Current *Possible* Miscarriage Buddies

Hi girls,

Sorry I have been gone for a bit. A few of you know my latest, but those of you who don't: Saw Dr yesterday, he did an exam and an ultrasound. During the exam he said there was a lot of red/active blood, which is not good, and could be the start of the miscarriage (I had been bleeding brown blood, but the red had just started yesterday). He said things were not looking good, but gave me progesterone because he wanted to know he did everything he could have done. We did see a progression on the ultra sound... We saw the sac and yolk sac, but the doctor said, this doesn't really mean anything if it's not sticking. If I haven't fully miscarried in two weeks, he wants me back to do another ultrasound to see if there is a heartbeat... He really didn't seem too confident, and this doctor is the one who is reassuring.

So that's where I am at... My DH and I have been fighting because he refuses to see that this is going badly. He's basically just in denial, and it sucks because I really need his support right now.... But not "everything is going to be fine" support. I just want him to deal with this as I am, but that's a lot to ask.

So more limbo hell I guess for the next two weeks. I asked my doctor how much longer I would have to be in limbo with no answers... He said two more weeks, and we will know that the bleeding meant I lost the baby, or there would a heartbeat (if the bleeding stops and there is a miracle). I honestly just want this to be over either way... I feel like I have lost two months to a pregnancy that has been doomed from the start... It's just such a sucky feeling, and I'm sure you all know this feeling.

And so it's official... Big clots of blood and it's just pouring out of me. Cramps are feeling like the cramps I normally have during my periods (I always get awful cramps). I honestly am just relieved to finally see some end in sight here. How long does the bleeding usually last for?
And so it's official... Big clots of blood and it's just pouring out of me. Cramps are feeling like the cramps I normally have during my periods (I always get awful cramps). I honestly am just relieved to finally see some end in sight here. How long does the bleeding usually last for?
Sending you tons of hugs :hugs:

I bled for about a week with my last one. I started spotting with this one on Thursday, bleeding on Friday. Today I am noticing the bleeding is starting to finally let up. I'm still bleeding, but it is quite light now. So, I'm guessing a couple more days for me, which will give me a week total again.
Hi girls just dropping in to say hi feeling a bit in limbo really!! D and c over had light bleeding continually!! Stomach still on off crampy every now an again and wierd shooting pains no really painful just odd!! Like inside!! Feel bit tender inside! Just resting researching, i booked myself a holiday with hubby an mum an step day so 7 weeks today i will be in orlando! Bliss! I needed to be selfish!!
Got docs tom to get my referal done to the recurrent miscarriage clinic! An get my tests done apparently the epau were sending through the blood test froms for me an one for me an hubby to get for chromosones as that test takes anything up to 3 months to come back!!
Need some answers now after 3rd time i cant take anymore!!!

Hope you ladies are ok. I feel crap havent spoken to my friends in nearly a week havent beeen out house got dressed!! Really down an low today! X
Hi girls just dropping in to say hi feeling a bit in limbo really!! D and c over had light bleeding continually!! Stomach still on off crampy every now an again and wierd shooting pains no really painful just odd!! Like inside!! Feel bit tender inside! Just resting researching, i booked myself a holiday with hubby an mum an step day so 7 weeks today i will be in orlando! Bliss! I needed to be selfish!!
Got docs tom to get my referal done to the recurrent miscarriage clinic! An get my tests done apparently the epau were sending through the blood test froms for me an one for me an hubby to get for chromosones as that test takes anything up to 3 months to come back!!
Need some answers now after 3rd time i cant take anymore!!!

Hope you ladies are ok. I feel crap havent spoken to my friends in nearly a week havent beeen out house got dressed!! Really down an low today! X
I hope you start feeling better soon :hugs: I took a shower for the first time in 3 days today :blush: I have been basically in my pajamas since Monday and haven't gone out except to take my son to school. Feeling slightly better today though. The weather was gorgeous today, and I think that helped. I walked my son home from school and we stopped at the playground. I just sat on the bench and felt the warmth of the sun on my face. Felt so good and therapeutic.
I got my vicodin filled this morning and it is helping tons. Aaahhhhhhh, much less pain. I think the pain eased a bit anyway too, but I can really tell the vicodin is helping.

