I have tested 3 times over the course of 5 days or so. Last one was yesterday, it was BFN, obv. So I am going to just wait and see what happens. No more HPTs for this cycle. Waiting on AF or a blood test if I end up being extremely late. Not feeling any symptoms really..be it PMS or otherwise. It's odd, but I know my cycles are still a little screwy from coming off BCP. I had skipped 6 periods before the first one in November, so it's been tricky.
If I've already said that, I apologize, cuz I can't keep track of what I've said where! Hate sounding like a broken record lol.
Hubby sounds a bit stressed, eh? Mine is on board for TTC but doesn't seem to like talking about it much. Men are weird sometimes...I guess they just can't see it from our side..all the pressure and worry we go through. Not to say men don't care..they are just different. They have the easy job! And also, he probably doesn't like to see you so down..can definitely understand that too.