Could use a buddy

Preg - hope you feel better soon and able to get some rest.

Treasured - yay for bbt!! And I also think you can change the preference on Ff to put in your temp in C. I'll be stalking your chart!!

Sleepy - temp still looks good. I think if 13dpo temp is still up, it'll be a great sign! Hopefully you'll get some answers from the tests.

Pino - I still can't bellevue of your bd streak! That's some serious business right there! :haha: fx for you Hun!

Lauren - yep! Get your hoo ha rest up ... Then it is time for some serious bd!!

Country - how r u feeling Hun! :wave: little plum!!

Sashimi - sometimes we just need to bite the bullet and go for it as the waiting game is not on our side. I think you already have decided and just wanted reassurance :) you are so strong! And we are always here for you to provide you mental support.

Haribo - how are you??

Afm, took all 12 pills since last night. I'm having cramps so far (but nothing as bad as the ones I've had when I passed the sac), no bleeding, and lots and lots of diarrhea! (sorry, tmi). Googled and I think it is one of the side effects? I guess we shall wait and see then huh.
Hi everyone, sorry not to have been on here the past few days with so much going on for all you lovely girls-combination of applying for new jobs (application forms take an age!), working hard, going out every night, getting my AF and feeling down and my SIL having her baby-it was very overdue in the end!

Sashimi I agree with Country and the other girls-now seems as good a time as any and not having too long to think about it seemed to work pretty well for Lauren. I know it's a lot of information and it's quite daunting but it's also really exciting, I have all my fingers crossed for you.

Lauren, glad you're ok! Sounds like it was a huge success and they've done a great job of sorting you out and well done you for coping so well.

Lxb, you are a brave lady, well done for speaking to your boss, no easy feat and i bet you feel ten times better. I really hope you can put this behind you very soon and it's true, your body is ready to get pregnant which is great!

Treasured, good luck temping-the hardest thing i found was not jumping out of bed and remembering to take my temp first! I also keep a little book by my bed and write my temp in when half asleep. Just a thought, does anyone else find that before they have people round they have to a ttc spot check? Hide my thermometer, books, my pre-conception tablets, folic acid tablets kicking around, dr appointment letters... Honestly, i am acquiring paraphernalia!

Country, am so pleased your scan went so well, and great that you're a bit further ahead than you thought. I sympathise with the huge post hols wash to put on too!

Pregpilot and lady, hope you're both doing ok.

As for me, I'm ok. Was down on Monday about my AF (my ttc anniversary, lovely!) but wondering if fate is playing its part and trying to help me get a new, more challenging better paid job before i'm allowed to get pregnant. I have bought a new book by a chinese medicine doctor who's meant to be amazing. It's rather originally titled How to get Pregnant by Dr Zhai and OH very sweetly made an appt today for me to see her in Sept. It's a bit pricey though so we'll see, we can cancel in advance but exciting to have in diary. I have decided to cut out caffeine and alcohol completely for at least a month, she's basically meant to be miracle lady (google her!) so thought i'd give it a whirl. As for nhs fertility appt, there's basically been a muck up as my surgery booked me in for an appt in the wrong dept, so now i have to wait for a new appt date-all a bit painful but fingers crossed will work.

I love grapefruit juice but don't drink it! I better get some down me!
Haribo - yep! I had to hide and be ssneaky when I took my folic acid around people who dont know we're ttc. We had this trip with a friend of ours a while ago, we have meals together 3 times a day and I managed to sneak in my prenatal vitamin and fish oil without her noticing! :haha: :ninja: I cut out coffee completely too and I don't drink. Fx this works for you. I believe your perfect little bean is waiting for you when the time is right :hugs:
Sleepy--- I am LOVING your chart!! I’m wondering if the spotting is from implantation? Oooohhh I hope so!! :hugs:

Lxb--- How are you feeling today?? Hopefully much better and this is all almost over!! :hugs:

Treasured---Make sure you put a link to your FF in your signature. I am looking forward to stalking it :haha: Yes I know that sounds creepy :haha:

Lauren--- I hope you are feeling a bit better today, and not as sore!! :hugs:

Country--- How is pregnancy treating you?? :hugs:

SashimiMimi--- I hope you were able to come to peace about IVF :hugs:

Haribo--- I am the SAME way when it comes to all the TTC stuff. For the most part it is only my nephew that comes over and I don’t bother, but my in-laws like to drop by, and I always throw stuff into drawers when I hear a knock at the door :haha:. Also when I go out I have some of my fertility vitamins in a multi vitamin bottle, so they just think I am a health nut :haha: Good luck w/ caffeine cut. I did that as well, and it feels great now, but at the time I didn’t like it ti much :haha: I also don’t drink except for 1 day a month (when AF shows) and I will have a glass of wine. So when was your Dr. appointment rescheduled for??

So I slept a little better last night, and only woke up once. My thermometer is still high fertility (it has to be broken) but I think I O’d 2 days ago IDK though. :shrug: my temp raised a bit again today, but I am wondering what FF will do cause I had a couple spikes above my coverline. I really have to clean my house but I’m not really in the mood lately.

