crappy government

no government will every 'win' in the publics eyes

i mean for a start people sit a moan about the 'mess labour got us into', yet labour introduced the CTF (along with HIP, SSG & CTC) yet now people are moaning about these things being stopped under a new government

doesn't this contradict itself slightly?
great thread :thumbup:

I would be happy for them to scrap the HIP grant, I don't need it but will claim it- if someone offers me money I'm not going to say no. I'm hardly a millionare. We were always healthy and looked after as children and my parents had a very small income, we got by. TBH we grow our own veg anyway, and exercise etc. I'll probably use it to pay off some of my M&P bill- for the nursery furniture we bought for our mansion:haha: lol, not really, we got M&P 'cos we liked it and we can afford it- with our own money, not government hand outs. If we could not afford it- i.e. were relient on government hand outs, we wouldn've bought cheaper items and second hand.

My sister was a pregnant teenager, is now a single working mum who relies on help- I'm not sure how long ago these grants were introduced, but I don't remember her getting £500 when pregnant (I know, I know, thats not the one we're discussing, but just to add my bit:winkwink:). She bought everything second hand and scraped by on very little- I was v.proud of her:thumbup:

My husband and I are in a position (through our own hard work- not family money or anything like that) where we don't need the extra money and I accept that this is not so for everyone. However, babies can be provided for on a low income, and have been for many years on what people are able to save for themselves. As mentioned previously, in this country we are a lot better off than many other areas of the world- think yourselves lucky we have free health care etc. When you make a commitment to having a child, be that child planned or unplannes- you keep the pregnancy, you have decided to have a child- you must know you're going to have to tighten the belt a bit and should change your lifestyle accordingly. I know we've had to.

As for the child trust fund :shrug: I plan on saving for my child anyway, I don't like investment accounts, and if you never had it in the first place, what's there to miss:shrug:

As mentioned by lots of pp, the new government were always gonna get some stick, the country's in a mess. They need to sort it out, and we've just got to suck it up. There's no point getting in a tizz about it:flower:, but yes, I voted conservative, and I'd do it again:winkwink:

i love you!!

Somehow people are missing that despite all these cuts (of things that aren't necessary) the goverment are giving addittional money to disabled children-in my eyes those that REALLy DO need it
great thread :thumbup:

I would be happy for them to scrap the HIP grant, I don't need it but will claim it- if someone offers me money I'm not going to say no. I'm hardly a millionare. We were always healthy and looked after as children and my parents had a very small income, we got by. TBH we grow our own veg anyway, and exercise etc. I'll probably use it to pay off some of my M&P bill- for the nursery furniture we bought for our mansion:haha: lol, not really, we got M&P 'cos we liked it and we can afford it- with our own money, not government hand outs. If we could not afford it- i.e. were relient on government hand outs, we wouldn've bought cheaper items and second hand.

My sister was a pregnant teenager, is now a single working mum who relies on help- I'm not sure how long ago these grants were introduced, but I don't remember her getting £500 when pregnant (I know, I know, thats not the one we're discussing, but just to add my bit:winkwink:). She bought everything second hand and scraped by on very little- I was v.proud of her:thumbup:

My husband and I are in a position (through our own hard work- not family money or anything like that) where we don't need the extra money and I accept that this is not so for everyone. However, babies can be provided for on a low income, and have been for many years on what people are able to save for themselves. As mentioned previously, in this country we are a lot better off than many other areas of the world- think yourselves lucky we have free health care etc. When you make a commitment to having a child, be that child planned or unplannes- you keep the pregnancy, you have decided to have a child- you must know you're going to have to tighten the belt a bit and should change your lifestyle accordingly. I know we've had to.

As for the child trust fund :shrug: I plan on saving for my child anyway, I don't like investment accounts, and if you never had it in the first place, what's there to miss:shrug:

As mentioned by lots of pp, the new government were always gonna get some stick, the country's in a mess. They need to sort it out, and we've just got to suck it up. There's no point getting in a tizz about it:flower:, but yes, I voted conservative, and I'd do it again:winkwink:

Agree 100%!
and i never said it was, that's why i dont get the bite back! At the end of the day things in this country are pretty shocking and sticking with labour nothing would of changed!
Besides it's about time someone else had a go!

