crazy about ovulation! irregular cycles

Buttons, I have been the same this weekend and yet cramps at the same time ugh so confusing!

Now to make the confusion and stress worse I entered my temp this morning and my chart gave up on me, it no longer can find which day I ovulated lol blah. I'm sure I did as my cm is no longer fertile but still I want my countdown back lol

Hope everyone had a good weekend and baby dust to all :)
Thank you hamurphy :) just checked cp and it's still high soft and open so I'm hoping o is definitely close now! Glad to hear you started temping just in time im hoping the same will happen to me!!

I hope so too :) looking good so far with the rise on temp pairs with the cervix info :) got my fingers crossed for you! !
Buttons, I have been the same this weekend and yet cramps at the same time ugh so confusing!

Now to make the confusion and stress worse I entered my temp this morning and my chart gave up on me, it no longer can find which day I ovulated lol blah. I'm sure I did as my cm is no longer fertile but still I want my countdown back lol

Hope everyone had a good weekend and baby dust to all :)
Aw man your cycle will not give you a break! I'm sorry. I hope you get some kind of hint to what's going on soon.
Af due sat done a test still bfn but starting to get line eyes so will post on gallery to see if it is neg :s

Symptoms all gone now too urgh at least when all finished can start temping and start again....
Cd25 and still no ovulation for me :( had a temp rise but still getting ewcm! Can't wait for this cycle to be over
Hi! I am new to the site. I am still learning the lingo so forgive me if I use it incorrectly or have to ask for clarification :)

I have been married about a year and a half and DH and I just decided to ttc. I have extremely irregular cycles. We're talking from 75 to 185 days. My FP is always long and after O (which I usually know about by charting bbt-I use the LadyComp) my LP is always 14 days. I do not have PCOS. I have been tested recently and have not really been given much about why this is happening? I read about Vitex and just started taking it on cd2 and I am now on cd8.

Just looking for someone other than DH to talk to about it as I think he is going crazy from all my worrying about not being able to get pregnant. Especially since we just started trying. Also looking for some suggestions on how to help shorten my FP?

Thanks ladies!!
Buttons: So frustrating! I got a BFN also, I figured I should test so that at least if FF cannot find my ovulation date I can slowly rule out possible dates by temp dips. Going to test again this weekend Hoping for a BFP for all of us!

Dinky: If your temps stay up it could be CD 24 or it may have been CD 20 and there are no temps before it so FF can't identify it without context. My chart has completely given up on me this cycle lol I am just testing 12 days after each temp dip to rule out possible ovulation days.

Hi! I am new to the site. I am still learning the lingo so forgive me if I use it incorrectly or have to ask for clarification :)

I have been married about a year and a half and DH and I just decided to ttc. I have extremely irregular cycles. We're talking from 75 to 185 days. My FP is always long and after O (which I usually know about by charting bbt-I use the LadyComp) my LP is always 14 days. I do not have PCOS. I have been tested recently and have not really been given much about why this is happening? I read about Vitex and just started taking it on cd2 and I am now on cd8.

Just looking for someone other than DH to talk to about it as I think he is going crazy from all my worrying about not being able to get pregnant. Especially since we just started trying. Also looking for some suggestions on how to help shorten my FP?

Thanks ladies!!

WELCOME!!! I am so glad you found our post and we are happy to have you here. We have all been going crazy about one part of our cycle or another and have varying irregularities and cycle lengths. I have heard good things about Vitex but have not tried it yet. I am thinking of trying it next cycle if this cycle is another BFN month.

We do have someone who is trying Femmenessence MacaHarmony and she will keep us updated on how that works for her, I am doing increased essential vitamins and will be updating the group, and if you could keep us updated on Vitex we will have a wealth of information in one posting :)

Hope everyone is well and baby dust to everyone :)
Thank you so much! I will definitely keep you updated as to how it works. I am also taking some regular vitamins and supplements but one of them is called Estrofactors . It is supposed to help decrease your estrogen if you have an excess which is something I think might be delaying my ovulation? I have always had irregular cycles and so has my mother. I came of of BC in May 2014 and have only had AF 4 times since then.
Hey ladies- do you mind if I join?

