meal plan over the next few weeks, just so that I feel I'm doing everything right. I've also been referred to someone who does fertility hypnosis which I think will really help with the emotional ups and downs of this whole dang process!!

So that is where I am at! I've had a great weekend, we threw a surprise birthday party for my mom yesterday. She was totally shocked when we all jumped out from behind the furniture and yelled surprise!!!!!! She was really touched and my niece and nephew were extra cute yesterday. My niece is starting junior kindergarten in September and I've been buying her lots of little outfits from H&M. Their stuff is too cute!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to try and write some individual messages later. OH has hogged my laptop all day, I'm on my iPad right now and it's impossible to scroll back through all the stuff I have missed on here!!
Lauren - sorry you are still uncomfortable. Are you taking time off this week too? It definitely sounds like you need a few more days of rest. Your body will let you know your limits!

Sleepy - sounds like you had a great time and I can't wait to hear all about your trip! Safe travels home. Way to put a positive spin on it, if she had to come at least she waited till your trip was almost over!

treasured - fun night you had! You definitely have to let loose once in a while and it won't hurt anyway! It must be really hard for you watching your friends give these babies up, my heart goes out to you.

Sashimi - you are on your way girl! The first day of the most exciting time of your life. I don't think you'll have any regrets about your timing decision, you sound more than ready. Glad you had a great weekend to start it all off too. Happy Birthday to your mom from all of us!
melloyello - :wave: welcome to this thread! It is filled with a bunch of amazing & supportive ladies here~

pino - rectally? :wacko: you're a brave lady!! It's heartbreaking to hear about your oh's grandmother. it's true though that if they don't work, they often will be sooo bored at home that they don't know what to do with their time! Hopefully things will be back on track for her.

lauren - every time I go into the lap for bloodwork, I wonder what are all those people are in there for. Hope you'll feel better soon.

sleepy - time for af to pack her belonging this cycle... and she shall be off for a looooooooooooong vacation~~ :)

treasured - glad you had fun! a few glasses of wine are okay~~ enjoy yourself! Oh.. can't imagine to have friends around you that kept getting preggo & not planning on keeping it! :dohh: it would drive me crazy! :gun: Yay for chart in signature!! I love stalking charts!!!

sashimi - you are as ready as you'll ever be! So glad that you're going for it and you're on your way to your bundle of joy! And Happy Belated Birthday to Mama Sashimi!!!

country - happy peach week hun~~~~!!

afm, i've had NO bleeding since the 2nd round of medication. Had my u/s this morning and the doc said it looks better than last week's u/s. BUT, it seems like my ovaries are swollen? and there might be a cyst? or molar pregnancy? Not much she can tell me until bloodwork is done. So went in for another bloodwork this morning and waiting to hear from them now. If my hcg is <5, then I'm ok. If not, then I'll have to go through d&c. I've already scheduled d&c for tomorrow. So we shall see if I need to cancel it or not.

Feel so tired and worn out. Just want this to be over with.

I was planning to go camping with DH this weekend. So we'll see if we need to cancel the plan. :shrug:
Hey ladies!
I've been ttc forever it seems, and no luck. Just passed the 19th cycle of trying and I'm feeling pretty devastated now. None of the doctors we've been to so far can see a problem other than DH's low sperm count; now I'm thinking it's lower than they suggested, seeing that we haven't been successful yet. I'm not sure what to do differently this cycle, as far as ttc goes. Anyone have any tips on using soft cups?
:wave: rcafwife, good to see you here~~ You won't regret coming here and these ladies are awesome! :)
Sashimi - I know I've written you this, but I'm SO excited for your IVF cycle!! I have a great feeling about it and feel like you're super clear about it being the right time and the right step! Can't wait to hear about that BFP :)

lxb - OY!!! I am so sorry you've had to deal with all of this for so long!!! :( I know I'm not alone in saying that you totally deserve for this to all be over and done with already and for it to be an easy process! I am surprised to hear that they think it might be a molar pregnancy! What does that mean?? That it's in the ovary? Did they say why you could have cysts in the ovaries? I am thinking a lot about you and praying that thi is over asap! :hugs:

RAF - I'm sorry your journey has been so long! You have definitely come to the right place :) I used Soft Cups last cycle and I am pretty sure I had a chemical (had a lap right after which revealed a few reasons the pg couldn't have hung on), so I'd say they work well!! Some women leave them in over night but I just kept one in for a few hours. You've probably been asked this a million annoying times, but have you and OH looked into any herbal remedies or anything like that for the sperm count? I've heard really good things about natural treatment for sperm count lately.