How is everyone else??
lxb - that's a lot of pills! Are you off work today and tomorrow? I'm glad these ones aren't as bad but I just hope it's all over very soon for you.

haribo - Sounds like you have a real sweetheart on your hands making dr appts for you :winkwink: I cut out caffeine in December and it was great because it wasn't a shock when I got my BFP. When is your new appointment for? I definitely hid all my vitamins and books and thermometer too!

Pino - glad you slept better and are feeling better in general. We all have times we don't feel ourselves. That's the one time I found FF difficult, I never knew when it would consider me to have O'd. I guess we'll find out for you in the next couple of days. Did you have any EWCM?
country - it's the same pill i took last time. Last time it was one pill every 3 hours (total of 6 pills). This time, it is 3 pills every 6 hours (total 12 pills). So far I've had on and off cramps but NOTHING close to what I felt when I passed the gestational sac. I'm thinking it might take a while for it to kick in? I'm back to work now as I don't feel like staying home with MIL and I feel perfectly fine to work.

pino - glad you're feeling better. my last two temps are crazy! I think the drug has some effect on it?! (The first temp I took yesterday was 98.87!!! and 2nd time is 98.4! and today is 97.15?! :wacko:)
Hey gals, quick check in to say I am still feeling rotten. In some ways I feel better and in some ways I don't. Every muscle in my body incredibly sore and I can't cough without it hurting, but the little incisions are looking a bit better and I'm going to attempt to eat today. Thanks for the thoughts :) I kind of can't believe that some women have to go through this procedure multiple times! Really took it out of me.
Country--- I usually don't notice if I get EWCM. So IDK I do know that on CD 19 before me and OH had sex we forplayed, and after he made me cum I had a whole lot of EWCM, I know that it technically doesn't count, but I figured since I don't notice it in everyday life if I orgasm I do have it so that when we have sex which should increase my chances right?? Sorry I know it's tmi :blush:

lxb--- Maybe the drugs do mess w/ your temp, but it could also be your body getting back to normal. I am glad it is not as painful, I just hope it is over for you soon!!

Lauren--- I am sorry that you are in so much pain :cry: Try to get a lot of rest so you can some back to us!! :hugs:
PS Sashimi I say GO for it!! We are behind you and rooting for you. Glad you dont have to feel the egg extraction. The IV was the worst part of my procedure--it was so painful I cried, and I wanted to say, 'can't you just knock me out for this part, too??' anyway, it sounds like youre as ready as you can! We are here for you.

Feel like I'm missing everything but I'll check in again when I'm feeling more normal.
lxb - That is quite an increased dose! Are you able to run home if you need to? I don't blame you for wanting to be away from MIL. Does she know about everything or did you manage to keep it quiet from her?

Lauren - Sorry you are feeling so run over! Hopefully you are able to eat something and keep it down so your body can speed up its recovery. I have faith you won't have to go through it again for your BFP :)

Pino - It's probably up there then! I know they say whatever you feel during sex doesn't count but it doesn't sound like you have a lack of lubrication lol It might help you pinpoint when you O if you do start checking CM.
Country--- I do check my cum, but I usually just get really wet cum around my O date. I never notice EWCM so IDK. I check a couple times a day, but don't ever see any :shrug:
Lauren - So sorry you are feeling rotten. Sounds like it will take a bit longer to fully recover. In your words, be sweet to yourself! I hope you are feeling better soon!

Lxb- I hope this set of pills will do the trick for you.

My boobs are totally deflated and not sore plus I've had more spotting. Pretty sure AF will be right on time on Sunday. Been feeling very jealous of pregnant women and women with more than one child. Usually I don't let it get to me but I've totally been a hater today :/
preg_pilot--- I was recommended to get knee surgery about 4 years ago. I decided that until I am in constant pain, I will leave it as it is :shrug: Sorry your not feeling well!! :hugs: hopefully the bun in the oven will ease up on you!! :hugs:

treasured--- If you don't O you don't have an LP. I do know that if it is to short, you have a higher risk of a chemical. Your lp is the time that is given for the egg to implant comfortably, if it is to short the egg can't implant. My LP used to be 14 days. Gosh TTC is so confusing!! By the way, you can change your FF into celsius. Temping is pretty simple.Just take it at the same time right after you wake up without moving around to much. You can take it by mouth, anus, or vaginally. I take it vaginally as I sleep with my mouth wide open :blush: So I usually don't take it while on my period. My chart looks really bonkers cause lately I have been a restless sleeper, and having some really weird dreams!! :shrug:

Lauren--- :hugs: you get lots and lots of rest, and try to relax!! Are you guys going to start trying this cycle?? Or did the lap mess the cycle up??