Just wanted to let you know I started to expierence lower back pain this evening. Its weird because I have been bleeding a lot less. My blood had gotten a little darker but its turning bright red again. I hope this isnt the big even I was worried would happen. I was hoping it was just about over. My heart palpitations have returned as well and are driving me nutz. My guess is the loss of hormones?

glad the meds are helping you.
And so it's official... Big clots of blood and it's just pouring out of me. Cramps are feeling like the cramps I normally have during my periods (I always get awful cramps). I honestly am just relieved to finally see some end in sight here. How long does the bleeding usually last for?

I think for everyone its different. I saw my Ob on Monday and she told me 2 weeks was normal/average. I have been bleeding for just over 11 days. Its driving me nuts really. Wanting this to be over already. Just seems so cruel to drag it out for so long doesnt it? First you are in so happy when you see the pink or blue line, then you shout it from the roof tops and look at baby clothes. Next thing you know, something may or may not be wrong. Hate that. Limbo. I finally got out of Limbo but not done yet. My OB refuses to do a ultrasound to check to see if evertyhing has passed so she is just monitoring my HCG levels. I have them taken again on Monday.

I want the bleeding to stop. not to be TMI but really, I am getting a diaper rash at this point. Gross. I too was in a funk and still kinda am. Some days I can function then I will have a few days where I cannot bring myself to leave the house or take a shower. I was NEVER suppose to be the girl who had miscarriages. If that makes any sense. Thats how I felt. Now here I am.....Here we are. I hope you dont bleed us much as me. And if you do, dont worry its normal. My lower back pain is killing me right now and so are my heart palpitations. I have to go to the store today because my husband has a man cold and I am not sure if I can make it.

Lastly, my husbands acts as if nothing has happened. He seems to have no emoiton, doesnt talk about it. Doesnt ask how I am feeling emotionally. I guess he is just pretending it never happened. I gotta say, Its pissing me off how little he "Seems" to care. I guess all men handle it differently. He will just look over and say dumb shit and ask if I want to go to his parents house to visit while I am in the middle if a miscarriage.
I seemed to stop bleeding sometime yesterday. Got up this morning and still no bleeding! Yay! I'm still having back pain though. I'm starting to wonder if the pain might actually be from a kidney infection. I a being treated for a UTI that won't go away, and it seems to be getting worse even though I am on antibiotics. I'm gonna see how I feel today and if the pain seems like a lot I will call my doc.
Misfit, the exhaustion hit me too today. I mean, soooooo tired. I fell asleep during the day and slept for 2.5 hours. Even when I was pregnant I couldnt take naps (I wanted to!). I am soooooo tired. Got through the afternoon with some coffee, and now it is a little after 9pm and I'm heading to bed.
Misfit, the exhaustion hit me too today. I mean, soooooo tired. I fell asleep during the day and slept for 2.5 hours. Even when I was pregnant I couldnt take naps (I wanted to!). I am soooooo tired. Got through the afternoon with some coffee, and now it is a little after 9pm and I'm heading to bed.

I have been more weak than tired. And dizzy as well. I am finally bleeding less but just when I think I'm done, I start again. It will be dark red and then bright red. Ugh! I am sorry you are so tried. I am sure its just hormonal. Ready to be done with this. Ready to try again but more ready to just feel back to normal. How is your back?
Misfit76...thanks for pointing me here....
Hi lovely ladies....I'm afraid I might be miscarrying :cry:
So, days are kind of blurring a bit now...but I had really bad lower back pain early this week, thought it was just because I was moving heavy things about. Then wed (I think), I had brown loss...but at both my scans they told me to expect that loss as there was a bruised looking area next to the baby.
Then Wed went bright red. Bright red again yesterday...but not loads. Then yesterday evening, I used 4 pads, and was passing clots....some really big and kind of membranous looking? I assume that's all part of the lining. Soaked through a pad last night, and made a bit of a mess of the bed....Anyone have any tips for getting blood off a mattress?
I have a scan at 11:30 today...but even if baby is still will they be able to see through all the blood? the moment I am calm....but dazed and confused, can't concentrate properly at all.
Tom has gone to work, cuz there is nothing he can do, if it's happening , it's happening. And he can't get away at the moment anyway.
I think he is ok...concerned for me...but I am always.:shrug:

This morning I passed more clots, but the bleeding itself is fairly light so far.:shrug:
Misfit, the exhaustion hit me too today. I mean, soooooo tired. I fell asleep during the day and slept for 2.5 hours. Even when I was pregnant I couldnt take naps (I wanted to!). I am soooooo tired. Got through the afternoon with some coffee, and now it is a little after 9pm and I'm heading to bed.

I have been more weak than tired. And dizzy as well. I am finally bleeding less but just when I think I'm done, I start again. It will be dark red and then bright red. Ugh! I am sorry you are so tried. I am sure its just hormonal. Ready to be done with this. Ready to try again but more ready to just feel back to normal. How is your back?
My back is still hurting, but much much better today. I don't even need the pain meds any more. I think I am pretty much through most of it :shrug: Hopefully the back pain will not last much longer. I have my follow-up appointment this afternoon. I'm not sure what they will do, but I am guessing an exam and blood tests to ensure my HCG is down.
Misfit76...thanks for pointing me here....
Hi lovely ladies....I'm afraid I might be miscarrying :cry:
So, days are kind of blurring a bit now...but I had really bad lower back pain early this week, thought it was just because I was moving heavy things about. Then wed (I think), I had brown loss...but at both my scans they told me to expect that loss as there was a bruised looking area next to the baby.
Then Wed went bright red. Bright red again yesterday...but not loads. Then yesterday evening, I used 4 pads, and was passing clots....some really big and kind of membranous looking? I assume that's all part of the lining. Soaked through a pad last night, and made a bit of a mess of the bed....Anyone have any tips for getting blood off a mattress?
I have a scan at 11:30 today...but even if baby is still will they be able to see through all the blood? the moment I am calm....but dazed and confused, can't concentrate properly at all.
Tom has gone to work, cuz there is nothing he can do, if it's happening , it's happening. And he can't get away at the moment anyway.
I think he is ok...concerned for me...but I am always.:shrug:

This morning I passed more clots, but the bleeding itself is fairly light so far.:shrug:
I'm so sorry! You are probably in shock right now :hugs: Hang in there. When do you go back to the doctor?

How to get Blood out of a Mattress
Misfit76...thanks for pointing me here....
Hi lovely ladies....I'm afraid I might be miscarrying :cry:
So, days are kind of blurring a bit now...but I had really bad lower back pain early this week, thought it was just because I was moving heavy things about. Then wed (I think), I had brown loss...but at both my scans they told me to expect that loss as there was a bruised looking area next to the baby.
Then Wed went bright red. Bright red again yesterday...but not loads. Then yesterday evening, I used 4 pads, and was passing clots....some really big and kind of membranous looking? I assume that's all part of the lining. Soaked through a pad last night, and made a bit of a mess of the bed....Anyone have any tips for getting blood off a mattress?
I have a scan at 11:30 today...but even if baby is still will they be able to see through all the blood? the moment I am calm....but dazed and confused, can't concentrate properly at all.
Tom has gone to work, cuz there is nothing he can do, if it's happening , it's happening. And he can't get away at the moment anyway.
I think he is ok...concerned for me...but I am always.:shrug:

This morning I passed more clots, but the bleeding itself is fairly light so far.:shrug:

No problem hun. We all need support. Most women who are pregnant dont seem to understand that for a few weeks, many of us dont knof if in fact we are having a miscarriage and some actually dont. If you need anything, we are here. I dont mean to be a debbie downer, but it does sound like you ae having a miscarrige.

Are you having any cramping with your bleeding? If you are not there is a chance you are not having a miscarriage. The best thing for you to do is go have a ultrasound or have your beta levels checked. If they are going down, or very slow to rise its a cause for concern. Thats what you need to do right now. I myself had a blighted ovum which is a empty sac. I am at the final stages of my loss right now (Thank God). I am so sorry for your possible loss. We you trying to conceive?
Thank you Misfit76 for showing me this....