Afm, Wow, I just should have slept in instead of going to work at 8:30!! It was super rough for a few hours and got a bit easier. I am definitely going in later tomorrow, now that I've been back and gotten a lot of support around taking plenty of time off to heal. I have tons of work this week, which is the hard part. Anyway, I am feeling better today but just tired tired tired. It hasn't even been a full week so I guess this recovery isn't all that long. OH left town last night and will return Weds, so I think that contributed to my tiredness today--had trouble sleeping despite my exhaustion and ended up snuggling up with my cats on the couch! Lol. It's soooo much softer and cushier than my bed. Hope everyone else had a nice Monday!
Finally on a computer!

Sashimi - I think it's so wonderful that you are starting your IVF procedures. The timing really does seem perfect and you seem to really have a sense of peace. I hope that this is it for you and you get the BFP that you deserve. Is OH feeling good about the process as well? Happy birthday to Mama Sashimi!!!

Lauren - I'm glad you're feeling better, but definitely try to sleep in a bit tomorrow! Your body has been through a lot and I'm sure work can do without you girl!! I hate when my OH goes away on business. I usually end up making out with my dog and snuggling all night with her lol. You sound like you're getting good snuggle time in!!!

Rcaf - Welcome friend! I'm sorry your TTC journey has been so long. What did the doctors suggest for OH's sperm count? Lxb is right - this thread is a great place for encouragement, support and venting. Glad you're here :hugs:

Lxb - :hugs: Already commented in your journal, but again I'm praying everything goes smoothly tomorrow and you can begin TTCing again soon.

MelloYello - Welcome!!

Treasured - Sounds like you, OH and OH's dad had quite a night!! Any kind of curry and alcohol sounds like a fun time to me (I'm Indian and that's pretty much how all of our family events go lol). Very strange about your friend! So she has decided to not keep the baby now?? I would go nuts if I kept having to deal with friends like that.

Pino - That is so terrible about OH's grandmother. Just breaks my heart to hear stories like that!! How are you doing otherwise? Everything going alright?

AFM, I'm just about finished AF. My doctor's appointment is scheduled for August 29th due to a mix up on their part. They are going to try to squeeze me in next week at some point. OH is waiting to hear back as to when the urologist is free to see him. So I feel like we are making a little progress and that's good. Of course I'll still be TTCing my life away come CD8 lol!!

I hope nothing is wrong with either of us and that it's just a matter of time. I think I've mentioned this before, but OH has a cyst on each testicle and I'm super worried that it's something that causes male factor infertility, but I'm just trying to not to think/worry about it until he sees the urologist. Each year he brings it up to his doctor, and they are confident it is nothing harmful and his blood work is always normal, but now that we are TTC, we think it's about time for an SA.

Also, I went bodysurfing on Saturday and slammed my head into the ocean floor when a wave broke over me and am fairly certain I've sprained my neck. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow during lunch since I can barely move. The only thing I'm concerned with is what if my back hurts so bad I can't have sex starting CD8??!

Sorry for the novel :blush:
Lxb, you are such a trooper. I'm so sorry that once again the doctor's didn't give you the "all clear" with this entire ordeal. You're almost through it, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I admit your incredible positive attitude really inspired me today.

I caught a terrible cold from my niece and nephew. I swear every time I see them I get run down. I guess because they are in daycare and always have some sort of bug. I dragged myself through work today and now have a sore throat, massive headache and a fever! Just feeling awful today kind of burst my optimism from yesterday and I have had that nagging voice of doubt in the back of my mind. But when I came on here and read how strong you are Lxb, despite feeling tired and worn out, you totally shook me out of my rut.

I said earlier that I wanted to come on and write individual messages, but instead of writing a response to recent chatter that has been going on as of late, I'd like to take a moment to give thanks and gratitude toward all of you. I would be in a completely different emotional place if it weren't for you ladies. Since beginning this thread back in March, our journeys have taking some dramatic twists and turns, but we always find a way back to this board and have a few laughs, a few tears and really comfort each other through this never-ending road. I know we haven't met in person, and we are really just a few typed words on a webpage, but I do want all of you to know how much you have impacted my TTC journey.

I feel stronger for having met Lauren, who faced this surgery head on and dealt with some mind-blowing results, while totally breezing through it with grace and ease. It's incredible to know that these problems that have been blocking you from a BFP have been removed and you've been given this green light to TTC naturally. I feel like while I've been virtually holding your hand through this process, it makes me feel like I can face anything with this TTC journey and not feel the fear. We have had many side conversations outside of the board and when we connect on so many personal levels, it reminds me that TTC is just one small part of my overall life.

Lxb- as I said above, you've faced a really tragic ordeal that just plain isn't fair. But the way you come on this board, always look at the bright side of things no matter how awful you feel really means a lot and I want you to know that. Of course, you are allowed to feel sad and you have us to lean on. But the day you cracked the one liner about ninja kicking your MIL when just about all of us felt like giving up, you made us all smile! We needed that kind of laughter in here more than anything!