I have been ttc #2 for 5 months (4th cycle). We were ltttc with DS so hoping to shorten things up a bit this time. I have super irregular cycles that range from 24-48+ days. So far in four cycles I have only ovulated twice. So not exactly a good ratio. I have done one round of Clomid in August that was annovulatory and a round of Femara in September that had a late ovulate (CD 28). This cycle I am relaxing a bit on the meds and decided to just try soy. So far I am CD 13 and just waiting for O.
Is it even worth using OPK's when I could have a 75 to 185 day cycle? My temps go up and so I was assuming that meant I ovulated but I am beginning to question if I actually am or not. I just have no idea when I would even start using the OPK.
Hi! I am new to the site. I am still learning the lingo so forgive me if I use it incorrectly or have to ask for clarification :)

I have been married about a year and a half and DH and I just decided to ttc. I have extremely irregular cycles. We're talking from 75 to 185 days. My FP is always long and after O (which I usually know about by charting bbt-I use the LadyComp) my LP is always 14 days. I do not have PCOS. I have been tested recently and have not really been given much about why this is happening? I read about Vitex and just started taking it on cd2 and I am now on cd8.

Just looking for someone other than DH to talk to about it as I think he is going crazy from all my worrying about not being able to get pregnant. Especially since we just started trying. Also looking for some suggestions on how to help shorten my FP?

Thanks ladies!!

You really should sit down with your dr (if you haven't already) and demand answers. You probably are not ovulating regularly. Vitex has been known to help regulate so I hope that helps. Also look into soy, but you don't want to mix the supplements together.
I just hate going to the doctor. I am sure not all doctors are like this but my experience has always been that they just want to give you a prescription and I do not like taking medication unless it is absolutely necessary. After my blood test came back fine she just wanted to give me something to make me get AF and after my appointment I went home and AF came on her own. She didn't offer any other testing to see if there was something going on that wasn't showing up on the blood test and I didn't know what else to ask for. She made it seem like everything was fine. Plus since my mom has very irregular cycles and I had just come off BCP she thought it might take some time for my body to get back into regularity.
I have a chart from a few years ago. I didn't temp much only about 10 cycles altogether and this is one where I o'd on cd20. My temps seem to be around the same range as what they are now don't you think?

I just hate going to the doctor. I am sure not all doctors are like this but my experience has always been that they just want to give you a prescription and I do not like taking medication unless it is absolutely necessary. After my blood test came back fine she just wanted to give me something to make me get AF and after my appointment I went home and AF came on her own. She didn't offer any other testing to see if there was something going on that wasn't showing up on the blood test and I didn't know what else to ask for. She made it seem like everything was fine. Plus since my mom has very irregular cycles and I had just come off BCP she thought it might take some time for my body to get back into regularity.

BCP will definitely throw off your cycles. I'd say if they are still that long 6 months after stopping the pill, you should revisit the dr or get a new one. A great dr makes the experience less stressful and helps ease your mind. I'm not for medication either, but sometimes it's necessary.
Hey ladies- do you mind if I join?

I have been ttc #2 for 5 months (4th cycle). We were ltttc with DS so hoping to shorten things up a bit this time. I have super irregular cycles that range from 24-48+ days. So far in four cycles I have only ovulated twice. So not exactly a good ratio. I have done one round of Clomid in August that was annovulatory and a round of Femara in September that had a late ovulate (CD 28). This cycle I am relaxing a bit on the meds and decided to just try soy. So far I am CD 13 and just waiting for O.