I'm so lost and dumbfounded right now...I can't believe it's happening/happened.

Last night, I found out I had a miscarriage.

Two days ago, I woke up to bleeding. It wasn't that bad of bleeding. It was red and was soaking through my pants (didn't have anything to help at the moment). I was worried but throughout the day, it started to get lighter so I didn't see anything wrong. The next morning (yesterday), I woke up to blood pouring out of me, down my legs, and some clots. It really scared me. So I went for an ultrasound, and they didn't see anything. It broke my heart, but I still had a positive test, so I was still pregnant right? The bleeding and the ultrasound scared me even more, so I decided I was going to the emergency room.

After 4 hours of waiting and a positive test, they did their own pelvic exam and ultrasound. Still nothing. They brought in an ob/gyn, he did the same thing, and found that I had miscarried....Gave me some prescription and sympathy (which only made me want to slap him, at the time) and off I went.

They called me this morning for another ultrasound at another place, and found the same thing, so now I have to take the pills they gave me at ER.

I'm just so broken. I can't look at ANYTHING without falling apart. I'm so depressed and angry. Thankfully, I have a great man beside me, helping me through it. I just wish he would talk more about him. He's being too good to me. I just know he's hurting.

Anyways, I'm sorry that everyone has went or is going or even scared you're going through this. I never ever thought I would be a girl that would, no offense to anyone. I honestly thought, I'm 21, I don't drink or smoke, never partied, never done anything wrong to anyone. Why would this happen to me?

Grief is all I go through anymore....

Sorry...I just needed to rant to people that understand...:cry:
Red roses, this is a horrible and devastating thing to go through. None of us deserve it :cry: I'm so sorry. You will make it through this. It will be really hard, but you will slowly heal :hugs:
Thank you Misfit76 for showing me this....

I'm so lost and dumbfounded right now...I can't believe it's happening/happened.

Last night, I found out I had a miscarriage.

Two days ago, I woke up to bleeding. It wasn't that bad of bleeding. It was red and was soaking through my pants (didn't have anything to help at the moment). I was worried but throughout the day, it started to get lighter so I didn't see anything wrong. The next morning (yesterday), I woke up to blood pouring out of me, down my legs, and some clots. It really scared me. So I went for an ultrasound, and they didn't see anything. It broke my heart, but I still had a positive test, so I was still pregnant right? The bleeding and the ultrasound scared me even more, so I decided I was going to the emergency room.

After 4 hours of waiting and a positive test, they did their own pelvic exam and ultrasound. Still nothing. They brought in an ob/gyn, he did the same thing, and found that I had miscarried....Gave me some prescription and sympathy (which only made me want to slap him, at the time) and off I went.

They called me this morning for another ultrasound at another place, and found the same thing, so now I have to take the pills they gave me at ER.

I'm just so broken. I can't look at ANYTHING without falling apart. I'm so depressed and angry. Thankfully, I have a great man beside me, helping me through it. I just wish he would talk more about him. He's being too good to me. I just know he's hurting.

Anyways, I'm sorry that everyone has went or is going or even scared you're going through this. I never ever thought I would be a girl that would, no offense to anyone. I honestly thought, I'm 21, I don't drink or smoke, never partied, never done anything wrong to anyone. Why would this happen to me?

Grief is all I go through anymore....

Sorry...I just needed to rant to people that understand...:cry:

I said the same thing. I was never suppose to be the girl that had miscariages. This is my first one and I was in shock as well. You will continue to test positive on pregnancy tests for several weels until all the pregnancy hormone has left your body. I am going on 2 weeks since my miscarriage started and I am still testing positive but I am absolutely not pregnant. I am so sorry for your loss. Its a horrible feeling.
Hey all, I'm new to BnB and glad I found this thread, I'm a total wreck as of tonight. So, my period had been late and I got 4 BFP. two days later I began to bleed. it wasn't just spotting but it started out very light colored, and a lot of stringy blood. it got darker and heavier with very small clots, the total bleeding lasted for about 5 days. I had figured that I had an early miscarriage, however I noticed even days later than I still feel symptoms, mainly the stomach upset, fatigue, still super sensitive to smell. I was/am also pretty lightheaded. I went to the doctor and got a blood test and an ultrasound. Heres where I get extremely confused!! the blood test came back, my hcg was less than 5 mIU/ml so is considered negative. I am still holding onto the strand of hope that maybe it could go up in a few days? and here is why I am still hoping, which I probably shouldn't be....