Sleepy - I can totally relate to where you are at this point in your journey. When I wrote the very first thread on this board in March, I had been trying for more than 6 months but less than a year. I felt like I was in this odd place of limbo, where I knew something wasn't working but everyone kept telling me it would happen. We can both relate on the fact we know someone close to us who went through 4 IUIs until a BFP. It gives us hope and someone IRL to relate to, but it doesn't exactly give us answers. Like you do now, I had had in-laws asking when we would have kids, I was getting invited to baby-centric events, in fact I still am. It's been nice to know that I'm not alone! The not knowing of all of this is such a tough road and I'm glad we can support each other while we are on it.

Pino - You totally give me a much needed reality check! Even though you are 10 years younger than me (and actually a year older than my nephew), you are so wise beyond your years and are often the voice of reason I need to hear! Your strength and determination through all of this really keeps me going! When things in my life seem like a dead end, you've been right here to encourage not only me, but all of us to keep going!

Haribo - We are the same age and have been trying for the same amount of time. I know you mentioned earlier there was a bit of a mix up with your fertility appointment on Aug 13 (your bday!), but I am really excited for you to take this next step. I'd definitely like to connect more and share fertility visit stories. If you ever want to compare notes, I'm here for you.

Treasured - Like Pino, you are also wise beyond your years! I'm sorry to hear that you are going through two friends terminating their BFPs. It's sad and must be so tough for you to handle IRL. But you have clearly been kind and mindful to their wishes for their own bodies, and you have done the same for everyone on this board. It always helps to pop on here and hear your enthusiasm and encouraging words!

Preg - I know you didn't have the long TTC journey, but when you mentioned that you have been knocked out more than 10 times it made me feel better about the fact that I will be mildly sedated for my IVF retrieval. Also when you mention that your baby is stretching its a reminder that BFPs do happen.

And Country - Your story is my light at the end of my tunnel. Every time I hear that voice of doubt during my own journey, I think of you and how you have defied all the odds and got your BFP. When I think that it is never going to happen for me, I think of you and I know that it CAN and it WILL happen! You are so kind and encouraging, yet SO modest!!! I'm so happy for you and I hope that soon enough that all of us will be coming to you for first trimester advice.

To the new ladies who just joined, you couldn't have found a better thread! Welcome!
Ahhhh Sleepy! We wrote at the same time, just like the good old days. So excited for you to have your doctor's appointment scheduled!! It's scary like I said, the not knowing, thinking what could be wrong, but it will all be okay. I know that I have hostile CM, thyroid disease and a low ovarian reserve and I'm okay with that. Even if there is some sort of male infertility with OH, they can get around that. My OH had a bladder/kidney infection last summer and I worried about the same thing, what if it ruined something. You will feel better once you see the doctor, it's a liberating, proactive feeling! I'll be there every step of the way with you!
Aww Sashimi - you brought me to tears with both of your posts. I'm literally crying into my tattered old night shirt. It's so true though what you said - I feel so lucky to have each of you girls to go through this TTC journey with. Especially since I know you, Lauren and several others have already been through these beginning appointments. I feel better prepared mentally and emotionally for what may come. In a way it's like having TTC sisters - I feel like I can turn to you all for anything in this journey that I don't feel comfortable sharing IRL.
Sashimi!! You always know what to say :) Thank you for thanking everyone and for naming the awesome bond we all have! I am grateful for this board (which you started!) every day and honestly can't imagine where I'd be without it. I truly have no one IRL who can relate to my TTC journey so you ladies are PRICELESS to me. And even though we haven't met, I feel like I know each one of you so well and so personally! Where else can we talk about our cervical fluid?? Anyway, I second the very well-said thanks that you gave!

Sleepy - I am so glad that you and OH are going to get a few answers, and I hope that anything the docs find is an easy fix! And OUCH about your neck!!! Sounds like a few of us are out for the count! That just sounds so painful! Have you started your new job yet?? Either way I hope you are able to take some time and pamper that injury! And you're right, I think I need to relax about work! I am so afraid of seeming like my old boss who was out every week for a medical issue that I am afraid to take an entire week for major surgery!! I am definitely going to sleep in tomorrow--especially since OH is gone! I LOLed about your dog, but it makes a world of difference to have pets around when our OH's are away! I adore my cats :).

Treasured - I don't know if I said this before (feels like I was on drugs non-stop for 5 days) but I'm so sorry you're having to deal with friends terminating pregnancies--that sounds so painful and frustrating. It sounds like you've done a great job being a good friend despite the fact that you would never do what they're doing!! I really admire that.

Pino and haribo, how are you two??

Hope I didn't miss anyone else...Totally glued to the computer tonight! I think I'm avoiding getting ready for bed without OH.

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