I disagree with that :wacko: There would have been cuts no matter who got into office. Im kinda glad that it was the tories.. i think theyre going to make so many cuts and be so unpopular that they wont get re-elected for a while.
These thinsg never used to exist and people coped.

It will save 320 million, as a full time student i needed the grants but i wasnt entitled to them so i hard to sell things/work lots before baby arrived to get by.

and the goverment are putting an extra 20 million for disabled children-that makes me smile!! Much more worth while than into pockets that don't really really need it!
I would HATE to have the job of running this country, much respect to anyone that is willing to try do they job. It's not the most popular job in the world, and whatever they do people will moan.

as for the 'things wouldn't improve under labour' fair comment however 13 years ago people said the exact same thing about the conservatives, swings and roundabouts, i can promise you now that give it 5 - 10 years and people will be sat here saying 'things will never improve under conservatives' and labour or another party will get back in
Also I'd much prefer an unpopular goverment who sorted the mess out than a popular goverment that gives us all we want and need and got us into more debt.
I'm butting in again :haha:

Child Trust Fund - My eldest daughter (aged 8) got nothing, my middle daughter (aged 7) got £250 when she was born and has just recieved another £250 for turning 7(????) and my youngest daughter (aged 6) recieved £250 when she was born and won't recieve anything else. My baby (due October) also won't recieve anything. What was the point in the CTF? I believe it was a complete waste of money. All my children have their own savings accounts, and I put a couple of pounds into them each every week - this has soon built up. If the government wanted to encourage parents to save for their children, wouldn't it have been better to provide a savings book with a £5 voucher?? Even this I feel is over the top! My view is they should scrap the CTF altogether..... the money would be better spent on Education and Health IMO.

Sure Start Maternity Grant - With my first 3 children, I wasn't entitled to this, and I was a bit 'annoyed' that it seemed people were being given £500 just because they were having a baby. I appreciate that most people would spend that money wisely on essential items for baby, BUT there are always going to be people who abuse the system (IMO). I fell pregnant in January this year, and we had everything planned out. HOWEVER, my husband lost his job unexpectedly in April (after 15years+ of working full time). I am now entitled to the £500 SSMG, and I still have the same opinion about people being 'given' the money. No, I will not necessarily turn it down as we are very low on money right now, but I did not put myself into this situation on purpose. I really feel that the £500 would be better off in vouchers, and only for essential baby items - perhaps a certain amount for clothes, a certain amount towards a cot etc, although this would affect people like me as I have tried my hardest to look for bargains on ebay, and I'm sure they wouldn't accept vouchers!! It's a no win situation!

Health in pregnancy grant - seriously, what a waste of money. No matter how many posts I've read, no one can convince me that this is NECESSARY. I never had it with my first 3 so why should I get it now???? And what is it supposed to be used for??? Originally, it was to encourage people to visit their midwife and have a healthy pregnancy - well then why on earth aren't vouchers for fruit and veg given out (maybe to the amount of £30) and I'm sorry if this offends, but if you don't want to see a midwife that's your own problem.

My general opinion is that Labour introduced the HIP and the CTF and I feel it has contributed (even only slightly) to the mess this country is in financially. They are both a complete waste of money. I think it's perfect that these cuts are made, I would rather they cut these 2 things out altogether, and maybe even lowered the SSMG, than see my children's future blighted by debt, poor education and a failing health system. This is where the money needs to be spent IMO. The conservatives cannot please everyone, and cuts need to be made somewhere.

I really hope I haven't offended anyone :flow: but these are my opinions!

Rant over :rofl: xxxxx
Well said woo!

I'm very like minded. People in this country need to start taking charge of their responsibilities instead of relying on hand outs from the government.

My husband and I are in a fortunate position to be able to buy what we want for our baby, but that's not without us saving and cutting back on some things, and working hard to earn the salarys we do!

My mum and dad bought up 4 children on just my dad salary as mum was a house wife, never had any debt, loans, credit cards. My mum and dad learnt to go without. And it's not till now that I'm older that I realise how hard they had it - but they managed! My mum even made our clothes an her maternity clothes, baked bread every day etc to save!

I by no means will turn away free cash - who would. But if/when all these hands out get cut by the government we will budget to make up the cash ourselves.