When I went in for the ultrasound, the u/s tech said that even though I just stopped bleeding, the lining of my uterus is still thickened quite a bit, as if it didn't shed at all. She said that she could not say one way or the other if i had a miscarriage or not, or if i was pregnant or not because of the endometrial lining being as thick as it was (don't remember the number) and that she saw would could *possibly* and I repeat, possibly be a very early gestational sac. It was too small to even register, so under 3 weeks, if thats what that was. it was just a very, very small black circle.

At this point I don't no whether to rejoice or mourn. I just don't know if my hcg levels will rise from almost nothing.......but why would my lining still be thick, is it holding on to something?

sorry for the length lol
Hey all, I'm new to BnB and glad I found this thread, I'm a total wreck as of tonight. So, my period had been late and I got 4 BFP. two days later I began to bleed. it wasn't just spotting but it started out very light colored, and a lot of stringy blood. it got darker and heavier with very small clots, the total bleeding lasted for about 5 days. I had figured that I had an early miscarriage, however I noticed even days later than I still feel symptoms, mainly the stomach upset, fatigue, still super sensitive to smell. I was/am also pretty lightheaded. I went to the doctor and got a blood test and an ultrasound. Heres where I get extremely confused!! the blood test came back, my hcg was less than 5 mIU/ml so is considered negative. I am still holding onto the strand of hope that maybe it could go up in a few days? and here is why I am still hoping, which I probably shouldn't be....

When I went in for the ultrasound, the u/s tech said that even though I just stopped bleeding, the lining of my uterus is still thickened quite a bit, as if it didn't shed at all. She said that she could not say one way or the other if i had a miscarriage or not, or if i was pregnant or not because of the endometrial lining being as thick as it was (don't remember the number) and that she saw would could *possibly* and I repeat, possibly be a very early gestational sac. It was too small to even register, so under 3 weeks, if thats what that was. it was just a very, very small black circle.

At this point I don't no whether to rejoice or mourn. I just don't know if my hcg levels will rise from almost nothing.......but why would my lining still be thick, is it holding on to something?

sorry for the length lol

I really need to know how far along you are in order to be of any help. There are some women who get a period or two in early pregnancy and thats why they did not know they were pregnant. Also on the other hand you could have a blighted Ovum like me and most women dont know they have those either because they miscarry as soon as they find out they are pregnant or not at all and they just think their period was late. If your HCG level is at 5...I am not so sure you are pregnant. But I dont know how far along you would be either. I was 6 weeks pregnant measuring under 4 weeks as well with a empty sac. You can also have a thik lining for a couple months. I was told after my miscarriage I could expect to have a heavy couple of periods to get rid of all the lining.
I really need to know how far along you are in order to be of any help. There are some women who get a period or two in early pregnancy and thats why they did not know they were pregnant. Also on the other hand you could have a blighted Ovum like me and most women dont know they have those either because they miscarry as soon as they find out they are pregnant or not at all and they just think their period was late. If your HCG level is at 5...I am not so sure you are pregnant. But I dont know how far along you would be either. I was 6 weeks pregnant measuring under 4 weeks as well with a empty sac. You can also have a thik lining for a couple months. I was told after my miscarriage I could expect to have a heavy couple of periods to get rid of all the lining.

Yeah.. I'm kind of going with I'm not pregnant, especially since i had positive hpt's, and now nothing. I'm assuming that the levels already went down and that I miscarried. that makes more sense since you mentioned that you were told it could take a while to get rid of the lining. I'm not sure exactly how far along I would be If I was.. my periods have been a bit irregular the last few months (coming early or late) I guess the only way I will have a definite answer is just to wait.

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