Crazy symptom spotters wanted :) 5 BFP's so far!! Congrats ladies!

Wow, lots more talking since I left LOL Sorry ladies, I can't really keep flicking the pages because it screws my headache up!

Excessive POAS and Line imagination is a definite symptom! Of what, I'm not sure but believe me I still feel the need to POAS even after a BFP lmao!
haha i always do that just to see how the line gets stronger everyday. yes i am officially mad lol
RTR you got a headache too? i want to rip my head off i wish i could take something but my dr won't let me take tylenol at the moment i have been on tons of meds and some began to mess with my liver so they want me off them for now and am to scared to take anything else now too

maryanne she gets beneful dog food but they are huge pieces my little guy gets Blue small breed dog food i wouldn't care to share with her but she eats it all as soon as we put it down and she eats alot so we keep his food in the room and hers in the living room and he doesn't mess with hers he doesn't like it LOL he's used to the good stuff
my boys are ruined rotten. i know it annoys my OH. hes not really an animal person. just deals with my love of them. do get a few sarky comments about it from time to time though. i have three cats too. so its a busy house lol
My dog is spoiled too. For his food he gets a mixture of hamburger, rice and mixed veggies mixed with all natural bagged dog food. Today is his 7th birthday too, he is getting to be an old man. He has been especially clingy the past few days, since I got my first BFP.
aaawww i had a cat but we had to give him away but our boy gets love from the both of us when we first got him he didn't like my hubs (he's a rescue) he grawled at him but with in a week they were besties now he prefers him over me but he listens to me and ignores hubby bc he lets him get away with everything

we let him play on our bed and from time to time he is allowed to sleep with us especiallly when he has nightmares (I am guessing that is what they are since he whimpers) but i swear that little guy has brought tons of love to our lives

my friends husband at first would laugh at us bc we keep him warm in the winter and he's not allowed out with out his sweater on when we go far he is in his carrier and we make sure to have water and food with us but his friend said that in their country dogs are not treated that way they are allowed to roam free (they're from el salvador) but i told him here it's dif and he knows that he has to follow my rules he even cleans up after him now :haha: it took him months to get my boy to stop barking at him now he tolorates him but he won't let him pet him unless we hold him lol
mac they do say that dogs sense things am going to see how mine acts in the next couple of days if he gets clingy then theres a chance lol he always prefers his daddy

we tried giving him some soft food mixed with his bag food and it gavehim diarreah so no we only give him bag food which he he loves i won't give him table scraps and hubby knows i better not catch him doing it either he has a little tongue issue too (it sticks out all the time)
dogs are funny things. they need alot of love and attention. but firm bounderies. some of the dogs i work with are absolute nightmares as their owners have just let them do what ever they want. i love my boys but they know im the alpha in the house lol. its nice though as they are best buds with my son. those three are never far apart.
Our dog is awesome, only barks at the doorbell and if there is a furry woodland creature for him to chase after in the backyard (love our doggy door). He is just a big old guy who loves to cuddle, get his belly rubbed and give kisses. Not scared at all to have a baby around him.
aaawww that is so cute i am hoping that with love and patience we will get ours to like his little brother or sister when we have one, he doesn't like kids (little kids) that is why my boss gave him to me she had two small kids and he would growl at them and snap but maybe introducing him when they are babies might be better ?
na i have never been around my dogs. although i am always mindful that at the end of the day dogs are animals. leaving a very small child unattended around a dog is never a wise idea. i wouldnt even leave my son unsupervised with my cats. people then act suprised when the child gets mauled. really annoys me. its like just dont leave ur child alone with an animal! i see it most days in my job and it really winds me up.
yea hun it will be fine. just make sure u dont keep the baby away from the dog, i never have with my son and look what my dogs are like with him. keeping them apart makes the dog feel something is wrong and can actually make things worse. when im training i use a crying doll to help get the dogs used to babies. normally works wonders.
huh whats going on there. it says pic removed but didnt remove the pic. very weird
ah there we go, removed it. i dont mind u lot seeing my pic but didnt want the world seeing it. im funny about pics of children on websites. and lucy ur dog is sooooo cute. just like a little teddy bear :)
i might have to go and buy a doll if am preg to prepare him for a baby and yeah i want to introduce them the right way and allow my dog to get used to a baby he has only been around toddlers and they like to grab him since he's so small but i am hoping that we can teach him that kids are not all bad we believe he was abused by his previous owners but not sure

that irritates me too if your going to be a pet owner you need to be a responsible one we had a bigger dog but our apt is so small and i work so much i felt like he was in prison so we made the horrible decision to give him up so they could find him a better home when i decided to take this one the one thing that i told my boss was that he had to be allowed to come to work with me or i could not take him and they agreed he has his little bed in the office and hangs out with me and they babysit when we go out of town so it works out great
I'll keep the crying doll in mind when the time comes. That is a good idea. He is really good around any kids that have met him. My 13 month old niece was crawling around at our house and he just sat there and let her hang out with him, and stopped her when she was headed toward the steps (stood in front of them so she couldn't climb them. Somehow he knew she shouldn't do that.
mac that is so neat when i was growing up we had a dog that would walk us to the bus stop and wait til we left and when we came back from school he would waiting on us to walk us home no one he didn't know was allowed on our property which was nice too

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