Maybe if the labour government hadn't given out so many hand outs "generally" the country would not be the place it is.
labour weren't running the rest of the world may i just point out, but there has been a GLOBAL economic decline. it would have happened with whatever goverment was in power.

Except maybe a different government WOULDN'T have sold off our gold reserves at the lowest price :dohh:

But a different government did sell off pretty much everything else back in the 70's and 80's from mines to public transport and bring us into another two recessions leaving a hell of a mess for labour to sort out when they came in power in 1997.

This isn't something that has happened overnight, it's something that has been going on for decades and through both labour and conservative governments.
Maggie sold all our council houses instead! wonder why we have 10 year waiting lists for a house, eh?
labour weren't running the rest of the world may i just point out, but there has been a GLOBAL economic decline. it would have happened with whatever goverment was in power.

Except maybe a different government WOULDN'T have sold off our gold reserves at the lowest price :dohh:

But a different government did sell off pretty much everything else back in the 70's and 80's from mines to public transport and bring us into another two recessions leaving a hell of a mess for labour to sort out when they came in power in 1997.

This isn't something that has happened overnight, it's something that has been going on for decades and through both labour and conservative governments.

I agree. It'll happen again in another few decades. Its what happens when people get too comfortable and spend too much money due to ridiculous and unsustainable inflation. What goes up, must come down.
I asked in a earlier post but funny enough noone answered so i'll try again lol

I would LOVE to know what areas people deem as 'ok' to have cuts in and save as much as cutting the CTF would save? .... guess this is aimed at those so dead against the CTF being stopped,

Like I said, why not scrap spending on trident? Why spend millions on replacing submarines, while axing university placements? Where is the justice in that? I'm not against the CTF being stopped, but I do think they could have made better cuts.

To the people who feel that people managed without the HIP and SSGs years ago, the point is, we live in a country where people who are struggling to pay for baby things shouldn't have to struggle. No child should have to go without.

Perhaps the grants should be means tested, and a system set up to make sure they are spent on the right things, but I do not think they should be scrapped because some people really do need them. I don't care if people years ago managed to get by somehow, we live in a completely different economic climate now. We don't live in a country who will let a child suffer, just because their mother was too young and can't support them and "should have used to use a condom with the pill" (who says everybody can use the pill, huh??), and to me, that's something to be proud of. Don't like it, move out of the country maybe?

I'd be interested in knowing how many of you that are against the HIP and SSG will claim for it anyway. :coffee:
I have to say that I'm not worried about the CTF being scrapped. If you want to save for your child's future, then go for it. If you can't then you can't. I wasn't given any savings at 18 and I've done OK without it!

As for the HIP - yes I was planning on putting this towards a weekend in London - but only because I have provided things for my baby myself, and have paid my taxes since I left school 24 years ago, and if it's there to claim, I'll claim it. I've never claimed anything in my life before! However, I do think it would be better scrapped, and vouchers towards weekly food shops would be a better idea.

I also think that maybe the Sure Start grant could be changed towards a voucher, or 'swap' system, where people donate their old products which are recycled for new parents. I'm happy to use 2nd hand stuff that's in good nick.

When my mum had my brother and sister (it was quite a few years ago - granted), she moved from the North to the South, didn't have a car, didn't have any family around, worked full time, had no washing machine, dish washer, central heating, or any government help of any kind. Now I know that times have changed greatly since the 1960s, and we now have a much higher standard of living, but whenever I feel a bit sorry for myself, or get tired and irritable, or completely fed up cos I'm so skint, I try and remember what life was like then and how hard people had to work and only still had a fraction of what we have now. Works sometimes :)

I'd like to say before people think my and OH are wealthy and lolling around in money, that he hasn't worked since last year because of the recession, and is self employed so CAN'T claim anything even if he wanted to, so I have been supporting us all on my own salary which is way below the national average, without any help from anyone. It can be done with a lot of juggling!