Feeling better again. queasy on and off, but at least I got rid of that stomach bug :) apparently it was a 24 hour thing.
I had no choice about those knee surgeries, 2 times I tore my sinews up so bad, I needed near immediate surgery. The other ones are just damage control on my cartilage. I don´t have a lot of choices any more though. There is almost no cartilage left, and my new doctor can´t understand why I don´t have a stiff leg, walking on crutches yet. I guess I'm just too stubborn for that. I push through the pain and walk, swim, cycle and weight lift to keep fit. If I ever stop though... (let´s not go there).
I feel pain every day, but I'll just have to deal with that, until they invent some new methods to help with implanting new cartilage.
Sleepy - Totally natural--don't beat yourself up!! It's hard to feel generous about other ladies' bumps when you're feeling AF's approach! As always, I am still holding out for you this time!! Did you say that you guys are going in for testing? I am still on some drugs, so didn't remember if I read that or imagined it, lol. Anyway, if you are I hope you get some answers and a quick fix. But you're def. not out yet!!

haribo - I'm so excited to hear about your appointment with the miracle worker!! Natural medicine can be crazy powerful and I feel really good about it for you.

lxb - I'm so sorry you're having to take all those meds!! How was work today? I hope you got through it all right.

country and lxb - LOL on how busy my hoo haa will be soon!! OH can't wait for my full recovery....;) Unfortunately for him it's TWO weeks without sex, not one. I'm sure he'll figure something out, lol.

AFM, still out of it and uncomfortable, but the more I hear from my family about the before and after pics of my insides (which they ALL saw...), the more optimistic I get that we could really get pregnant within this six months that we're 'most fertile'. After I indulge in a crackers and soda only diet during recovery, I'm totally going to hit the ground running and be really clean with my diet and supplements and exercise. I do NOT want to go through this again, and I am getting that BFP, darnit!! Lol.
yayy lauren! best attitude to have :) you will be getting your BFP! I feel it in the winds of my ovaries..... umm that sounded better in my head. :D So glad you are relaxing though and feeling better gradually. I remember when I had my bowel surgery the amount of morphine I had stayed in my head for about a week and I just spent the whole time talking about baked potatoes and pigeons :S :hugs:

soooooooooo girls... can somone please help me cause im so confused already! I got a temp dip today (finished AF yesterday) is it normal? I thought that your temp diped before AF so I was confused to see sucha big dip after. Ive put a link into this post and I will try to put one into my signature later on :)
Treasured, first of all LOLLLLL at the winds of your ovaries!!! I have to restrain my laughter do I don't bust a stitch. I think the link you posted to your chart is just te home page. There is a way to get the HTML code and put it in your signature....I bet lxb knows how!! I can't remember and still have drug brain. Anyway, my temp sometimes stays high during AF--dont worry about that. The second week of your cycle should show low temps and then a dip followed by spike for ovulation (ov is dip day). Charts don't always look textbook, though--you will probably need a few cycles to know what's normal for you but I'm sure thinks will start to get clearer soon.
Haha! Noooo dont be bursting anny. Stitches! How many do you have actually? I have 27 in my stomach all together haha! Im like a patchwork :D dont worry though my last surgery was in October and my scar is almost white already :) oops im clearly not technical enough! Yeahh maybe lxb will read and suggest the right way :) is 97.9 high? That's what it was yesterday and today it's
97.5! Is that just the progesterone coming down late? X
Ohh lxb you got in there quick hehe I love you! I will put a link in when im home as its too hard while at work on my phone haha, thank you! X
haribo - did you manage to get some grapefruit juice on your shopping list? :)

lauren - hope you feel better soon hun~~ 2 more weeks 'til hoo ha is open for business! I'm sure ur OH will be xtra horny by end of 2 wks!! (speaking from xperience.. lol) :haha: :rofl: as for work.. it was certainly an unproductive day! I've been googling on the side effects of the medication and browsing BnB! :shy: But yea.. hope you're offf to a speedy recovery and next up shall be your BFP! :happydance:

country - yep. I was scared when I took them. I'm pretty close to home.. about 8 miles (takes about 10-15min to drive home) so I would be able to go home if i really needed to. MIL knows, DH asked if he could tell her and I said yes. Else she might think both of us are crazy going from happy-go-lucky from the trip to blue-moon and with my puffy eyes!! I didn't tell her about this 2nd round of medication though.. I just told her I'm not feeling well and decided to stay home.

sleepy - just saw your chart. hope you're doing okay. :hugs: I'm sooo envious of those bumps!! worst part of this is I kept having to get my blood drawn and u/s and appt... and all those places are just filled with bumps & babies! :dohh:

preg - so glad you're feeling better. heard queasiness should be easing off in 2nd tri. hope that's the case for you and can't wait to see ur bump pics!!!

pino - time for grapefruit juice?? :haha: it's not too bad for a glass a day.. just chuck it down and do a little shrivel~~ :dance:

treaured - yeah.. think lauren answered your questions. it's different for every women and it might take a few cycles to see your pattern. I often find myself stare at my chart... compared it to others... and sometimes just want it to be 'tomorrow' already just so i can see the temp!!! :haha:

afm, still NO bleeding. on and off minor cramp (I brought my pain killer to work just in case as today is friday ... the drug might kick in today? :shrug:) Just not feeling positive about the retaining products... as nothing is 'coming out' :dohh:

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