Welcome :) Sometimes waiting for O is the hardest part. I am still trying to figure out my cycle this month, hoping its not anovulatory as those can be very long cycles for me.
Best of luck and tons of baby dust to you!
I just hate going to the doctor. I am sure not all doctors are like this but my experience has always been that they just want to give you a prescription and I do not like taking medication unless it is absolutely necessary. After my blood test came back fine she just wanted to give me something to make me get AF and after my appointment I went home and AF came on her own. She didn't offer any other testing to see if there was something going on that wasn't showing up on the blood test and I didn't know what else to ask for. She made it seem like everything was fine. Plus since my mom has very irregular cycles and I had just come off BCP she thought it might take some time for my body to get back into regularity.

BCP will definitely throw off your cycles. I'd say if they are still that long 6 months after stopping the pill, you should revisit the dr or get a new one. A great dr makes the experience less stressful and helps ease your mind. I'm not for medication either, but sometimes it's necessary.

I completely agree. I feel like you should look for a different doctor. I am not a big fan of doctors either and I found that if I can find a doctor who has a website they are usually a little more vested in their practice and patient quality as well it gives me reading material to see before I even call if they have the same ideals as me and if they might be a good fit. This often puts my mind at ease :)
Welcome :) Sometimes waiting for O is the hardest part. I am still trying to figure out my cycle this month, hoping its not anovulatory as those can be very long cycles for me.
Best of luck and tons of baby dust to you!

Thanks, I do find waiting to O the worst part. I don't know how to time BD and the stress of not knowing is killer. And we just can't BD every other day or whatever because we don't work the same shifts and rarely see each other except on the weekends. :nope: I am hoping that changes in the next few months and DH does go back to days though.

Ruby- I would definitely look for a new doctor. Yours does not seem vested in your health and needs.

I am in the process of trying to get to know my doctor. I had a fantastic doctor when I was pregnant with DS but she is 2 hours away now and so that is not practical for a new pregnancy. I thought about using her for fertility but I need to find someone here I trust. I have an appointment for November 11th with one I have seen once before for pp birth control and he was super informative and took time to help me. Now I am going back to discuss getting pregnant. :wacko:
Thanks Ladies. I agree I need to find a new doctor. Its just such a grueling process since there are SO MANY to choose from and its hard to tell right away if you're going to like them :wacko: Hopefully this Vitex stuff will do the trick! I have read a lot of women say they became regular and stayed regular after stopping. Fingers crossed!
It took me a few drs to find the one I have now. As soon as she told me "don't worry, I will get you pregnant" I knew I wanted to stick with her. She had a back up plan if that plan failed and so on. Unfortunately it turned out to be a male issue so we have to see an RE. I would not settle for a dr ignoring your concerns. It sucks to have to find a new one, but in the lobg run it will pay off. If they show no interest in your health then they don't deserve your time or money.
Thanks, I do find waiting to O the worst part. I don't know how to time BD and the stress of not knowing is killer. And we just can't BD every other day or whatever because we don't work the same shifts and rarely see each other except on the weekends. :nope: I am hoping that changes in the next few months and DH does go back to days though.

Ruby- I would definitely look for a new doctor. Yours does not seem vested in your health and needs.

I am in the process of trying to get to know my doctor. I had a fantastic doctor when I was pregnant with DS but she is 2 hours away now and so that is not practical for a new pregnancy. I thought about using her for fertility but I need to find someone here I trust. I have an appointment for November 11th with one I have seen once before for pp birth control and he was super informative and took time to help me. Now I am going back to discuss getting pregnant. :wacko:

I hope He works out good for you :) that would be nice to have one less thing to have to work on :) I had a pretty good doctor when I was trying to have my daughter but I want to try more natural resources first this time. I already know I am irregular and that it doesn't make it impossible it is just a matter of how much patience I have for the time and methods. lol

Having differing schedules definitely makes connecting more difficult, have you tried OPK's before? I am thinking of using them instead of the advanced ones I tried this cycle. I just do not know how helpful they are as I got several Peaks this cycle as it appears my body was repeatedly trying to ovulate but charting is more of a confirmation than preemptive

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