Sorry don't want to sound preachy, but I do think we have it relatively easy nowadays!
Just to add... My HIP grant hasn't come through yet but i have applied, this is yes this is not a necessity and really the government would be better off maybe subsidising for pregnant women to park for free at hosptals (my hubby was paying £8 a day for parking when i had our first little one thank god we weren't in there more than 4 days). I currently have at least one hospital appoingment a week and am really struggling to afford the petrol and parking for this, my hospital is a specialist hospital due to complications throughout this pregnancy and is 25 miles away from my home! It is situated around a mile and a half up one of the steepest hills in the city and the bus route stops at the bottom and is impossible to walk up normally let alone being nearlly 7 months pregnant! So i am using my HIP grant mainly to tax my car to get to these appointments (just so happens its due around the time my car needs taxing) petrol and parking for all these appointments! and a cot mattress (everything else has been bought for our little one second hand or is what we still have left over from our little one-she has nothing new what-so-ever this time around) so yes although i am planning for it to help immensly in my sitation i do think they should look into helping our in more practical ways free parking in hospitals or at least a discounted rate - its not like any of us want to go for the fun or it or maybe even a scheme where a new cot mattress is slightly discounted so that every parent buys one and doesnt take the scary risk of using second hand! (this could also work with car seats but we are using dd as i really cant justify spanding in excess of £100 when we have a perfectly good one) I am a firm believer that practical help is much more benificial than plonking a couple of hundered quid in someones bank and saying there you go go buy yourself a carrot!

As for the CTF y daughter got it when she was born but i was under the impression that when you chose where you put it it was just as likely your child would end up with nothing as it was invested in stocks and shares in most cases! I know we stopped paying into our daughters and just got her a normal young savers account to pay into cos when the statement comes through its alot less depressing than seeing the £250 invested showing as sat as £62!

**This is just my opinon though i don't mean anything i've typed (probably badly with many spelling mistakes and letters missing) to offend anyone or get their backs up. Just wanted to show that my HIP is really helping me but i thin they could help in other ways***

I asked in a earlier post but funny enough noone answered so i'll try again lol

I would LOVE to know what areas people deem as 'ok' to have cuts in and save as much as cutting the CTF would save? .... guess this is aimed at those so dead against the CTF being stopped,

Like I said, why not scrap spending on trident? Why spend millions on replacing submarines, while axing university placements? Where is the justice in that? I'm not against the CTF being stopped, but I do think they could have made better cuts.

To the people who feel that people managed without the HIP and SSGs years ago, the point is, we live in a country where people who are struggling to pay for baby things shouldn't have to struggle. No child should have to go without.

Perhaps the grants should be means tested, and a system set up to make sure they are spent on the right things, but I do not think they should be scrapped because some people really do need them. I don't care if people years ago managed to get by somehow, we live in a completely different economic climate now. We don't live in a country who will let a child suffer, just because their mother was too young and can't support them and "should have used to use a condom with the pill" (who says everybody can use the pill, huh??), and to me, that's something to be proud of. Don't like it, move out of the country maybe?

I'd be interested in knowing how many of you that are against the HIP and SSG will claim for it anyway. :coffee:

I asked in a earlier post but funny enough noone answered so i'll try again lol

I would LOVE to know what areas people deem as 'ok' to have cuts in and save as much as cutting the CTF would save? .... guess this is aimed at those so dead against the CTF being stopped,

Like I said, why not scrap spending on trident? Why spend millions on replacing submarines, while axing university placements? Where is the justice in that? I'm not against the CTF being stopped, but I do think they could have made better cuts.

To the people who feel that people managed without the HIP and SSGs years ago, the point is, we live in a country where people who are struggling to pay for baby things shouldn't have to struggle. No child should have to go without.

Perhaps the grants should be means tested, and a system set up to make sure they are spent on the right things, but I do not think they should be scrapped because some people really do need them. I don't care if people years ago managed to get by somehow, we live in a completely different economic climate now. We don't live in a country who will let a child suffer, just because their mother was too young and can't support them and "should have used to use a condom with the pill" (who says everybody can use the pill, huh??), and to me, that's something to be proud of. Don't like it, move out of the country maybe?

I'd be interested in knowing how many of you that are against the HIP and SSG will claim for it anyway. :coffee:


I'm sorry you have a problem with supporting young mothers. Hope you like all those shiny new submarines they're going to buy instead! :dohh:

Oh, and I noticed you didn't answer my question. Are you claiming the HIP and SSG? Because I believe if you believe it's wrong to hand those out, then you shouldn't be claiming for them.
I'm sure the submarines will be just as useful as the Millenium dome and the olympic stadium that turned into billions instead of millions!

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